Table of Contents Overview Throughout the Atelier franchise, there are a lot of patterns that break from expectations in standard JRPGs. These are not pure-JRPGs, and cannot be fully tackled using the usual JRPG gameplay toolkit that the average player has learned over the years. Or rather, those toolkits have a tendency to lead the ..
Here you can select any item or category, and another item or category, and it will tell you what chain of recipes to use to get from one to another. Note that this finder app is a generalized open source project I published: free to utilize it on your own page – please give me ..
Table of Contents Forging Effects Every forging (“Weapon Buff”) effect comes from usable items. The particular effect you get is not tied to the item’s quality or grade, it is 100% only tied to the Effect-1 on the item. This is an exact breakdown of which effect on the item becomes which effect on the ..
Table of Contents This isn’t intended to explain everything in the game, but rather go over what’s not explained well. I’m not going to tell you what button to press to attack. But the fact that you need to HOLD a button to convert an item is not explained well. Quick note: I play on ..
Overview A few things first: Therefore first and foremost, go putz around. The only thing you can possibly mess up is losing something important in your basket by dying*. Thus, I recommend playing on Hard from the beginning, even in NG non-plus. You get better properties and quality items, and your battle level will catch ..