The JQueryCollision project on SourceForge contains the basic code for finding the overlap between HTML elements, and the JQueryUIDraggableCollision offers the ability to restrict drag-n-drop based on collision information. I wrote these a number of years ago, and I really need to update them for a modern version of JQuery, but I felt they were really neat, so I wanted to display them here. I’ll update the example as I get around to modernizing the code. Here are the workin..
Category : Coding
In a multi-threaded program, locks and interrupts can seem like an irresistable force meeting an immovable object. After all, if a thread is blocked, can it handle an event? Well, it depends on how you set it up, but at least in C, you can force the issue, and one of them does in fact win. The ..
Surely you’ve seen a bunch of these kind of memes floating around the intertubes. But they actually way predate the internet, and often actually mean something other than “incomprehensible computer langu..
A Continuation from Part 1 On to the next phase in the grand conquest of Atelier Sophie: The Ultimate Guide. We left off last time where I made a huge map, and was in the middle of making it dynamic. So now I present the continuation of that endeavor, where I get completely sidetracked and ..
OK, so I decided to finally create this website and blog and all, and the initial impetus for it was that there’s no good single place for Atelier Sophie FAQs or walkthroughs, it’s all spread across the universe, thinly sprinkled in blogs and chat threads. I beat the game and really liked it; it was ..