Category : Games

There are a number of full walkthroughs out there, like one up on GameFaqs and on Steam, and there are also several specifically regarding the big missable-fest of the “Good Listener” trophy… but all of them either require following a full guide or spoiling way ahead of time. Thus, as I went thru the game, ..

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Overview NOTE: Everything in this guide is for the remake version of the game, not the original, though there is a lot of overlap This is the first game in the Atelier series, or at least a remake of it. It all started here. Mythological rent stabilization the game. This is a much simpler interface ..

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Note that deliberately failing synthesis is NOT a critical feature of Atelier Totori, unlike it was in Rorona, but the Failure system is in place and can be used. Turn it on if you want those recipe chains, but Supplements are all but useless in this game due to the way the Cost Point system ..

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Totori is a sequel to Atelier Rorona, and is followed by Ateliers Meruru and Lulua. Gust really liked their ablaut reduplication in the naming scheme for Arland, didn’t they? It follows the adventure of Totori, the apprentice to Rorona from the previous game, and is a bit more free-form in structure than Rorona. While the ..

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Table of Contents Overview Contrasting with Rorona DX, let’s go over some overview points first. I’d read through the Rorona Guide just as background, and quite honestly I’d play Rorona before this one, as Totori is way more finicky and weird and it will help to have one game under your belt first. Firstly, this ..

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Table of Contents Synthesis Time is precious so save it every way you can. If a recipe takes 0.2 days to do, then do 5 at once, it’s the same amount of time but you will use those extras later. Partial days are thrown away and rounded up to 1. Synthesizing takes MP, when you ..

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Table of Contents Overview Throughout the Atelier franchise, there are a lot of patterns that break from expectations in standard JRPGs. These are not pure-JRPGs, and cannot be fully tackled using the usual JRPG gameplay toolkit that the average player has learned over the years. Or rather, those toolkits have a tendency to lead the ..

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Here you can select any item or category, and another item or category, and it will tell you what chain of recipes to use to get from one to another. Note that this finder app is a generalized open source project I published: free to utilize it on your own page – please give me ..

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