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言葉 | 発音 | 意味 |
冒険 | ぼうけん | adventure |
新幹線 | しんかんせん | Shinkansen |
列車 | れっしゃ | train (normal) |
スムーズ | smooth | |
鷲掴み | わしつかみ | eagle-grip |
貴重な | きちょうな | precious |
潰す | つぶす | smash |
引きずる | ひきずる | to drag, lug |
警告する | けいこくする | to warn |
路線 | ろせん | (train) lines |
くしゃみする | to sneeze | |
壁 | かべ | wall |
付着する | ふちゃくする | to stick/adhere |
フレームする | to frame | |
乗り換え | のりかえ | transfer (trains) |
故障 | こしょう | out of order |
等しい | ひとしい | similar |
通勤者 | つうきんしゃ | commuter |
スッと通す | スッととおす | to swipe |
いずれにせよ | one way or the other | |
やりたくない | refuse (don’t want to) | |
投入する | とうにゅうする | to input |
途端に | とたんに | that very instant |
開いた口が塞がない | あいたくちがふさがない | wide-mouthed (in surprise) |
文字通り | もんじとおり | literally |
内側 | ないそく | inside |
(り)チャージする | to (re)charge | |
説明書き | せつめいがき | (computer) menu |
拒否する | きょひする | refuse |
ピッとやる | to beep, swipe | |
*てやった | did * brazenly | |
演技をする | えんぎをする | to play a part/act |
皇居 | こうきょ | Imperial Palace |
御苑 | ぎょえん | Imperial Gardens |
距離 | きょり | distance |
閉鎖する | へいさする | to shut down, close |
おまわりさん | cop, policeman | |
印をつける | いんをつける | to mark, annotate |
敷地 | しきち | grounds, site |
向こう側 | むこうがわ | the other side, far side |
捨て余す | すてあます | have (time) to waste |
猿 | さる | monkey |
工事用 | こうじよう | under construction |
フェンス | (barricade) fence | |
ゆるキャラ | Yuru-chara | |
到着する | とうちゃくする | to arrive |
警備員 | けいびいん | security guard |
絵の道具 | えのどうぐ | art tools/supplies |
怪しい | あやしい | suspicious |
驚く | おどろく | to be surprised |
散歩する | さんぽする | to stroll |
がっかりする | to be disappointed | |
御殿 | ごてん | Imperial House |
二重橋 | にじゅうばし | Nijuubashi, two level bridge |
僅かな | わずかな | tiny |
隅っこ | すみっこ | corner |
揺れる | ゆれる | to sway/rock/shake |
柳 | やなぎ | willow |
枝 | えだ | branch |
倒れ崩れる | たおれくずれる | to fall and collapse |
泥のように眠る | どろのようにねむる | to sleep like a log |
時差ボケ | じさボケ | jetlag |
翌朝 | よくあさ | the next morning |
秋葉原 | あきはばら | Akihabara |
異次元 | いじげん | a different dimension |
至る所 | いたるところ | all over the place |
漫画 | まんが | Manga |
電子機器屋 | でんしききや | tech store |
露骨な | ろこつな | explicit |
四方八方 | しほうはっぽう | surrounded on all sides |
性表現 | せいひょうげん | sexually expression |
女性蔑視 | じょせいべっし | misogyny |
実写化 | じっしゃか | live-action (not cartoon) |
半裸 | はんら | half-naked |
気持ち悪い | きもちわるい | creepy, skeevy |
裏社会 | うらしゃかい | underworld |
存在する | そんざいする | to exist |
避ける | さける | to avoid |
ムカムカする | to feel nauseous | |
変態 | へんたい | creep, strange person |
カプセルトイ | capsule toy | |
夜遅く | よるおそく | late at night |
昼雨 | ひるあめ | midday rain |
曲線 | きょくせん | curved line, curvilinear |
遠近法 | えんきんほう | perspective (art jargon) |
四角い | しかくい | square, rectilinear |
真っ直ぐな | まっすぐな | straight (line) |
脳内 | のうない | inside the brain |
阻止する | そしする | to obstruct, prevent |
にすぎない | just, is no more than | |
実際 | じっさい | the truth |
遠ざかる | とおざかる | to get further away |
曲がる | まがる | to bend/curve |
自動的な | じどうてきな | automatic |
錯覚 | さっかく | optical illusion |
特別な | とくべつな | specific |
正確に計る | せいかくにはかる | measure |
さらに困ったことに | さらにこまったことに | to make matters worse |
煩い | うるさい | annoying, loud |
アド | advertisement | |
通りかかる | とおりかかる | to pass by |
仕末 | しまつ | bad result, ended up |
宣伝する | せんでんする | to publicise, propagandize |
*秒の長さのクリップ | *びょのながさのクリップ | * second-long clip |
禿鷹 | はげたか | vulture |
餌食 | えじき | prey |
一画 | いっかく | one block |
グルグル回る | グルグルまわる | keep spinning around |
容赦無く | ようしゃなく | mercilessly |
頻繁な | ひんぱんな | frequent, incessant |
出血する | しゅっけつする | to bleed, exsanguinate |
新宿 | しんじゅく | Shinjuku |
知り合う | しりあう | to know, have met |
直に | じかに | directly, in person |
串揚げ屋 | くしあげや | fry your own sticks of food place |
ビールを一杯やる | ビールをいっぱいやる | to do/have a beer, “over a beer” |
腹が立てる | はらがたてる | to get angry |
扱い | あつかい | treatment |
面倒臭い | めんどうくさい | annoying, meddlesome |
常連 | じょうれん | regular (customer) |
意思疎通を図る | いしそつうをはかる | to communicate with |
中途半端 | ちゅうとはんぱ | halfway along the way |
終電 | しゅうでん | last train |
対策 | たいさく | countermeasure |
次回 | じかい | next time, next episode |
(v2 original)
小山でのリズさんと智さんと一緒の時とか、足利学校や益子や日光の冒険とかが終わり、僕の一人だけのベーケーションはどこよりも一番大きい町からだった。東京だ。(sentence with no subject, just “it was time”?) (time to start X with Y?) (how to leave “Tokyo” until the end of the sentence?) 友達と別れ際、JRPassの3週間の緑の券を活性化、都市への新幹線を乗った。旅の途中で、電車の速さにびっくり、アメリカのと比べて、旅の滑らかさにもだ。アメリカで普通は、飲み物を鷲掴みで握らなければならないのだ、貴重なものなのように、つい潰されてしまうように。だが、新幹線はスムーズで、都内にの速やかな乗りだった。
駅に着き、カバンと荷物を引っ張り、地下鉄の行き方を見つけた。僕は電車システムはちょっと圧倒的だととっくに警告された。NYCの地下鉄システムは線が多いが、東京の地図は、ジャクソンポラックがスパゲッティを食べながら、くしゃみして壁の面に付着されていた残りをフレーム化したみたいだと思う。乗換案内機会を使ってみたが、故障だった。パスモかスイカと言うカードを買わなければならなかった、それはメトロカードと等しいがスーパーパーワーのものだ。駅員に尋ねたが、この駅でカードが使えないから切符を買ったほうがいいのだと伝えられた。それはおかしい、すれ違っている通勤者はカードをスワイプしていたからだ。どっち道、それを探しに歩き回った。スイカの機械は日本語だけでちょっと使いにくかったが、英語で使うのを絶対断ったのだ。結局クレジットカードを入れて欲しいと思った時、投入した。その途端に、開いた口も塞がらなく、壁の全てが開き、人間は飛び出して、クレジットカートを渡し返してくれた!人は文字通り機械の向こうで壁の奥にいた!パスモとしてクレジットカードをつい(refill)してみてしまったのだと伝えてくれた。(so much for) 英語のメニューを断ることだね。しかし、駅員のおかげで、日本語のメニューを手伝ってくれて、スイカを買った。ゲートでスワイプ、カードが使えないと言った駅員を(right past)通った。
(^ v2 original)
(v1 english)
After my time in Oyama with Liz and Satoshi, and my adventures in Ashikaga School, Mashiko, and Nikko were complete, it was time to start my solo vacation with the biggest city of them all, Tokyo. I said goodbye to my friends, activated my 3-week green-ticket JR-pass, and got on the Shinkansen for the city. During the ride, I was amazed at how fast the train went, compared to American trains, and how smooth the ride was, as well. Normally, I have to clutch my drink with my life, like it’s a fragile piece of artwork, ready to fall and break at any time. But the Shinkansen was smooth as silk, and a quick ride into the metropolis.
When I arrived, I dragged my bags and luggage and found my way to a subway. I had already been warned that the trains system was a bit… overwhelming. The NYC subway system has a lot of lines, but the map of the one in Tokyo looks like Jackson Pollack sneezed while eating spaghetti and framed what stuck on the wall. I tried to use the Route Finder machine, but it was broken. I needed to get a Suica or Pasmo card, which is like a MetroCard but super-powered. I asked a subway attendant, and he said that they don’t work at this station, I have to buy a ticket. I found that odd, considering the people walking past me were swiping their cards. So I walked around to look for one anyways. The machine was a little hard to use in Japanese, but I refused to set it to English. When it finally seemed to be asking for a credit card, I inserted it. THEN THE ENTIRE WALL OPENED UP AND A HUMAN BEING POPPED OUT AND HANDED ME MY CREDIT CARD BACK. There was literally an attendant on the other side of the machine, inside the wall! He told me that I had tried to refill my credit card like a Passmo card by accident. So much for refusing the English menu. However, he helped me through the menu in Japanese and I bought a Suica card. I swiped my card and walked right past the attendant that said cards don’t work there.
When I got to my hotel, I was too early to check in, so I left my heaviest luggage with them and went out to play tourist. I was walking distance to the Emporer’s Palace and garden, so I went straight there. When it came into view, the entrance was closed, but a nice police officer was there, noticed that I looked lost, and gave me a map of the area and marked the entrances that were actually open. It was entirely on the other side of the palace grounds, a long walk, but I had time to kill. Along the way, as I walked around, I noticed some street construction barriers that looked like adorable kittens and monkeys. I had heard about YURUCHARA before, but this was the first time I saw them in action. When I got to the garden entrance, the guard searched my suspicious backpack that contained my art equipment, but looked surprised and amazed when I asked if I could paint a picture in the park. He said yes. As I walked all over, I was a bit disappointed to realize that the palace itself was actually not visible from anywhere in the garden. However, when I wrapped all the way around to the NIJUUBASHI, I could see a small corner of the palace in the distance, so I set up my easel under some willow branches swaying in the wind, and drew my first picture in Tokyo.
After crashing in the hotel bed, I slept like the dead, still suffering from my jetlag. In the morning, I headed off to Akihabara. Along the way, I picked up my first of many Lemon Diet Coke’s, which don’t exist in America. When I arrived, I knew I was in a different dimension. Anime and manga and technology stores surrounded me everywhere. However, what surprised me the most is that, while I’m an anime fan, everything in Akihabara is basically sexually explicit and misogynistic. There’s cartoon or live action half-naked underage girls everywhere. I know that seedy underworld of anime exists, and I try to stay away from it, but I was pretty disgusted as I walked around. I also found some stores that were not perverted, like a cosplay costume store, a number of bookstores, and my first coin-operated toy dispenser. After a few hours of walking around, I needed to get started on a picture, as I was meeting a friend in the evening.
I set up my easel under the eaves of the Belle Salle building, because it was going to rain a little that afternoon. And I set to drawing my first curvilinear perspective picture in Japan, which became something I did more of later on. Normally, pictures of things with square angles like buildings are drawn with straight lines. However, that’s just a trick of our brains. In truth, everything is curved as it recedes into the distance. Undoing that automatic straightening that happens in the brain is tricky, so this particular picture took almost 6 hours to properly measure and then draw. To make matters more difficult, an incredibly annoying advertising truck passed by endlessly for hours on end. It was advertising tickets to some girl pop band event, and it played the same 20-second clip of music over and over and over as it circled the block like a vulture waiting for it’s prey to die. I felt like a wounded animal; my ears were cetainly bleeding to death from the incessant sound loop.
After I finished my drawing, I took a subway to Shinjuku to meet up with my friend Robert, who I had met through Facebook but not in person yet. We went to a place that had fry-your-own sticks of food, and chatted over a beer. Robert got angry at the wait staff at some point because he’s fluent in Japanese and they refused to speak to him in Japanese or something. He said that he gets that treatment all the time in some areas and it really annoys him a great deal. After that, we went to a bar to meet up with some of his friends. First we chatted up a couple random patrons there, and Robert sat down nearby with his friends. We were a little buzzed, so I think he might have forgotten about me, but I had an interesting time trying to communicate in a loud bar with two guys that didn’t speak a single word of English. In the end, fun was had by all, and I said my goodbyes and found my way to the subway. When I was halfway back to my hotel, I tried to switch trains, only to be greeted by a “closed” sign. I had missed the last train for the first time in Japan. Oh well. This New Yorker knows how to walk. It was a 30-40 minute trek back to the hotel, but I was trying to make myself stay up and then crash in order to combat my jetlag anyways.
Tokyo adventures to be continued…
(^ v1 english)