
  Social Justice, 日本語

































2002年、日本の議会は DV(ディーブィ・家庭内暴力)を違法にした。








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言葉 発音 意味
女帝 じょてい empress
世帯主 せたいぬし head of household
女神 めがみ goddess
敬う うやまう revere
母系社会 ぼけいしゃかい matriarchal society
平安時代 へいあんじだい Heian period
鎌倉時代 かまくらじだい Kamakura period
薙刀 なぎなた Naginata spear
開拓する かいたくする pioneer, settle
養う やしなう raise, develop
武士 ぶし warrior
室町時代 むろまちじだい Muromachi period
悲劇的な ひげきてきな tragic
貞節な ていせつな chaste, loyal
愛国心 あいこくしん patriotism
慈悲を乞う じひをこう beg for mercy
男殺し おとこごろし seductress
戦利品 せんりひん spoils of war
徳川時代 とくがわじだい Tokugawa period
申し出る もうしでる to suggest, request
尼寺 あまでら convent, nunnery
江戸時代 えどじだい Edo period
儒学者 じゅがくしゃ Confuscian scholar
みだりに みだりに selfishly
まこと truth
天皇 てんのう emporer
罰則 ばっそく severity of punishment
いっそう いっそう very
明治時代 めいじじだい Meiji period
民法 みんほう civil code
権利 けんり rights (civil)
認める みとめる recognize
従う したがう obey
家長 かちょう head of family (meiji term only)
常に つねに often
生徒 せいと student
求める もとめる wish, want
議会 ぎかい Diet, parliament
及び および and, also
浮気 うわき adultery
政党 せいとう political party
合法 ごうほう legal
博士 はかせ PhD
促進する そくしんする promote
設立する せつりつする create (company, group)
暗殺する あんさつする assassinate
逮捕する たいほする arrest
死刑 しけい execution
妊娠中絶 にんしんちゅうぜつ abortion
独立 どくりつ independence
扱う あつかう to treat, deal with, handle
月刊誌 げっかんし monthly magazine
発刊する はっかんする publish
治安警察法 じあんけいさつほう public safety police code
改正 かいせい revise, amend
集会 しゅうかい assembly
許す ゆるす allow, permit
投票する とうひょうする vote
社会主義 しゃかいしゅぎ socialism
資本主義 しほんしゅぎ capitalism
奴隷 どれい slave(ry)
娼婦 しょうふ prostitute(ion)
論じる ろんじる argue (that X is true)
非難する ひなんする condemn
混乱 こんらん chaos
に乗じる にじょうじる to take advantage of
井戸 いど (water) well
成立させる せいりつさせる to allow to pass (a law)
除外する じょがいする exclude
誘拐する ゆうかいする kidnap
慰安婦 いあんふ “comfort women”
第二次世界大戦 だいにじせかいたいせん WWII
憲法 けんぽう constitution
起草する きそうする draft
信条 しんじょう belief
教会的身分 きょうかいてきみぶん creed
出自 しゅつじ family origin
相互 そうご mutual(ity)
性的区別ない せいてきくべつない gender neutral
後期 こうき late (period)
駆け込み寺 かけこみでら shelter
薬剤師 やくざいし pharmacist
ピル ピル the pill, contraception
支持する しじする support
抗議 こうぎ protest
団体 だんたい organization
目立つ めたつ to raise awareness/vision
被る かぶる wear (head)
国際連合 こくさいれんごう United Nations
平等 びょうどう equality
条約 じょうやく treaty
承認する しょうにんする recognize
警告 けいこく warning, advice, admonition
機会均等 きかいきんとう equal opportunity
法律 ほうりつ law
短期 たんき short period
低賃金 ていちんぎん low pay
幹部 かんぶ management (upper)
長期 ちょうき long period
高賃金 こうちんぎん high pay
訴訟 そしょう litigation, lawsuit
告訴 こくそ accuse
ばつ consequences
職業参入 しょくぎょうさんにゅう labor participation
育児 いくじ childcare
改善する かいぜんする benefit, improve
被害者 ひがいしゃ victim
加害者 かがいしゃ assailant
政策 せいさく political strategy
再婚 さいこん second marriage, remarry
待機日数 たいきにっすう waiting period
最高裁 さいこうさい Supreme Court
維持する いじする preserve, maintain
促す うながす urge
夫婦別姓 ふうふべっせい separate surnames
家父長制 かふちょうせい Patriarchy
ぶっ潰す ぶっつぶす smash!








明治時代の時、1898年の明治民法は「家」という明法を一定して、女の人の権利を認めなかった。?subject to the will of












家族と一緒に?abandonned well ?の井に投げて、みんなを殺した。

43の協会は力を合わせて、(とうきょれんごふじんかい)「東京聯合婦人会」を設立した。その後、(ふじんさんせいけんかくとくきせいどうめい)「婦人参政権獲得期成同盟会」と(ふせんかくとくどうめい)「 婦選獲得同盟」は生まれた。

1924年、議会院は男性参政権を?pass a law?したけど、敢えて女性を省いた。



1946年、(かとうしづえ) 加藤 シヅエは日本の初めての議会院に選ばれた女の人だった。

1948年、日本はほとんどの場合、妊娠中絶を?legalize?保的にする初めての?become one of?数国の一つになった。

1960年代の後期、アメリカの???フェミニズムに(たなかみつ)田中美津はパンフレトを書くのを動かされた。それから、彼女は「グルップ戦う女達」を設立して、日本の初めての?women’s shelter?を確立した。

薬剤師の(みさこえのき)榎美沙子はピルの合法化を支持した。「中ピ連」という抗議協会を設立して、ピンクのヘルメットを被って、?publicity stunt ?をした。


1979年、国際連合はXXXを?adopted/passed ?したけど、日本の議会院は1985年まで条約にサインしなかった。1986年、国際連合から赤点を受けた。


1989年、(まゆみはるの)?mayumi haruno kanji?は日本の初めてのセクハラの訴訟を?bring a lawsuit?した。1999年、16万円だけをもらった。だが、今まで、セクハラはまだ違法なではない。被害を訴訟できるけど、誰も?go to prison?されない。人と会社のルールがあるけど、罰は全然ないのだ。

was not until as late as ?1999年、ピルは保的になった。他の国よりすごく遅かった。



2002年、日本議会院は DV(ディーブィ・家庭内暴力)を違法にした。

2012年、(しんぞうあべ) 安倍晋三は首相になった時、女性経営参加を増やすための「アベノミクス」という政策を発表した。

2015年、日本議会院は離婚した所の女の人の結婚し直す前を待つべきの時期を300日から100日まで変えた。civil code was amendedchanged from X to Y

2015年、日本最高裁は夫婦の姓が同様なべきという?upheld a ruling?したけど、議会院に新しい立法を作るのを支持した。フェミニストはまだ夫婦別姓を目指しているけど、まだ起こっていない。

Today 今日





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In 2nd through 8th centuries Japan, women were empresses such as Himiko 卑弥呼, heads of household, could own land and property, and could marry or divorce who they like. It was largely a matriarchal society that revered the goddess of the sun Amaterasu 天照.

Women were often bushi ぶし in the Heian 平安時代 and Kamakura 鎌倉時代 periods, often fighting battles with naginata, and pioneering land to build farms and families. But, the status of women began to decline in the Muromachi period 室町時代, and tales from those times today center mostly on men, relegating women to the cliche roles of tragic heroine, loyal wife, stalwart mother, beggar of mercy, seductress, or a spoil of war.

In the Tokugawa 徳川時代 period, men could divorce a wife merely by stating so in a letter, but women could not legally divorce a man unless they joined a convent.

In the late Edo period 江戸時代, the confuscianist author Kaibara Ekken wrote “Onna Daigaku”, which dictated expectations for Japanese women. It included 19 “truths” such as “if a woman is young, don’t go near any young men”.

In 1842, abortion was banned in Edo, in 1868 the Emporer extended it to all of Japan, and in 1907 the penalties became more severe.

During the Meiji period 明治時代, the Meiji Civil Code of 1898 defined the ie 家 code that denied women legal rights and subjected them to the will of household heads, who were almost always men.

The 1871 education code did require all students be educated, but women were still mostly taught flower arranging and tea ceremonies, and were segregated from men after the third grade. Few continued beyond middle school.

In 1890, the Diet issues the shukai oyobi seishaho 珠海及び性社保, banning women from political activity or joining political parties.

Even after the Meiji period, any marriage had to be approved by the head of household. And it was legal for a husband to murder a wife for infidelity.

Tsuruko Haraguchi 原口鶴子 was the first woman in Japan to earn a PhD, but she had to go to the US, because no school in Japan would allow her to receive it.

Bluestocking (青鞜 Seitō) was founded by Raichō Hiratsuka (平塚 らいちょう), Noe Itō (伊藤 野枝), and three other women (Yasumochi Yoshiko, Mozume Kazuko, Kiuchi Teiko) in 1911 to promote equal rights of women through literature and education. It was banned by the government 国体.

In the same year, Kanno Sugako (管野須賀子, 1881–1911), was the first woman political prisoner to be executed in Japanese modern history, for planning to assassinate the emperor.

Serial magazines Fujin Koron 婦人公論 and Shufu No Tomo also started around the same time, covering topics like abortion, sexuality, politics, and independence.

In 1919, Ichikawa Fusae and Oku Mumeo, Raicho Hiratsuka created the New Woman Association: Shin Fujin Kyokai.

In 1921, the Diet overruled Article 5 of the Police Security Act and allowed women to attend political meetings, but still not join parties or vote.

Yamakawa Kikue started the Red Wave Society Sekirankai, the first socialist women’s association in 1921. They condemned capitalism, arguing that ti turned women into slaves and prostitutes.

After the great earthquake of 1923, Noe Ito and her family were arrested by the military that were taking advantage of the chaos, and were thrown into an abandoned well and executed.

Representatives from 43 of these organizations joined forces to become the Tokyo Federation of Women’s Organizations (Tokyo Rengo Fujinkai). Later, it spawned the League for the Realization of Women’s Suffrage (Fujin Sanseiken Kakutoku Kisei Domei), later the Women’s Suffrage League (Fusen Kakutoku Domei).

In 1924, the Diet passed the Men’s Suffrage Law but left out women.

From 1932 to 1945 women from Korea, China, and the Philippines were lured or kidnapped by the Japanese army and forced into prostitution as “comfort women” ianfu (慰安婦).

After the end of WWII, a new constitution was drafted for Japan. Discrimination by creed, sex, social status, or family origin were outlawed. Marriage and divorce was made mutual and gender neutral. Supposedly.

Katō Shidzue (加藤 シヅエ) was the first woman to be elected to the Diet, in 1946

In 1948, Japan became one of the first nations to legalize abortion in most cases.

In the late 1960’s, second-wave feminism in the US inspired Mitsu Tanaka to write pamphlets. She founded the Fighting Women’s Group, and established the first women’s center and first women’s shelter in Japan.

Misako Enoki was a pharmacist that pushed for the legalization of the birth control pill. She formed a protest group called Chupiren, who wore pink motorcycle helmets in publicity stunts.

In the 1970’s, the women’s rights movement became known as oomanribu.

The UN adopted the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women in 1979, but Japan’s Diet did not ratify it until 1985. It received failing marks in 1986.

In 1986, Japan implemented the Ordinance for the Enforcement of the Act on Ensuring Equal Opportunities for and Treatment of Men and Women in Employment (雇用の分野における男女の均等な機会及び待遇の確保 等に関する法律施行規則), which, among other things, created career tracks in companies that exist today. While it intended to open up opportunities for women in companies that were not there before, which it did, these tracks tend to force women into short term positions with no management potential and low pay, and men into long-term positions with management possibility and higher pay.

1989 Mayumi Haruno brought the first ever sexual harassment suit in Japan. In 1992 she was awarded only approximately 16000 Yen (less than $100). Sexual harassment is still, to this day, not illegal. You can sue for damages but it is not illegal. There are rules for people and companies, but there are absolutely no consequences.

It was not until as late as 1999 that the birth control pill was legalized in Japan, much later than other countries.

Kathy Matsui of Goldman Sachs coined “Womenomics”, a set of policies intended to increase female labor participation in Japan, and improve childcare provisions.

Anti-stalking laws were passed in 2000 after a university student Shiori Ino (猪野 詩織) was murdered in 1999 by her stalker. There were 21000 reports of stalking in 2013, with 90% women victims and 87% male stalkers. In 2013 the law was extended to include email stalking. To this day, stalking reports are still growing faster in Japan than any other country.

In 2002, the Japanese government passed a law making domestic violence illegal.

In 2012, when Shinzō Abe (安倍晋三 Abe Shinzō) became Prime Minister, he announced a policy now named “Abenomics”, which includes increasing female labor participation.

In 2015, Japan’s civil code was amended to reduce the number of days a woman must wait to get remarried after a divorce, from 300 days to 100 days.

The Japanese Supreme Court upheld a ruling in 2015 that spouses must have the same surname, but encouraged the legislature to pass new legislation. Feminist groups are still pushing for the right to separate surnames 夫婦別姓, but it has not been enacted.

Today 今日

In one poll, 30% of mothers who returned to work reported being victims of “maternity harassment”, or “matahara”.

In 2015, only 3.5% of senior government roles were filled by women.

Women only make up 9% of corporate management positions, despite being about 40% of the employee base.

Smash the patriarchy!

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