Atelier Shallie – Charts

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#NameTypeCategory 1Category 2Category 3Category 4Ingredient 1Ingredient 2Ingredient 3Ingredient 4FWAWIEAttribute ValueExclusiveDisassembles To
1CraftAttack(Bomb)Star Fruit x2(Gunpowder)(Supplement)X15
2BombAttack(Bomb)Phlogiston x2(Fuel)(Paper)(Supplement)X20Black Powder
3Ice BombAttack(Bomb)Aqua Light x2(Liquid)(Supplement)X25Broken Item
4Lightning BombAttack(Bomb)Electric OrbAbrasive x2(Ore)(Supplement)X30Old Stone
5UniAttack(Bomb)Star Core(Metal)(Gunpowder)(Supplement)X30Broken Item
6Lava CubeAttack(Magic Tool)Phlogiston x3Bomb(Fuel)(Supplement)X35Black Powder
7Dimension BombAttack(Antique)(Bomb)(Magic Tool)(Gunpowder)(Oil)(Paper)(Ancient Power)XXX30Double Foot Component
8Electrical Discharge TubeAttack(Antique)(Magic Tool)Glass TubeJunk x2(Gas)(Ancient Power)X35Elaborate Screw
9GlobeAttack(Sundry)Ancient Map x3(Lumber)(Paper)(Metal)XX30Lumber
10Glass RoseAttack(Magic Tool)Frosty Crystal x3Ice Bomb(Water)(Poison)XX30Broken Item
11MeteorAttack(Bomb)Leichester Meteorite Iron x3(Metal)(Gunpowder)(Supplement)X40Broken Item
12Talisman of Ancient BeastsAttack(Magic Tool)Giant FossilZettel(Thread)(Dragon Material)X30SteraTrash
13Shepherd's FluteAttack(Sundry)Ancient Gold Thread(Clay)(Fuel)(Mystery)XX25Broken Item
14Weight StoneAttack(Sundry)Abrasive x4(Ore)(Supplement)XX20Broken Item
15BarrelAttack(Sundry)Holinic x2(Lumber)(Fuel)(Sand)X40Lumber
16Pumpkin DollAttack(Magic Tool)Ore Pumpkin(Cloth)(Mystery)(Ancient Power)XX25Broken Item
17Living Trash CanAttack(Magic Tool)Broken Item x3Trash x2(Metal)(Ancient Power)X35LotteTrash, Broken Item
18Flying BoardAttack(Magic Tool)Gravicrystal x2(Gas)(Feather)(Mystery)X40LotteTrash, Buzzter Nuts
19Refuel PadsHeal(Sundry)Anti-Bug Grass(Magic Herb)(Water)X15Broken Item
20Healing SalveHeal(Medicine)(Plant)(Oil)(Water)X15Plant Oil
21Herbal SoupHeal(Food)Dried Herbs(Liquid)(Seasoning)XX10
22Apple TartHeal(Food)(Snack)Shelbani Flour x2(Apple)(Seasoning)(Liquid)X10
23Refresh MedicineHeal(Medicine)Shelbani FlourHoney(Liquid)X10
24Buzzter NutsHeal(Food)Star Fruit x3(Supplement)(Seasoning)X10
25Stellard MedicineHeal(Medicine)(Plant)(Medic. Ing.)(Liquid)(Supplement)X25
26Shelbani BreadHeal(Food)Shelbani Flour x3Rich Milk x2Unknown Egg(Seasoning)X15
27Healing AromaHeal(Medic. Ing.)(Sundry)(Aroma)(Natural)(Fuel)XX25
28StellapearlHeal(Food)(Snack)Shelbani Flour x3Buzzter Nuts(Grain)(Seasoning)X30
29Medicine BreadHeal(Food)Shelbani Flour x2(Seasoning)(Medic. Ing.)(Vegetable)XX20
30Smoked MeatHeal(Food)Dried Herbs x3(Lumber)(Meat)X30
31Golden Extract SoupHeal(Food)(Fish)(Liquid)(Seasoning)(Dragon Material)XX25
32Media BookHeal(Book)Zettel x3(Mystery)(Ancient Power)(Supplement)XX30Zettel
33Fruit RationHeal(Food)(Snack)(Grain)(Fruit)(Seasoning)(Liquid)XX30
34Slag SoupHeal(Food)(Slag Part)(Liquid)(Fuel)(Supplement)XX25
35Ritual PowderHeal(Medicine)(Sundry)(Animal)(Medic. Ing.)(Elixir)(Supplement)XXX20Broken Item
36SP MedicineHeal(Medicine)Angel Powder(Clay)(Medic. Ing.)(Natural)XX25
37Awakening MedicineHeal(Medic. Ing.)(Sundry)Stink BeanSmoke MushroomSupplement - Black(Liquid)XX2Nectar Springwater
38Dragon CupHeal(Magic Tool)(Dragon Material)(Medic. Ing.)(Medicine)(Water)XX25Nectar Springwater
39Slag EssenceHeal(Medicine)(Slag Part)(Slag Part)(Medic. Ing.)(Liquid)XX30
40Traveler's RationHeal(Food)Shelbani Flour x2(Meat)(Vegetable)(Fruit)XX25
41Goddess ShieldHeal(Magic Tool)(Clay)(Jewel)(Mystery)(Thread)XXX25Shuvea Metal
42Healthy RationHeal(Food)Medicine BreadAngel Powder(Fish)(Meat)XXX25
43Time WatchHeal(Antique)(Magic Tool)Glass Tube(Ancient Relic)(Ancient Relic)(Ancient Power)XXXX15Elaborate Screw
44Millionaire's Full CourseHeal(Food)Shelbani BreadSmoked MeatGolden Extract SoupApple TartXXX35
45Angel PowderHeal(Medic. Ing.)(Sundry)Dragon Bone(Synthesis)(Medicine)(Supplement)XXX25Medical Foundation
46Medicine of the Four BeastsHeal(Medicine)(Feather)(Meat)(Dragon Material)(Fish)XXXX20
47Dragon's SecretHeal(Medicine)(Water)(Dragon Material)(Smelly)(Mystery)XX40
49Fruit TartHeal(Food)(Snack)Shelbani Flour x2(Fruit)(Seasoning)(Liquid)X10
50Stone CoinAccessory(Accessory)Precious StoneHalmolium(Fuel)(Supplement)XXXX25
51Heart of FireAccessory(Accessory)Slag Heart x3Cole Medapaid x2(Fuel)(Supplement)XXXX25
52Planet SphereAccessory(Accessory)Comet Crest StoneGravicrystal(Gas)(Ancient Power)XXXX25
53Chronicle ShieldAccessory(Accessory)Ziegel NuggetAncient Water(Ingot)(Ancient Relic)XXXX25
54Escape JewelAccessory(Accessory)Rabbit Fur x3(Animal)(Thread)(Mystery)XXXX25
55Thunder OutfitAccessory(Accessory)Meteor(Gas)(Cloth)(Supplement)XXXX25
56Divine SoulAccessory(Accessory)Abrasive x2(Thread)(Jewel)(Jewel)XXXX25
57Leather GlovesAccessory(Accessory)(Pelt)Leather(Cloth)(Thread)X20
58Leather BootsAccessory(Accessory)(Pelt)Leather x2(Cloth)(Metal)(Thread)X30
59Aroma PouchAccessory(Accessory)(Aroma)Dried Herbs x3(Magic Herb)(Cloth)(Thread)X30
60Angel RibbonAccessory(Accessory)(Cloth)(Aroma)(Thread)(Mystery)(Medic. Ing.)X45
61Feather OrnamentAccessory(Accessory)(Feather)(Thread)(Jewel)X40
62Blue Crystal RingAccessory(Accessory)(Jewel)Crystal BallGlass Tube(Metal)(Mystery)XXX15
64Metal BootsAccessory(Accessory)(Metal)(Ingot)(Ore)(Cloth)(Thread)X30
65Spirit BeltAccessory(Accessory)(Mystery)(Cloth)(Cloth)(Elixir)(Thread)XX30
66Gunade RingAccessory(Accessory)(Metal)Ziegel Nugget(Jewel)(Mystery)(Ore)X45
67Glass TiaraAccessory(Accessory)(Synthesis)Glass TubeWater Crystal(Jewel)(Antique)XX20
68Brother CallAccessory(Accessory)(Mystery)(Ancient Relic)(Metal)(Ore)(Clay)XX40
69Gold Coin of FortuneAccessory(Accessory)(Metal)(Mystery)Diamond Ore x2Cole Medapaid(Jewel)(Animal)XXX30
70Dragon ShieldAccessory(Accessory)(Antique)(Ingot)(Dragon Material)(Jewel)(Metal)XXXX20
71Treasure GrimoireAccessory(Accessory)(Book)Ultramarine Root x2(Paper)(Animal)(Mystery)XXXX25
72Ancient Power BeltAccessory(Accessory)(Ancient Power)(Antique)(Metal)(Pelt)(Ancient Relic)(Ancient Relic)X40
73One Angle MascaraAccessory(Accessory)(Clay)(Animal)(Mystery)(Jewel)X40
74Meteor GlovesAccessory(Accessory)(Metal)Meteonite(Fabric)(Thread)XXX20
75Meteor BootsAccessory(Accessory)(Metal)Meteonite(Fabric)(Ore)(Thread)XXX20
76Mirage TalismanAccessory(Accessory)(Mystery)Ancient WaterDunkelheit(Jewel)(Metal)XXX20
77Plant FertilizerSynthesis(Adventure)(Liquid)(Plant)(Plant)(Synthesis)(Water)X25
78Demon Warding CharmSynthesis(Adventure)(Cloth)Giant Triangular Fang(Smelly)(Paper)(Mystery)XX30
79Dowsing RodSynthesis(Adventure)(Ore)(Natural)(Metal)(Mystery)(Ancient Relic)XX20Stera
80Mysterious MonocleSynthesis(Adventure)(Antique)Crystal BallAbrasive(Metal)(Mystery)XX30
81Travel GateSynthesis(Adventure)(Mystery)Wind Rider Feather x8Supplement - Rainbow x2(Mystery)(Dragon Material)XXXX20
82Handmade BaitSynthesis(Adventure)(Smelly)Shelbani Flour(Aroma)(Animal)X20Lotte
83Shelbani FlourSynthesis(Grain)(Gunpowder)Shelbani Wheat x4(Supplement)XX10
84Dried HerbsSynthesis(Aroma)(Fuel)(Seasoning)(Plant)(Plant)(Magic Herb)(Water)X15
85Plant OilSynthesis(Fuel)(Liquid)(Oil)(Plant)(Plant)(Plant)(Supplement)X20
87Handspun Rabbit YarnSynthesis(Animal)(Thread)Rabbit Fur x3(Liquid)X10Supplement - Green
88Supplement - RedSynthesis(Supplement)(Gunpowder)(Liquid)X15
89Supplement - BlueSynthesis(Supplement)(Liquid)(Liquid)X15
90Supplement - GreenSynthesis(Supplement)(Plant)(Liquid)X15
91Supplement - YellowSynthesis(Supplement)(Clay)(Liquid)X15
92Supplement - WhiteSynthesis(Supplement)(Synthesis)(Mystery)(Liquid)XX20
93Supplement - BlackSynthesis(Supplement)(Synthesis)(Animal)(Liquid)XX20
94Supplement - RainbowSynthesis(Supplement)Medical SolutionSilver Groundwater(Jewel)(Plant)XXXX20
95Handmade JamSynthesis(Aroma)(Food)(Seasoning)(Fruit)(Fruit)(Liquid)(Supplement)X20
96HoneySynthesis(Liquid)(Seasoning)(Bee Hive)(Bee Hive)(Paper)X20
97Plant SyrupSynthesis(Liquid)(Seasoning)PalmaCactus Palm(Water)(Fuel)XX10
98LeatherSynthesis(Cloth)(Pelt)Wild Pelt x3(Oil)(Thread)(Supplement)XX15
100Palma BoardSynthesis(Fuel)(Lumber)(Sundry)Palma(Oil)X20
101Powdered GlassSynthesis(Synthesis)Glass Core x2(Liquid)(Fuel)XX10
102Glass TubeSynthesis(Synthesis)Powdered Glass x2(Liquid)(Fuel)XX15Powdered Glass
103Crystal BallSynthesis(Jewel)(Mystery)(Mystery)Sand Crystal x3WaterAbrasive(Cloth)XX20
104Medical SolutionSynthesis(Liquid)(Medicine)(Mystery)Distilled Water(Cloth)(Medic. Ing.)(Elixir)XXXX15
105Stellard FabricSynthesis(Cloth)(Thread)(Thread)(Thread)XX25Handspun Rabbit Yarn
106Fire Lord's CharcoalSynthesis(Fuel)(Gunpowder)(Lumber)(Oil)X30
107Iron ClaySynthesis(Clay)(Metal)(Poison)(Sand)(Ore)(Oil)X30Black Powder
108Burning GasSynthesis(Gas)(Gunpowder)Supplement - Black(Cloth)(Fuel)XX30
109Black PowderSynthesis(Gunpowder)(Seasoning)(Smelly)Fire Lord's Charcoal x2(Fuel)(Fuel)(Supplement)X50
110Frosty CrystalSynthesis(Jewel)(Liquid)Sand Crystal x2Aqua Light x3(Water)X20
111Water CrystalSynthesis(Jewel)(Mystery)Sand CrystalWaterXX20
112Electric OrbSynthesis(Jewel)(Metal)(Ancient Power)(Supplement)XX15
113Distilled WaterSynthesis(Liquid)(Water)(Liquid)(Paper)(Cloth)(Fuel)X20
114Super Pure WaterSynthesis(Liquid)(Water)Electric OrbDistilled Water(Fuel)(Paper)X40
115Unbreakable GlassSynthesis(Ancient Power)(Gunpowder)(Natural)Melting Glass Shard x2(Fuel)(Liquid)XX15Trash
116Mysterious ClothSynthesis(Cloth)(Mystery)(Synthesis)(Water)(Thread)(Thread)(Slag Part)XX30Silkis Feather
117GravicrystalSynthesis(Mystery)(Synthesis)Gravistone x3(Liquid)XX20
118Precious StoneSynthesis(Jewel)Abrasive x2Twin Color CorundumPolarized Gem(Liquid)XXX25
119Twin Color CorundumSynthesis(Jewel)(Synthesis)Red Clay x2Blue Clay x2Supplement - White(Fuel)XX20
120Polarized GemSynthesis(Jewel)(Synthesis)Green Clay x2Marine Clay x2Supplement - Black(Fuel)XX20
121Comet Crest StoneSynthesis(Jewel)(Synthesis)Precious StoneSupplement - Rainbow(Antique)(Ancient Power)XXXX20
122HolinicSynthesis(Metal)Holinica Ore x2(Fuel)X20
123Dark IronSynthesis(Metal)(Sundry)Dark Iron Ore x2(Fuel)X20
124Algemein PlywoodSynthesis(Lumber)(Sundry)Palma Board(Natural)(Lumber)(Oil)X25Lumber
125Ziegel NuggetSynthesis(Metal)(Ore)Leichester Meteorite Iron(Clay)(Fuel)(Supplement)XX30Old Stone (this is quite often a good idea)
126Cole MedapaidSynthesis(Metal)Blazing OreHolinic(Supplement)(Fuel)X30
127Dark Steel PlateSynthesis(Metal)(Sundry)Dark Iron x3(Water)(Fuel)X40Dark Iron
128Holinic Steel PlateSynthesis(Metal)Holinic x2(Water)(Fuel)X35Holinic
129Aroma MateriaSynthesis(Aroma)(Jewel)(Ore)(Synthesis)(Slag Part)(Water)(Medic. Ing.)(Mystery)XXXX15
130Sun FlowerSynthesis(Ancient Power)(Elixir)(Jewel)(Metal)Scrap Metal x9DunkelheitAroma Materia(Dragon Material)XXXX30
131Floater UnitSynthesis(Ancient Power)Gravicrystal x4Abrasive x4(Lumber)(Metal)XXXX25Lotte
133HolinicaitSynthesis(Ingot)Holinica Ore x2(Ore)(Ore)(Fuel)X20
134Shuvea MetalSynthesis(Ingot)Dark Iron(Ore)(Fuel)XX15
135Alto MetalSynthesis(Ingot)(Ancient Relic)(Ore)(Ore)(Fuel)XX15
136MeteoniteSynthesis(Ingot)Leichester Meteorite Iron x3(Ore)(Fuel)(Fuel)XXX15
137HalmoliumSynthesis(Ingot)Supplement - Rainbow(Elixir)(Ore)(Fuel)XXXX10
139MofcottSynthesis(Fabric)Handspun Rabbit Yarn(Cloth)(Thread)(Liquid)XX10
140Silkis FeatherSynthesis(Fabric)(Feather)(Cloth)(Thread)(Liquid)X30
141Alto ClothSynthesis(Fabric)(Mystery)(Cloth)(Thread)(Liquid)XX15
142Scale ClothSynthesis(Fabric)Giant Scale(Cloth)(Animal)(Liquid)XX20
143VelvetisSynthesis(Fabric)Mysterious ClothSupplement - Rainbow(Cloth)(Liquid)XXXX10
145Palma WoodSynthesis(Wood)Palma Board x2(Lumber)(Oil)XX10
146Mixed WoodSynthesis(Wood)Algemein Plywood x2(Lumber)(Oil)XX15
147Alto WoodSynthesis(Wood)Ancient Tree Splinter(Lumber)(Oil)XX15
148MystixSynthesis(Wood)Mossy Driftwood(Mystery) (Lumber)(Oil)XXX10
149YggdrasSynthesis(Wood)Alto Wood(Ancient Power) (Lumber)(Oil)XXXX10
150Eyedrops of TruthSynthesis(Liquid)(Medicine)Leichester Meteorite IronDragon Cup(Liquid)(Supplement)XX25
151Mini Sound MachineSynthesis(Ancient Power)(Metal)(Ingot)(Ancient Power)(Ancient Relic)(Supplement)XX20Stera
152Wonder Drug of TranquillitySynthesis(Medicine)(Medic. Ing.)(Seasoning)(Elixir)(Medic. Ing.)(Water)XXX15Stera
153Noble SuitSynthesis(Cloth)Silkis FeatherHandspun Rabbit Yarn x2(Cloth)X20Stera
154Formal Dinner SuitSynthesis(Cloth)(Thread)Silkis FeatherAncient Gold Thread(Jewel)(Cloth)XX30Stera
155Ship Clan's BellWeapon(Weapon - Bell)(Ingot)(Lumber)(Metal)X10
156Resonance ChimeWeapon(Metal)(Weapon - Bell)(Weapon - Bell)(Ingot)(Lumber)(Supplement)X20
157White Winged BellWeapon(Metal)(Weapon - Bell)(Weapon - Bell)Shuvea MetalPalma Wood(Supplement)XX20
158Sea Alchemist's BellWeapon(Metal)(Weapon - Bell)(Weapon - Bell)HalmoliumMystix(Supplement)XXX25
159Convenient BroomWeapon(Lumber)(Weapon - Broom)Lumber x2(Plant)(Thread)X10
160Stylish BroomWeapon(Lumber)(Weapon - Broom)(Weapon - Broom)Palma Wood(Fabric)(Plant)XX10
161Magia SumonitoraWeapon(Lumber)(Weapon - Broom)Alto WoodGravicrystal(Mystery)(Dragon Material)XX25
162Alchemist's BroomWeapon(Lumber)(Weapon - Broom)(Weapon - Broom)Yggdras(Fabric)(Plant)XXXX20
163Sea Clan's CharmWeapon(Weapon - Talisman)LumberDusk Sea Sand x3(Clay)(Supplement)XX10
164Elemental CharmWeapon(Weapon - Talisman)(Weapon - Talisman)(Wood)(Ore)(Supplement)XXXX5
165Lunic CharmWeapon(Metal)(Weapon - Talisman)(Weapon - Talisman)Alto WoodCrystal Ball(Supplement)X25
166Dragon Scale CharmWeapon(Dragon Material)(Weapon - Talisman)(Weapon - Talisman)Sand Dragon ScaleHalmolium(Supplement)XXXX20
167Magician's RingWeapon(Weapon - Ring)Ingot(Ore)(Metal)(Supplement)XX10
168Sword Manipulation RingWeapon(Metal)(Weapon - Ring)(Weapon - Ring)(Ingot)(Ancient Relic)(Supplement)XX15
169Demonkin RingWeapon(Metal)(Weapon - Ring)(Weapon - Ring)Alto Metal(Dragon Material)(Supplement)XXX20
170Orbis SpiritisWeapon(Metal)(Weapon - Ring)(Weapon - Ring)Meteonite(Jewel)(Supplement)XXXX20
171Crystal Twin SwordsWeapon(Weapon - Twin Sword)(Ingot)(Lumber)(Ore)(Supplement)XX15
172Silver Twin SwordsWeapon(Metal)(Weapon - Twin Sword)(Weapon - Twin Sword)(Ingot)Abrasive x3(Supplement)XX15
173Bloody ClawsWeapon(Metal)(Weapon - Twin Sword)(Weapon - Twin Sword)Shuvea Metal(Poison)(Supplement)XX20
174Air FoecuttersWeapon(Metal)(Weapon - Twin Sword)(Weapon - Twin Sword)MeteoniteSuper Pure Water(Supplement)XXX25
175Flame BunkerWeapon(Weapon - Pile Driver)(Ingot)BombAbrasive x2(Supplement)X10
176Armored BunkerWeapon(Gunpowder)(Weapon - Pile Driver)(Weapon - Pile Driver)(Ingot)Holinicait(Ore)XX15
177Ancient Heat BunkerWeapon(Ancient Power)(Antique)(Gunpowder)(Weapon - Pile Driver)(Weapon - Pile Driver)Alto Metal(Ancient Relic)XX15
178Chronicle BunkerWeapon(Ancient Power)(Gunpowder)(Weapon - Pile Driver)(Weapon - Pile Driver)Halmolium(Ancient Relic)(Ancient Relic)XXX20
179Solis GemWeapon(Ancient Power)(Mystery)(Weapon - Ritual)Shuvea MetalPolarized Gem(Fuel)(Metal)X15
180Ignis GemWeapon(Ancient Power)(Mystery)(Weapon - Ritual)(Weapon - Ritual)Alto MetalLava CubeComet Crest StoneX25
181Zodiac GemWeapon(Ancient Power)(Mystery)(Weapon - Ritual)(Weapon - Ritual)MeteoniteMeteorComet Crest StoneXXXX15
182Diabolos GemWeapon(Ancient Power)(Mystery)(Weapon - Ritual)(Weapon - Ritual)HalmoliumSun FlowerMedical SolutionXXXX25
183HayateWeapon(Weapon - Longsword)Ingot(Ore)(Supplement)X15
184Demon Ore SwordWeapon(Metal)(Weapon - Longsword)(Weapon - Longsword)(Ingot)(Ore)(Supplement)X20
185Mythical Beast SwordWeapon(Metal)(Weapon - Longsword)(Weapon - Longsword)Alto Metal(Animal)(Supplement)XX20
186Meteorite SwordWeapon(Metal)(Weapon - Longsword)(Weapon - Longsword)Meteonite(Ingot)(Supplement)XXX30
187Sky Alchemy StaffWeapon(Weapon - Staff)(Ingot)(Feather)(Lumber)XX10
188Golden Blue StaffWeapon(Weapon - Staff)(Weapon - Staff)(Metal)ZemniteXXX20
189Golden Wing StaffWeapon(Weapon - Staff)(Weapon - Staff)Meteonite(Elixir)(Jewel)XX15
190Lifetree StaffWeapon(Weapon - Staff)(Weapon - Staff)(Wood)DunkelheitEndangered HerbXXXX20
191Management BoardWeapon(Weapon - Board)(Wood)Zettel(Clay)XX15
192Plan BoardWeapon(Weapon - Board)(Weapon - Board)Palma Board(Oil)XX15
193Operation Plan BoardWeapon(Weapon - Board)(Weapon - Board)(Paper)(Mystery)(Elixir)XXX20
194Phantom SaberWeapon(Weapon - Alchemy Sword)(Ingot)(Metal)Scrap Metal(Supplement)XX10
195Black Wing VeilWeapon(Weapon - Alchemy Sword)(Weapon - Alchemy Sword)Pendelook(Metal)(Mystery)XX15
196Crysta-FangWeapon(Weapon - Alchemy Sword)(Weapon - Alchemy Sword)Crystal Ball(Jewel)(Ore)XXX20
197Proto PhantomWeapon(Weapon - Alchemy Sword)(Weapon - Alchemy Sword)(Dragon Material)(Metal)(Elixir)XXXX20
198Flower Tree StaffWeapon(Weapon - Staff 2)(Wood)(Plant)PalmaXX15
199Fragrant StaffWeapon(Weapon - Staff 2)(Weapon - Staff 2)Meteonite(Elixir)(Jewel)XX15
200Floral StaffWeapon(Weapon - Staff 2)(Weapon - Staff 2)Aroma MateriaMystix(Mystery)XXX20
201Fairy Queen StaffWeapon(Weapon - Staff 2)(Weapon - Staff 2)DunkelheitYggdras(Elixir)XXX25
202Cotton ShirtArmor(Armor - Clothes)(Cloth)Cloth(Magic Herb)(Thread)X15
203Thick ShirtArmor(Armor - Clothes)(Cloth)(Armor - Clothes)Cloth(Thread)X15
204High Collar ShirtArmor(Armor - Clothes)(Cloth)(Armor - Clothes)Mofcott(Thread)(Animal)XX10
205Herbal ShirtArmor(Armor - Clothes)(Medicine)(Armor - Clothes)Mofcott(Magic Herb)(Medic. Ing.)XX15
206Leather ShirtArmor(Armor - Clothes)(Pelt)(Armor - Clothes)Silkis FeatherLeather x2(Oil)XX15
207Fur ShirtArmor(Armor - Clothes)(Pelt)(Armor - Clothes)Silkis Feather x2(Pelt)(Thread)XX15
208Combat ShirtArmor(Armor - Clothes)(Cloth)(Armor - Clothes)(Fabric)(Pelt)XX30
209Riveted ShirtArmor(Armor - Clothes)(Cloth)(Armor - Clothes)Alto Cloth(Pelt)(Metal)XX30
210Silver Threaded ShirtArmor(Armor - Clothes)(Cloth)(Armor - Clothes)(Ingot)(Thread)(Thread)X50
211Divine ShirtArmor(Armor - Clothes)(Cloth)(Armor - Clothes)VelvetisMysterious Cloth(Thread)XXXX15
212Chain ArmorArmor(Armor - Heavy Armor)(Metal)Ingot x2(Cloth)(Pelt)XX20
213Bone PlateArmor(Animal)(Armor - Heavy Armor)(Armor - Heavy Armor)(Wood)Animal Bone x2(Pelt)X20
214Holinic Full MetalArmor(Armor - Heavy Armor)(Metal)(Armor - Heavy Armor)Holinicait x4(Ore)(Ore)X40
215Scale PlateArmor(Animal)(Armor - Heavy Armor)(Armor - Heavy Armor)Holinicait x2Giant Scale x3Sand Dragon ScaleX45
216Splint MailArmor(Armor - Heavy Armor)(Metal)(Armor - Heavy Armor)Shuvea MetalAlto Cloth(Ore)X35
217Meteorite ArmorArmor(Armor - Heavy Armor)(Metal)(Armor - Heavy Armor)Leichester Meteorite Iron x2Alto Metal(Fuel)XX30
218Magic PlateArmor(Armor - Heavy Armor)(Metal)(Armor - Heavy Armor)HalmoliumAlto Cloth(Ore)XX15
219Dragoon MailArmor(Armor - Heavy Armor)(Metal)(Armor - Heavy Armor)Meteonite(Dragon Material)(Dragon Material)XXX20
220WindbreakerArmor(Armor - Light Armor)(Cloth)Cloth(Thread)X15
221Leather CoatArmor(Armor - Light Armor)(Pelt)(Armor - Light Armor)(Fabric)Leather x2X20
222Agile CoatArmor(Armor - Light Armor)(Cloth)(Armor - Light Armor)(Fabric)Blue Clay x3(Thread)X25
223Gold Embroidered CoatArmor(Armor - Light Armor)(Cloth)(Armor - Light Armor)Silkis Feather(Feather)(Thread)XX20
224Dragoon CoatArmor(Armor - Light Armor)(Cloth)(Armor - Light Armor)(Dragon Material)(Thread)(Ancient Power)XXX25
225Divine CoatArmor(Armor - Light Armor)(Cloth)(Armor - Light Armor)VelvetisMysterious Cloth(Thread)XXXX15

Direct download link: shallie_recipes.csv


#NameCategory 1Category 2Category 3Category 4FWAWIEAttribute ValueGather LocationDrop MonsterDisassembles To
1Star Fruit(Fruit)(Plant)X10Land of Fallen Stars, Lush ValleyGrass Element
2Ore Pumpkin(Plant)X10Crystal Valley, GeofrontBlack Powder
3Sand Pumpkin(Fruit)(Plant)(Vegetable)X10Solice Trade Camp, Lush Valley, Plaza of Great TreesBitter Squirrel
5Rich Milk(Liquid)(Oil)X20
6Shelbani Wheat(Grain)(Plant)XX10Fertile Sea, Fertile Sea - Eastern Area, Solice Trade Camp
7Palma(Plant)X15Green Desert, Lush Valley, Plaza of Great TreesTree Element
8Taun(Magic Herb)(Medic. Ing.)(Plant)X10Fertile Sea, Plaza of Great Trees, Hidden ForestFruit Hamster, Flower Element
9Verdant Taun(Magic Herb)(Plant)(Vegetable)XX15Fertile Sea, Heaven's Vine, Geofront
10Mutated Taun(Elixir)(Magic Herb)(Plant)XX10Land of the Dead, Herb Garden - Depths, Geofront
11Trio Taun(Magic Herb)(Medic. Ing.)(Mystery)(Plant)X35Herb Garden, Seat of Eternity, Geofront
12Lentil(Grain)(Plant)X10Fertile Sea - Northern Area, Spine Post, Plaza of Great Trees
13Big Lentil(Grain)(Oil)(Plant)X20Heaven's Vine, Altar of Spirits, Geofront
14Umbrella Tree Strawberry(Aroma)(Fruit)(Plant)XX20Herb Garden, Herb Garden - Depths, The Furthest Village, Woods of Eternal Night
15Beehive(Bee Hive)(Fuel)X10Fertile Sea, Heaven's Vine, Herb Garden - Depths, Plaza of Great Trees, Hidden ForestBears.
16Silver Beehive(Bee Hive)(Fuel)XX15Fertile Sea, Heaven's Vine - Root Division, GeofrontHoney
17Golden Beehive(Bee Hive)(Fuel)(Jewel)XXX15Herb Garden - Depths, GeofrontHoney
18Red Clay(Clay)(Medic. Ing.)X15Fertile Sea - Eastern Area, Geofront, Abandoned FactorySand Spirit
19Blue Clay(Clay)(Ore)X20Land of the Dead, Hill of Silence, Geofront, Sea of EternityDusk Spirit
20Green Clay(Clay)(Plant)X20Crystal Valley, Geofront, Hidden Forest, Hole of the DeadAzure Spirit
21Marine Clay(Clay)(Seasoning)X10Fertile Sea - Northern Area, Eastern Sea of Smoke, Land of Fallen Stars, Sandy ShoreOre Rat, Amber Spirit
22Animal Meat(Meat)(Smelly)X20Wolves.
23Fresh Meat(Meat)(Smelly)XX15Geofront
24Marbled Meat(Meat)(Medic. Ing.)XXX10Geofront
25Wild Pelt(Animal)(Pelt)X15Wolves
26Superior Pelt(Animal)(Pelt)X25Geofront
27Shining Pelt(Animal)(Pelt)XXX15Geofront
28Animal Bone(Animal)X10Sandy Ruins, Spine PostSmall dragons
29Beast Bone(Animal)X15Crystal Valley, Seat of Eternity, Cape of the End
30Dragon Bone(Dragon Material)XX15Drifting Ghost Ship, Heaven's Vine, Seat of Eternity, Geofront
31Trash(Fuel)(Smelly)X10Drifting Ghost Ship, Ancient Ruins
32Junk(Ancient Relic)(Antique)(Metal)X10Ancient Ruins, Forgotten LaboratoryCarrier
33Scrap Metal(Ancient Relic)(Antique)(Metal)X15Abandoned Factory, Ancient RuinsBullet Slag, Dinosaur, Ore Rat
34Bent Screw(Ancient Relic)(Antique)(Metal)X10Fertile Sea - Northern Area, Drifting Ghost Ship, Ancient Ruins, Sea of EternityPorter
35Rusty Cog(Ancient Relic)(Antique)(Metal)X15Drifting Ghost Ship, Abandoned FactoryGatekeeper
36Dark Iron Gear(Ancient Relic)(Antique)(Metal)XX20Drifting Ghost Ship, Geofront
37Small Relic(Ancient Power)(Ancient Relic)(Antique)(Metal)X20Drifting Ghost Ship, Seat of Eternity, Hidden Cave, Sea of Eternity
38Double Foot Component(Ancient Power)(Ancient Relic)(Antique)(Metal)XX20Drifting Ghost Ship, Geofront
39Mixed Oil(Fuel)(Liquid)(Oil)XX20Abandoned Factory, Ancient Ruins, Forgotten Laboratory
40Rabbit Fur(Animal)(Thread)X15Rabbit family
41Rabbit Horn(Animal)X20Fertile Sea - Northern Area
42Sand Runner Feather(Animal)(Feather)X10Land of Fallen StarsOstrich family
43Sand Runner Tailfeather(Animal)(Feather)(Thread)X15Land of Fallen StarsOstrich family
44Slag Fragment(Slag Part)XXXX1Drifting Ghost ShipSlag
45Slag Cable(Slag Part)(Thread)XX15Drifting Ghost ShipMini-Slag
46Slag Antenna(Ancient Power)(Slag Part)XX10Guard
47Slag Heart(Meat)(Slag Part)XX20Carrier
48Slag Memory(Metal)(Slag Part)XX20Cube family
49Slag Scissors(Slag Part)XX20Drifting Ghost ShipColonia
50Slag Blade(Feather)(Slag Part)XX20Drifting Ghost ShipThied
51Slag Core(Elixir)(Slag Part)XXX20Drifting Ghost Ship, Seat of EternityFlat Fish
52Slag Coin(Ancient Relic)(Antique)(Slag Part)X15Drifting Ghost Ship
53Slag Amber(Jewel)(Mystery)(Slag Part)XX20Drifting Ghost Ship, GeofrontBroken Item
54Mantis Blade(Animal)(Meat)XX20Scissor Beast family
55Boar Tusk(Animal)(Medic. Ing.)XX20Crystal ValleyBoar family
56Steel Fur(Animal)(Metal)(Thread)XX20Geofront
57Unknown Egg(Oil)X10Castle of Mirages, Woods of Eternal Night, Hidden ForestButterfly Lizard family
58Colseit Apple(Apple)(Aroma)(Fruit)X15
59Poison Apple(Apple)(Fruit)(Poison)X25Alchemy Rat
60Golden Apple(Apple)(Fruit)(Jewel)XXXX15Herb Garden, Geofront
61Anti-Bug Grass(Plant)(Smelly)X10Fertile Sea, Fertile Sea - Eastern AreaPoison Squirrel, Grass Element, Yellow Elemental
62Dusk Sea Sand(Sand)X10Fertile Sea, Fertile Sea - Eastern Area, Fertile Sea - Northern Area, Land of Fallen Stars, Lush Valley
63White Sand Powder(Sand)XX10Sandy Shore, Green Desert, Cape of the EndSand Rat
64Sand Crystal(Jewel)(Sand)XX15Eastern Sea of Smoke, Rotted Forest, Trade Ship Graveyard, Geofront, Drifting CemeterySalt Eater, Sand Rat
65Marble Rock Salt(Natural)(Sand)(Seasoning)XX15Crystal Valley, Hole of the DeadSalt Eater
66Stone Coral(Animal)(Antique)(Ore)XX15Sandy Shore, Green Desert
67Giant Triangular Fang(Animal)(Antique)(Ore)XX20Eastern Sea of Smoke, Trade Ship Graveyard, Cape of the End
68Giant Fossil(Animal)(Antique)(Mystery)(Ore)XX20Eastern Sea of Smoke, Rotted Forest, Trade Ship Graveyard, Crystal Valley, Geofront
69Hundred Color Shell(Animal)X15Crystal Valley, Tunnel of Plants, Hidden Cave
70Whale Whisker(Animal)(Thread)X15Altar of Spirits, Path to the Altar, Nomad Camp, The Furthest VillageUndertaker
71White Crest Fish(Fish)(Medic. Ing.)(Seasoning)X15Fishing
72Butterfly Fish(Fish)(Fuel)XX10Fishing
73Balloon Fish(Poison)XX25Fishing, Geofront
74Smech(Fish)(Mystery)XX20Geofront, Fishing
75Fish Lord(Elixir)(Fish)(Medic. Ing.)XXX15Geofront, Fishing with high effect bait at Green Desert
76Nectar Springwater(Elixir)(Liquid)(Medic. Ing.)(Water)X25GeofrontSupplement - White
77Dry Wood Chips(Fuel)(Lumber)XX10Drifting Ghost Ship, Green Desert, Lush ValleyTree Element
78Cactus Palm(Plant)(Vegetable)XXXX5Land of Fallen Stars, Solice Trade CampBitter Squirrel, Flower Element
79Ultramarine Root(Plant)(Vegetable)XX20Heaven's Vine, Heaven's Vine - Sapling, Heaven's Vine - Root Division
80Gravistone(Mystery)(Oil)(Ore)X25Castle of Mirages, Filled CaveDinosaur, Scissor Beast
81Dark Iron Ore(Ore)XX20Geofront, Drifting Cemetery, Hidden Forest, Hole of the Dead, Tunnel of PlantsPorter, Abyss Moler, Ghost Sect
82Holinica Ore(Ore)X30Castle of Mirages, Nomad Camp, Forest of Miracles, Abandoned Factory, Filled CaveCarrier, Dry Blade
83Leichester Meteorite Iron(Mystery)(Ore)XX20Eastern Sea of Smoke, Sandy Ruins, Rotted Forest, Land of Fallen StarsDeath Scissor
84Mountain Bird Feather(Animal)(Feather)X15Heaven's Vine, Castle of Mirages, Woods of Eternal Night
85Wind Rider Feather(Animal)(Feather)(Mystery)(Thread)X30Heaven's Vine, Heaven's Vine - Sapling, Geofront
86Evergreen Leaf(Plant)XX20Heaven's Vine, Heaven's Vine - Sapling, Heaven's Vine - Root Division, Seat of EternityGreen Element
87Glass Shards(Ancient Relic)(Antique)(Synthesis)XX10Drifting Ghost ShipMirage Element, Amethyst Rat
88Tsuchishinobi(Plant)X35Herb Garden, Woods of Eternal Night, Water Garden of Origins
89Old Treasure Chest(Ancient Relic)(Lumber)X30Drifting Ghost Ship, Spine Post, The Furthest Village, Hidden CaveAlchemy Rat
90Reaper's Kiss(Plant)(Poison)X40Hill of Silence, Drifting Ghost Ship
91Contaminated Water(Gunpowder)(Liquid)(Poison)(Water)XX5Land of the Dead, Facility RuinsHell Element
92Stink Bean(Grain)(Plant)(Smelly)XX10Land of the Dead, Hill of SilencePoison Squirrel
93Angel Hair(Natural)(Plant)(Poison)XX20Land of the Dead, Facility Ruins
94Firefly Grass(Plant)(Vegetable)XX10Herb Garden, Herb Garden - DepthsYellow Elemental
95Smoke Mushroom(Gas)(Smelly)(Vegetable)X15Drifting Ghost Ship, Geofront
96Dark Shoot(Fuel)(Vegetable)X20Land of the Dead, Geofront
97Mossy Driftwood(Lumber)XX20Forest of Miracles, Water Garden of Origins, Tunnel of Plants
98Lotus(Medic. Ing.)(Mystery)(Plant)XX15Altar of Spirits, Path to the Altar, Castle of Mirages, Forest of Miracles, Water Garden of OriginsGreen Element
99Star Core(Metal)XX15Sandy Ruins, Rotted Forest, Castle of Mirages, Drifting Cemetery, Filled CaveFlat Fish
100Ancient Tree Splinter(Elixir)(Lumber)XX15Crystal Valley, Castle of Mirages, GeofrontAncient Water
101Giant Scale(Animal)(Dragon Material)(Pelt)XX25Rotted Forest, Trade Ship Graveyard
102Permeating Toxin(Clay)(Fuel)(Poison)XX10Facility Ruins, Hill of SilenceHell Element
103White Lump(Oil)X15
104Ancient Stone(Ancient Relic)(Antique)(Ore)X15Castle of Mirages, Geofront, Abandoned Factory
105Phlogiston(Gunpowder)(Natural)X20Fertile Sea - Eastern Area, Sandy Shore, Lush ValleySand Spirit
106Aqua Light(Liquid)(Natural)X20Land of the Dead, Facility Ruins, Altar of Spirits, Path to the AltarDusk Spirit
107Wind Core(Gas)(Natural)X20Crystal Valley, Nomad CampAzure Spirit
108Glass Core(Ore)X20Drifting Cemetery, The Furthest Village, Forest of Miracles, Filled Cave, Hole of the DeadAmethys Rat, Amber Spirit
109Zemnite(Medic. Ing.)(Natural)XX15Heaven's Vine - Root Division, Herb Garden, Herb Garden - Depths, Geofront, Drifting CemeteryEmerald Ray
110Crystal Fragment(Ore)XX20Crystal Valley, Cape of the End, Hidden Cave, Sea of EternityMirage Element
111Melting Glass Shard(Ancient Relic)(Fuel)(Gunpowder)(Natural)XX15Castle of MiragesSand Walker
112Blazing Ore(Gunpowder)(Jewel)(Ore)XX20Castle of Mirages, Forgotten LaboratoryGatekeeper
113Silver Groundwater(Liquid)(Metal)XX10Geofront, Seat of EternityAbyss Moler
114Endangered Herb(Elixir)(Medic. Ing.)(Mystery)(Plant)XXX20Heaven's Vine - Root Division, Herb Garden, Geofront
115Time Flower(Ancient Power)(Elixir)(Plant)XXXX20Castle of Mirages, Seat of EternityEmbodiment of Nature, Phoenix of the Sea, Queen of Eternal Night
116Diamond Ore(Jewel)X40Path to the Altar, Castle of Mirages, Seat of Eternity, Geofront
117Enormous Tail(Dragon Material)(Meat)X40Geofront
118King's Wing(Dragon Material)(Meat)(Pelt)X40Geofront
119Dragon Core(Dragon Material)(Elixir)(Gunpowder)(Ore)XXXX20GeofrontMedical Foundation
120Pendelook(Jewel)(Mystery)XX10Drifting Ghost Ship, Castle of Mirages, GeofrontMedical Foundation
121Forgetful Grass(Elixir)(Plant)XX15Altar of Spirits, Path to the Altar, Castle of Mirages, Water Garden of Origins
122Dunkelheit(Elixir)(Medic. Ing.)(Mystery)(Plant)XXXX20Herb Garden, Seat of Eternity, Geofront
123Ancient Map(Antique)(Paper)X30Buy from Linca
124Sand Dragon Scale(Dragon Material)(Mystery)XXXX10Eastern Sea of SmokeSand Dragon
125Tidal Spear(Weapon - Broom)(Weapon - Longsword)(Weapon - Pile Driver)(Weapon - Twin Sword)X50Lord of Water
126Paper Scraps(Fuel)(Paper)X10Solice Trade Camp, Spine Post, Nomad Camp
127Elaborate Screw(Ancient Relic)(Antique)(Metal)X30Drifting Ghost Ship, Seat of Eternity, Geofront
128Old Stone(Ancient Relic)(Clay)(Metal)(Ore)X40Geofront, Seat of Eternity
129Ancient Gold Thread(Ancient Relic)(Natural)(Thread)X40Geofront, Seat of Eternity
130Ancient Water(Liquid)(Medic. Ing.)(Mystery)(Water)X40Geofront, Seat of Eternity
131Medical Foundation(Ancient Relic)(Elixir)(Medic. Ing.)(Oil)XX20Altar of Spirits, Path to the Altar, Castle of Mirages, Geofront
132Bad Water(Liquid)(Water)X5Barrels
133Cloth Scraps(Cloth)XX10Solice Trade Camp, Spine Post, Nomad Camp
134Broken Item(Synthesis)X5Disassemble into

Direct download link: shallie_materials.csv

Effects per Item

1CraftFire 11Physical DMG-S
2CraftFire 12Physical DMG-M
3CraftFire 13Physical DMG-L
4CraftWind 11Bursts
5CraftWind 12Explodes
6BombFire 11Fire DMG-S
7BombFire 12Fire DMG-M
8BombFire 13Fire DMG-L
9BombFire 21Burns
10BombWind 11Break Addition-S
11BombEarth 11Weak Poison
12BombEarth 12Defense Down-S
13Ice BombWater 11Water DMG-S
14Ice BombWater 12Water DMG-M
15Ice BombWater 13Water DMG-L
16Ice BombWater 21Speed Down-S
17Ice BombWater 22Speed Down-M
18Ice BombWind 11Reduces Evasion-S
19Ice BombWind 21Weakens Legs-S
20Lightning BombFire 11Weak Blindness
21Lightning BombFire 12Blindness
22Lightning BombWater 11Hinders Movement-S
23Lightning BombWater 12Hinders Movement-M
24Lightning BombWind 11Wind DMG-S
25Lightning BombWind 12Wind DMG-M
26Lightning BombWind 13Wind DMG-L
27Lightning BombEarth 11Attack Power Down-S
28Lightning BombEarth 12Attack Power Down-M
29UniWater 11MP Consume-S
30UniWater 12MP Consume-XS
31UniWind 11Poison
32UniWind 12Strong Poison
33UniEarth 11Earth DMG-S
34UniEarth 12Earth DMG-M
35UniEarth 13Earth DMG-L
36UniEarth 21Continuous DMG-M
37UniEarth 22Continuous DMG-L
38Lava CubeFire 11Rain of Fire
39Lava CubeFire 12Rain of Hellfire
40Lava CubeFire 13Rain of Magma
41Lava CubeFire 21Continuous DMG-S
42Lava CubeFire 22Continuous DMG-M
43Lava CubeWind 11Stray Bullets
44Lava CubeWind 12Shooting Stars
45Lava CubeEarth 11MP Consume-M
46Lava CubeEarth 12MP Consume-S
47Dimension BombFire 11Fire DMG-L
48Dimension BombFire 12Fire DMG-XL
49Dimension BombFire 13Flames of Hell
50Dimension BombWind 11MP Consume-XL
51Dimension BombWind 12MP Consume-L
52Dimension BombWind 13MP Consume-M
53Dimension BombEarth 11Severe Burns
54Dimension BombEarth 12Defense Down-L
55Electrical Discharge TubeFire 11MP Consume-S
56Electrical Discharge TubeWind 11Wind DMG-L
57Electrical Discharge TubeWind 12Wind DMG-XL
58Electrical Discharge TubeWind 13Thunder of Judgment
59Electrical Discharge TubeWind 21Intense Shock
60Electrical Discharge TubeWind 22Strong Blindness
61Electrical Discharge TubeEarth 11Weak to Ailments
62Electrical Discharge TubeEarth 12Weak to DMG
63GlobeFire 11Earth DMG-L
64GlobeFire 12Earth DMG-XL
65GlobeFire 13Force of Mountains
66GlobeWater 11Penetrating DMG
67GlobeWater 12Weakens Legs-M
68GlobeEarth 11MP Consume-M
69GlobeEarth 12MP Consume-S
70GlobeEarth 21Attack Power Down-L
71GlobeEarth 22Defense Down-L
72GlobeEarth 23Speed Down-L
73Glass RoseWater 11Water DMG-L
74Glass RoseWater 12Water DMG-XL
75Glass RoseWater 13Heavy Water
76Glass RoseWind 11MP Consume-M
77Glass RoseWind 12MP Consume-S
78Glass RoseWind 21Reduces Evasion-M
79Glass RoseWind 22Complete Freeze
80Glass RoseWind 23Reduces Evasion-S
81Glass RoseEarth 11Speed Down-M
82Glass RoseEarth 12Speed Down-L
83MeteorFire 11Physical DMG-L
84MeteorFire 12Physical DMG-XL
85MeteorFire 13Destruction Light
86MeteorWater 11MP Consume-L
87MeteorWater 12MP Consume-M
88MeteorWind 11Falling Stars
89MeteorEarth 11Break Addition-M
90MeteorEarth 12Causes Ailments
91Talisman of Ancient BeastsFire 11Opens Wounds-S
92Talisman of Ancient BeastsFire 12Opens Wounds-M
93Talisman of Ancient BeastsWater 11Reduces All Stats
94Talisman of Ancient BeastsWater 12Triple Handicap
95Talisman of Ancient BeastsWind 11MP Consume-XL
96Talisman of Ancient BeastsWind 12MP Consume-L
97Talisman of Ancient BeastsWind 13MP Consume-M
98Talisman of Ancient BeastsEarth 11Summon Beast King
99Shepherd's FluteWater 11MP Consume-XL
100Shepherd's FluteWater 12MP Consume-L
101Shepherd's FluteWind 11Commands the Herd
102Shepherd's FluteWind 12Commands the Horde
103Shepherd's FluteEarth 11Resonant DMG
104Shepherd's FluteEarth 21Weakens Legs_L
105Shepherd's FluteEarth 22Break Addition-XL
106Weight StoneFire 11Painful Attack
107Weight StoneFire 12Intense Attack
108Weight StoneFire 13Blackout Attack
109Weight StoneWind 11Quick Throw
110Weight StoneEarth 11Break Addition-S
111Weight StoneEarth 12Break Addition-M
112Weight StoneEarth 13Break Addition-L
113Weight StoneEarth 21Fixed DMG
114Weight StoneEarth 22Ignores Defense
115Weight StoneEarth 23Proportional DMG
116BarrelFire 11Barrel Impact
117BarrelFire 12Barrel Dynamite
118BarrelEarth 11Penetrating DMG
119BarrelEarth 12Defense Down-M
120BarrelEarth 21Break Addition-S
121BarrelEarth 22Break Addition-M
122BarrelEarth 23Break Addition-L
123Pumpkin DollFire 11Pumpkin Guard
124Pumpkin DollWater 11Reduces Stats-S
125Pumpkin DollWater 12Reduces Stats-M
126Pumpkin DollWater 13Reduces Stats-L
127Pumpkin DollWind 11Level Down-S
128Pumpkin DollWind 12Level Down-M
129Pumpkin DollWind 13Level Down-L
130Pumpkin DollWind 21MP Consume-L
131Pumpkin DollWind 22MP Consume-M
132Living Trash CanFire 11Steals Defense
133Living Trash CanFire 12Steals Speed
134Living Trash CanFire 13Steals Attack Power
135Living Trash CanWind 11Absorbs Stamina
136Living Trash CanWind 12Absorbs Soul
137Living Trash CanWind 13Absorbs All
138Living Trash CanEarth 11MP Consume-XL
139Living Trash CanEarth 12MP Consume-L
140Flying BoardFire 11Unstable DMG
141Flying BoardFire 12Hinders Movement-L
142Flying BoardFire 13Hits Vitals
143Flying BoardWind 11Successive Charge
144Flying BoardWind 21Blitzkrieg Special
145Flying BoardEarth 11Reduces Critical
146Flying BoardEarth 12Draws Attention
147Refuel PadsWater 11HP Recovery-XS
148Refuel PadsWater 12HP Recovery-S
149Refuel PadsWind 11HP Regen-XS
150Refuel PadsEarth 11Cure Poison
151Healing SalveWater 11HP Recovery-S
152Healing SalveWater 12HP Recovery-M
153Healing SalveWind 11Shortens Wait-S
154Healing SalveEarth 11Cure Weakness
155Herbal SoupFire 11Cold
156Herbal SoupFire 12Warm
157Herbal SoupWater 11HP Recovery-XS
158Herbal SoupWind 11MP Recovery-S
159Herbal SoupEarth 11HP Regen-XS
160Herbal SoupEarth 12HP Regen-S
161Apple TartEarth 11Eat and Recover-XS
162Apple TartEarth 12Eat and Recover-S
163Apple TartEarth 13Eat and Recover-M
164Apple TartEarth 21Fattening
165Apple TartEarth 22100% Fattening
166Apple TartEarth 23Instant Fattening
167Refresh MedicineWater 11Lighten Ailments-S
168Refresh MedicineWater 12Lighten Ailments-M
169Refresh MedicineWind 11MP Recovery-XS
170Buzzter NutsFire 11Eat and Recover-XS
171Buzzter NutsFire 12Eat and Recover-S
172Buzzter NutsWind 11MP Recovery-XS
173Stellard MedicineWater 11HP & MP Recovery-XS
174Stellard MedicineWater 12HP & MP Recovery-S
175Stellard MedicineWater 13HP & MP Recovery-M
176Stellard MedicineWater 21Bad Taste
177Stellard MedicineWater 22Nutritious
178Stellard MedicineWind 11HP Regen-S
179Stellard MedicineWind 12HP Regen-M
180Shelbani BreadFire 11Defense Up-S
181Shelbani BreadWind 11MP Recovery-S
182Shelbani BreadEarth 11Eat and Recover-S
183Shelbani BreadEarth 12Eat and Recover-M
184Shelbani BreadEarth 21Fattening
185Shelbani BreadEarth 22100% Fattening
186Shelbani BreadEarth 23Instant Fattening
187Healing AromaWater 11Refreshing
188Healing AromaWater 12Clears the Mind
189Healing AromaWater 13Awakening
190Healing AromaWind 11Recover KO-XS
191Healing AromaWind 12Recover KO-S
192Healing AromaWind 13Recover KO-M
193StellapearlEarth 11Eat and Recover-S
194StellapearlEarth 12Eat and Recover-M
195StellapearlEarth 21Fattening
196StellapearlEarth 22100% Fattening
197Medicine BreadWater 11Recover KO
198Medicine BreadWater 12Cure Poison
199Medicine BreadWater 13Cure Blindness
200Medicine BreadEarth 11Eat and Recover-XS
201Medicine BreadEarth 12Eat and Recover-S
202Medicine BreadEarth 13Eat and Recover-M
203Smoked MeatFire 11Bad Taste
204Smoked MeatFire 12Delicious
205Smoked MeatWater 11Eat and Recover-M
206Smoked MeatWater 12Eat and Recover-L
207Smoked MeatEarth 11Fattening
208Smoked MeatEarth 12100% Fattening
209Smoked MeatEarth 13Instant Fattening
210Golden Extract SoupFire 11Quick Digestion
211Golden Extract SoupWater 11Continuous Healing-S
212Golden Extract SoupWater 12Continuous Healing-M
213Golden Extract SoupWater 13Continuous Healing-L
214Golden Extract SoupEarth 11Nutritious
215Golden Extract SoupEarth 12Very Nutritious
216Golden Extract SoupEarth 21Eat and Recover-M
217Golden Extract SoupEarth 22Eat and Recover-L
218Golden Extract SoupEarth 23Eat and Recover-XL
219Media BookFire 11MP Recovery-S
220Media BookFire 12MP Recovery-M
221Media BookFire 13MP Recovery-L
222Media BookEarth 11Word of Healing
223Media BookEarth 12Power of Healing
224Media BookEarth 13Heal Incantation
225Fruit RationWater 11Delicious
226Fruit RationWater 12Very Nutritious
227Fruit RationWind 11Cures Vertigo
228Fruit RationEarth 11Eat and Recover-M
229Fruit RationEarth 12Eat and Recover-L
230Slag SoupWater 11Attack Power Up-S
231Slag SoupWater 12Attack Power Up-M
232Slag SoupWater 21Weak to Ailments
233Slag SoupWind 11Defense Up-S
234Slag SoupWind 12Defense Up-M
235Ritual PowderFire 11Lighten Ailments-S
236Ritual PowderFire 12Lighten Ailments-M
237Ritual PowderFire 13Lighten Ailments-L
238Ritual PowderWater 11Cure Weakness
239Ritual PowderWater 12Cure Blindness
240Ritual PowderWind 11Pep Up
241SP MedicineWater 11Automatic Revive-S
242SP MedicineWater 12Automatic Revive-M
243SP MedicineWater 13Automatic Revive-L
244SP MedicineWind 11Cures Vertigo
245SP MedicineWind 12Pep Up
246SP MedicineEarth 11HP & MP Recovery-L
247SP MedicineEarth 12Cure All
248SP MedicineEarth 13HP & MP Recovery-M
249Awakening MedicineFire 11Accuracy Up-S
250Awakening MedicineFire 12Accuracy Up-M
251Awakening MedicineFire 13Accuracy Up-L
252Awakening MedicineWind 11Evasion Up-S
253Awakening MedicineWind 12Evasion Up-M
254Awakening MedicineWind 13Evasion Up-L
255Dragon CupFire 11Dragon Power
256Dragon CupWater 11Recover KO-M
257Dragon CupWater 12Recover KO-L
258Dragon CupWater 13Recover KO-XL
259Dragon CupWater 21HP & MP Recovery-XL
260Slag EssenceWater 11HP to MP Convert
261Slag EssenceWater 12Doping
262Slag EssenceWater 21MP Consume-L
263Slag EssenceWater 22HP Consume-L
264Traveler's RationFire 11Quick Digestion
265Traveler's RationWater 11HP Regen-L
266Traveler's RationWater 12HP Regen-XL
267Traveler's RationWind 11Great Mood
268Traveler's RationWind 12Temp Stamina Up-L
269Traveler's RationEarth 11Eat and Recover-M
270Traveler's RationEarth 12Eat and Recover-L
271Traveler's RationEarth 13Eat and Recover-XL
272Goddess ShieldWind 11Goddess' Protect-S
273Goddess ShieldWind 12Goddess' Protect-M
274Goddess ShieldWind 13Goddess' Protect-L
275Goddess ShieldEarth 11Defense Up-M
276Goddess ShieldEarth 12Defense Up-L
277Healthy RationFire 11DMG Reduction-S
278Healthy RationFire 12Avoid KO
279Healthy RationWater 11Temp Stamina Up-S
280Healthy RationWater 12Temp Stamina Up-M
281Healthy RationEarth 11Eat and Recover-M
282Healthy RationEarth 12Eat and Recover-L
283Time WatchWater 11Cure Slow
284Time WatchWind 11Shortens Wait-S
285Time WatchWind 12Quicken Action
286Time WatchWind 13Shortens Wait-L
287Time WatchWind 21Speed Up-M
288Time WatchWind 22Speed Up-L
289Millionaire's Full CourseFire 11HP Regen-XXL
290Millionaire's Full CourseWater 11Automatic Revive-L
291Millionaire's Full CourseWater 12Lighten Ailments-M
292Millionaire's Full CourseWater 13Cure All
293Millionaire's Full CourseEarth 11Eat and Recover-L
294Millionaire's Full CourseEarth 12Eat and Recover-XL
295Millionaire's Full CourseEarth 13Eat and Recover-XXL
296Millionaire's Full CourseEarth 21Instant Fattening
297Millionaire's Full CourseEarth 22100% Fattening
298Angel PowderFire 11Blessing of Warriors
299Angel PowderFire 12Blessing of Heroes
300Angel PowderFire 13Blessing of Gods
301Angel PowderWater 11Divine Protect-S
302Angel PowderWater 12Divine Protect-M
303Angel PowderWater 13Divine Protect-L
304Angel PowderWind 11Attack Power Up-L
305Medicine of the Four BeastsFire 11Four Beasts' Power
306Medicine of the Four BeastsFire 12All Stats Up-L
307Medicine of the Four BeastsFire 13Forbidden Power
308Medicine of the Four BeastsWind 11Crit Increase-S
309Medicine of the Four BeastsWind 12Crit Increase-L
310Medicine of the Four BeastsWind 13Crit Increase-M
311Medicine of the Four BeastsWind 21Crit PWR Increase-S
312Medicine of the Four BeastsWind 22Crit PWR Increase-M
313Medicine of the Four BeastsWind 23Crit PWR Increase-L
314Dragon's SecretFire 11Dragon Power
315Dragon's SecretFire 12Great Dragon Power
316Dragon's SecretWater 11All Stats Up-S
317Dragon's SecretWater 12All Stats Up-M
318ElixirWater 11MP Recovery-XXL
319ElixirWater 12MP Recovery-XL
320ElixirWater 13MP Recovery-L
321ElixirWater 21Undead Power
322ElixirWater 22Recover KO-L
323ElixirWind 11Lighten Ailments-L
324ElixirWind 12Cure All
325ElixirEarth 11HP Recovery-L
326ElixirEarth 12HP Recovery-XL
327ElixirEarth 13HP Recovery-XXL
328Fruit TartFire 11Quick Digestion
329Fruit TartEarth 11Eat and Recover-S
330Fruit TartEarth 12Eat and Recover-M
331Fruit TartEarth 21HP Regen-S
332Fruit TartEarth 22HP Regen-M
333Stone CoinFire 11Ultimate Life Energy
334Stone CoinFire 12Ultimate Mental Energy
335Stone CoinFire 13Ultimate Power
336Stone CoinEarth 11Ultimate Fire Resistance
337Stone CoinEarth 12Ultimate Water Resistance
338Heart of FireFire 11Ultimate Power
339Heart of FireFire 12UltimateSkill
340Heart of FireFire 13Ultimate Critical Hit
341Heart of FireWater 11Ultimate Wind Resistance
342Heart of FireWater 12Ultimate Earth Resistance
343Planet SphereWater 11Ultimate MP Drain
344Planet SphereWater 12Ultimate Dexterity
345Planet SphereWater 13Ultimate Resis Power
346Planet SphereEarth 11Ultimate Assist
347Planet SphereEarth 12Ultimate Dodge
348Chronicle ShieldWind 11Ultimate Regen
349Chronicle ShieldWind 12Ultimate Movement
350Chronicle ShieldEarth 11Ultimate Accuracy
351Chronicle ShieldEarth 12Ultimate Break
352Escape JewelWater 11Ultimate Energy
353Escape JewelWater 12Ultimate Reduction
354Escape JewelWater 13Ultimate Resistance
355Escape JewelWind 11Ultimate Burst
356Escape JewelWind 12Ultimate Explosion
357Thunder OutfitFire 11Ultimate Attack
358Thunder OutfitFire 12Ultimate Defense
359Thunder OutfitFire 13Ultimate Action
360Thunder OutfitWind 11Ultimate Growth
361Thunder OutfitWind 12Ultimate Comeback
362Thunder OutfitWind 13Ultimate Toughness
363Divine SoulWind 11Ultimate Assist Speed
364Divine SoulWind 12Ultimate Revive
365Divine SoulEarth 11Ultimate Evolution
366Divine SoulEarth 12Ultimate Fastness
367Leather GlovesFire 11Defense +5
368Leather GlovesFire 12Hard Leather
369Leather GlovesWater 11Easy to Use Strength
370Leather GlovesWind 11Increases Dexterity
371Leather BootsFire 11Movement of Acrobats
372Leather BootsWater 11Speed +5
373Leather BootsWater 12Speed +10
374Leather BootsWater 13Speed +15
375Aroma PouchFire 11Weakens Conditions
376Aroma PouchWater 11Nullify Poison
377Aroma PouchWater 12Mitigates Ailments
378Aroma PouchWind 11Soothing Fragrance
379Aroma PouchEarth 11Stun Recovery
380Aroma PouchEarth 12Fast Stun Recovery
381Angel RibbonFire 11Angel Blessing
382Angel RibbonFire 12Ancient Gods Blessing
383Angel RibbonWater 11Nullify One Hit KO
384Angel RibbonWater 12Nullify Blindness
385Angel RibbonWater 13Nullify All
386Angel RibbonWind 11Weakens Conditions
387Feather OrnamentWater 11Power of Growth
388Feather OrnamentWater 12Blessing of Feathers
389Feather OrnamentWater 13Awakening of Wings
390Feather OrnamentWind 11Draws Attention
391Feather OrnamentWind 12Hard to Notice
392Feather OrnamentWind 21Evade Attack-S
393Feather OrnamentWind 22Evade Attack-M
394Feather OrnamentWind 23Evade Attack-L
395Blue Crystal RingFire 11Crystal Protection
396Blue Crystal RingWater 11Endow Fire Resist
397Blue Crystal RingWater 12Endow Water Resist
398Blue Crystal RingWind 11Endow Wind Resist
399Blue Crystal RingWind 12Endow Earth Resist
400GauntletFire 11Attack Power +5
401GauntletFire 12Attack Power +10
402GauntletFire 13Attack Power +15
403GauntletEarth 11Heavy Strikes
404GauntletEarth 12Hard Hits
405GauntletEarth 13Super Heavy Followup
406Metal BootsEarth 11Defense +5
407Metal BootsEarth 12Defense +10
408Metal BootsEarth 13Defense +15
409Metal BootsEarth 21Strong on Impacts
410Metal BootsEarth 22Resists Impacts
411Metal BootsEarth 23Overcomes Impacts
412Spirit BeltFire 11Spirit into Strength
413Spirit BeltFire 12Life into Strength
414Spirit BeltFire 13Time into Strength
415Spirit BeltWater 11Band of Circulation
416Spirit BeltWater 12Power of Blessings
417Spirit BeltWind 11Awakening of Samsara
418Gunade RingFire 11Strength
419Gunade RingFire 12Herculean Strength
420Gunade RingWind 11Speed
421Gunade RingWind 12Godspeed
422Gunade RingEarth 11Protection
423Gunade RingEarth 12Divine Protection
424Glass TiaraFire 11Magician Blessing
425Glass TiaraWater 11Wisdom of Experts
426Glass TiaraWater 12Wisdom of Sages
427Glass TiaraWind 11Brings Success
428Glass TiaraEarth 11Enhance Skill-S
429Brother CallFire 11Enhance Substitution
430Brother CallFire 12Cooperation Knowledge
431Brother CallFire 13Cooperation Mastery
432Brother CallWater 11Prayer for Harmony
433Brother CallWind 11Resonating Bell
434Brother CallWind 12Harmonizing Bell
435Brother CallEarth 11Fast Assist Recovery
436Brother CallEarth 12Up Explosive Power
437Gold Coin of FortuneFire 11Seal of Relief
438Gold Coin of FortuneFire 12Seal of Great Repose
439Gold Coin of FortuneWater 11Seal of Meditation
440Gold Coin of FortuneWater 12Seal of Concentration
441Gold Coin of FortuneWind 11Avoid KO-M
442Gold Coin of FortuneWind 12Avoid KO-S
443Gold Coin of FortuneEarth 11Critical-S
444Gold Coin of FortuneEarth 12Critical-M
445Gold Coin of FortuneEarth 13Critical-L
446Dragon ShieldFire 11Fighting Spirit-S
447Dragon ShieldFire 12Fighting Spirit-M
448Dragon ShieldFire 13Fighting Spirit-L
449Dragon ShieldFire 21More Explosive Power
450Dragon ShieldFire 22Up Explosive Power
451Dragon ShieldWater 11Tranquil Spirit
452Dragon ShieldWater 12Hot Fighting Spirit
453Treasure GrimoireFire 11Ultimate Mastery
454Treasure GrimoireWater 11Scholar's Mentality
455Treasure GrimoireWater 12Sage's Mentality
456Treasure GrimoireWind 11Enhance Skill-L
457Treasure GrimoireWind 12Enhance Skill-M
458Treasure GrimoireEarth 11Master of Bargains
459Treasure GrimoireEarth 12Master of Studies
460Treasure GrimoireEarth 13Master of Misers
461Ancient Power BeltFire 11DMG Cut-XS
462Ancient Power BeltFire 12Challenger's Spirit
463Ancient Power BeltWater 11Strong Predicament
464Ancient Power BeltWind 11Quick ATK Knowledge
465Ancient Power BeltWind 12Quick ATK Mystery
466Ancient Power BeltEarth 11Resist Gravity
467Ancient Power BeltEarth 12Super Resist Gravity
468One Angle MascaraFire 11Awakens the Body
469One Angle MascaraFire 12Awakens Body & Mind
470One Angle MascaraWater 11Tempers the Body
471One Angle MascaraWater 12Tempers the Being
472One Angle MascaraWind 11Tempers the Heart
473One Angle MascaraWind 12Tempers the Mind
474One Angle MascaraEarth 11Tempers the Spirit
475Meteor GlovesFire 11Attack Power +15
476Meteor GlovesFire 12Attack Power +20
477Meteor GlovesFire 13Attack Power +25
478Meteor GlovesWater 11Speed Specialization
479Meteor GlovesWater 12Defense Specialize
480Meteor GlovesWater 13Attack Specialization
481Meteor GlovesWind 11Hits Vitals
482Meteor GlovesWind 12Attack Power +25
483Meteor GlovesEarth 11Heavy Strikes
484Meteor GlovesEarth 12Hard Hits
485Meteor BootsWater 11Tireless Legs
486Meteor BootsWind 11Fast Action
487Meteor BootsWind 12Quick Action
488Meteor BootsEarth 11Strong on Impacts
489Meteor BootsEarth 12Resists Impacts
490Meteor BootsEarth 21Defense +25
491Meteor BootsEarth 22Speed +25
492Mirage TalismanFire 11Soul Change
493Mirage TalismanFire 12Soul Enhancement
494Mirage TalismanFire 13Soul Evolution
495Mirage TalismanFire 21Explosive Power
496Mirage TalismanWind 11Protection of Mirages
497Mirage TalismanWind 12Awakening of Souls
498Mirage TalismanWind 21Enhance Crit-M
499Mirage TalismanWind 22Enhance Crit-L
500Mirage TalismanWind 23Enhance Crit-XL
501Plant FertilizerWater 11Becomes good ING?
502Plant FertilizerWater 12Becomes amazing ING?
503Plant FertilizerEarth 11Increases Resources
504Demon Warding CharmEarth 11Obliterate Monsters
505Dowsing RodEarth 11Discover Good Relic?
506Dowsing RodEarth 12Discover Great Relic?
507Mysterious MonocleEarth 11Survey Eff. Up
508Mysterious MonocleEarth 12Survey Eff. Up-L
509Travel GateWind 11Return to Base
510Handmade BaitWater 11Can Catch Fish
511Shelbani FlourNone1None
512Dried HerbsNone1None
513Plant OilNone1None
515Handspun Rabbit YarnNone1None

Direct download link: shallie_effects.csv

Effects Descriptions

1Physical DMG-SDeals physical damage. Physical damage is affected by the target's defense value.
2Physical DMG-MDeals moderate physical damage. Physical damage is affected by the target's defense value.
3Physical DMG-LDeals strong physical damage. Physical damage is affected by the target's defense value.
4Absorbs StaminaDeals moderate physical damage. Physical damage is affected by the target's defense value.
5Absorbs SoulDeals moderate physical damage. Physical damage is affected by the target's defense value.
6Absorbs AllDeals physical damage. Physical damage is affected by the target's defense value.
7Fire DMG-SDeals fire damage. Fire damage is affected by the target's fire resistance.
8Fire DMG-MDeals moderate fire damage. Fire damage is affected by the target's fire resistance.
9Fire DMG-LDeals strong fire damage. Fire damage is affected by the target's fire resistance.
10Water DMG-SDeals water damage. Water damage is affected by the target's water resistance.
11Water DMG-MDeals moderate water damage. Water damage is affected by the target's water resistance.
12Water DMG-LDeals strong water damage. Water damage is affected by the target's water resistance.
13Wind DMG-SDeals wind damage. Wind damage is affected by the target's wind resistance.
14Wind DMG-MDeals moderate wind damage. Wind damage is affected by the target's wind resistance.
15Wind DMG-LDeals strong wind damage. Wind damage is affected by the target's wind resistance.
16Earth DMG-SDeals earth damage. Earth damage is affected by the target's earth resistance.
17Earth DMG-MDeals moderate earth damage. Earth damage is affected by the target's earth resistance.
18Earth DMG-LDeals strong earth damage. Earth damage is affected by the target's earth resistance.
19Rain of FireCauses a rain of fire, dealing fire damage to the target. This effect occurs a set number of times during battle.
20Rain of HellfireCauses a rain of hellfire, dealing fire damage to the target. This effect occurs a set number of times during battle.
21Rain of MagmaCauses a rain of magma, dealing fire damage to the target. This effect occurs a set number of times during battle.
22Physical DMG-XLDeals extremely strong physical damage. Physical damage is affected by the target's defense value.
23Fire DMG-XLDeals extremely strong fire damage. Fire damage is affected by the target's fire resistance.
24Wind DMG-XLDeals extremely strong wind damage. Wind damage is affected by the target's wind resistance.
25Water DMG-XLDeals extremely strong water damage. Water damage is affected by the target's water resistance.
26Earth DMG-XLDeals extremely strong earth damage. Earth damage is affected by the target's earth resistance.
27Destruction LightDeals the highest level of physical damage. Physical damage is affected by the target's defense value.
28Flames of HellDeals the highest level of fire damage. Fire damage is affected by the target's fire resistance.
29Heavy WaterDeals the highest level of water damage. Also, the larger the target, the greater the effect.
30Thunder of JudgmentDeals the highest level of wind damage. Wind damage is affected by the target's wind resistance.
31Force of MountainsDeals the highest level of earth damage. Also, the larger the target, the greater the effect.
32Falling StarsSummons enormous star-like objects, crashing them down to deal damage. This effect persists for some time once activated.
33Summon Beast KingBorrows the strength of the King of Beastmen, unleashing a powerful attack.
34Commands the HerdSummons a herd of Food Rabbits out of nowhere, trampling the enemy for great damage.
35Commands the HordeSummons a horde of Food Rabbits out of nowhere, trampling the enemy for huge damage.
36Pumpkin GuardSummons a pumpkin monster and orders it to attack, dealing fire damage for a period of time.
37Blitzkrieg SpecialPerforms a blitz attack against the enemy using a Flying Board, dealing huge damage.
38Painful AttackUses a pickling weight stone to perform a painful physical attack.
39Intense AttackUses a pickling weight stone to perform an intensely painful physical attack.
40Blackout AttackUses a pickling weight stone to perform an unendurably painful physical attack.
41Barrel ImpactCrashes a hard barrel into the target to deal large damage.
42Barrel DynamiteCrashes a ridiculously hard barrel into the target to deal extremely large damage.
43BurstsBursts open, dealing minute physical damage to the target. Its power is extremely small.
44ExplodesExplodes, dealing physical damage to the target. Its power is small.
45Successive ChargeThis high speed charge has a very low chance of allowing for another consecutive turn.
46Complete FreezeFreezes the target with extreme cold, pushing back their turn. The power of this effect is reduced every time it is used, until the target takes a turn.
47Intense ShockAn intense electrical shock reduces the target's HP by a small amount. The amount reduced depends on the target's max HP.
48BurnsBurns deal continuous damage. The effect is fairly small.
49Severe BurnsSevere burns deal continuous damage. The effect is large.
50Fixed DMGDeals fixed damage, not affected by the target's defense. The power is very small.
51Penetrating DMGDeals fixed damage, not affected by the target's defense. The power is small.
52Ignores DefenseDeals fixed damage, not affected by the target's defense. The power is large.
53Proportional DMGDeals fixed damage, not affected by the target's defense. The power is very large.
54Unstable DMGDeals fixed damage, not affected by the target's defense. The power is very large, but the variation is also large.
55Stray BulletsThe rain of fire also causes stray fragments to fly about, dealing fixed additional damage to the target.
56Shooting StarsThe rain of fire also causes shooting stars to fly about, dealing large fixed additional damage to the target.
57Reduces All StatsReduces all stat values of the target by a large amount.
58Triple HandicapHas a set chance to inflict poison, blindness, and weakness to the target.
59Quick ThrowCan be thrown quickly, reducing wait time after using the item.
60Steals Attack PowerReduces the target's attack power, and temporarily increases the user's attack power by the amount reduced.
61Steals DefenseReduces the target's defense, and temporarily increases the user's defense by the amount reduced.
62Steals SpeedReduces the target's speed, and temporarily increases the user's speed by the amount reduced.
63Break Addition-SIncreases Break effect inflicted on the target. However, this effect is distributed if multiple targets are hit.
64Break Addition-MModerately increases Break effect inflicted on the target. However, this effect is distributed if multiple targets are hit.
65Break Addition-LGreatly increases Break effect inflicted on the target. However, this effect is distributed if multiple targets are hit.
66Break Addition-XLVastly increases Break effect inflicted on the target. However, this effect is distributed if multiple targets are hit.
67Hinders Movement-SPushes the target's turn back by a small amount. The power of this effect is reduced every time it is used, until the target takes a turn.
68Hinders Movement-MPushes the target's turn back by a fair amount. The power of this effect is reduced every time it is used, until the target takes a turn.
69Hinders Movement-LPushes the target's turn back by a large amount. The power of this effect is reduced every time it is used, until the target takes a turn.
70Attack Power Down-SReduces attack power of the target by a small amount.
71Attack Power Down-MReduces attack power of the target.
72Attack Power Down-LReduces attack power of the target by a large amount.
73Defense Down-SReduces defense of the target by a small amount.
74Defense Down-MReduces defense of the target.
75Defense Down-LReduces defense of the target by a large amount.
76Speed Down-SReduces speed of the target by a small amount.
77Speed Down-MReduces speed of the target.
78Speed Down-LReduces speed of the target by a large amount.
79Weak BlindnessHas a set chance to inflict blindness on the target. The effect is small. Blindness reduces attack hit chance and evasion chance.
80BlindnessHas a set chance to inflict blindness on the target. The effect is moderate. Blindness reduces attack hit chance and evasion chance.
81Strong BlindnessHas a set chance to inflict blindness on the target. The effect is large. Blindness reduces attack hit chance and evasion chance.
82Weak PoisonHas a set chance to inflict poison on the target. The effect is small. Poison deals damage to the target on every turn.
83PoisonHas a set chance to inflict poison on the target. The effect is moderate. Poison deals damage to the target on every turn.
84Strong PoisonHas a set chance to inflict poison on the target. The effect is large. Poison deals damage to the target on every turn.
85Level Down-SReduces the target's level by a small amount. Reduced level reduces all stats, as well as damage inflicted.
86Level Down-MReduces the target's level. Reduced level reduces all stats, as well as damage inflicted.
87Level Down-LReduces the target's level by a large amount. Reduced level reduces all stats, as well as damage inflicted.
88Weakens Legs-SHas a set chance to inflict slow on the target. The effect is small. Slow increases wait time after taking turns by a fixed amount.
89Weakens Legs-MHas a set chance to inflict slow on the target. The effect is moderate. Slow increases wait time after taking turns by a fixed amount.
90Weakens Legs-LHas a set chance to inflict slow on the target. The effect is large. Slow increases wait time after taking turns by a fixed amount.
91Reduces Stats-SHas a set chance to inflict weakness on the target. The effect is small. Weakness greatly reduces the effectiveness of skills.
92Reduces Stats-MHas a set chance to inflict weakness on the target. The effect is moderate. Weakness greatly reduces the effectiveness of skills.
93Reduces Stats-LHas a set chance to inflict weakness on the target. The effect is large. Weakness greatly reduces the effectiveness of skills.
94Causes AilmentsHas a set chance to inflict status ailments on the target. 1 of the following effects will occur: poison, blindness, slow, or weakness.
95Reduces CriticalReduces the target's chance to score a critical hit.
96Draws AttentionGreatly increases the chance that enemies will decide to attack the user of this effect.
97Opens Wounds-SDeals continuous damage to the target. The damage inflicted by this effect grows as the target's remaining HP decreases.
98Opens Wounds-MDeals continuous damage to the target. The damage inflicted by this effect grows greatly as the target's remaining HP decreases.
99Continuous DMG-SDeals continuous damage to the target. The effect is small, and the number of turns is short.
100Continuous DMG-MDeals continuous damage to the target. The effect is moderate, and the number of turns is short.
101Continuous DMG-LDeals continuous damage to the target. The effect is large, and the number of turns is short.
102DMG Absorb-SDeals physical damage to the target, and returns a portion of damage dealt as HP to the user.
103Reduces Evasion-SReduces the target's evasion chance.
104Reduces Evasion-MGreatly reduces the target's evasion chance.
105Weak to AilmentsIncreases the effectiveness of status conditions on the target. This effect does not increase the chance to inflict conditions.
106Weak to DMGIncreases damage value done to the target by a set ratio. This is not cumulative, and only affects the highest effect.
107Resonant DMGDeals physical damage to the target. This effect is greatly increased proportional to the number of enemies within range of the target.
108Word of HealingRestores the target's HP. The lower the character's remaining HP, the bigger the effect, but the default effect is small.
109Power of HealingRestores the target's HP. The lower the character's remaining HP, the bigger the effect, but the default effect is fairly small.
110Heal IncantationRestores the target's HP. The lower the character's remaining HP, the bigger the effect, but the default effect is moderate.
111Dragon PowerCarry the power of dragons within the body temporarily, increasing level by a fair amount. Higher level increases attack power and speed.
112Great Dragon PowerCarry the power of great dragons within the body temporarily, increasing level. Higher level increases attack power and speed.
113Four Beasts' PowerCarry the power of the 4 Great Beasts within the body temporarily, increasing level by a large amount. Higher level increases attack power and speed.
114Undead PowerIf the target of this effect is KO'd, they will automatically recover on their next turn.
115HP Recovery-XSThe target recovers a minute amount of HP.
116HP Recovery-SThe target recovers a small amount of HP.
117HP Recovery-MThe target recovers HP.
118HP Recovery-LThe target recovers a large amount of HP.
119HP Recovery-XLThe target recovers a great amount of HP.
120HP Recovery-XXLThe target recovers a huge amount of HP.
121MP Recovery-XSThe target recovers a minute amount of MP.
122MP Recovery-SThe target recovers a small amount of MP.
123MP Recovery-MThe target recovers MP.
124MP Recovery-LThe target recovers a large amount of MP.
125MP Recovery-XLThe target recovers a great amount of MP.
126MP Recovery-XXLThe target recovers a huge amount of MP.
127Recover KO-XSThe target recovers from KO, and a minute amount of HP.
128Recover KO-SThe target recovers from KO, and a small amount of HP.
129Recover KO-MThe target recovers from KO, and some HP.
130Recover KO-LThe target recovers from KO, and a large amount of HP.
131Recover KO-XLThe target recovers from KO, and a great amount of HP.
132Continuous Healing-SThe target recovers a small amount of HP on the next turn.
133Continuous Healing-MThe target recovers HP on the next turn.
134Continuous Healing-LThe target recovers a large amount of HP on the next turn.
135Eat and Recover-XSThe target recovers a minute amount of HP. The amount recovered increases with higher maximum HP.
136Eat and Recover-SThe target recovers a small amount of HP. The amount recovered increases with higher maximum HP.
137Eat and Recover-MThe target recovers HP. The amount recovered increases with higher maximum HP.
138Eat and Recover-LThe target recovers a large amount of HP. The amount recovered increases with higher maximum HP.
139Eat and Recover-XLThe target recovers a great amount of HP. The amount recovered increases with higher maximum HP.
140Eat and Recover-XXLThe target recovers a huge amount of HP. The amount recovered increases with higher maximum HP.
141Automatic Revive-SAfter being KO'd, the target automatically revives on their next turn. HP recovered during revival is small.
142Automatic Revive-MAfter being KO'd, the target automatically revives on their next turn. HP recovered during revival is moderate.
143Automatic Revive-LAfter being KO'd, the target automatically revives on their next turn. HP recovered during revival is fairly large.
144Avoid KOIf the target is KO'd, they automatically revive on their next turn.
145Lighten Ailments-SLightens the effects of status conditions by a small amount.
146Lighten Ailments-MLightens the effects of status conditions by a fair amount.
147Lighten Ailments-LLightens the effects of status conditions by a decent amount.
148Recover KOThe target recovers from KO.
149Cure PoisonThe target recovers from poison.
150Cure BlindnessThe target recovers from blindness.
151Cure WeaknessThe target recovers from weakness.
152Cure SlowThe target recovers from slow.
153Cure AllThe target recovers from all status conditions.
154RefreshingCauses a refreshing feeling, recovering a tiny amount of Break value.
155Clears the MindClears the mind, recovering a small amount of Break value.
156AwakeningAwakens the mind, recovering a fair amount of Break value.
157Cures VertigoCures vertigo, recovering Break value.
158Pep UpCompletely peps up the user, recovering a large amount of Break value.
159Great MoodCauses a great mood, recovering a huge amount of Break value.
160Goddess' Protect-STemporarily reduces physical damage received by the target. The effect is small.
161Goddess' Protect-MTemporarily reduces physical damage received by the target. The effect is moderate.
162Goddess' Protect-LTemporarily reduces physical damage received by the target. The effect is fairly large.
163HP & MP Recovery-XSThe target recovers a slight amount of HP and MP.
164HP & MP Recovery-SThe target recovers a small amount of HP and MP.
165HP & MP Recovery-MThe target recovers HP and MP.
166HP & MP Recovery-LThe target recovers a large amount of HP and MP.
167HP & MP Recovery-XLThe target recovers a great amount of HP and MP.
168Bad TasteA horrible taste causes pain, dealing damage.
169DeliciousDeliciously recovers a small amount of HP.
170FatteningCertain nutrients that could cause certain effects when eaten are in here.
171100% FatteningCertain nutrients that will definitely cause certain effects when eaten are in here.
172Instant FatteningCertain nutrients in this cause instantaneous effects when eaten.
173Quick DigestionThis is digested immediately when eaten, causing no effects on the body whatsoever.
174Forbidden PowerGreatly increases all stats of the target. However, their maximum HP will also be temporarily reduced.
175HP Regen-XSRegenerates a minute amount of HP on the target each turn. The effect lasts for 3 turns.
176HP Regen-SRegenerates a small amount of HP on the target each turn. The effect lasts for 3 turns.
177HP Regen-MRegenerates HP on the target each turn. The effect lasts for 3 turns.
178HP Regen-LRegenerates a large amount of HP on the target each turn. The effect lasts for 3 turns.
179HP Regen-XLRegenerates a great amount of HP on the target each turn. The effect lasts for 3 turns.
180HP Regen-XXLRegenerates a huge amount of HP on the target each turn. The effect lasts for 3 turns.
181Shortens Wait-SReduces the wait time after the target's next turn by a small amount.
182Shortens Wait-LReduces the wait time after the target's next turn by a fair amount.
183DopingTemporarily increases level, increasing attack power and speed. This increase grows against higher level enemies.
184HP to MP ConvertConsumes HP to greatly restore MP.
185Divine Protect-SReduces the effectiveness of the next attack the target receives.
186Divine Protect-MGreatly reduces the effectiveness of the next attack the target receives.
187Divine Protect-LMassively reduces the effectiveness of the next attack the target receives.
188Temp Stamina Up-SIncreases the target's maximum HP value during battle. The effect is small.
189Temp Stamina Up-MIncreases the target's maximum HP value during battle. The effect is moderate.
190Temp Stamina Up-LIncreases the target's maximum HP value during battle. The effect is large.
191NutritiousNutritious and flavorful, increasing all stat values by a small amount.
192Very NutritiousFull of nutrients and flavor, increasing all stat values.
193MP Consume-XSConsumes a minute amount of MP. The effect is weakened if there is not enough MP.
194MP Consume-SConsumes a small amount of MP. The effect is weakened if there is not enough MP.
195MP Consume-MConsumes MP. The effect is weakened if there is not enough MP.
196MP Consume-LConsumes a large amount of MP. The effect is weakened if there is not enough MP.
197MP Consume-XLConsumes a huge amount of MP. The effect is weakened if there is not enough MP.
198HP Consume-LConsumes a large amount of HP. The amount consumed depends on maximum HP.
199Attack Power Up-SIncreases the target's attack power by a small amount. The effect lasts for 5 turns.
200Attack Power Up-MIncreases the target's attack power. The effect lasts for 5 turns.
201Attack Power Up-LIncreases the target's attack power by a large amount. The effect lasts for 5 turns.
202Speed Up-SIncreases the target's speed by a small amount. The effect lasts for 5 turns.
203Speed Up-MIncreases the target's speed. The effect lasts for 5 turns.
204Speed Up-LIncreases the target's speed by a large amount. The effect lasts for 5 turns.
205Defense Up-SIncreases the target's defense by a small amount. The effect lasts for 5 turns.
206Defense Up-MIncreases the target's defense. The effect lasts for 5 turns.
207Defense Up-LIncreases the target's defense by a large amount. The effect lasts for 5 turns.
208All Stats Up-SIncreases all of the target's stats by a small amount. The effect lasts for 5 turns.
209All Stats Up-MIncreases all of the target's stats. The effect lasts for 5 turns.
210All Stats Up-LIncreases all of the target's stats by a large amount. The effect lasts for 5 turns.
211Evasion Up-SIncreases the target's evasion rate by a small amount. The effect lasts for 5 turns.
212Evasion Up-MIncreases the target's evasion rate. The effect lasts for 5 turns.
213Evasion Up-LIncreases the target's evasion rate by a large amount. The effect lasts for 5 turns.
214Accuracy Up-SIncreases the target's accuracy by a small amount. The effect lasts for 5 turns.
215Accuracy Up-MIncreases the target's accuracy. The effect lasts for 5 turns.
216Accuracy Up-LIncreases the target's accuracy by a large amount. The effect lasts for 5 turns.
217Quicken ActionMoves the target's turn ahead by a small amount.
218ColdColdness dulls the body, reducing the target's speed by a small amount.
219WarmWarms the body, increasing the target's speed by a small amount.
220Blessing of WarriorsAll of the target's stat values increase for the duration of the battle. This increase grows when fighting stronger enemies.
221Blessing of HeroesAll of the target's stat values increase for the duration of the battle. This increase grows greatly when fighting stronger enemies.
222Blessing of GodsAll of the target's stat values increase for the duration of the battle. This increase grows immensely when fighting stronger enemies.
223DMG Reduction-SReduces the amount of physical damage taken by the target by a fixed proportion. The effect is small.
224Crit Increase-SIncreases the target's critical hit chance by a small amount.
225Crit Increase-MIncreases the target's critical hit chance by a fair amount.
226Crit Increase-LIncreases the target's critical hit chance by a large amount.
227Crit PWR Increase-SIncreases the damage bonus when the target scores a critical hit by a small amount.
228Crit PWR Increase-MIncreases the damage bonus when the target scores a critical hit by a fair amount.
229Crit PWR Increase-LIncreases the damage bonus when the target scores a critical hit by a large amount.
230Becomes Good Ing.?Increases the chances of finding better materials in the field.
231Becomes Amazing Ing.?Greatly increases the chances of finding better materials in the field.
232Increases ResourcesIncreases the number of materials obtained when gathering in the field.
233Discover Good Relic?Increases the chances of finding better relics in the field.
234Discover Great Relic?Greatly increases the chances of finding better relics in the field.
235Survey Eff. UpIncreases the field gauge by 25%.
236Survey Eff. Up-LIncreases the field gauge by 50%.
237Return to BaseInstantly return to the workshop upon use.
238Can Catch FishAllows you to catch fish in waters where fish are present.
239DMG Absorb-MAbsorb a portion of damage dealt to the target to restore HP. The effect is fairly small.
240DMG Absorb-LAbsorb a portion of damage dealt to the target to restore HP. The effect is decent.
241DMG Absorb-XLAbsorb a portion of damage dealt to the target to restore HP. The effect is large.
242Enhance Break-SIncreases the Break value when attacking enemies by a small amount.
243Enhance Break-MIncreases the Break value when attacking enemies by a fair amount.
244Enhance Break-LIncreases the Break value when attacking enemies.
245Enhance Break-XLIncreases the Break value when attacking enemies by a large amount.
246Enhance Burst-SEnhances the damage bonus during Bursts. Damage increases by 5%.
247Enhance Burst-MEnhances the damage bonus during Bursts. Damage increases by 6%.
248Enhance Burst-LEnhances the damage bonus during Bursts. Damage increases by 8%.
249Enhance Burst-XLEnhances the damage bonus during Bursts. Damage increases by 10%.
250Burst Bonus-SIncreases the Burst gauge fill rate by 1%.
251Burst Bonus-MIncreases the Burst gauge fill rate by 2%.
252Burst Bonus-LIncreases the Burst gauge fill rate by 3%.
253Burst Bonus-XLIncreases the Burst gauge fill rate by 4%.
254Break Resist-SResistance to Break increases by a small amount.
255Break Resist-MResistance to Break increases by a fair amount.
256Break Resist-LResistance to Break increases by a decent amount.
257Assist Recovery-SThe recovery speed of assist actions increases by a small amount.
258Assist Recovery-MThe recovery speed of assist actions increases by a fair amount.
259Assist Recovery-LThe recovery speed of assist actions increases.
260Enhance Rear Regen-SThe rate of HP recovery when in the rear line increases by a small amount, and MP also recovers.
261Enhance Rear Regen-MThe rate of HP recovery when in the rear line increases by a fair amount, and MP also recovers.
262Enhance Rear Regen-LThe rate of HP recovery when in the rear line increases by a decent amount, and MP also recovers.
263Less Action Time-SReduces the wait time after using skills by 5%.
264Less Action Time-MReduces the wait time after using skills by 7%.
265Less Action Chance-SThere is a fixed chance that after taking a turn, wait time will be reduced by 10%.
266Less Action Chance-MThere is a fixed chance that after taking a turn, wait time will be reduced by 15%.
267Enhance Item-SIncreases the item's power by 5%.
268Enhance Item-LIncreases the item's power by 10%.
269Shorten Item-SReduces wait time after using an item by 5%.
270Shorten Item-LReduces wait time after using an item by 10%.
271Maximum HP +10Increases maximum HP value by 10.
272Maximum HP +15Increases maximum HP value by 15.
273Maximum HP +20Increases maximum HP value by 20.
274Maximum HP +25Increases maximum HP value by 25.
275Maximum HP +30Increases maximum HP value by 30.
276Maximum MP +10Increases maximum MP value by 10.
277Maximum MP +15Increases maximum MP value by 15.
278Maximum MP +20Increases maximum MP value by 20.
279Maximum MP +25Increases maximum MP value by 25.
280Maximum MP +30Increases maximum MP value by 30.
281Attack Power +5Increases attack power by 5.
282Attack Power +10Increases attack power by 10.
283Attack Power +15Increases attack power by 15.
284Attack Power +20Increases attack power by 20.
285Attack Power +25Increases attack power by 25.
286Defense +5Increases defense by 5.
287Defense +10Increases defense by 10.
288Defense +15Increases defense by 15.
289Defense +20Increases defense by 20.
290Defense +25Increases defense by 25.
291Speed +5Increases speed by 5.
292Speed +10Increases speed by 10.
293Speed +15Increases speed by 15.
294Speed +20Increases speed by 20.
295Speed +25Increases speed by 25.
296Resonating BellIncreases fill rate of Burst gauge by 3.
297Harmonizing BellIncreases fill rate of Burst gauge by 4%.
298Wisdom of ExpertsSwitches 50% of maximum HP and MP values.
299Wisdom of SagesCompletely switches maximum HP and MP values.
300Hard LeatherIncreases defense by 7.
301Easy to Use StrengthIncreases Break value caused by attacks by a small amount.
302Increases DexterityIncreases the accuracy of attacks by 25%.
303Magician Blessing7% of damage received is converted into MP damage.
304Angel Blessing10% of damage received is converted into MP damage.
305Ancient God's Blessing15% of damage received is converted into MP damage.
306Quick ATK KnowledgeReduces the wait time after using skills by 8%.
307Quick ATK MysteryReduces the wait time after using skills by 10%.
308Prayer for HarmonyAverages attack power, defense, and speed values.
309Attack Specialization15% of defense and speed are changed into attack power.
310Defense Specialize15% of attack power and speed are changed into defense.
311Speed Specialization15% of attack power and defense are changed into speed.
312Awakens the BodyAttack power, defense, and speed are increased by a small amount dependent on current level. Higher level enhances the effect.
313Awakens Body & MindAttack power, defense, and speed are increased dependent on current level. Higher level enhances the effect.
314Soul ChangeIncreases the expected value of damage by a small amount. Higher level increases this effect.
315Soul EnhancementIncreases the expected value of damage. Higher level increases this effect.
316Soul EvolutionIncreases the expected value of damage by a large amount. Higher level increases this effect.
317Tempers the BodyIncreases maximum HP value by 15.
318Tempers the BeingIncreases maximum HP value by 25.
319Tempers the HeartIncreases maximum MP value by 15.
320Tempers the MindIncreases maximum MP value by 25.
321Tempers the SpiritMaximum HP and MP are both increased by 15.
322StrengthIncreases attack power by 15.
323Herculean StrengthIncreases attack power by 25.
324ProtectionIncreases defense by 15.
325Divine ProtectionIncreases defense by 25.
326SpeedIncreases speed by 15.
327GodspeedIncreases speed by 25.
328Soothing FragranceRecover a small amount of HP with each turn.
329Draws AttentionBecome targeted in battle more often.
330Hard to NoticeBecome targeted in battle less often.
331Heavy StrikesIncreases the Break value dealt when attacking enemies by a small amount.
332Hard HitsIncreases the Break value dealt when attacking enemies by a fair amount.
333Super Heavy FollowupIncreases the Break value dealt when attacking enemies by a moderate amount.
334Strong on ImpactsResistance to Break increases by a small amount.
335Resists ImpactsResistance to Break increases by a moderate amount.
336Overcomes ImpactsResistance to Break increases by a sizable amount.
337Stun RecoveryRecover faster from Break condition.
338Fast Stun RecoveryRecover much faster from Break condition.
339Fast Assist RecoveryThe recovery speed of assist actions increases.
340Seal of ReliefIncreases rate of HP recovery when in the rear line by a small amount.
341Seal of Great ReposeIncreases rate of HP recovery when in the rear line.
342Seal of MeditationIncreases rate of MP recovery when in the rear line by a small amount.
343Seal of ConcentrationIncreases rate of MP recovery when in the rear line.
344Hot Fighting SpiritStats increase on every turn during battle. There is a limit to this bonus.
345Tranquil SpiritTemporarily increases stats during battle, but this value decreases with each turn.
346Explosive PowerIncreases damage dealt to enemies during a Burst by 5%.
347Up Explosive PowerIncreases damage dealt to enemies during a Burst by 7%.
348More Explosive PowerIncreases damage dealt to enemies during a Burst by 10%.
349Fighting Spirit-SCritical hit chance and critical hit damage increase by a slight amount.
350Fighting Spirit-MCritical hit chance and critical hit damage increase by a small amount.
351Fighting Spirit-LCritical hit chance and critical hit damage increase by a decent amount.
352Time into StrengthIncreases the power of attack skills dependent on the wait time afterwards.
353Life into StrengthIncreases attack power, defense, and speed by 10% of maximum HP.
354Spirit into StrengthIncreases attack power, defense, and speed by 10% of maximum MP.
355Band of CirculationA portion of HP damage and MP consumption are absorbed into the opposite pool. The effect is small.
356Hits VitalsIncreases critical hit chance by 10%.
357Mitigates AilmentsReduces the effect of status ailments by 15%.
358Weakens ConditionsReduces the effect of status ailments by 33%.
359Challenger's SpiritAll stats increase by a fixed proportion when fighting higher level enemies, and powerful foes.
360Enhance Skill-SIncreases skill power by 5%.
361Enhance Skill-MIncreases skill power by 7%.
362Enhance Skill-LIncreases skill power by 10%.
363Enhance Skill-XLIncreases skill power by 15%.
364Brings SuccessIncreases the chance of causing chance based effects, such as status conditions, by 33%.
365Strong PredicamentIncreases critical hit chance, evasion rate, and other stats when HP is below 25%.
366Cooperation KnowledgeThe effect of all assist actions increases by 7%.
367Cooperation MasteryThe effect of all assist actions increases by 10%.
368Enhance SubstitutionIncreases assist guard effect by 50%.
369Movement of AcrobatsIncreases chance to evade attacks by 7%.
370Nullify PoisonNullifies poison condition.
371Nullify WeaknessNullifies weakness condition.
372Nullify BlindnessNullifies blindness condition.
373Nullify One Hit KONullifies instant KO condition.
374Nullify AllNullifies all conditions.
375Awakening of WingsAutomatically revive from KO status on turn during battle. HP when revived is low.
376Awakening of SoulsAutomatically revive from KO status on turn during battle. HP when revived is fairly low.
377Awakening of SamsaraAutomatically revive from KO status on turn during battle. HP when revived is moderate.
378Ultimate MasteryGreatly increases the power of Ultimate attacks.
379Resist GravityReduces the effectiveness of any turn delaying effects received.
380Super Resist GravityHalves the effectiveness of any turn delaying effects received.
381Crystal ProtectionReduces damage taken by 5%, and also reduces the effectiveness of status ailments by a small amount.
382Protection of MiragesA portion of HP damage and MP consumption are absorbed into the opposite pool. The effect is moderate.
383Endow Fire ResistGain fire resistance while equipped.
384Endow Water ResistGain water resistance while equipped.
385Endow Wind ResistGain wind resistance while equipped.
386Endow Earth ResistGain earth resistance while equipped.
387Master of BargainsIncreases item drop chance from battle. Effective as long as at least one character is equipped with this effect.
388Master of MisersIncreases money obtained from battle. Effective as long as at least one character is equipped with this effect.
389Master of StudiesIncreases experience points gained from battle. Effective as long as at least one character is equipped with this effect.
390Power of BlessingsIncreases attack power and success rates by a small amount.
391Blessing of FeathersA portion of HP damage and MP consumption are absorbed into the opposite pool. The effect is very small.
392Power of GrowthIncreases the expected value of damage by a slight amount. Higher level increases this effect.
393Enhance Crit-SIncreases the damage bonus of critical hits by 5%.
394Enhance Crit-MIncreases the damage bonus of critical hits by 7%.
395Enhance Crit-LIncreases the damage bonus of critical hits by 10%.
396Enhance Crit-XLIncreases the damage bonus of critical hits by 15%.
397Fast ActionFixed chance to shorten wait time after turns by a small amount. The chance is low.
398Quick ActionFixed chance to shorten wait time after turns by a small amount. The chance is fairly low.
399Tireless LegsHP and MP recovery rate while in the rear line is increased by a small amount.
400Scholar's MentalityIncreases maximum MP by 15.
401Sage's MentalityIncreases maximum MP by 30.
402HP Regen-SRecover a small amount of HP every turn.
403HP Regen-MRecover a fair amount of HP every turn.
404HP Regen-LRecover HP every turn.
405HP Regen-XLRecover a large amount of HP every turn.
406Critical-SIncreases critical hit chance by 10%.
407Critical-MIncreases critical hit chance by 15%.
408Critical-LIncreases critical hit chance by 20%.
409Critical-XLIncreases critical hit chance by 25%.
410Evade Attack-SIncreases evasion rate by 3%.
411Evade Attack-MIncreases evasion rate by 5%.
412Evade Attack-LIncreases evasion rate by 7%.
413Evade Attack-XLIncreases evasion rate by 10%.
414Accuracy Increase-SIncreases hit rate by 10%.
415Accuracy Increase-MIncreases hit rate by 20%.
416Accuracy Increase-LIncreases hit rate by 30%.
417Accuracy Increase-XLIncreases hit rate by 40%.
418Avoid KO-XSFixed chance when taking damage that would reduce HP to 0 that you will survive with 1 HP. The chance is very low.
419Avoid KO-SFixed chance when taking damage that would reduce HP to 0 that you will survive with 1 HP. The chance is low.
420Avoid KO-MFixed chance when taking damage that would reduce HP to 0 that you will survive with 1 HP. The chance is fairly low.
421Avoid KO-LFixed chance when taking damage that would reduce HP to 0 that you will survive with 1 HP. The chance is moderate.
422DMG Cut-XSReduces damage taken by 3%.
423DMG Cut-SReduces damage taken by 5%.
424DMG Cut-MReduces damage taken by 7%.
425DMG Cut-LReduces damage taken by 10%.
426Obliterate MonstersRemoves all enemy symbols from the field upon use. Does not affect powerful enemies.
427Ultimate Life EnergyGain ultimate life energy. Increases maximum HP by 50.
428Ultimate Mental EnergyGain ultimate life energy. Increases maximum HP by 50.
429Ultimate PowerGain ultimate power. Critical hit damage increases by 20%.
430Ultimate MovementGain ultimate movement. Invincible against effect to slow you down.
431Ultimate MP DrainGain ultimate MP drain. 15% of damage you receive becomes your MP.
432Ultimate DexterityGain ultimate dexterity. Wait time after using a skill decreases by 15%.
433Ultimate RegenGain ultimate regen. Regen 30 HP every time your turn.
434Ultimate Critical HitGain ultimate critical hit. Chance of critical hit increases by 50%.
435Ultimate EnergyGain ultimate energy. 15% of damage you take becomes MP.
436Ultimate AttackGain ultimate attack. Attack increases by 35.
437Ultimate Fire ResistanceGain ultimate fire resistance. Become extremely resistant to fire.
438Ultimate Wind ResistanceGain ultimate wind resistance. Become extremely resistant to wind.
439Ultimate Power UpGain ultimate power up. Maximum HP and MP increases by 35.
440Ultimate AssistGain ultimate assist. Assist effect increases by 15%.
441Ultimate SkillGain ultimate skill. Skill effect increases by 25%.
442Ultimate GrowthGain ultimate growth. Damage increases by a large amount.
443Ultimate ReviveGain ultimate revive. Automatically revives on your next turn.
444Ultimate ComebackGain ultimate comeback. Your stats increase when battling tough enemies.
445Ultimate ExplosionGain ultimate explosion. During Burst stats increase by 15%.
446Ultimate DefenseGain ultimate defense. Defense increases by 35.
447Ultimate AccuracyGain ultimate accuracy. Accuracy increases by 50%.
448Ultimate Assist SpeedGain ultimate assist speed. Assist gauge refills faster.
449Ultimate ResistanceGain ultimate resistance. Resistance against all ailments.
450Ultimate ActionGain ultimate action. Increases speed by 35.
451Ultimate ToughnessGain ultimate toughness. 35% chance of withstanding a KO by 1 HP.
452Ultimate FastnessGain ultimate fastness. 30% of decreasing your wait time by 15%.
453Ultimate ReductionGain ultimate reduction. Reduce all damage by 10%.
454Ultimate Water ResistanceGain ultimate water resistance. Become extremely resistant to water.
455Ultimate Earth ResistanceGain ultimate earth resistance. Become extremely resistant to earth.
456Ultimate DodgeGain ultimate dodge. Ability to dodge enemy attacks increase by 15%.
457Ultimate BurstGain ultimate burst. Burst gauge increase by 75% every time you attack.
458Ultimate BreakGain ultimate break. Break point increases during attack.
459Ultimate EvolutionGain ultimate evolution. Stats increase depending on equipment.
460Ultimate Resist PowerGain ultimate resist power. Damage you take and damage you inflict change against tough enemies.
461Master's Used ArticleIt's totally beat after a lot of use by Wilbell. It doesn't have much of its original power remaining.

Direct download link: shallie_effects_list.csv

Properties per Item

1Star Fruit1Destructive Power Up +
2Ore Pumpkin1None
3Sand Pumpkin1None
5Rich Milk1Healing Power Up
6Shelbani Wheat1None
8Taun1Effect Stability
9Verdant Taun1None
10Mutated Taun1None
11Trio Taun1None
13Big Lentil1None
14Umbrella Tree Strawberry1Fixed Healing Enhance +
16Silver Beehive1None
17Golden Beehive1None
18Red Clay1Area Bonus
19Red Clay2Speed +5
20Blue Clay1Small Number Bonus
21Blue Clay2Attack Power +5
22Green Clay1Use Up Enhance
23Green Clay2MP +10
24Marine Clay1Count Compression
25Marine Clay2HP +10
26Animal Meat1Effect Power Increase
27Fresh Meat1None
28Marbled Meat1None
29Wild Pelt1Transfer PP +3
30Superior Pelt1None
31Shining Pelt1None
32Animal Bone1None
33Beast Bone1Equipment Frame Expansion
34Dragon Bone1None
37Scrap Metal1Recycle
38Bent Screw1Recycle
39Rusty Cog1Recycle
40Dark Iron Gear1None
41Small Relic1Recycle +
42Double Foot Component1None
43Mixed Oil1Critical
44Rabbit Fur1None
45Rabbit Horn1None
46Sand Runner Feather1None
47Sand Runner Tailfeather1Speed +10
48Slag Fragment1None
49Slag Cable1Defense +5
50Slag Antenna1None
51Slag Heart1Defense & Speed Enhance
52Slag Memory1Reduce MP Consumption
53Slag Scissors1None
54Slag Blade1Cause Poison
55Slag Core1Property Enhance
56Slag Coin1All Stats Enhance
57Slag Amber1None
58Mantis Blade1Barrage Attack
59Boar Tusk1None
60Steel Fur1None
61Unknown Egg1None
62Colseit Apple1Effect Power Increase
63Poison Apple1Cause Poison
64Golden Apple1None
65Anti-Bug Grass1None
66Dusk Sea Sand1None
67White Sand Powder1Effect Stability
68Sand Crystal1None
69Marble Rock Salt1None
70Stone Coral1None
71Giant Triangular Fang1Vitality Absorb
72Giant Fossil1None
73Hundred Color Shell1None
74Whale Whisker1Damage Absorb ++
75White Crest Fish1None
76Butterfly Fish1None
77Balloon Fish1None
79Fish Lord1None
80Nectar Springwater1None
81Dry Wood Chips1None
82Cactus Palm1Destructive Power Up +
83Cactus Palm2Transfer PP +7
84Ultramarine Root1Consumption -15%
85Gravistone1Quick Use
86Dark Iron Ore1Attack & Speed Enhance
87Holinica Ore1Attack & Defense Enhance
88Leichester Meteorite Iron1Time Effect
89Mountain Bird Feather1Quick Use +
90Wind Rider Feather1None
91Evergreen Leaf1None
92Glass Shards1None
94Old Treasure Chest1None
95Reaper's Kiss1Cause Poison
96Contaminated Water1None
97Stink Bean1None
98Angel Hair1None
99Firefly Grass1Use Count +2
100Smoke Mushroom1None
101Dark Shoot1None
102Mossy Driftwood1Equipment Frame Compression
103Lotus1Automatic Activation 30%
104Star Core1None
105Ancient Tree Splinter1None
106Giant Scale1None
107Permeating Toxin1Cause Poison
108White Lump1None
109Ancient Stone1HP +15
110Phlogiston1Equipment Frame Expansion
111Aqua Light1Automatic Activation 20%
112Wind Core1High Price
113Glass Core1Use Count +1
114Zemnite1Eco Skill
115Zemnite2HP Big Increase
116Crystal Fragment1None
117Melting Glass Shard1None
118Blazing Ore1PP Frame Expansion
119Silver Groundwater1Cause Poison
120Endangered Herb1None
121Time Flower1HP & MP Enhance
122Time Flower2Count Bonus
123Diamond Ore1None
124Enormous Tail1None
125King's Wing1None
126Dragon Core1None
128Forgetful Grass1Condense MP Consumption
130Ancient Map1PP Frame Expansion
131Sand Dragon Scale1HP +25
132Sand Dragon Scale2MP +25
133Tidal Spear1HP Absorb
134Tidal Spear2Property Enhance +
135Tidal Spear3Critical +
136Paper Scraps1None
137Elaborate Screw1None
138Old Stone1None
139Ancient Gold Thread1None
140Ancient Water1None
141Medical Foundation1None
142Bad Water1None
143Cloth Scraps1None
144Broken Item1None
145Craft1Destructive Power Up
146Craft2Equipment Frame Compression
147Craft3Sharp Thorns
148Bomb1Fixed Power Enhance
149Bomb2Cause Poison
150Bomb3Carries Heat
151Ice Bomb1Equipment Frame Expansion
152Ice Bomb2Destructive Power Up +
153Ice Bomb3Carries Cold
154Lightning Bomb1Destructive Power Up
155Lightning Bomb2Equipment Frame Compression
156Lightning Bomb3Carries Electricity
157Uni1Fixed Power Enhance
158Uni2Cause Poison
159Uni3Steel Thorns
160Lava Cube1Equipment Frame Expansion
161Lava Cube2Destructive Power Up +
162Lava Cube3Scorching Earth
163Dimension Bomb1Destructive Power Up
164Dimension Bomb2Equipment Frame Compression
165Dimension Bomb3Dimensional Gap
166Electrical Discharge Tube1Equipment Frame Expansion
167Electrical Discharge Tube2Destructive Power Up +
168Electrical Discharge Tube3Controls Time
170Globe2Use Count +1
171Globe3Super Rotation
172Glass Rose1Effect Power Increase
173Glass Rose2Equipment Frame Enhance
174Glass Rose3Freezing Wind
175Meteor1Fixed Power Enhance
176Meteor2Cause Poison
177Meteor3Twinkling Stars
178Talisman of Ancient Beasts1Critical
179Talisman of Ancient Beasts2Use Count +1
180Talisman of Ancient Beasts3Beast King's Blade
181Shepherd's Flute1Destructive Power Up ++
182Shepherd's Flute2Critical +
183Shepherd's Flute3Tone of Exhaustion
184Weight Stone1Effect Power Increase
185Weight Stone2Equipment Frame Enhance
186Weight Stone3Weight of Stones
187Barrel1Destructive Power Up ++
188Barrel2Critical +
189Barrel3Barrel Attack
190Pumpkin Doll1Critical
191Pumpkin Doll2Use Count +1
192Pumpkin Doll3Pumpkin Curse
193Living Trash Can1Effect Power Increase
194Living Trash Can2Equipment Frame Enhance
195Living Trash Can3Purges Enhancements
196Flying Board1Destructive Power Up ++
197Flying Board2Critical +
198Flying Board3Ability Enhancement
199Refuel Pads1Healing Power Up
200Refuel Pads2Wait Time Enhance
201Refuel Pads3Effective Against Pain
202Healing Salve1Critical
203Healing Salve2Effect Power Increase
204Healing Salve3Heals Wounds
205Herbal Soup1Effect Stability
206Herbal Soup2Healing Power Up +
207Herbal Soup3Stimulates the Senses
208Apple Tart1Critical
209Apple Tart2Effect Power Increase
210Apple Tart3Apple Power
211Refresh Medicine1Healing Power Up
212Refresh Medicine2Wait Time Enhance
213Refresh Medicine3Great Mood
214Buzzter Nuts1Effect Stability
215Buzzter Nuts2Healing Power Up +
216Buzzter Nuts3Source of Life
217Stellard Medicine1Critical
218Stellard Medicine2Effect Power Increase
219Stellard Medicine3Good Medicine
220Shelbani Bread1Effect Stability
221Shelbani Bread2Healing Power Up +
222Shelbani Bread3Stabilizing
223Healing Aroma1Healing Power Up
224Healing Aroma2Wait Time Enhance
225Healing Aroma3Soothing Aroma
227Stellapearl2Effect Power Increase
228Stellapearl3Traditional Flavor
229Medicine Bread1Critical
230Medicine Bread2Effect Power Increase +
231Medicine Bread3Medicinal Properties
232Smoked Meat1Effect Stability
233Smoked Meat2Healing Power Up +
234Smoked Meat3Soothing Flavor
235Golden Extract Soup1Healing Power Up
236Golden Extract Soup2Wait Time Enhance
237Golden Extract Soup3Golden Flavor
238Media Book1Effect Stability
239Media Book2Healing Power Up +
240Media Book3Secret of Life
241Fruit Ration1Critical
242Fruit Ration2Effect Power Increase +
243Fruit Ration3Fluffy Texture
244Slag Soup1Effect Stability
245Slag Soup2Healing Power Up +
246Slag Soup3Unidentifiable Flavor
247Ritual Powder1Use Count -1
248Ritual Powder2Healing Power Up +
249Ritual Powder3Cleansing Aura
250SP Medicine1Use Count -1
251SP Medicine2Healing Power Up +
252SP Medicine3Heals All
253Awakening Medicine1Count Compression
254Awakening Medicine2Healing Power Up ++
255Awakening Medicine3Opens the Mind's Eye
256Dragon Cup1Equipment Frame Expansion +
257Dragon Cup2Fixed Healing Enhance
258Dragon Cup3Vitality of Dragons
259Slag Essence1Use Count -1
260Slag Essence2Healing Power Up +
261Slag Essence3Slag Injection
262Traveler's Ration1Healing Power Up
263Traveler's Ration2Wait Time Enhance
264Traveler's Ration3Tireless
265Goddess Shield1Equipment Frame Expansion +
266Goddess Shield2Fixed Healing Enhance
267Goddess Shield3Goddess' Blessing
268Healthy Ration1Count Compression
269Healthy Ration2Healing Power Up ++
270Healthy Ration3Dispels Disease
271Time Watch1Equipment Frame Expansion +
272Time Watch2Fixed Healing Enhance
273Time Watch3Crosses Time
274Millionaire's Full Course1Equipment Frame Expansion +
275Millionaire's Full Course2Fixed Healing Enhance
276Millionaire's Full Course3Ultimate Craftsmanship
277Angel Powder1Count Compression
278Angel Powder2Healing Power Up ++
279Angel Powder3Approaches the Gods
280Medicine of the Four Beasts1Count Compression
281Medicine of the Four Beasts2Healing Power Up ++
282Medicine of the Four Beasts3Elemental Resistance
283Dragon's Secret1Use Count -1
284Dragon's Secret2Healing Power Up +
285Dragon's Secret3Power of Dragons
286Elixir1Equipment Frame Expansion +
287Elixir2Fixed Healing Enhance
288Elixir3Hidden Power of Elixirs
289Fruit Tart1Count Compression
290Fruit Tart2Healing Power Up ++
291Fruit Tart3Fruit Taste
292Stone Coin1Transfer PP +5
293Stone Coin2Consumption -15%
294Stone Coin3All Stats +5
295Heart of Fire1Transfer PP +5
296Heart of Fire2Consumption -15%
297Heart of Fire3All Stats +5
298Planet Sphere1Effect Power Increase++
299Planet Sphere2Transfer PP +5
300Planet Sphere3Consumption -10%
301Chronicle Shield1Transfer PP +5
302Chronicle Shield2Consumption -20%
303Chronicle Shield3Skill Power +5%
304Escape Jewel1Effect Power Increase++
305Escape Jewel2Transfer PP +5
306Escape Jewel3Consumption -10%
307Thunder Outfit1Transfer PP +5
308Thunder Outfit2Consumption -20%
309Thunder Outfit3Skill Power +5%
310Divine Soul1Transfer PP +7
311Divine Soul2Consumption -15%
312Divine Soul3All Stats +7
313Leather Gloves1Transfer PP +3
314Leather Gloves2Effect Power Increase
315Leather Gloves3All Stats +5
316Leather Boots1Transfer PP +3
317Leather Boots2Speed +10
318Leather Boots3MP +15
319Aroma Pouch1Transfer PP +3
320Aroma Pouch2Speed +10
321Aroma Pouch3MP +15
322Angel Ribbon1Transfer PP +3
323Angel Ribbon2Skill Power +5%
324Angel Ribbon3All Stats +5
325Feather Ornament1Transfer PP +3
326Feather Ornament2Effect Power Increase
327Feather Ornament3All Stats +5
328Blue Crystal Ring1Transfer PP +5
329Blue Crystal Ring2All Stats +5
330Blue Crystal Ring3Consumption -15%
331Gauntlet1Transfer PP +5
332Gauntlet2All Stats +5
333Gauntlet3Consumption -15%
334Metal Boots1Transfer PP +5
335Metal Boots2Consumption -10%
336Metal Boots3Effect Power Increase ++
337Spirit Belt1Transfer PP +5
338Spirit Belt2Skill Power +5%
339Spirit Belt3Consumption -20%
340Gunade Ring1Transfer PP +5
341Gunade Ring2Consumption -10%
342Gunade Ring3Effect Power Increase ++
343Glass Tiara1Transfer PP +7
344Glass Tiara2Skill Power +5%
345Glass Tiara3Consumption -20%
346Brother Call1Transfer PP +7
347Brother Call2Consumption -15%
348Brother Call3All Stats +7
349Gold Coin of Fortune1Transfer PP +7
350Gold Coin of Fortune2Consumption -15%
351Gold Coin of Fortune3Skill Power +10%
352Dragon Shield1Transfer PP +7
353Dragon Shield2MP +15
354Dragon Shield3Effect Power Increase ++
355Treasure Grimoire1Transfer PP +7
356Treasure Grimoire2Consumption -15%
357Treasure Grimoire3All Stats +7
358Ancient Power Belt1Transfer PP +5
359One Angle Mascara1Transfer PP +5
360One Angle Mascara2Skill Power +5%
361One Angle Mascara3Consumption -20%
362Meteor Gloves1Transfer PP +7
363Meteor Gloves2MP +15
364Meteor Gloves3Effect Power Increase ++
365Meteor Boots1Transfer PP +7
366Meteor Boots2Consumption -15%
367Meteor Boots3Skill Power +10%
368Mirage Talisman1Transfer PP +7
369Mirage Talisman2Effect Power Increase
370Mirage Talisman3All Stats +7
371Plant Fertilizer1Equipment Frame Compression
372Plant Fertilizer2High Price +
373Plant Fertilizer3Transfer PP +7
374Demon Warding Charm1Equipment Frame Expansion
375Demon Warding Charm2Property Enhance
376Demon Warding Charm3Effect Power Increase ++
377Dowsing Rod1Equipment Frame Compression
378Mysterious Monocle1Recycle
379Mysterious Monocle2Fixed Power Enhance +
380Mysterious Monocle3Use Count +2
381Travel Gate1Recycle
382Travel Gate2Fixed Power Enhance +
383Travel Gate3Use Count +2
384Handmade Bait1Equipment Frame Expansion
385Handmade Bait2Property Enhance
386Handmade Bait3Effect Power Increase ++
387Shelbani Flour1Area Bonus
388Shelbani Flour2Use Count +1
389Shelbani Flour3Transfer PP +5
390Dried Herbs1Count Bonus
391Dried Herbs2Property Enhance
392Dried Herbs3Equipment Frame Compression
393Plant Oil1Destructive Power Up
394Plant Oil2High Price
395Plant Oil3Fixed Healing Enhance +
396Abrasive1Equipment Frame Expansion
397Abrasive2Fixed Healing Enhance
398Abrasive3Damage Absorb ++
399Handspun Rabbit Yarn1High Price
400Handspun Rabbit Yarn2Equipment Frame Enhance
401Handspun Rabbit Yarn3Power Throw
402Supplement - Red1Healing Power Up
403Supplement - Red2Use Count -1
404Supplement - Red3Transfer PP +5
405Supplement - Blue1Fixed Power Enhance
406Supplement - Blue2Automatic Activation 20%
407Supplement - Blue3Area Bonus +
408Supplement - Green1Destructive Power Up
409Supplement - Green2Fixed Power Enhance +
410Supplement - Green3Cause Blindness
411Supplement - Yellow1Equipment Frame Enhance
412Supplement - Yellow2Recycle
413Supplement - Yellow3Cause Slow
414Supplement - White1Transfer PP +3
415Supplement - White2Area Bonus +
416Supplement - White3Synthesis Skill Frame Increase
417Supplement - Black1Parameters +5%
418Supplement - Black2Count Bonus +
419Supplement - Black3Property Skill Activation
420Supplement - Rainbow1Destructive Power Up +
421Supplement - Rainbow2Transfer PP +5
422Supplement - Rainbow3Property Level Increase
423Handmade Jam1Effect Stability
424Handmade Jam2Critical
425Handmade Jam3Transfer PP +5
426Honey1Healing Power Up
427Honey2Use Count -1
428Honey3Transfer PP +5
429Plant Syrup1Fixed Power Enhance
430Plant Syrup2Automatic Activation 20%
431Plant Syrup3Area Bonus +
432Leather1Destructive Power Up
433Leather2Fixed Power Enhance +
434Leather3Cause Blindness
435Zettel1Equipment Frame Enhance
437Zettel3Cause Slow
438Palma Board1Effect Stability
439Palma Board2Critical
440Palma Board3Transfer PP +5
441Powdered Glass1Transfer PP +3
442Powdered Glass2Area Bonus +
443Powdered Glass3Use Count +2
444Glass Tube1Cause Weakness
445Glass Tube2Fixed Power Enhance +
446Glass Tube3Synthesis Skill Frame Increase
447Crystal Ball1Destructive Power Up +
448Crystal Ball2Effect Stability +
449Crystal Ball3Elemental Attribute - Water
450Medical Solution1Damage Absorb
451Medical Solution2Healing Power Up ++
452Medical Solution3Synthesis Skill Frame Increase
453Stellard Fabric1Small Number Bonus
454Stellard Fabric2Destructive Power Up ++
455Stellard Fabric3Automatic Activation 30%
456Fire Lord's Charcoal1Damage Absorb
457Fire Lord's Charcoal2Healing Power Up ++
458Fire Lord's Charcoal3Use Count -2
459Iron Clay1Destructive Power Up +
460Iron Clay2Effect Stability
461Iron Clay3Equipment Frame Enhance +
462Burning Gas1Small Number Bonus
463Burning Gas2Destructive Power Up ++
464Burning Gas3Elemental Attribute - Wind
465Black Powder1Damage Absorb +
466Black Powder2Transfer PP +5
467Black Powder3Fixed Power Enhance ++
468Frosty Crystal1Damage Absorb +
469Frosty Crystal2Transfer PP +5
470Frosty Crystal3Property Level Increase
471Water Crystal1Count Compression
472Water Crystal2Equipment Frame Enhance +
473Water Crystal3Elemental Attribute - Water
474Electric Orb1Transfer PP +3
475Electric Orb2Effect Stability +
476Electric Orb3Property Skill Activation
477Distilled Water1Transfer PP +3
478Distilled Water2Area Bonus +
479Distilled Water3Synthesis Chain Increase
480Super Pure Water1Parameters +5%
481Super Pure Water2Count Bonus +
482Super Pure Water3Property Level Increase
483Unbreakable Glass1Destructive Power Up +
484Unbreakable Glass2Transfer PP +5
485Unbreakable Glass3Elemental Attribute - Fire
486Mysterious Cloth1Parameters +5%
487Mysterious Cloth2Count Bonus +
488Mysterious Cloth3Property Enhance +
489Gravicrystal1Transfer PP +3
490Gravicrystal2Effect Stability +
491Gravicrystal3Critical +
492Precious Stone1Cause Weakness
493Precious Stone2Fixed Power Enhance +
494Precious Stone3Property Skill Activation
495Twin Color Corundum1Destructive Power Up +
496Twin Color Corundum2Effect Stability +
497Twin Color Corundum3Elemental Attribute - Wind
498Polarized Gem1Damage Absorb
499Polarized Gem2Healing Power Up ++
500Polarized Gem3Elemental Attribute - Earth
501Comet Crest Stone1Small Number Bonus
502Comet Crest Stone2Destructive Power Up ++
503Comet Crest Stone3Elemental Attribute - Fire
504Holinic1Count Compression
505Holinic2Equipment Frame Enhance
506Holinic3Recycle +
507Dark Iron1Cause Weakness
508Dark Iron2Fixed Power Enhance +
509Dark Iron3Fixed Healing Enhance ++
510Algemein Plywood1Damage Absorb +
511Algemein Plywood2Transfer PP +5
512Algemein Plywood3Fixed Power Enhance ++
513Ziegel Nugget1Damage Absorb +
514Ziegel Nugget2Transfer PP +5
515Ziegel Nugget3Elemental Attribute - Earth
516Cole Medapaid1Count Compression
517Cole Medapaid2Equipment Frame Enhance +
518Cole Medapaid3Synthesis Chain Increase
519Dark Steel Plate1Transfer PP +3
520Dark Steel Plate2Effect Stability +
521Dark Steel Plate3Critical +
522Holinic Steel Plate1Destructive Power Up +
523Holinic Steel Plate2Transfer PP +5
524Holinic Steel Plate3High Price ++
525Aroma Materia1Transfer PP +3
526Aroma Materia2Effect Stability +
527Aroma Materia3Property Skill Activation
528Sun Flower1Transfer PP +3
529Sun Flower2Area Bonus +
530Sun Flower3Synthesis Skill Frame Increase
531Floater Unit1None
532Ingot1Effect Power Increase
533Ingot2HP +10
534Ingot3Transfer PP +5
535Holinicait1MP +10
536Holinicait2Speed +5
537Holinicait3Damage Absorb
538Shuvea Metal1HP +10
539Shuvea Metal2Cause Poison
540Shuvea Metal3Consumption -15%
541Alto Metal1HP Absorb
542Alto Metal2Cause Blindness
543Alto Metal3Defense +10
544Meteonite1Attack Power +5
545Meteonite2Consumption -10%
546Meteonite3Attack Power +10
547Halmolium1Attack Power +10
548Halmolium2Cause Slow
549Halmolium3Skill Boost
550Cloth1Transfer PP +3
551Cloth2Effect Power Increase +
552Cloth3Defense +10
553Mofcott1HP +10
554Mofcott2Effect Power Increase +
555Mofcott3HP & MP Enhance
556Silkis Feather1Defense +5
557Silkis Feather2HP +15
558Silkis Feather3Transfer PP +7
559Alto Cloth1MP +10
560Alto Cloth2Parameters +5%
561Alto Cloth3HP +25
562Scale Cloth1HP +15
563Scale Cloth2Attack & Defense Enhance
564Scale Cloth3Parameters +7%
565Velvetis1MP +15
566Velvetis2Effect Power Increase ++
567Velvetis3Defense & Speed Enhance
568Lumber1Speed +5
569Lumber2Defense +5
570Lumber3Attack Power +5
571Palma Wood1Effect Power Increase
572Palma Wood2Attack Power +5
573Palma Wood3Damage Absorb
574Mixed Wood1Skill Power +5%
575Mixed Wood2Cause Poison
576Mixed Wood3Cause Weakness
577Alto Wood1HP Absorb
578Alto Wood2Cause Blindness
579Alto Wood3Skill Power +7%
580Mystix1Speed +10
581Mystix2Consumption -15%
582Mystix3Attack Enhance
583Yggdras1Cause Slow
584Yggdras2Attack & Speed Enhance
585Yggdras3Skill Boost
586Eyedrops of Truth1None
587Mini Sound Machine1None
588Wonder Drug of Tranquillity1None
589Noble Suit1None
590Formal Dinner Suit1None
591Ship Clan's Bell1Effect Power Increase
592Ship Clan's Bell2Skill Power +5%
593Ship Clan's Bell3Transfer PP +5
594Resonance Chime1Defense +5
595Resonance Chime2Transfer PP +3
596Resonance Chime3Effect Power Increase +
597White Winged Bell1Attack Power +5
598White Winged Bell2Skill Power +7%
599White Winged Bell3Damage Absorb
600Sea Alchemist's Bell1Attack Power +10
601Sea Alchemist's Bell2Cause Slow
602Sea Alchemist's Bell3Transfer PP +7
603Convenient Broom1Effect Power Increase
604Convenient Broom2Skill Power +5%
605Convenient Broom3Transfer PP +5
606Stylish Broom1Defense +5
607Stylish Broom2Transfer PP +3
608Stylish Broom3Effect Power Increase
609Magia Sumonitora1Attack Power +5
610Magia Sumonitora2Skill Power +7%
611Magia Sumonitora3Damage Absorb
612Alchemist's Broom1Attack Power +10
613Alchemist's Broom2Cause Slow
614Alchemist's Broom3Transfer PP +7
615Sea Clan's Charm1Speed +5
616Sea Clan's Charm2Transfer PP +3
617Sea Clan's Charm3Effect Power Increase
618Elemental Charm1Defense +5
619Elemental Charm2Transfer PP +3
620Elemental Charm3Effect Power Increase +
621Lunic Charm1Attack +5
622Lunic Charm2Skill Power +7%
623Lunic Charm3Cause Blindness
624Dragon Scale Charm1Attack Power +10
625Dragon Scale Charm2Extra Attack +
626Dragon Scale Charm3Damage Absorb ++
627Magician's Ring1Effect Power Increase
628Magician's Ring2Skill Power +5%
629Magician's Ring3Transfer PP +5
630Sword Manipulation Ring1Speed +5
631Sword Manipulation Ring2Effect Power Increase
632Sword Manipulation Ring3Consumption -10%
633Demonkin Ring1Attack Power +5
634Demonkin Ring2Extra Attack
635Demonkin Ring3Consumption -15%
636Orbis Spiritis1Attack Power +10
637Orbis Spiritis2Defense +10
638Orbis Spiritis3Extra Attack +
639Crystal Twin Swords1Effect Power Increase
640Crystal Twin Swords2Cause Poison
641Crystal Twin Swords3Transfer PP +5
642Silver Twin Swords1Defense +5
643Silver Twin Swords2Cause Weakness
644Silver Twin Swords3Effect Power Increase +
645Bloody Claws1Attack Power +5
646Bloody Claws2Extra Attack
647Bloody Claws3Skill Power +7%
648Air Foecutters1Attack Power +10
649Air Foecutters2Burst Addition +
650Air Foecutters3Consumption -20%
651Flame Bunker1Effect Power Increase
652Flame Bunker2Skill Power +5%
653Flame Bunker3Transfer PP +5
654Armored Bunker1Defense +5
655Armored Bunker2Transfer PP +3
656Armored Bunker3Effect Power Increase +
657Ancient Heat Bunker1Attack Power +5
658Ancient Heat Bunker2Burst Addition
659Ancient Heat Bunker3Damage Absorb +
660Chronicle Bunker1Attack Power +10
661Chronicle Bunker2Burst Addition +
662Chronicle Bunker3Transfer PP +7
663Solis Gem1Attack Power +10
664Solis Gem2Cause Slow
665Solis Gem3Transfer PP +7
666Ignis Gem1Attack Power +10
667Ignis Gem2Defense +10
668Ignis Gem3Extra Attack +
669Zodiac Gem1Attack Power +10
670Zodiac Gem2Burst Addition +
671Zodiac Gem3Consumption -20%
672Diabolos Gem1Attack Power +10
673Diabolos Gem2Speed +10
674Diabolos Gem3Skill Power +10%
675Hayate1Speed +5
676Hayate2Effect Power Increase
677Hayate3Consumption -10%
678Demon Ore Sword1Speed +5
679Demon Ore Sword2Transfer PP +3
680Demon Ore Sword3Effect Power Increase +
681Mythical Beast Sword1Attack Power +5
682Mythical Beast Sword2Burst Addition
683Mythical Beast Sword3Consumption -15%
684Meteorite Sword1Attack Power +10
685Meteorite Sword2Speed +10
686Meteorite Sword3Skill Power +10%
687Sky Alchemy Staff1Effect Power Increase
688Sky Alchemy Staff2Skill Power +5%
689Sky Alchemy Staff3Transfer PP +5
690Golden Blue Staff1Defense +5
691Golden Blue Staff2Transfer PP +3
692Golden Blue Staff3Effect Power Increase +
693Golden Wing Staff1Attack Power +5
694Golden Wing Staff2Burst Addition
695Golden Wing Staff3Damage Absorb +
696Lifetree Staff1Attack Power +10
697Lifetree Staff2Burst Addition +
698Lifetree Staff3Transfer PP +7
699Management Board1Attack Power +10
700Management Board2Defense +10
701Management Board3Extra Attack +
702Plan Board1Attack Power +10
703Plan Board2Burst Addition +
704Plan Board3Consumption -20%
705Operation Plan Board1Attack Power +10
706Operation Plan Board2Speed +10
707Operation Plan Board3Skill Power +10%
708Phantom Saber1Effect Power Increase
709Phantom Saber2Cause Poison
710Phantom Saber3Transfer PP +5
711Black Wing Veil1Defense +5
712Black Wing Veil2Cause Weakness
713Black Wing Veil3Effect Power Increase +
714Crysta-Fang1Attack Power +5
715Crysta-Fang2Extra Attack
716Crysta-Fang3Skill Power +7%
717Proto Phantom1Attack Power +10
718Proto Phantom2Burst Addition +
719Proto Phantom3Consumption -20%
720Flower Tree Staff1Effect Power Increase
721Flower Tree Staff2Skill Power +5%
722Flower Tree Staff3Transfer PP +5
723Fragrant Staff1Defense +5
724Fragrant Staff2Transfer PP +3
725Fragrant Staff3Effect Power Increase +
726Floral Staff1Attack Power +5
727Floral Staff2Burst Addition
728Floral Staff3Damage Absorb +
729Fairy Queen Staff1Attack Power +10
730Fairy Queen Staff2Burst Addition +
731Fairy Queen Staff3Transfer PP +7
732Cotton Shirt1Defense +5
733Cotton Shirt2HP +10
734Cotton Shirt3Parameters +5%
735Thick Shirt1Defense +5
736Thick Shirt2HP +10
737Thick Shirt3Transfer PP +5
738High Collar Shirt1Defense +5
739High Collar Shirt2MP +10
740High Collar Shirt3Speed +5
741Herbal Shirt1Defense +5
742Herbal Shirt2MP +10
743Herbal Shirt3Transfer PP +5
744Leather Shirt1Defense +10
745Leather Shirt2HP +10
746Leather Shirt3Parameters +7%
747Fur Shirt1Defense +10
748Fur Shirt2HP +15
749Fur Shirt3Transfer PP +7
750Combat Shirt1Defense +10
751Combat Shirt2MP +10
752Combat Shirt3Parameters +7%
753Riveted Shirt1Defense +10
754Riveted Shirt2HP +15
755Riveted Shirt3Effect Power Increase ++
756Silver Threaded Shirt1Defense +10
757Silver Threaded Shirt2MP +15
758Silver Threaded Shirt3Transfer PP +7
759Divine Shirt1Defense +10
760Divine Shirt2MP +15
761Divine Shirt3Effect Power Increase ++
762Chain Armor1Defense +5
763Chain Armor2MP +10
764Chain Armor3Speed +5
765Bone Plate1Defense +5
766Bone Plate2HP +10
767Bone Plate3Parameters +5%
768Holinic Full Metal1Defense +5
769Holinic Full Metal2HP +10
770Holinic Full Metal3Transfer PP +5
771Scale Plate1Defense +5
772Scale Plate2HP +10
773Scale Plate3Transfer PP +5
774Splint Mail1Defense +10
775Splint Mail2MP +10
776Splint Mail3Parameters +7%
777Meteorite Armor1Defense +10
778Meteorite Armor2MP +10
779Meteorite Armor3Parameters +7%
780Magic Plate1Defense +10
781Magic Plate2MP +15
782Magic Plate3Transfer PP +7
783Dragoon Mail1Defense +10
784Dragoon Mail2HP +15
785Dragoon Mail3Effect Power Increase ++
786Windbreaker1Defense +5
787Windbreaker2MP +10
788Windbreaker3Speed +5
789Leather Coat1Defense +5
790Leather Coat2HP +10
791Leather Coat3Transfer PP +5
792Agile Coat1Defense +5
793Agile Coat2MP +10
794Agile Coat3Transfer PP +5
795Gold Embroidered Coat1Defense +10
796Gold Embroidered Coat2MP +10
797Gold Embroidered Coat3Parameters +7%
798Dragoon Coat1Defense +10
799Dragoon Coat2HP +15
800Dragoon Coat3Transfer PP +7
801Divine Coat1Defense +10
802Divine Coat2MP +15
803Divine Coat3Effect Power Increase ++

Direct download link: shallie_properties.csv

Properties Descriptions

1High PriceEffect: Increases sell price at shops by a small amount.
2High Price +Effect: Increases sell price at shops by a good amount.
3High Price ++Effect: Increases sell price at shops by a significant amount.
4High Class ItemEffect: Increases sell price at shops by a significant amount.High Price x High Price +
5Rare ItemEffect: Increases sell price at shops by a huge amount.High Price + x High Price ++
6Premium PriceEffect: Increases sell price at shops by leaps and bounds.High Class Item x Rare Item
7Equipment CompressionEffect: Reduces necessary Search Equipment frames by 1. Cannot be reduced lower than 1.
8Equipment Compression+Effect: Reduces necessary Search Equipment frames by 2. Cannot be reduced lower than 1.
9Highest Comp RatioEffect: Reduces necessary Search Equipment frames by 3. Cannot be reduced lower than 1.Equipment Compression x Equipment Compression+
10Equipment ExpansionEffect: Increases necessary Search Equipment frames by 1. Item's effect increases by a small amount in exchange.
11Equipment Expansion+Effect: Increases necessary Search Equipment frames by 2. Item's effect increases in exchange.
12Highest Expansion RatioEffect: Increases Search Equipment frames by 4. Instead item's effect increases.Equipment Expansion x Equipment Expansion+
13Equipment EnhanceEffect: Raises item's effect by equipment frames x 2%.
14Equipment Enhance+Effect: Raises item's effect by equipment frames x 4%.
15High Cost EnhanceEffect: Raises item's effect by equipment frames x 5%.Equipment Enhance x Equipment Enhance+
16Effect Power IncreaseEffect: Selecting this property increases the item's effect power by 10%.
17Effect Power Increase+Effect: Selecting this property increases the item's effect power by 15%.
18Effect Power Increase++Effect: Selecting this property increases the item's effect power by 20%.
19Well MadeEffect: Selecting this property increases the item's effect power by 20%.Effect Power Increase x Effect Power Increase+
20Pro FinishEffect: Selecting this property increases the item's effect power by 30%.Effect Power Increase+ x Effect Power Increase++
21Super QualityEffect: Selecting this property increases the item's effect power by 50%.Well Made x Pro Finish
22Destructive Power UpEffect: Increases the effect of attack items by 5%.
23Destructive Power Up+Effect: Increases the effect of attack items by 7%.
24Destructive Power Up++Effect: Increases the effect of attack items by 10%.
25Big Destructive PowerEffect: Increases the effect of attack items by 12%.Destructive Power Up x Destructive Power Up+
26Intense Destruct PowerEffect: Increases the effect of attack items by 17%.Destructive Power Up+ x Destructive Power Up++
27Ultimate Destruct PowerEffect: Increases the effect of attack items by 30%.Big Destructive Power x Intense Destruct Power
28Fixed Power EnhanceEffect: Slightly enhances attack items by a fixed amount. Weaker power results in stronger enhancement.
29Fixed Power Enhance+Effect: Enhances attack items by a fixed amount. Weaker power results in stronger enhancement.
30Fixed Power Enhance++Effect: Greatly enhances attack items by a fixed amount. Weaker power results in stronger enhancement.
31Painful NumbersEffect: Enhances attack items by a fixed amount. Weaker power results in stronger enhancement.Fixed Power Enhance x Fixed Power Enhance+
32Damage Up NumbersEffect: Greatly enhances attack items by a fixed amount. Weaker power results in stronger enhancement.Fixed Power Enhance+ x Fixed Power Enhance++
33Huge Damage NumbersEffect: Massively enhances attack items by a fixed amount. Weaker power results in stronger enhancement.Painful Numbers x Damage Up Numbers
34Healing Power UpEffect: Increases the effect of healing items by 10%.
35Healing Power Up+Effect: Increases the effect of healing items by 15%.
36Healing Power Up++Effect: Increases the effect of healing items by 20%.
37Big Healing PowerEffect: Increases the effect of healing items by 25%.Healing Power Up x Healing Power Up+
38Intense Healing PowerEffect: Increases the effect of healing items by 35%.Healing Power Up+ x Healing Power Up++
39Ultimate Healing PowerEffect: Increases the effect of healing items by 50%.Big Healing Power x Intense Healing Power
40Fixed Healing EnhanceEffect: Slightly enhances healing items by a fixed amount. Weaker power results in stronger enhancement.
41Fixed Healing Enhance+Effect: Enhances healing items by a fixed amount. Weaker power results in stronger enhancement.
42Fixed Healing Enhance++Effect: Greatly enhances healing items by a fixed amount. Weaker power results in stronger enhancement.
43Enhance MedicineEffect: Enhances healing items by a fixed amount. Weaker power results in stronger enhancement.Fixed Healing Enhance x Fixed Healing Enhance+
44Greatly Enhance MedicineEffect: Greatly enhances healing items by a fixed amount. Weaker power results in stronger enhancement.Fixed Healing Enhance+ x Fixed Healing Enhance++
45Fixed Healing EnhanceEffect: Massively enhances healing items by a fixed amount. Weaker power results in stronger enhancement.Enhance Medicine x Greatly Enhance Medicine
46CriticalEffect: Increases the item's critical chance by 15%.
47Critical+Effect: Increases the item's critical chance by 25%.
48Critical++Effect: Increases the item's critical chance by 35%.
49Congenial FinishEffect: Increases the item's critical chance by 40%.Critical x Critical+
50Highly CriticalEffect: Item will always critically hit.Critical+ x Critical++
51Deadly StrikeEffect: Item will always critically hit, and result in a kill. (Does not apply to bosses)Congenial Finish x Highly Critical
52Effect StabilityEffect: Reduces the numeric variability of the item, making it easier to get higher numbers.
53Effect Stability+Effect: Halves the numeric variability of the item, making it easier to get higher numbers.
54Constant EffectEffect: Removes the numeric variability of the item, always resulting in the highest numbers.Effect Stability x Effect Stability+
55RecycleEffect: There is a 15% chance not to consume use count of the item during battle, but it will consume MP instead.
56Recycle+Effect: There is a 25% chance not to consume use count of the item during battle, but it will consume MP instead.
57Recycle++Effect: There is a 35% chance not to consume use count of the item during battle, but it will consume MP instead.
58Low Energy ModeEffect: There is a 30% chance not to consume use count of the item during battle, but it will consume MP instead.Recycle x Recycle+
59Reuse ResourcesEffect: There is a 50% chance not to consume use count of the item during battle, but it will consume MP instead.Recycle+ x Recycle++
60Perpetual MotionEffect: Use count of the item will never be consumed during battle, but it will consume MP instead.Low Energy Mode x Reuse Resources
61Automatic Activation 20%Effect: This item will be used automatically when the alchemist's HP falls below 20% in battle, but it will consume MP.
62Automatic Activation 30%Effect: This item will be used automatically when the alchemist's HP falls below 30% in battle, but it will consume MP.
63Automatic Activation 50%Effect: This item will be used automatically when the alchemist's HP falls below 50% in battle, but it will consume MP.
64Use Count +1Increases item's use count by 1. Power is reduced by a small amount in exchange.
65Use Count +2Increases item's use count by 2. Power is reduced by a fair amount in exchange.
66LargeIncreases item's use count by 3.Use Count +1 x Use Count +2
67Use Count -1Decreases item's use count by 1. Power is increased by a small amount in exchange.
68Use Count -2Decreases item's use count by 2. Power is increased in exchange.
69SmallDecreases item's use count by 5. Power is massively increased in exchange.Use Count -1 x Use Count -2
70Transfer PP +3Increases transfer PP by 3 when this item is used as a material in Synthesis.
71Transfer PP +5Increases transfer PP by 5 when this item is used as a material in Synthesis.
72Transfer PP +7Increases transfer PP by 7 when this item is used as a material in Synthesis.
73PP Frame ExpansionIncreases transfer PP by 8 when this item is used as a material in Synthesis.Transfer PP +3 x Transfer PP +5
74PP Efficiency EnhanceIncreases transfer PP by 12 when this item is used as a material in Synthesis.Transfer PP +5 x Transfer PP +7
75PP Frame MaximizationIncreases transfer PP by 20 when this item is used as a material in Synthesis.PP Frame Expansion x PP Efficiency Enhance
76HP +10Causes armor to increase maximum HP. Effect: Maximum HP increases by 10.
77HP +15Causes armor to increase maximum HP. Effect: Maximum HP increases by 15.
78HP +25Causes armor to increase maximum HP. Effect: Maximum HP increases by 25.
79HP EnhanceEffect: Maximum HP increases by 25.HP +10 x HP +15
80HP Big IncreaseEffect: Maximum HP increases by 40.HP +15 x HP +25
81HP Huge EnhanceEffect: Maximum HP increases by 70.HP Enhance x HP Big Increase
82MP +10Causes armor to increase maximum MP. Effect: Maximum MP increases by 10.
83MP +15Causes armor to increase maximum MP. Effect: Maximum MP increases by 15.
84MP +25Causes armor to increase maximum MP. Effect: Maximum MP increases by 25.
85MP EnhanceEffect: Maximum MP increases by 25.MP +10 x MP +15
86MP Big IncreaseEffect: Maximum MP increases by 40.MP +15 x MP +25
87MP Huge EnhanceEffect: Maximum MP increases by 70.MP Enhance x MP Big Increase
88Parameters +5%Causes armor to enhance all stats. Effect: Increases value of base stats by 5%.
89Parameters +7%Causes armor to enhance all stats. Effect: Increases value of base stats by 7%.
90Parameters +10%Causes armor to enhance all stats. Effect: Increases value of base stats by 10%.
91Enhances the BodyEffect: Increases value of base stats by 10%.Parameters +5% x Parameters +7%
92Draws Out PowerEffect: Increases value of base stats by 15%.Parameters +7% x Parameters +10%
93Evolves the BodyEffect: Increases value of base stats by 20%.Enhances the Body x Draws Out Power
94Attack Power +5Causes weapon to enhance attack power. Effect: Increases attack power by 5.
95Attack Power +10Causes weapon to enhance attack power. Effect: Increases attack power by 10.
96Attack Power +15Causes weapon to enhance attack power. Effect: Increases attack power by 15.
97Attack EnhanceEffect: Increases attack power by 15.Attack Power +5 x Attack Power +10
98Attack BoostEffect: Increases attack power by 25.Attack Power +10 x Attack Power +15
99Attack Huge EnhanceEffect: Increases attack power by 40.Attack Enhance x Attack Boost
100Defense +5Causes armor to enhance defense. Effect: Increases defense by 5.
101Defense +10Causes armor to enhance defense. Effect: Increases defense by 10.
102Defense +15Causes armor to enhance defense. Effect: Increases defense by 15.
103Defense EnhanceEffect: Increases defense by 15.Defense +5 x Defense +10
104Defense BoostEffect: Increases defense by 25.Defense +10 x Defense +15
105Defense Huge EnhanceEffect: Increases defense by 40.Defense Enhance x Defense Boost
106Speed +5Causes accessory to increase speed. Effect: Increases speed by 5.
107Speed +10Causes accessory to increase speed. Effect: Increases speed by 10.
108Speed +15Causes accessory to increase speed. Effect: Increases speed by 15.
109Speed EnhanceEffect: Increases speed by 15.Speed +5 x Speed +10
110Speed BoostEffect: Increases speed by 25.Speed +10 x Speed +15
111Speed Huge EnhanceEffect: Increases speed by 40.Speed Enhance x Speed Boost
112Attack & Defense EnhanceEffect: Increases attack power and defense by 10.
113Attack & Speed EnhanceEffect: Increases attack power and speed by 10.Attack Enhance x Speed Enhance
114Defense & Speed EnhanceEffect: Increases defense and speed by 10.Defense Enhance x Speed Enhance
115Stat EnhanceEffect: Increases all stats by 15.Attack & Defense Enhance x Attack & Speed Enhance x Defense & Speed Enhance
116Attack & Defense BoostEffect: Increases attack power and defense by 15.
117Attack & Speed BoostEffect: Increases attack power and speed by 15.Attack Boost x Speed Boost
118Defense & Speed BoostEffect: Increases defense and speed by 15.Defense Boost x Speed Boost
119All Stat BoostxAttack & Defense Boost x Attack & Speed Boost
120Consumption -10%Reduces the consumption of MP. Effect: Reduces MP consumption of skills by 10%.
121Consumption -15%Reduces the consumption of MP. Effect: Reduces MP consumption of skills by 15%.
122Consumption -20%Reduces the consumption of MP. Effect: Reduces MP consumption of skills by 20%.
123Reduce MP ConsumpEffect: Reduces MP consumption of skills by 20%.Consumption -10% x Consumption -15%
124Condense MP ConsumpEffect: Reduces MP consumption of skills by 30%.Consumption -15% x Consumption -20%
125Halve MP ConsumpEffect: Reduces MP consumption of skills by 50%.Reduce MP Consump x Condense MP Consump
126Skill Power +5%Increases the power of skills. Effect: Increases skill power and MP consumption by 5%.
127Skill Power +7%Increases the power of skills. Effect: Increases skill power and MP consumption by 7%.
128Skill Power +10%Increases the power of skills. Effect: Increases skill power and MP consumption by 10%.
129Skill Power EnhanceEffect: Increases skill power and MP consumption by 12%.Skill Power +5% x Skill Power +7%
130Skill BoostEffect: Increases skill power and MP consumption by 17%.Skill Power +7% x Skill Power +10%
131Skill Huge EnhanceEffect: Increases skill power and MP consumption by 30%.Skill Power Enhance x Skill Boost
132Eco SkillEffect: Increases skill power by 10%.Reduce MP Consump x Skill Power Enhance
133Skill Cost CompressionEffect: Increases skill power by 15%.Condense MP Consump x Skill Boost
134Skill SavingsEffect: Increases skill power by 25%.Halve MP Consump x Skill Huge Enhance
135Cause PoisonEffect: Has a chance to cause Poison when dealing damage.
136Cause WeaknessEffect: Has a chance to cause Weakness when dealing damage.
137Cause BlindnessEffect: Has a chance to cause Blindness when dealing damage.
138Cause SlowEffect: Has a chance to cause Slow when dealing damage.
139All Stats +5Effect: Increases all stats except resistances by 5.
140All Stats +7Effect: Increases all stats except resistances by 7.
141All Stats +10Effect: Increases all stats except resistances by 10.
142All Stats EnhanceEffect: Increases all stats except resistances by 12.All Stats +5 x All Stats +7
143All Stats +17Effect: Increases all stats except resistances by 17.All Stats +7 x All Stats +10
144All Stats Power UpEffect: Increases all stats except resistances by 30.All Stats Enhance x All Stats +17
145Damage AbsorbEffect: 3% of damage dealt through attacks is absorbed to recover HP.
146Damage Absorb+Effect: 5% of damage dealt through attacks is absorbed to recover HP.
147Damage Absorb++Effect: 7% of damage dealt through attacks is absorbed to recover HP.
148HP AbsorbEffect: 7% of damage dealt through attacks is absorbed to recover HP.Damage Absorb x Damage Absorb+
149Vitality AbsorbEffect: 10% of damage dealt through attacks is absorbed to recover HP.Damage Absorb+ x Damage Absorb++
150Soul AbsorbEffect: 15% of damage dealt through attacks is absorbed to recover HP.HP Absorb x Vitality Absorb
151Property EnhanceEffect: Enhances the item's effect depending on the strength of Properties present. Stronger Properties cause stronger enhancement.
152Property Enhance+Effect: Enhances the item's effect depending on the strength of Properties present. Stronger Properties cause much stronger enhancement.
153Cost BonusEffect: Enhances the item's effect depending on the strength of Properties present. Stronger Properties cause vastly stronger enhancement.
154Sharp ThornsLaunches very sharp thorns, causing large continuous damage to the target.
155Carries HeatInduces a superheated state, greatly reducing the target's defense.
156Carries ColdEngulfs the target in extremely cold air, greatly reducing their speed.
157Carries ElectricityReleases a complex electrical signal affecting the target's nervous system, making them more vulnerable to status conditions.
158Steel ThornsSteel thorns ignore defense and deal damage.
159Scorching EarthUtilizes scorching geothermal heat from the ground, dealing very large continuous damage to the target.
160Dimensional GapTears a hole into the gap between dimensions, with a chance to instantly KO the target. Does not affect certain enemies.
161Controls TimeInduces powerful electromagnetic waves, pushing the target's turn back a small amount.
162Super RotationRotates quickly, increasing the chance of a critical effect.
163Freezing WindInvokes freezing winds, with a chance to slow the target.
164Twinkling StarsThe power of twinkling stars reduces the target's level. Reduced level reduces all stats, as well as damage dealt.
165Beast King's BladeDraws out the Beast King's blade, ignoring defense and dealing damage to the target.
166Tone of ExhaustionAn exhausting tone reduces the target's attack power, defense, and speed.
167Weight of StonesUses the destructive power of a solid rock to deal fixed damage to the target.
168Barrel AttackA barrel impact deals physical damage to the target.
169Pumpkin CurseThe pumpkin monster's curse has a chance to induce weakness in the target.
170Purges EnhancementsAll absorbing power neutralizes all enhancing status conditions on the target.
171Ability EnhancementGreatly enhances the abilities of an attack item, causing additional damage.
172Effective Against PainIs very effective against pain, restoring a small amount of HP to the target.
173Heals WoundsHeals wounds, restoring HP to the target.
174Stimulates the SensesStimulates the five senses, restoring a small amount of Break value to the target.
175Apple PowerThe power of apples causes the target to recover MP.
176Great MoodCauses a great mood, reducing the effectiveness of status ailments.
177Source of LifeActivates the source of life, temporarily increasing the maximum HP of the target.
178Good MedicineThe mere assumption that this is good medicine restores the target's MP, and a small amount of Break value.
179StabilizingCauses a condition of stability, reducing the effect of status ailments.
180Soothing AromaA refreshing aroma causes the target to recover from KO. The effect is weak.
181Traditional FlavorA traditional flavor causes the target to recover HP.
182Medicinal PropertiesMedicinal compounds cause the target to recover from poison and weakness.
183Soothing FlavorA soothing flavor causes the target to recover a small amount of HP and MP.
184Golden FlavorThe shining golden flavor causes the target to deal additional damage when they score a critical hit.
185Secret of LifeThe secret of life allows the target to automatically revive once after being KO'd.
186Fluffy TextureThe soft, fluffy texture increases the target's defense. This effect lasts for 5 turns.
187Unidentifiable FlavorAn unidentifiable flavor recovers Break value.
188Cleansing AuraA cleansing aura increases attack power, defense, and speed. This effect lasts for 5 turns.
189Heals AllRecover from all status ailments.
190Opens the Mind's EyeOpens the mind's eye, increasing the accuracy of attacks.
191Vitality of DragonsThe power of dragons temporarily increases the target's level, increasing their attack power and speed.
192Slag InjectionAn injection of Slag extract causes recovery from KO.
193TirelessTemporarily reduces the amount of MP consumed when using skills.
194Goddess' BlessingThe goddess' blessing reduces damage taken by the target by a small amount. Only affects physical and magical damage.
195Dispels DiseaseDispels the demons of ill health, recovering from blindness and slow.
196Crosses TimeManipulates the flow of time, shortening the wait time after the target's next turn by a small amount.
197Ultimate CraftsmanshipReflects upon exquisite craftsmanship, causing the target to recover a large amount of HP.
198Approaches the GodsReceive the power of the gods, increasing level, attack power, defense, and speed. This effect lasts for 5 turns.
199Elemental ResistanceBestows resistance to the elements, reducing fire, water, wind, and earth damage taken.
200Power of DragonsReceive the power of dragons, increasing attack power, defense, and speed. This effect grows when facing stronger enemies.
201Hidden Power of ElixirsReleases the power hidden in the elixir, restoring a large amount of HP and MP.
202Fruit TasteThe taste of fruit restores HP with every turn.
203Area BonusEffect: Increases power by number of affected targets x 5%.
204Area Bonus+Effect: Increases power by number of affected targets x 10%.
205Effect Up vs MultipleEffect: Increases power by number of affected targets x 15%.Area Bonus x Area Bonus+
206Small Number BonusEffect: Increases power by 10 ÷ number of affected targets %.
207Small Number Bonus+Effect: Increases power by 15 ÷ number of affected targets %.
208Effect Up vs SingleEffect: Increases power by 25 ÷ number of affected targets %.Small Number Bonus x Small Number Bonus+
209Use Up EnhanceEffect: Increases power when use count remaining is 1 by 15%.
210Use Up Enhance+Effect: Increases power when use count remaining is 1 by 20%.
211Final AttackEffect: Increases power when use count remaining is 1 by 35%.Use Up Enhance x Use Up Enhance+
212Quick UseEffect: Wait time after using item is shortened by 10%. Power is slightly reduced in exchange.
213Quick Use+Effect: Wait time after using item is shortened by 20%. Power is reduced by a small amount in exchange.
214Sonic ThrowEffect: Wait time after using item is shortened by 30%. Power is reduced by a small amount.Quick Use x Quick Use+
215Count CompressionEffect: The item is completely used up in a single use during battle, but its power increases by use count x 2%.
216Count Compression+Effect: The item is completely used up in a single use during battle, but its power increases by use count x 4%.
217Forced ExhaustionEffect: The item is completely used up in a single use during battle, but its power increases by use count x 6%.Count Compression x Count Compression+
218Count BonusEffect: Increases item's power by use count x 1%.
219Count Bonus+Effect: Increases item's power by use count x 2%.
220Count BoostEffect: Increases item's power by use count x 3%.Count Bonus x Count Bonus+
221Time EffectEffect: Turns the healing item into a heal over time effect. It persists for 1 turn. Wait time after use is increased by 50% in exchange.
222Time Effect+Effect: Turns the healing item into a heal over time effect. It persists for 2 turns. Wait time after use is increased by 75% in exchange.
223Item CloneEffect: Turns the healing item into a heal over time effect. It persists for 3 turns. Wait time after use is doubled in exchange.Time Effect x Time Effect+
224Traditional SoulA traditional soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Increases transfer PP by 50.
225Fire Spirit SoulA fire spirit soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Increases HP and attack power.
226Water Spirit SoulA water spirit soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Increases MP and defense.
227Wind Spirit SoulA wind spirit soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Increases critical bonus and accuracy.
228Earth Spirit SoulAn earth spirit soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Bestows turn delay resistance and increases assist recovery rate.
229Light God SoulA light god soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Bestows damage reversal and neutralizes all status ailments.
230Dark God SoulA dark god soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Bestows speed increase and reduces skill wait time.
231Lord of Day SoulA lord of day soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Bestows HP regeneration and a chance to avoid KO.
232Lord of Night SoulA lord of night soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Increases critical hit chance and has a chance to reduce wait time.
233Holy SoulA holy soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Bestows damage conversion and reduces physical damage taken.
234Demon SoulA demonic soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Bestows massive attack power increase and massive HP loss per turn.
235Sunlight SoulA sunlight soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Increases all stats except for resistances and fire and water resistance.
236Moonlight SoulA moonlight soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Increases all stats except for resistances and wind and earth resistance.
237Star SoulA star soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Swaps HP and MP, and increases evasion rate.
238Sky SoulA sky soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Increases Assist effects and Burst Gauge fill rate.
239Valorous SoulA valorous soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Greatly increases skill power and adds Break value.
240Champion SoulA champion soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Adds damage and causes status changes.
241Vampiric SoulA vampiric soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Causes a portion of damage dealt to be absorbed.
242Force SoulA force soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Adds extra damage.
243Awakened SoulAn awakened soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Bestows enhancement proportional to level differences.
244Dynamic SoulA dynamic soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Increases maximum HP and bestows automatic KO revival.
245Heroic SoulA heroic soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Provides bonuses against powerful enemies and bosses.
246Benevolent SoulA benevolent soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Provides bonuses against powerful enemies and bosses.
247Enduring SoulAn enduring soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Greatly increases Break resistance and recovery speed from Breaks.
248Tranquil SoulA tranquil soul enhances the material it inhabits. Effect: Greatly increases HP and MP recovery while in the rear line.
249Power to Destroy GodsEffect: Increases item's effect by 40%.
250Power of Gods' BlessingsEffect: Increases item's effect by 40%.
251Auto UseEffect: This item will be used automatically when the alchemist's HP falls below 60% in battle.
252Perfect BodyEffect: Increases maximum HP and MP by 50.
253Tough BodyEffect: Increases defense by 30, and all base stats by 15%.
254Overflowing PowerEffect: Increases attack power by 20, and 10% of damage dealt through attacks is absorbed into HP.
255Expert TechniqueEffect: Increases skill power by 25%, and also reduces skill MP consumption by 25%.
256Multi BonusEffect: Increases power by number of targets affected x 20%.
257Single BonusEffect: Increases power by 40 ÷ number of targets affected %.
258Single & Multiple EnhanceEffect: Increases power by 25 ÷ number of targets affected % + number of targets affected x 15%.
259Last StrikeEffect: Increases power by 45% when there is 1 use count left.
260Mach ThrowEffect: Wait time after using the item is reduced by 50%.
261One Time EndEffect: The item is completely consumed after 1 use, but its power increases by use count x 7%.
262Count Super EnhanceEffect: Item power increases by use count x 5%.
263Auto MaterialThe healing item is converted into a heal over time effect, and will also be used automatically when the alchemist's HP falls below 25%.
264Avidya AttackAdds extra damage to attacks. Also increases the power of skills.
265Chaos AttackAdds a large amount of extra damage to attacks. Also greatly increases the power of skills.
266Transforming AttackAdds extra damage to attacks. Also increases the power of skills.
267Persisting AttackAdds a large amount of extra damage to attacks. Also greatly increases the power of skills.
268Barrage AttackAdds a large amount of extra damage to attacks. Also increases the power of skills by a small amount.
269Jumbo BlessingEffect: Item's effect is enhanced by equipment frames x 10%.
270Legend Destruct PowerEffect: Massively increases the attack item's effect by a fixed amount. The amount gained is inversely proportional to the original value.
271Legend Healing PowerEffect: Massively increases the healing item's effect by a fixed amount. The amount gained is inversely proportional to the original value.
272Evolving BodyEffect: Increases all base stats by 33%.
273Property Super EnhanceEffect: Enhances the item's effect dependent on the Properties present. Stronger Properties result in vastly greater enhancement.
274HP & MP EnhanceEffect: Increases maximum HP and MP by 15.HP Enhance x MP Enhance
275HP & MP Big IncreaseEffect: Increases maximum HP and MP by 25.HP Big Increase x MP Big Increase
276HP & MP Huge EnhanceEffect: Increases maximum HP and MP by 40.HP Huge Enhance x MP Huge Enhance
277Curse of PowerlessnessEffect: Greatly reduces the target's attack power.
278Curse of DefenselessnessEffect: Greatly reduces the target's defense.
279Curse of SlownessEffect: Greatly reduces the target's speed.
280Blessing of StrengthEffect: Greatly increases the target's attack power.
281Consumes SoulReduces level
282Blessing of ProtectionEffect: Greatly increases the target's defense.
283Blessing of SkandaEffect: Greatly increases the target's speed.
284Soul DwellingEffect: Greatly increases the target's level.
285Wait Time EnhanceEnhances the item's power by a small amount, dependent on the wait time after using it.
286Wait Time Enhance+Enhances the item's power by a fair amount, dependent on the wait time after using it.
287Charge ItemEnhances the item's power, dependent on the wait time after using it.Wait Time Enhance x Wait Time Enhance+
288Power ThrowIncreases the power of the item by a small amount, as well as the wait time after using it.
289Power Throw+Increases the power of the item, as well as the wait time after using it.
290Strong ThrowIncreases the power of the item by a large amount, as well as the wait time after using it.Power Throw x Power Throw+
291Super SkillsEffect: Increases the power and cost of skills by 35%.
292Annihilation AttackEffect: Deals additional damage to the target. The variation in power is very large.
293Follow Up EnhanceEffect: Increases damage done to Broken enemies by 10%.
294Follow Up Enhance+Effect: Increases damage done to Broken enemies by 20%.
295Follow Up Enhance++Effect: Increases damage done to Broken enemies by 30%.
296Pitiless AttackEffect: Increases damage done to Broken enemies by 20%.
297Full On AttackEffect: Increases damage done to Broken enemies by 40%.Follow Up Enhance+ x Follow Up Enhance++
298Merciless AttackEffect: Increases damage done to Broken enemies by 60%.Pitiless Attack x Full On Attack
299Extra AttackEffect: Adds a minute amount of extra damage to attacks.
300Extra Attack+Effect: Adds a small amount of extra damage to attacks.
301Extra Attack++Effect: Adds a fair amount of extra damage to attacks.
302Sub AttackEffect: Adds extra damage to attacks.Extra Attack x Extra Attack+
303Double AttackEffect: Adds a moderate amount of extra damage to attacks.Extra Attack+ x Extra Attack++
304Multi AttackEffect: Adds a large amount of extra damage to attacks.Sub Attack x Double Attack
305Burst AdditionEffect: Slightly increases the amount of Burst Gauge gained when attacking.
306Burst Addition +Effect: Increases the amount of Burst Gauge gained when attacking by a small amount.
307Burst Addition ++Effect: Somewhat increases the amount of Burst Gauge gained when attacking.
308Burst PlusEffect: Increases the amount of Burst Gauge gained when attacking by a fair amount.Burst Addition x Burst Addition +
309Burst UpEffect: Increases the amount of Burst Gauge gained when attacking.Burst Addition + x Burst Addition ++
310Twin BurstEffect: Increases the amount of Burst Gauge gained when attacking by a large amount.Burst Plus x Burst Up
311Synthesis Skill IncreaseSkill frames increase by 1 (to a maximum of 4). Only has an effect when this item is used as a material for Synthesis.
312Synthesis Chain IncreaseIncreases the base Chain Count by 3. Only has an effect when this item is used as a material for Synthesis.
313Elemental Attribute-FAdds the Fire elemental attribute. Only has an effect when this item is used as a material for Synthesis.
314Elemental Attribute-WAdds the Water elemental attribute. Only has an effect when this item is used as a material for Synthesis.
315Elemental Attribute-WdAdds the Wind elemental attribute. Only has an effect when this item is used as a material for Synthesis.
316Elemental Attribute-EAdds the Earth elemental attribute. Only has an effect when this item is used as a material for Synthesis.
317Property Level IncreaseIncreases Property level by 1 (to a maximum of 3). Only has an effect when this item is used as a material for Synthesis.
318Property Skill ActivationAllows the use of special Synthesis skills when this item is used as a material. Multiple instances of this will enhance the effect of the skill.

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