Atelier Firis – Charts

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NameTypeIngredient 1Ingredient 2Ingredient 3Ingredient 4Category 1Category 2Category 3Category 4Add Category 1Add Category 2
Uni BagAttackUni x2(Gunpowder) x1(Ore) x1(Bomb)
BombAttackKaen Stone x2(Gunpowder) x1(Fuel) x1(Bomb)
Mining BombAttack(Ore) x1(Fuel) x1(Gunpowder) x2(Neutralizer) x1(Bomb)
Blau BombAttackBlue Steel Stone x2(Gunpowder) x1(Fuel) x2(Neutralizer) x1(Bomb)
Ori BombAttackGolden Rock x1Cinders x1(Fuel) x2(Neutralizer) x2(Bomb)
Peta BombAttackOri Bomb x1Rubinite x1(Bomb) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Bomb)
CraftAttackUni Bag x1(Metal) x2(Gunpowder) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Bomb)
Craft BagAttackUnyu x2(Cloth) x1(Metal) x2(Ore) x1(Bomb)
Ice BombAttackHakurei Stone x2(Water) x2(Neutralizer) x1(Bomb)
Vio Ice BombAttackGolden Rock x1Ground Water x2(Water) x2(Neutralizer) x1(Bomb)
Stahl Ice BombAttackDistilled Water x1Eternal Silver Thaw x1(Water) x1(Neutralizer) x2(Bomb)
Einsof Ice BombAttackStahl Ice Bomb 1Sapphias x1(Medicine) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Bomb)
Lightning BombAttackRaiden Ore x2(Clay) x2(Neutralizer) x1(Bomb)
Blitz StoneAttackTamahagane x3(Metal) x2(Neutralizer) x1(Bomb)
Lightning CrystalAttackCrystal Shard x2Tamahagane x1(Gem) x2(Metal) x1(Bomb)
Blitz CrystalAttackLightning Crystal x1Diamond x1(Metal) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Bomb)
Blitz Core: FireAttackCore Crystal x1(Ore) x1(Fuel) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Magic Item)
Blitz Core: IceAttackCore Crystal x1(Ore) x1(Fuel) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Magic Item)
Blitz Core: ThunderAttackCore Crystal x1(Ore) x1(Fuel) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Magic Item)
Blitz Core: VoidAttackCore Crystal x1(Ore) x1(Hidden Power) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Magic Item)
Wandering GlobeAttackGlobe Ball x1(Metal) x4(Ore) x2(Hidden Power) x1(Bomb)(Magic Item)
Bursting GiftAttack(Paper) x2(Gunpowder) x1(Bomb) x3(Magic Item)
God's GiftAttackMalmore Comet x1Pendeloch x1(Bomb) x1(Metal) x2(Bomb)(Magic Item)
Heaven's CleanserAttackMalmore Comet x1Dragon Heart x1(Bomb) x2(Metal) x2(Bomb)(Magic Item)
Flame of OriginAttackCrimson Stone x1Jette Ore x1(Bomb) x1(Hidden Power) x2(Bomb)(Magic Item)
Flame of the EndAttackCrimson Stone x1Rubinite x1(Bomb) x1(Hidden Power) x2(Bomb)(Magic Item)
Holy Crystal WeightAttackErtona Crystal x5Eternal Silver Thaw x3(Gem) x1(Hidden Power) x2(Bomb)(Magic Item)
N/AAttackPeta Bomb x1Einsof Ice Bomb x1Blitz Crystal x1(Neutralizer) x3(Bomb)
No-DocRecovery(Plant) x2(Paper) x1(Water) x2(Medicine)
Red Wheat BreadRecoveryWheat Flour x2Honey x1(Water) x2(Food)
Ertona SalveRecoveryNo-Doc x1Mineral Oil x1(Water) x2(Plant) x1(Medicine)
Puni JellyRecoveryHoney x2(Puniball) x2(Water) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Food)(Sweets)
Rock CookieRecoveryUni x1Zwei Nuts x1(Water) x2(Food)(Sweets)
Strength MeatRecoveryBeast Meat x2Tough Bone x1(Fuel) x1(Hidden Power) x1(Food)
FruiteaRecoveryNectar Fruit x2Drinking Water x2(Flower) x1(Fuel) x1(Food)(Hidden Power)
Breezy AromaRecoveryPure Oil x1(Medicine Mat) x2(Paper) x2(Neutralizer) x1(Medicine)
Traveler's RationRecoveryWheat Flour x2Gold Potato x1Zwei Nuts x1(Foodstuff) x1(Food)
Honey SyrupRecoveryHoney x1(Medicine) x1(Water) x2(Medicine)
Stamina BreadRecoveryRed Wheat Bread x1Leafy Lettuce x1(Foodstuff) x1(Seafood) x1(Food)
Nectar of LifeRecoveryGolden Tree Leaf x2(Elixir) x2(Hidden Power) x2(Neutralizer) x1(Medicine)(Hidden Power)
Dona CakeRecoveryWheat Flour x2Amber Sugar x2Unknown Egg x2(Water) x1(Food)(Sweets)
Elixir of LaaweRecoveryWorm Fish x1(Medicine Mat) x2(Hidden Power) x1(Water) x1(Medicine)(Hidden Power)
Hotspring EggRecoveryUnknown Egg x1Flocke Hotspring Water x1(Fuel) x1(Food)
CrokenbuffeRecoveryWheat Flour x1Honey x1Honey Syrup x1(Foodstuff) x1(Food)(Sweets)
Mystery ElixirRecoveryDunkelheit x1(Elixir) x2(Water) x2(Neutralizer) x1(Food)(Sweets)(Hidden Power)
Roast RabbitRecoveryFresh Meat x1Apcol x1(Plant) x1(Fuel) x1(Food)
Imp's MischiefAttackSuspicious Liquid x1(Poison Mat) x2(Metal) x1(Hidden Power) x2(Magic Item)
Bottled MisfortuneAttackSuspicious Liquid x1Spirit Stone x1(Neutralizer) x2(Water) x2(Medicine)
Spark MalletSupportZapping Water x1(Metal) x1(Wood) x1(Gem) x1(Magic Item)
Titan BeltSupportGolden Silk x1(Armor Mat) x1(Cloth) x1(Thread) x1(Magic Item)(Cloth)
Acid CloudAttackMineral Oil x2Suspicious Liquid x1(Fuel) x1(Poison) x1(Medicine)
Medea's PoisonAttackDarkshroom x2(Poison) x2(Puniball) x2(Medicine)(Poison Mat)
Hero's MedicineSupportDragon Scale x2(Elixir) x2(Foodstuff) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Medicine)
Spirit Weave ClothSupportSilver Web x2(Cloth) x2(Thread) x1(Hidden Power) x2(Cloth)
Rainbow TransformerAttackMulticolor Dye x2Puni Fluid x1(Hidden Power) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Medicine)
Dark WaterAttackMedea's Poison x1(Poison Mat) x3(Medicine)(Poison Mat)
Dragon ElixirSupportDragon Bloodstone x1(Elixir) x1(Medicine Mat) x2(Water) x2(Medicine)
Special NutrientsGathering(Plant) x3(Sand) x1(Medicine Mat) x1(Water) x1(Medicine)
Wind God's BagGatheringHandwoven Cloth x3(Hidden Power) x1(Gunpowder) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Gathering Tool)(Cloth)(Magic Item)
Spare BackpackGatheringLeather x2(Cloth) x3(Thread) x1(Magic Item)(Cloth)
Air DropGatheringHoney x1Crackling Water x1(Puniball) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Magic Item)(Food)(Sweets)
PickaxeGathering(Metal) x2(Wood) x1(Fuel) x1(Magic Item)
Fishing PoleGatheringSweet Shoot x1Tasty Looking Bait x2(Thread) x2(Magic Item)(Wood)
High Grade PoleGatheringFishing Pole x1Tasty Looking Bait x2(Thread) x1(Magic Item)(Wood)
God-Pole Liebel CrownGatheringHigh Grade Pole x1Tasty Looking Bait x2(Thread) x1(Magic Item)(Wood)
Schatz FlameGatheringPuniball: Gold x2(Metal) x1(Gem) x1(Hidden Power) x1(Magic Item)
Sky FlickerGatheringGravicrystal x1(Wood) x1(Thread) x1(Hidden Power) x1(Magic Item)
Artificial SunGatheringErtonite x10(Metal) x10(Fuel) x30(Bomb) x1(Magic Item)
AllheilmittelSynthGolden Tree Leaf x4Algemein Plywood x3(Clay) x5(Ore) x3(Magic Item)(Hidden Power)
ToydozerGatheringHarmonium x1Propulsion Furnace x1(Metal) x2(Fuel) x1(Magic Item)
Barrel PlaneGatheringBarrell x1Algemein Plywood x1(Fuel) x1(Hidden Power) x2(Magic Item)
Drop ShipGatheringPropulsion Furnace x1Air Drop x1Puniball: Gold x1(Metal) x2(Magic Item)
Puni DroneGatheringRolled Metal Plate x1(Puniball) x2(Metal) x1(Fuel) x1(Magic Item)
Neutralizer RSynth(Ore) x2(Water) x2(Neutralizer)(Fuel)
Neutralizer BSynth(Water) x5(Neutralizer)(Poison)
Neutralizer YSynth(Clay) x2(Water) x2(Neutralizer)(Medicine Mat)
Neutralizer GSynth(Plant) x2(Water) x2(Neutralizer)(Foodstuff)
Neutralizer WSynth(Gem) x2(Water) x2(Neutralizer)
Neutralizer PSynth(Poison) x2(Water) x2(Neutralizer)
Rainbow NeutralizerSynthDistilled Water x2(Magic Item) x1(Hidden Power) x2(Elixir) x1(Neutralizer)
General CatalystSynth(Flower) x1(Puniball) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Catalyst)(Medicine Mat)
Iron Sand CatalystSynth(Sand) x1(Metal) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Catalyst)(Metal)
Liquid CatalystSynth(Foodstuff) x1(Seafood) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Catalyst)(Water)
Reactive CatalystSynthCrackling Water x1(Medicine) x1(Bomb) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Catalyst)(Fuel)
Distilled WaterSynth(Water) x3(Fuel) x1(Cloth) x1(Water)
Amber SugarSynthSweet Shoot x3(Fuel) x1(Foodstuff)
HoneySynthBeehive x2(Foodstuff)
Wheat FlourSynthMechen Wheat x2(Foodstuff)(Gunpowder)
ApcolSynthBush Strawberry x2(Plant) x1(Water) x1(Foodstuff)(Medicine Mat)
Pure OilSynthPlant Oil x2(Plant) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Fuel)(Water)
ZettelSynth(Plant) x3(Water) x2(Neutralizer) x1(Paper)(Fuel)
Tanning FluidSynth(Plant) x5(Water) x2(Medicine)(Poison Mat)
LeatherSynthAnimal Hide x2Tanning Fluid x1(Thread) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Animal Mat)(Armor Mat)
Handwoven ClothSynth(Thread) x2(Plant) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Cloth)
Algemein PlywoodSynthDona Wood x2Evihibrow x1Plant Oil x1(Wood) x1(Wood)
Multicolor DyeSynthMineral Oil x2(Flower) x2(Water) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Medicine)
PolishSynth(Ore) x2(Clay) x1(Fuel) x2(Clay)(Sand)
Alchemic ClaySynth(Clay) x4(Hidden Power) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Clay)(Elixir)
Globe BallSynthMulticolor Dye x1(Wood) x1(Paper) x3(Wood)(Magic Item)
Tasty Looking BaitSynthWheat Flour x2(Seafood) x2(Neutralizer) x1(Food)(Clay)
HaySynth(Plant) x5(Puniball) x2(Plant)(Fuel)
GravicrystalSynthGravistone x3(Water) x1(Fuel) x1(Hidden Power)
Core CrystalSynthCrystal Shard x2(Water) x1(Fuel) x1(Metal) x1(Gem)(Magic Item)(Hidden Power)
IngotSynth(Ore) x3(Fuel) x2(Weapon Mat)(Metal)
SilvaliaSynthKupulf Ore x2Spirit Stone x1(Ore) x2(Fuel) x1(Weapon Mat)(Metal)
Golt AizenSynthAizen Ore x1Broken Stone x2Golden Rock x2(Fuel) x1(Weapon Mat)(Metal)
HarmoniumSynthCrimson Stone x1Spirit Rock x2(Ore) x2(Fuel) x1(Weapon Mat)(Metal)(Hidden Power)
ClothSynth(Thread) x2(Plant) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Armor Mat)(Cloth)
MofcottSynthWild Cotton x2(Plant) x1(Thread) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Armor Mat)(Cloth)
FlugelSynthRipple Stone x1(Thread) x2(Neutralizer) x2(Water) x1(Armor Mat)(Cloth)
VelvetisSynthGolden Silk x2Puni Fluid x3Rainbow Neutralizer x1(Elixir) x1(Armor Mat)(Cloth)(Hidden Power)
KeelSynthAlgemein Plywood x3(Wood) x5(Metal) x4(Magic Item)
Reinforced RudderSynthIngot x4(Wood) x5(Metal) x1(Magic Item)
Tough SailclothSynthCloth x3Plant Oil x1(Cloth) x5(Thread) x2(Magic Item)
Rolled Metal PlateSynthIngot x5(Metal) x4(Fuel) x2(Water) x2(Magic Item)
Propulsion FurnaceSynth(Metal) x40(Fuel) x30(Gunpowder) x10(Hidden Power) x10(Magic Item)
Planetary GearSynthDona Wood x4(Metal) x2(Clay) x1(Magic Item)
Icy FlameSynthInfinite Fuel Rod x1(Sand) x5(Clay) x2(Metal) x1(Magic Item)
Infinite Fuel RodSynthReactive Catalyst x1(Fuel) x4(Elixir) x1(Magic Item)
Denudated MetalSynthRolled Metal Plate x1Black Tree Stone x3Algemein Plywood x2(Fuel) x1(Magic Item)
Wind WingSynthFlugel x5Jelly Gem x3(Wood) x1(Hidden Power) x1(Magic Item)
GravidriveSynthGravicrystal x5(Metal) x2(Wood) x1(Hidden Power) x1(Magic Item)
Improved FurnaceSynthPropulsion Furnace x1(Metal) x40(Fuel) x30(Gunpowder) x20(Magic Item)
Shining Red CrystalSynthPhilosopher Stone x1Distilled Water x30Ertona Crystal x15Rainbow Neutralizer x30(Hidden Power)(Elixir)
Plant DisinfectantSynthApcol x1Purple Flower x1(Seafood) x2(Medicine)
Book Repair KitSynthZettel x2(Thread) x1(Cloth) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Paper)(Medicine)
General Cold MedicineSynthFairy Parasol x2Spinach x2(Seafood) x2(Medicine Mat) x1(Medicine)
Cough DropSynthTaun x1Honey Syrup x2Amber Sugar x1(Flower) x3(Medicine)(Sweets)
Medical Herb TeaSynthTall Taun x4(Flower) x2(Fuel) x1(Water) x1(Medicine)
Smaragd OreSynthRipple Stone x1Alchemic Clay x1(Water) x1(Ore)(Gem)
Granate OreSynthSpirit Stone x1Alchemic Clay x1(Water) x1(Ore)(Gem)
Rubinite OreSynthMagnet Stone x3Alchemic Clay x1(Fuel) x1(Water) x1(Ore)(Gem)
Sapphias OreSynthMagnet Stone x3Alchemic Clay x1(Fuel) x1(Water) x1(Ore)(Gem)
Jette OreSynthBlack Tree Stone x3Alchemic Clay x1(Water) x1(Ore)(Plant)(Gem)
Diamond OreSynthKimber Ore x3Alchemic Clay x1Polish x1(Water) x1(Gem)
SmaragdSynthSmaragd Ore x1Polish x1(Water) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Gem)
GranateSynthGranate Ore x1Polish x1(Water) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Gem)
RubiniteSynthRubinite Ore x1Polish x1Distilled Water x1(Neutralizer) x1(Gem)
SapphiasSynthSapphias Ore x1Polish x1Distilled Water x1(Neutralizer) x1(Gem)
JetteSynthJette Ore x1Polish x1(Water) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Gem)(Plant)
DiamondSynthDiamond Ore x1Polish x1Distilled Water x1(Neutralizer) x1(Gem)
Malmore CometSynthBlack Star Stone x1Polish x1Distilled Water x2(Neutralizer) x2(Gem)
Spirit StoneMaterialSpirit Stone Shard(Fuel)(Water)(Ore)(Metal)
Ripple StoneMaterialRipple Stone Shard(Fuel)(Water)(Ore)
Black Tree StoneMaterialBlack Tree Stone Shard(Water)(Ore)(Plant)
Magnet StoneMaterialMagnet Stone Shard(Fuel)(Water)(Ore)
Kimber OreMaterialKimber Ore Shard(Fuel)(Water)(Ore)
Crimson StoneSynthDragon Bloodstone x1Black Star Stone x2(Gunpowder) x2(Elixir) x1(Animal Mat)(Gunpowder)(Elixir)(Neutralizer)
Philosopher StoneSynthCrimson Stone x1Cinders x5(Elixir) x2(Gem) x1(Water)(Medicine Mat)(Elixir)(Hidden Power)
Simple Chest: BrownObjectDona Wood x3Plant Oil x1(Wood) x1(Object)
Simple Chest: WhiteObjectEvihibrow x3Plant Oil x1(Wood) x1(Object)
Big Container: BrownObjectDona Wood x3(Wood) x3(Object)
Big Container: WhiteObjectEvihibrow x3(Wood) x3(Object)
Alchemy Research DeskObject(Object)
Instrument SetObject(Object)
Precision Instrument SetObject(Object)
Uni Demon StatueObjectUni x5Unyu x1(Clay) x3(Elixir) x1(Object)
Advanced CauldronObject(Object)(Important)
Leather SofaObjectLeather x4Plant Oil x1(Wood) x2(Thread) x1(Object)
Silken SofaObjectMulticolor Dye x1(Cloth) x4(Wood) x2(Thread) x1(Object)
Refreshing BedObjectWild Cotton x5Monster Feather x3(Cloth) x2(Wood) x4(Object)
Lady's BedObjectWool x5(Cloth) x4(Wood) x2(Thread) x3(Object)
Treasure BoxObject(Object)
Default CauldronObject(Object)(Important)
Default BedObject(Object)(Important)
Default DeskObject(Object)(Important)
High Class DeskObjectEvihibrow x3Multicolor Dye x1Plant Oil x1Polish x3(Object)
Default ContainerObject(Object)(Important)
Default SofaObject(Object)
GramophoneObjectBeehive x1(Metal) x1(Wood) x1(Hidden Power) x1(Object)
GlobeObjectGlobe Ball x1(Wood) x1(Paper) x1(Metal) x1(Object)
Herculean StatueObjectTamahagane x30Polish x20(Gunpowder) x20(Hidden Power) x10(Object)
Corneria DollObject(Object)(Important)
Pico DollObjectWild Cotton x3Wool x2(Cloth) x1(Elixir) x1(Object)
Bear DollObjectWool x5Multicolor Dye x1(Thread) x1(Object)
SnowmanObjectEternal Silver Thaw x1(Water) x1(Hidden Power) x2(Object)
Big ClockObject(Metal) x2(Wood) x2(Object)
Big HourglassObject(Sand) x5(Metal) x1(Wood) x1(Object)
Mascot PostObject(Wood) x3(Clay) x5(Paper) x1(Object)
Puni CandlestandObjectBeehive x3(Puniball) x5(Thread) x1(Hidden Power) x1(Object)
Dancing PlantObject(Plant) x1(Puniball) x4(Elixir) x3(Object)
Shining Ornament TreeObjectErtona Crystal x3(Plant) x1(Wood) x1(Magic Item) x1(Object)
Water FountainObject(Clay) x4(Water) x2(Hidden Power) x1(Object)
SafeObject(Metal) x2(Cloth) x1(Object)
Notice BoardObject(Wood) x3(Object)
Trophy StandObjectWhite Ashstone x4(Clay) x2(Sand) x4(Water) x1(Object)
Brick StandObject(Clay) x4(Fuel) x2(Sand) x4(Water) x2(Object)
BarrelObjectPlant Oil x2(Wood) x3(Metal) x3(Object)
Purgatory ContainerObjectAlgemein Plywood x3Multicolor Dye x2Black Tree Stone x2(Wood) x3(Object)
Verdant BedObjectPrincess Grass x5Monster Feather x3(Cloth) x4(Wood) x2(Object)
Maiden's BedObjectWild Cotton x5Griffon Feather x3(Cloth) x4(Wood) x2(Object)
Blessing StaffWeaponGolt Aizen x1Philosopher Stone x1(Metal) x1(Gem) x1(Weapon)
Wind StaffWeapon(Weapon)
Sunny Bird StaffWeaponMonster Feather x1(Wood) x1(Gem) x1(Weapon)
Firebird StaffWeapon(Weapon)
Phoenix StaffWeapon(Weapon Mat) x1(Wood) x1(Cloth) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Weapon)
Mirage SwordWeapon(Weapon Mat) x1(Ore) x1(Water) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Weapon)
Flame SwordWeapon(Weapon)
Aurora SwordWeaponDistilled Water x1Black Star Stone x2(Weapon Mat) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Weapon)
Beast SlayerWeapon(Weapon)
Berserk BladeWeaponBlue Steel Stone x1(Weapon Mat) x1(Thread) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Weapon)
Dragoon FangWeaponGolt Aizen x1Wicked Fang x1(Weapon Mat) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Weapon)
Metal SlasherWeaponGolden Rock x1(Weapon Mat) x1(Metal) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Weapon)
Gale DaggerWeapon(Weapon)
Hidden DaggerWeaponTamahagane x1(Weapon Mat) x1(Fuel) x1(Water) x1(Weapon)
Battle AxeWeapon(Weapon)
Pole AxeWeaponAizen Ore x1(Weapon Mat) x1(Metal) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Weapon)
EisenflutWeapon(Weapon Mat) x2(Metal) x2(Weapon)
Cross SpearWeapon(Weapon Mat) x1(Metal) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Weapon)
White Wing SpearWeapon(Weapon)
Valkyrie SpearWeaponGolt Aizen x1Flugel x1(Weapon Mat) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Weapon)
Blue Sky BowWeapon(Weapon)
Steel BowWeapon(Weapon Mat) x1(Metal) x3(Weapon)
Hawkeye BowWeapon(Weapon)
Shooting StarWeapon(Weapon Mat) x1(Plant) x1(Hidden Power) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Weapon)
Howling GunWeapon(Weapon)
Night LightningWeapon(Weapon Mat) x1(Metal) x1(Gunpowder) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Weapon)
Silver GunWeapon(Weapon)
ZweipieceWeapon(Weapon Mat) x1(Gem) x1(Gunpowder) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Weapon)
Endless Quest StaffWeaponHarmonium x1Rainbow Neutralizer x1(Gem) x1(Metal) x1(Weapon)
SternbogenWeaponHarmonium x1(Wood) x1(Thread) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Weapon)
Weber's RodWeaponSapphias x1(Wood) x1(Magic Item) x1(Hidden Power) x1(Weapon)
Earth Splitter CarolinaWeaponGolt Aizen x1Big Beast Bone x1(Gunpowder) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Weapon)
Prophetic KreutzWeaponHarmonium x1(Wood) x1(Thread) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Weapon)
FalcataWeaponHarmonium x1(Metal) x2(Neutralizer) x1(Weapon)
Demonblade ValdbergWeaponHarmonium x1(Wood) x1(Thread) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Weapon)
Radiant WeiseWeapon(Weapon)
Dragon DestroyerWeaponHarmonium x1Dragon Scale x1(Ore) x1(Metal) x1(Weapon)
Mistral BringerWeaponHarmonium x1(Hidden Power) x1(Wood) x1(Neutralizer) x1(Weapon)
Moon CallerWeaponPretty Shell x1(Weapon Mat) x1(Gem) x1(Ore) x1(Weapon)
Cosmos CallerWeaponGranate x1Black Star Stone x1(Gem) x1(Hidden Power) x1(Weapon)
Bright KnightWeaponHarmonium x1Rainbow Neutralizer x1Crimson Stone x1(Hidden Power) x1(Weapon)
Traveler's ClothesArmor(Armor)
Common ShirtArmor(Armor)
Thick Fur ShirtArmorMofcott x1Rabbit Fur x1(Armor Mat) x1(Thread) x1(Armor)
Beast Warding ShirtArmor(Armor)
Combat ShirtArmor(Armor)
NightshadeArmorBlack Sand x2Black Tree Stone x2(Cloth) x1(Thread) x1(Armor)
Colorful VestArmorFlugel x1Multicolor Dye x1(Hidden Power) x1(Thread) x1(Armor)
Alchemy MantleArmorVelvetis x1Rainbow Neutralizer x1(Cloth) x1(Hidden Power) x1(Armor)
Journey RaimentArmor(Armor)
Riveted Leather ArmorArmorLeather x2Plant Oil x1(Metal) x1(Thread) x1(Armor)
Bone MailArmor(Armor)
Scale VestArmor(Armor Mat) x1(Metal) x1(Cloth) x1(Thread) x1(Armor)
Plate VestArmorLeather x1(Armor Mat) x1(Weapon Mat) x1(Thread) x1(Armor)
Journey CoatArmor(Armor)
Splint MailArmor(Armor)
Tamahagane MailArmorTamahagane x1Silvalia x1(Armor Mat) x1(Thread) x1(Armor)
Gold Chain ArmorArmorGolt Aizen x1(Metal) x1(Cloth) x1(Thread) x1(Armor)
Meteor Iron ArmorArmorBlack Star Stone x1Golt Aizen x1(Armor Mat) x1(Hidden Power) x1(Armor)
Mysterious PlateArmor(Armor)
Journey PlateArmor(Armor)
Bride's BlouseArmor(Armor)
Resurrection WearArmor(Armor)
Moist ArmorArmor(Armor)
Reactive CoatArmor(Armor)
Angel RibbonAccessory(Neutralizer) x1(Thread) x1(Cloth) x2(Hidden Power) x1(Accessory)
Knuckle GuardAccessoryAizen Ore x3(Metal) x1(Cloth) x1(Thread) x1(Accessory)
Bronze Mirror ShieldAccessoryErtonite x1Aizen Ore x1(Metal) x2(Fuel) x1(Accessory)
Beast TalismanAccessoryAnimal Hide x1(Neutralizer) x1(Clay) x1(Gem) x1(Accessory)
Beast AromaAccessory(Neutralizer) x2(Water) x1(Fuel) x1(Accessory)
Blue Crystal RingAccessoryCore Crystal x1(Gem) x1(Metal) x1(Hidden Power) x1(Accessory)
Ambrosia GarlandAccessoryPrincess Grass x2(Plant) x2(Thread) x1(Accessory)
Gunade RingAccessory(Gem) x2(Metal) x2(Thread) x1(Accessory)
Element GuardAccessorySpirit Rock x1(Gem) x2(Hidden Power) x2(Accessory)
Coin of FortuneAccessoryDiamond Ore x1(Metal) x1(Animal Mat) x1(Gem) x1(Accessory)
Firesoul TalismanAccessoryOri Bomb x1Neutralizer R x1(Metal) x1(Gem) x1(Accessory)
Windspirit TalismanAccessoryBursting Gift x1Neutralizer W x1(Metal) x1(Gem) x1(Accessory)
Icedream TalismanAccessoryStahl Ice Bomb x1Neutralizer B x1(Metal) x1(Gem) x1(Accessory)
Magic Stone ChainAccessorySmaragd x1Rubinite x1Sapphias x1(Gem) x1(Accessory)
Long BootsAccessory(Accessory)(Fuel)
Gold Long BootsAccessory(Accessory)(Fuel)
Dion's LetterImportant(Important)
Aurelie's LetterImportant(Important)
Ren's LetterImportant(Important)
Norbert's LetterImportant(Important)
Kirsche's LetterImportant(Important)
Explorer's LanternGatheringErtona Crystal x3(Metal) x1(Magic Item)
Bag of CalmingImportant(Important)
Atelier TentImportant(Important)
Stylish ClothesImportant(Important)
Licensed Alchemist IDImportant(Important)
Guiding Tribe's MemoirImportant(Important)
Liane's EarringsImportant(Important)
Gold Puni StatueSynthPiniball: Gold x1Ingot x3(Metal) x5(Neutralizer) x1(Magic Item)
Cute Stuffed ToyImportant(Important)
Chick Stuffed ToyImportant(Important)
Broken Fritz DollImportant(Important)
Fritz DollImportantBroken Fritz Doll x1Alchemic Clay x1(Metal) x1(Important)
Proof of BondsImportant(Magic Item)
B. White Abyss KeyImportant(Important)
AnvilSynthCinders x2Ingot x5(Metal) x5(Accessory)
R. White Abyss KeyImportantB. White Abyss Key x1Ingot x1(Metal) x1(Fuel) x1(Important)
White Abyss KeyImportantR. White Abyss Key x1Polish x1Zapping Water x1(Important)
Cute DollSynthSilver Web x5(Clay) x2(Thread) x2(Neutralizer) x1(Accessory)
Ultimate GemSynthErtona Crystal x1Spirit Rock x1Ground Water x1(Neutralizer) x2(Accessory)
Deluxe CompressSynthTall Taun x3Bush Strawberry x1(Cloth) x1(Medicine Mat) x1(Medicine)
Simple Sweets GuideImportant(Important)
Travels in RustinImportant(Important)
Neutralizer Revolution!Important(Important)
Cooking SecretsImportant(Important)
A Sour Man's LifeImportant(Important)
Light Once SeenImportant(Important)
Safety on JourneysImportant(Important)
Gems of the WorldImportant(Important)
A Warm Home LifeImportant(Important)

Direct download link: firis_recipes.csv

Recipe Unlocks

Note that the “location” is the most likely starting point for getting the unlock to appear on your recipe hints page. Some non-recipe items also have locations and unlocks, as I noted at least a few weapons and items that were in chests, or things that need to be bought, and where to buy them. However I didn’t exhaustively fill in every single collectible item’s source location.

ItemUnlock LocationUnlock Clue
Uni BagParched PlainsGather Uni
Mining BombParched PlainsUse bombs and break boulders
Blau BombParched PlainsUse tier1 bombs 20x, win 40 battles; or use Bomb x8, cather Blue Steel Stone x8
Ori BombParched PlainsUse Bombs 40x, win 100 battles
Peta BombParched PlainsUse tier2 bombs 100x and tier3 50x... or Annelies Post-exam quest
CraftFaave HillsBuy A Sour Man's Life 550C
Craft BagFaave HillsUse Craft 20x, win 40 battles
Ice BombOutskirts PathGather Hakurei Stone
Vio Ice BombParched PlainsUse tier1 bombs 20x, win 40 battles
Stahl Ice BombParched PlainsUse Ice Bombs 30x, win 100 battles
Einsof Ice BombParched PlainsUse tier2 bombs 100x and tier3 50x... or Annelies Post-exam quest
Lightning BombClaudel PrairieGather Raiden Ore
Blitz StoneParched PlainsUse tier1 bombs 20x, win 40 battles
Lightning CrystalParched PlainsUse Lightning Bombs 25x, win 100 battles
Blitz CrystalParched PlainsUse tier2 bombs 100x and tier3 50x... or Annelies Post-exam quest
Blitz Core: FireWhite Fog ForestSynth Core Crystal, win 30 battles
Blitz Core: IceWhite Fog ForestSynth Core Crystal, win 30 battles
Blitz Core: ThunderWhite Fog ForestSynth Core Crystal, win 30 battles
Blitz Core: VoidWhite Fog ForestUse each Blitz Core x5
Wandering GlobeFlussheimSynth Globe Ball x10
Bursting GiftFaave HillsSynth Sky Flicker, use Gods Gift
God's GiftFlussheimFish and catch boots x8, fish x20
Heaven's CleanserFaave HillsSynth Gods Gift x4, Bursting Gift x1
Flame of OriginLeafy LaforetDefeat Black Shell x3, Magic Parasol x5, Star Fish x15; or Ren quest post-exam
Flame of the EndNorth Auoro SnowfieldDefeat (Spirits) x30 and (Dragons) x3
Holy Crystal WeightSkyfaring Stone ArkUse Blitz Core: Void x15, Wandering Globe x20, defeat Light Spirit Etheria post-exam
N/ANorth Auoro SnowfieldSynth Flame of the End, use Ori Bomb, Stahl Ice Bomb, Lightning Crystal x10 each, alchemy level 40
Red Wheat BreadFaave HillsGather Mechen Wheat, jump 10x, hit enemies with staff 10x
Ertona SalveErtonaPrologue
Puni JellyFaave HillsSynth Honey, defeat puni x30
Rock CookieFaave HillsGather Zwei Nuts
Strength MeatQuiet ForestGather Beast Meat x20, defeat humanoids x50
FruiteaFlussheimBuy Simple Sweets Guide for 1100C
Breezy AromaFlussheimEnter town, defeat ghost x1
Traveler's RationFlussheimBuy Travels in Rustin for 600C
Honey SyrupFlussheimBuy Simple Sweets Guide for 1100C
Stamina BreadTimelost LakeGather Scissor Shrimp x5, Milk x5, (Fish) x5, Synth Red Wheat Bread and several Wheat Flour
Nectar of LifeReisenbergBuy Safety on Journeys for 1200C
Dona CakeWhite Fog ForestUse Honey Syrup x5, gather Dona Wood x30
Elixir of LaaweWeist PlainMeklet & Atomina Event post-exam; or Defeat Desert Turtle x10 and Sunny Plant x10
Hotspring EggNorth Auoro SnowfieldGather Flocke Hotspring Water x5
CrokenbuffeWhite Fog ForestSynth Honey Syrup x3, synth Dona Cake x5
Mystery ElixirHeavenly Tree EinhornGather Dunkelheit x1, acquire several Dragon Heart and Bloodstone
Roast RabbitCharacter EventLiane Event
Imp's MischiefMoon Catcher PassGather Suspicious Liquid x7
Bottled MisfortuneParched PlainsAcquire Spirit Stone, gather (Water) x15
Spark MalletParched PlainsBreak boulders, hit trees
Titan BeltLebenwaldSynth Flugel x3
Acid CloudClaudel PrairieGather Golden Rock
Medea's PoisonAnt Nest TrailGather Darkshroom x15
Hero's MedicineNorth Auoro SnowfieldSynth Crimson Stone
Spirit Weave ClothWeist PlainDefeat demon x5
Rainbow TransformerReisenbergUse Honey Syrup x8, synth Nectar of Life
Dark WaterAnt Nest TrailSynth Medea's Poison x3
Dragon ElixirNorth Auoro SnowfieldAcquire Dragon Heart x3, Dragon Bloodstone x2
Special NutrientsTraveler's GroveEnter area
Wind God's BagSilent LabyrinthSynth Handwoven Cloth, hit trees x30
Spare BackpackFaave HillsGather a lot
Air DropFlussheimNPC Quest 30 days after leaving by boat, final action requires synthesizing for a while in town until Ren appears
PickaxeParched PlainsBreak rocks
Fishing PoleFlussheimMain Quest
High Grade PoleFlussheimFish x20
God-Pole Liebel CrownFlussheimSynth High Grade Pole, fish x100
Schatz FlameCharacter EventSophie Event
Sky FlickerFaave HillsQuest Quick and Easy Move post-exam, synth Gravicrystal
Artificial SunSouth Auoro SnowfieldNPC Quest, voice in a cave, woman's indecipherable story in town, Weisslark book, NPC behind govt building in Reisenberg, return to woman
AllheilmittelClaudel PrairieTalk to south bridge NPC, do NOT finish the quest or go thru the south cave, pick up an invisible clue by the east bridge, go to Weisslark and speak to librarian, pick up recipe from a shelf
ToydozerDLC/DXSynth Propulsion Engine
Barrel PlaneDLC/DXSynth Barrel x2
Drop ShipDLC/DXSynth Air Drops x5, Special Nutrients x3
Puni DroneDLC/DXDefeat 10 puni - post-exam only
Neutralizer RParched PlainsSynth Neutralizer B
Neutralizer BErtonaCraft No-Doc, Ertona Salve, Tanning Fluid, Bomb
Neutralizer YFlussheimBuy Neutralizer Revolution! for 1000C
Neutralizer GParched PlainsGather (Plant) x30
Neutralizer WFlussheimBuy Neutralizer Revolution! for 1000C
Neutralizer PLebenwaldSynth Neutralizer W, gather Poison Mat x30
Rainbow NeutralizerLebenwaldSynth Neutralizer R/B/G/Y x25 W/P x15
General CatalystParched PlainsSynth Neutralizer G, synth 20x
Iron Sand CatalystFlussheimSynth General Catalyst x1, synth Ingot x5
Liquid CatalystFlussheimSynth General Catalyst x1, enter town
Reactive CatalystNorth Auoro SnowfieldMain Quest
Distilled WaterOutskirts PathNPC Quest
Amber SugarFaave HillsGather Beehives
HoneyFaave HillsFaave Hills
Wheat FlourFaave HillsGather Mechen Wheat
ApcolNorth Auoro SnowfieldBuy Cooking Secrets from Tiana for 900C
Pure OilTraveler's GroveGather Plant Oil x15
ZettelParched PlainsGather plants
Tanning FluidErtonaPrologue
LeatherSilent LabyrinthGather Animal Hide
Handwoven ClothSilent LabyrinthGather Animal Hide
Algemein PlywoodLebenwaldGather Evihibrow
Multicolor DyeFaave HillsGather red, blue, yellow, and green flowers x8 each
PolishQuiet ForestGather Ripple Stone
Alchemic ClayWhite Fog ForestGather (Wood) x20, synth Zettel x6
Globe BallFlussheimBuy Travels in Rustin for 600C
Tasty Looking BaitFlussheimMain Quest
HayFaave HillsNPC Quest, turn in Red Wheat Bread x3
GravicrystalFaave HillsQuest Item to Move Fast? post-exam, gather Gravistone x5
Core CrystalWhite Fog ForestGather Crystal Shard x3
IngotFlussheimMain Quest
SilvaliaClaudel PrairieGather Kupulf Ore x6, synth Ingot x5
Golt AizenClaudel PrairieGather Aizen Ore x20, synth Silvalia x5
HarmoniumMoon Catcher PassGather Spirit Rocks x5, synth Golt Aizen x5, defeat Guardian x5
ClothParched PlainsGather Wild Cotton
MofcottParched PlainsGather Wild Cotton x10, synth Cloth x5
FlugelLebenwaldSynth Mofcott x5, gather Monster Feather x30
VelvetisHeavenly Tree EinhornDefeat Kimmoch x8, synth Flugel
KeelFlussheimMain Quest
Reinforced RudderFlussheimMain Quest
Tough SailclothFlussheimMain Quest
Rolled Metal PlateFlussheimMain Quest
Propulsion FurnaceFlussheimMain Quest
Planetary GearFaave HillsMain Quest
Icy FlameNorth Auoro SnowfieldMain Quest
Infinite Fuel RodNorth Auoro SnowfieldMain Quest
Denudated MetalCharacter EventMeklet & Atomina Event post-exam
Wind WingCharacter EventMeklet & Atomina Event post-exam
GravidriveCharacter EventMeklet & Atomina Event post-exam
Improved FurnaceCharacter EventMeklet & Atomina Event post-exam
Shining Red CrystalCharacter EventSophie Event
Plant DisinfectantCharacter EventOskar Event
Book Repair KitCharacter EventAnnelies Event
General Cold MedicineCharacter EventLuis Event, use Honey Syrup x10, Ertona Salve x20, No-Doc x20
Cough DropCharacter EventLuis Event, synth Honey x4, Amber Sugar x4
Medical Herb TeaCharacter EventLuis Event, gather red flower x25, blue x25, green x25, yellow x25, synth Fruitea x10
Smaragd OreWhite Fog ForestGather Smaragd Stones, synth Alchemic Clay
Granate OreWhite Fog ForestGather Granate Stones, synth Alchemic Clay
Rubinite OreWeist PlainGather Rubinite Stones, synth Alchemic Clay
Sapphias OreWeist PlainGather Sapphias Stones, synth Alchemic Clay
Jette OreWhite Fog ForestGather Jette Stones, synth Alchemic Clay
Diamond OreWeist PlainGather Diamond Stones, synth Alchemic Clay
SmaragdReisenbergBuy Gems of the World for 3300C
GranateReisenbergBuy Gems of the World for 3300C
RubiniteReisenbergBuy Gems of the World for 3300C
SapphiasReisenbergBuy Gems of the World for 3300C
JetteWhite Fog ForestSynth Jette Ore x15 (not part of the gem book for some reason)
DiamondReisenbergBuy Gems of the World for 3300C
Malmore CometReisenbergBuy Gems of the World for 3300C
Spirit StoneParched PlainsGather Spirit Stone Shards
Ripple StoneQuiet ForestGather Ripple Stones and Shards
Black Tree StoneWhite Fog ForestGather Black Tree Stones and Shards
Magnet StoneWeist PlainGather Magnet Stone Shards
Kimber OreWeist PlainGather Kimber Ore Shards
Crimson StoneNorth Auoro SnowfieldAcquire Dragon Bloodstone x7
Philosopher StoneTimelost LakeGather Cinders x20, synth Crimson Stone
Simple Chest: BrownWhite Fog ForestGather Dona Wood x20
Simple Chest: WhiteLebenwaldGather Evihibrow, synth Simple Chest: Brown
Big Container: BrownWhite Fog ForestSynth Simple Chest: Brown
Big Container: WhiteLebenwaldGather Evihibrow, synth Big Container: Brown
Alchemy Research DeskReisenbergBuy
Instrument SetNorth Auoro SnowfieldBuy
Precision Instrument SetFlussheimBuy
Uni Demon StatueLebenwaldGather a lot of Uni, not from trees
Advanced CauldronFlussheimMain Quest
Leather SofaReisenbergBuy A Warm Home Life for 1980C
Silken SofaReisenbergSynth Leather Sofa, acquire Golden Threadd x10 and Griffon Feather x15
Refreshing BedParched PlainsJump x200
Lady's BedReisenbergBuy A Warm Home Life for 1980C
Treasure BoxFlussheimBuy
Default CauldronErtonaDefault
Default BedErtonaDefault
Default DeskErtonaDefault
High Class DeskLebenwaldGather Evihibrow x10
Default ContainerErtonaDefault
Default SofaErtonaDefault
GramophoneCharacter EventLuis Event
GlobeFlussheimSynth Globe Ball
Herculean StatueWeisslarkFirst is in Weisslark, find all 6
Corneria DollReisenbergSophie Joins
Pico DollNorth Auoro SnowfieldSynth Puni Candlestand and Uni Demon Statue
Bear DollReisenbergAcquire Animal Hide x40, Wool x40, Corneria Doll
SnowmanSouth Auoro SnowfieldEnter area
Big ClockFlussheimSynth Ingot x5
Big HourglassNorth Auoro SnowfieldMain Quest
Mascot PostLebenwaldSynth Simple Chest: Brown x1, Algemein Plywood x2
Puni CandlestandNorth Auoro SnowfieldSynth Icy Flame, defeat puni x150
Dancing PlantParched PlainsGather (Plant) x30, acquire Puniball:Blue and Puniball:Green
Shining Ornament TreeWeisslarkGather Black Star Stone
Water FountainFlussheimMain Quest
SafeFlussheimHold 5000 cole at once
Notice BoardClaudel PrairieGather White Ashstone x50
Trophy StandClaudel PrairieGather White Ashstone x40, Broken Stone x20
Brick StandAnt Nest TrailSynth Alchemic Clay, gather Red Sand x40, use Bomb x3
BarrelReisenbergBuy A Warm Home Life for 1980C
Purgatory ContainerLebenwaldSynth Big Container: Brown x1, Black Tree Stone x3, Algemein Plywoood x3, Multicolor Dye x3
Verdant BedParched PlainsJump x200
Maiden's BedParched PlainsJump x200
Blessing StaffCharacter EventSophie Event, synth Philosophers Stone, synth Golt Aizen, alchemy level 40
Wind Staff---Drop/gather/chest
Sunny Bird StaffClaudel PrairieIlmeria joins
Firebird Staff---Drop/gather/chest
Phoenix StaffClaudel PrairieSynth Golt Aizen, synth x40
Mirage SwordParched PlainsRevy Joins
Flame SwordSouth Auoro SnowfieldNorth Ice Cave - drop/gather/chest
Aurora SwordClaudel PrairieSynth Golt Aizen, hit monsters with staff x120
Beast Slayer---Drop/gather/chest
Berserk BladeFlussheimDefeat beasts x20
Dragoon FangClaudel PrairieSynth Golt Aizen, break boulders
Metal SlasherParched PlainsHeinz joins, or defeat plants x40
Gale DaggerSouth Auoro SnowfieldEast Ice Cave - drop/gather/chest
Hidden DaggerClaudel PrairieSynth Golt Aizen, gather x170
Battle Axe---Drop/gather/chest
Pole AxeWhite Fog ForestSynth Ingot, hit trees 30x, Drossel joins
EisenflutQuiet ForestSynth Golt Aizen, defeat humanoids x50
Cross SpearWhite Fog ForestShanon joins; or defeat magical x40
White Wing Spear---Drop/gather/chest
Valkyrie SpearClaudel PrairieSynth Golt Aizen, jump x100
Blue Sky BowSouth Auoro SnowfieldNorth Ice Cave - drop/gather/chest
Steel BowLebenwaldGather (Thread) x30
Hawkeye Bow---Drop/gather/chest
Shooting StarClaudel PrairieSynth Golt Aizen, gather (Thread) x70
Howling Gun---Drop/gather/chest
Night LightningFlussheimSynth Ingot
Silver Gun---Drop/gather/chest
ZweipieceClaudel PrairieSynth Golt Aizen, use items x40
Endless Quest StaffCharacter EventFiris post-exam quests, synth Harmonium
SternbogenCharacter EventLiane Event, synth Harmonium
Weber's RodCharacter EventIlmeria Event
Earth Splitter CarolinaCharacter EventDrossel Event
Prophetic KreutzCharacter EventShanon joins
FalcataCharacter EventHeinz Event
Demonblade ValdbergCharacter EventRevy Event, synth Harmonium
Radiant WeiseCharacter EventKald Event
Dragon DestroyerCharacter EventAngriff Event
Mistral BringerCharacter EventOskar Event
Moon CallerCharacter EventSophie Event post-exam
Cosmos CallerClaudel PrairieSynth Moon Caller, gather Black Star Stone x20
Bright KnightStonefaring ArkAcquire Crimson Stone, synth Harmonium x12, defeat Millenium Cauldron, synth Cosmos Caller
Traveler's Clothes---Buy
Common Shirt---Buy
Thick Fur ShirtLebenwaldSynth Mofcott x3
Beast Warding Shirt---Drop/gather/chest
Combat Shirt---Drop/gather/chest
NightshadePast ParadiseDefeat Lich x3
Colorful VestReisenbergBuy Safety on Journeys for 1200C
Alchemy MantleHeavenly Tree EinhornSynth Nightshade x3, Velvetis x1
Journey Raiment---Drop/gather/chest
Riveted Leather ArmorFaave HillsBuy A Sour Man's Life 550C
Bone Mail---Drop/gather/chest
Scale VestReisenbergBuy Safety on Journeys for 1200C
Plate VestMoon Catcher PassSynth Colorful Vest x2, Scale Vest x2
Journey Coat---Drop/gather/chest
Splint Mail---Drop/gather/chest
Tamahagane MailClaudel PrairieGather Tamahagane, synth Silvalia
Gold Chain ArmorClaudel PrairieSynth Golt Aizen
Meteor Iron ArmorMoon Catcher PassSynth Harmonium, synth Tamahagane Mail, gather Black Star Stone
Mysterious PlateTimelost LakeDrop/gather/chest
Journey Plate---Drop/gather/chest
Bride's Blouse---Drop/gather/chest
Resurrection Wear---Drop/gather/chest
Moist Armor---Drop/gather/chest
Reactive Coat---Drop/gather/chest
Angel RibbonSilent LabyrinthSynth Handwoven Cloth, jump 30x
Knuckle GuardClaudel PrairieGather Aizen Ore x15
Bronze Mirror ShieldClaudel PrairieGather Aizen Ore x10
Beast TalismanLebenwaldGather Wicked Fang x30, acquire Turtle Claws x10, acquire Island Fish Fin x10 Animal Hide x50
Beast AromaMoon Catcher PassGather Beast Meat x20, defeat humanoids x50
Blue Crystal RingMoon Catcher PassGather Spirit Rocks x4, Synth Core Crystal x4
Ambrosia GarlandSkyfaring Stone ArkGather Dunkelheit x5 and (Flower) x200
Gunade RingWhite Fog ForestGather (Gem) x30
Element GuardParched PlainsUse Ori Bomb, Stahl Ice Bomb, Lightning Crystal x3 each
Coin of FortuneWeist PlainSynth Golt Aizen, Diamond Ore x5
Firesoul TalismanSilent LabyrinthDefeat Flare Demon x50 post-exam
Windspirit TalismanAnt Nest TrailDefeat Lightning x50 post-exam
Icedream TalismanNorth Auoro SnowfieldDefeat Snow Ear x50 post-exam
Magic Stone ChainCharacter EventSophie Event
Long BootsFlussheimFishing or Buy
Gold Long BootsFlussheimFishing or Buy
Dion's LetterFaave HillsMain Quest
Aurelie's LetterWhite Fog ForestMain Quest
Ren's LetterFlussheimMain Quest
Norbert's LetterWeist PlainMain Quest
Kirsche's LetterNorth Auoro SnowfieldMain Quest
Explorer's LanternParched PlainsStay out at night
Bag of CalmingCharacter EventRen Event
Atelier TentErtonaSophie Event
Stylish ClothesFlussheimBuy
Licensed Alchemist IDFlussheimMain Quest
Guiding Tribe's MemoirCharacter EventMeklet & Atomina Event
Liane's EarringsCharacter EventLiane Event
Gold Puni StatueCharacter EventAngriff Event
Cute Stuffed ToyCharacter EventIlmeria Event
Chick Stuffed ToyCharacter EventIlmeria Event
Broken Fritz DollCharacter EventDrossel/Fritz Event
Fritz DollCharacter EventDrossel/Fritz Event
Proof of BondsCharacter EventHeinz Event
B. White Abyss KeyCharacter EventRevy Event
AnvilCharacter EventLogy Event
SledgehammerCharacter EventLogy Event
R. White Abyss KeyParched PlainsRevy drops by
White Abyss KeyCharacter EventRevy Event
Cute DollCharacter EventDrossel Event
Ultimate GemCharacter EventAnnelies Event
Deluxe CompressWhite Fog ForestMain Quest
Simple Sweets GuideFlussheimBuy
Travels in RustinFlussheimBuy
Neutralizer Revolution!FlussheimBuy
Cooking SecretsNorth Auoro SnowfieldBuy
A Sour Man's LifeFaave HillsBuy
Light Once SeenCharacter EventRen Event
Safety on JourneysReisenbergBuy
ElscularioCharacter EventAnnelies Event
Gems of the WorldReisenbergBuy
A Warm Home LifeReisenbergBuy

Direct download link: firis_unlocks.csv

Recipe Effects

Item#ColorEffect Name
Uni Bag1YellowPierce Damage S
Uni Bag1YellowPierce Damage M
Uni Bag1YellowPierce Damage L
Uni Bag2YellowBursts
Uni Bag2YellowExplodes
Uni Bag3RedSticking Thorns
Uni Bag3RedPainful Thorns
Uni Bag4BlueComponent 15
Uni Bag4BlueComponent 20
Bomb1RedFire Damage S
Bomb1RedFire Damage M
Bomb1RedFire Damage L
Bomb2RedInflicts Burns
Bomb2RedInflicts Severe Burns
Bomb3BlueComponent 15
Bomb3BlueDefense Down S
Bomb3BlueBlue Flames
Bomb4BlueComponent 15
Bomb4BlueComponent 10
Mining Bomb1RedFire Damage S
Mining Bomb1RedFire Damage M
Mining Bomb1RedFire Damage L
Mining Bomb2GreenExpand Effect Area
Mining Bomb2GreenExpand Effect Area+
Mining Bomb2GreenExpand Effect Area++
Mining Bomb3BlueComponent 20
Blau Bomb1BlueFire Damage M
Blau Bomb1BlueFire Damage L
Blau Bomb1BlueFire Damage XL
Blau Bomb2YellowInflicts Burns
Blau Bomb2YellowInflicts Severe Burns
Blau Bomb3BlueBlue Flames
Blau Bomb4RedComponent 25
Ori Bomb1RedFire Damage L
Ori Bomb1RedFire Damage XL
Ori Bomb1RedFires of Purgatory
Ori Bomb1RedFlames of Hell
Ori Bomb2BlueInflicts Severe Burns
Ori Bomb2BlueInextinguishable Flame
Ori Bomb2BlueScorching Earth
Ori Bomb3BlueDefense Down S
Ori Bomb3BlueDefense Down M
Ori Bomb3BluePinpoint Flare
Peta Bomb1RedFire Damage XL
Peta Bomb1RedFires of Purgatory
Peta Bomb1RedFlames of Hell
Peta Bomb2RedInextinguishable Flame
Peta Bomb2RedScorching Earth
Peta Bomb3BlueBlue Flames
Peta Bomb3BluePinpoint Flare
Peta Bomb4YellowDefense Down S
Peta Bomb4YellowDefense Down M
Craft1BlueImpact Damage S
Craft1BlueImpact Damage M
Craft1BlueImpact Damage L
Craft2RedComponent 20
Craft2RedSoul Stabbing Thorns
Craft2RedThorn Attack
Craft3YellowPiercing Damage S
Craft3YellowPiercing Damage M
Craft4GreenComponent 20
Craft Bag1BlueImpact Damage L
Craft Bag1BlueImpact Damage XL
Craft Bag1BlueSavage Impact
Craft Bag1BlueGiant's Blow
Craft Bag2RedExplodes
Craft Bag2RedThorn Attack
Craft Bag3GreenSoul Stabbing Thorns
Craft Bag4YellowPiercing Damage M
Craft Bag4YellowPiercing Damage L
Ice Bomb1BlueIce Damage S
Ice Bomb1BlueIce Damage M
Ice Bomb1BlueIce Damage L
Ice Bomb2BlueInflict Slow S
Ice Bomb2BlueInflict Slow M
Ice Bomb3RedExpand Effect Area+
Ice Bomb4BlueComponent 30
Ice Bomb4BlueComponent 30
Vio Ice Bomb1YellowIce Damage M
Vio Ice Bomb1YellowIce Damage L
Vio Ice Bomb1YellowIce Damage XL
Vio Ice Bomb2BlueInflict Slow S
Vio Ice Bomb2BlueInflict Slow M
Vio Ice Bomb2BlueInflict Seal S
Vio Ice Bomb3RedExpand Effect Area+
Vio Ice Bomb3RedInflict Sleep S
Vio Ice Bomb3RedInflict Sleep M
Vio Ice Bomb4BlueInflict No Heal S
Vio Ice Bomb4BlueComponent 30
Vio Ice Bomb4BlueTotal Freeze
シュタルレヘルン1BlueIce Damage L
シュタルレヘルン1BlueIce Damage XL
シュタルレヘルン1BlueIce Age
シュタルレヘルン1BlueAbsolute Zero
シュタルレヘルン2BlueTotal Freeze
シュタルレヘルン2BlueSpatial Freeze
シュタルレヘルン3GreenSpeed Down S
シュタルレヘルン3GreenSpeed Down M
アインソフヘルン1BlueIce Damage XL
アインソフヘルン1BlueIce Age
アインソフヘルン1BlueAbsolute Zero
アインソフヘルン2BlueTotal Freeze
アインソフヘルン2BlueSpatial Freeze
アインソフヘルン3YellowSpeed Down S
アインソフヘルン3YellowSpeed Down M
アインソフヘルン4RedInflict No Heal S
アインソフヘルン4RedInflict No Heal M
Lightning Bomb1YellowLightning Damage S
Lightning Bomb1YellowLightning Damage M
Lightning Bomb1YellowLightning Damage L
Lightning Bomb2GreenA Little Numbing
Lightning Bomb2GreenNumbing
Lightning Bomb3YellowComponent 15
Lightning Bomb3YellowIntense Shock
Lightning Bomb4GreenComponent 15
Lightning Bomb4GreenComponent 15
Blitz Stone1YellowLightning Damage M
Blitz Stone1YellowLightning Damage L
Blitz Stone1YellowLightning Damage XL
Blitz Stone2GreenA Little Numbing
Blitz Stone2GreenNumbing
Blitz Stone2GreenInflict Blind S
Blitz Stone3RedIntense Shock
Blitz Stone3RedAttack Down S
Blitz Stone3RedInflict Weak S
Blitz Stone4YellowComponent 20
Lightning Crystal1YellowLightning Damage L
Lightning Crystal1YellowLightning Damage XL
Lightning Crystal1YellowJudgement Bolt
Lightning Crystal1YellowHammer of God
Lightning Crystal2GreenNumbing
Lightning Crystal2GreenIntense Shock
Lightning Crystal2GreenVery Numbing
Lightning Crystal3BlueExpand Effect Area
Blitz Crystal1YellowLightning Damage XL
Blitz Crystal1YellowJudgement Bolt
Blitz Crystal1YellowHammer of God
Blitz Crystal2GreenNumbing
Blitz Crystal2GreenVery Numbing
Blitz Crystal2GreenInflict Blind M
Blitz Crystal3RedIntense Shock
Blitz Crystal3RedExpand Effect Area+
Blitz Crystal3RedPiercing Damage L
Blitz Crystal4BlueCall Thunder Cloud
Blitz Crystal4BlueCall Tempest
Blitz Core: Fire1RedFire Damage L
Blitz Core: Fire2BlueInflict No Heal L
Blitz Core: Fire3YellowComponent 15
Blitz Core: Fire3YellowSteal Attack S
Blitz Core: Fire3YellowSteal Attack M
Blitz Core: Fire3YellowSteal Attack L
Blitz Core: Fire4PurpleComponent 15
Blitz Core: Ice1BlueIce Damage L
Blitz Core: Ice2RedInflict Slow L
Blitz Core: Ice3YellowComponent 15
Blitz Core: Ice3YellowSteal Speed S
Blitz Core: Ice3YellowSteal Speed M
Blitz Core: Ice3YellowSteal Speed L
Blitz Core: Ice4PurpleComponent 15
Blitz Core: Thunder1YellowLightning Damage L
Blitz Core: Thunder2GreenInflict Blind L
Blitz Core: Thunder3YellowComponent 15
Blitz Core: Thunder3YellowSteal Defense S
Blitz Core: Thunder3YellowSteal Defense M
Blitz Core: Thunder3YellowSteal Defense L
Blitz Core: Thunder4PurpleComponent 15
Blitz Core: Void1GreenSlash Damage Up XL
Blitz Core: Void1GreenRending Wave
Blitz Core: Void1GreenSevering Flash
Blitz Core: Void2PurpleWeak to Fire
Blitz Core: Void2PurpleWeak to Ice
Blitz Core: Void2PurpleWeak to Thunder
Blitz Core: Void3YellowComponent 15
Blitz Core: Void3YellowSteal Some Life
Blitz Core: Void3YellowSteal Life
Blitz Core: Void3YellowSteal Lots of Life
Blitz Core: Void4PurpleComponent 15
Wandering Globe1RedImpact Damage XL
Wandering Globe1RedSavage Impact
Wandering Globe1RedGiant's Blow
Wandering Globe2BlueBlack Bullets
Wandering Globe2BlueShooting Stars
Wandering Globe3PurpleComponent 30
Bursting Gift1RedSmall Missile
Bursting Gift1RedLarge Missile
Bursting Gift2BlueImpact Damage L
Bursting Gift2BlueImpact Damage XL
Bursting Gift2BlueSavage Impact
Bursting Gift3YellowInflict Corruption S
Bursting Gift3YellowWeight of Happiness
Bursting Gift3YellowTreat Hazardous Materials
Bursting Gift4GreenComponent 15
God's Gift1RedFalling Uni
God's Gift1RedFalling Puni
God's Gift1RedFalling Meteors
God's Gift1RedFalling ???
God's Gift2BluePiercing Damage S
God's Gift2BlueSpeed Down M
God's Gift2BlueAdd Break M
God's Gift2BlueWeak to Fire
God's Gift3YellowConsume MP M
God's Gift3YellowComponent 25
God's Gift3YellowConsume MP S
God's Gift4PurpleComponent -10
Heaven's Cleanser1RedFalling Stars
Heaven's Cleanser1RedFalling Bombs
Heaven's Cleanser1RedFalling Island Fish
Heaven's Cleanser1RedGift from Heaven
Heaven's Cleanser2BlueInflict Seal M
Heaven's Cleanser2BlueRemove Enhancements
Heaven's Cleanser3YellowConsume MP L
Heaven's Cleanser3YellowConsume MP M
Heaven's Cleanser4GreenPacification M
Heaven's Cleanser4GreenCritical Down
Flame of Origin1RedPower of Origin
Flame of Origin1RedPower of Creation
Flame of Origin2BlueConsume MP L
Flame of Origin2BlueConsume MP M
Flame of Origin3PurpleAll Stats Down S
Flame of Origin3PurpleAll Stats Down M
Flame of Origin3PurpleRecycle
Flame of Origin4YellowInflict Weak M
Flame of Origin4YellowInflict Blind M
Flame of Origin4YellowWeak to Changes
Flame of the End1RedLight of the End
Flame of the End1RedAurora of Ruin
Flame of the End2BlueConsume MP XL
Flame of the End2BlueConsume MP L
Flame of the End2BlueConsume MP M
Flame of the End3PurpleInflict Corruption M
Flame of the End3PurpleAll Stats Down M
Flame of the End3PurpleWeak to Ice
Flame of the End4GreenPacification L
Flame of the End4GreenAdd Break XL
Holy Crystal Weight1RedGrand Press
Holy Crystal Weight1RedPremium Press
Holy Crystal Weight1RedS.C.P.
Holy Crystal Weight2BluePiercing Damage S
Holy Crystal Weight2BlueGood Utility
Holy Crystal Weight2BluePiercing Damage L
Holy Crystal Weight2BlueShining Crystal Horn
Holy Crystal Weight3YellowComponent 25
Holy Crystal Weight3YellowSupreme Weight
Holy Crystal Weight3YellowCreator's Curse
N/A1Purple10k Explosion
N/A1Purple100m Explosion
N/A1Purple1t Explosion
N/A1PurpleInfinity Explosion
N/A2RedSoul Burning Flame
N/A2RedFusion Effect
N/A2RedPurifying Light
N/A3BlueSpirit Wounding Power
N/A3BluePower Overwhelming
N/A4YellowLeaking Vitality
N/A4YellowHigh Pressure
N/A4YellowSpreads Terror
No-Doc1RedWeak to Fire
No-Doc1RedWeak to Ice
No-Doc1RedWeak to Thunder
No-Doc2BlueInflict Poison S
No-Doc2BlueInflict Poison M
No-Doc2BlueInflict Slow L
No-Doc2BlueInflict Corruption L
No-Doc3RedComponent 10
No-Doc3RedLevel Down M
No-Doc3RedLevel Down L
No-Doc4YellowComponent 20
No-Doc4YellowInflict Curse S
No-Doc4YellowInflict Curse M
Bottled Misfortune1RedInflict Slow L
Bottled Misfortune1RedInflict Weak L
Bottled Misfortune1RedInflict Curse L
Bottled Misfortune1RedCause Misfortune
Bottled Misfortune2BlueWeak to Changes
Bottled Misfortune2BlueWeak to Impacts
Bottled Misfortune2BlueReduce All Resistances
Bottled Misfortune3PurpleComponent 10
Bottled Misfortune3PurpleComponent 15
Acid Cloud1GreenInflict Weak M
Acid Cloud1GreenRemove Enhancements
Acid Cloud1GreenErase Enhancements
Acid Cloud1GreenPurge Enhancements
Acid Cloud2RedDefense Down M
Acid Cloud2RedAttack Down M
Acid Cloud2RedDefense Down L
Acid Cloud2RedAttack Down L
Acid Cloud3BlueSpeed Down M
Acid Cloud3BlueAll Stats Down S
Acid Cloud3BlueLevel Down S
Acid Cloud3BlueSpeed Down L
Acid Cloud4PurpleComponent 20
Acid Cloud4PurpleAdd Break S
Acid Cloud4PurpleAdd Break M
Acid Cloud4PurpleAdd Break L
Medea's Poison1GreenInflict Poison M
Medea's Poison1GreenInflict Poison L
Medea's Poison1GreenInflict Corruption L
Medea's Poison2YellowLevel Down L
Medea's Poison2YellowHits Vitals
Medea's Poison3BlueComponent 10
Medea's Poison3BlueInflict Sleep L
Medea's Poison3BlueInflict Seal L
Medea's Poison4PurpleComponent 10
Medea's Poison4PurplePacification S
Medea's Poison4PurpleRestrain Attack S
Medea's Poison4PurpleRestrain Attack M
Rainbow Transformer1RedCrit Rate Up M
Rainbow Transformer1RedCrit Power Up M
Rainbow Transformer1RedCrit Rate Up L
Rainbow Transformer1RedCrit Power Up L
Rainbow Transformer2BlueHP Regen M
Rainbow Transformer2BlueAuto Revive M
Rainbow Transformer2BlueHP Regen L
Rainbow Transformer2BlueAuto Revive L
Rainbow Transformer3GreenComponent 30
Rainbow Transformer3GreenHit Rate Up M
Rainbow Transformer3GreenHit Rate Up L
Rainbow Transformer3GreenReduce Ailments L
Rainbow Transformer4PurpleComponent 30
Rainbow Transformer4PurpleEvasion Up M
Rainbow Transformer4PurpleEvasion Up L
Rainbow Transformer4Purpleなし
Dark Water1RedInflict Poison L
Dark Water1RedInflict Weak L
Dark Water1RedRestrain Attack L
Dark Water1RedWeak to Thunder
Dark Water2GreenInflict Sleep L
Dark Water2GreenInflict Blind L
Dark Water2GreenPacification L
Dark Water2GreenAll Stats Down L
Dark Water3BlueComponent 10
Dark Water3BlueInflict No Heal L
Dark Water3BlueCritical Down
Dark Water3BlueAdd Break L
Dark Water4PurpleComponent 30
Dark Water4PurpleInflict Curse L
Dark Water4PurpleReduce All Resistances
Dark Water4PurpleCause Misfortune
Allheilmittel1YellowAuto Repair Building
Allheilmittel2RedComponent 25
Neutralizer R1RedComponent 5
Neutralizer R1RedAdd (Fuel)
Neutralizer R1RedComponent 20
Neutralizer R2BlueComponent 5
Neutralizer R3YellowComponent 5
Neutralizer B1BlueComponent 5
Neutralizer B1BlueAdd (Poison)
Neutralizer B1BlueComponent 20
Neutralizer B2BlueComponent 5
Neutralizer B3YellowComponent 5
Neutralizer Y1YellowComponent 5
Neutralizer Y1YellowAdd (Medicine Mat)
Neutralizer Y1YellowComponent 20
Neutralizer Y2BlueComponent 5
Neutralizer Y3YellowComponent 5
Neutralizer G1GreenComponent 5
Neutralizer G1GreenAdd (Foodstuff)
Neutralizer G1GreenComponent 20
Neutralizer G2BlueComponent 5
Neutralizer G3YellowComponent 5
Neutralizer W1RedComponent 5
Neutralizer W2BlueComponent 5
Neutralizer W3YellowComponent 5
Neutralizer W3YellowComponent 20
Neutralizer P1RedComponent 5
Neutralizer P2BlueComponent 5
Neutralizer P3YellowComponent 5
Neutralizer P4PurpleComponent 20
Rainbow Neutralizer1RedComponent 20
Rainbow Neutralizer1RedComponent 20
Rainbow Neutralizer2GreenComponent 20
Rainbow Neutralizer3YellowComponent 20
General Catalyst1GreenComponent 20
Iron Sand Catalyst1YellowComponent 20
Liquid Catalyst1RedComponent 20
Reactive Catalyst1RedComponent 20
Reactive Catalyst2BlueComponent 20
Reactive Catalyst3YellowComponent 20
Distilled Water1RedComponent 5
Distilled Water2BlueComponent 10
Amber Sugar1RedComponent 5
Amber Sugar2BlueComponent 5
Honey1BlueComponent 10
Honey2PurpleComponent -5
Wheat Flour1BlueComponent 10
Apcol1GreenComponent 15
Apcol2YellowComponent 10
Pure Oil1BlueComponent 5
Zettel1GreenComponent 20
Zettel2PurpleComponent -5
Tanning Fluid1BlueComponent 25
Leather1BlueComponent 15
Leather2GreenComponent -10
Handwoven Cloth1BlueComponent 10
Handwoven Cloth2PurpleComponent -5
Algemein Plywood1RedComponent 15
Algemein Plywood2PurpleComponent -5
Multicolor Dye1BlueComponent 10
Multicolor Dye2PurpleComponent -5
Polish1RedComponent 20
Alchemic Clay1BlueComponent -5
Alchemic Clay1BlueComponent 30
Globe Ball1GreenComponent 15
Globe Ball2YellowComponent 15
Tasty Looking Bait1BlueComponent 15
Tasty Looking Bait2GreenComponent 20
Hay1RedComponent 25
Hay2GreenComponent 10
Gravicrystal1BlueComponent 20
Gravicrystal2YellowComponent 15
Core Crystal1RedComponent 10
Core Crystal2BlueComponent 10
Core Crystal3YellowComponent 10
Ingot1BlueComponent 25
Ingot2GreenComponent 20
Silvalia1GreenComponent 35
Golt Aizen1YellowComponent 45
Harmonium1BlueComponent 40
Harmonium2YellowComponent 40
Cloth1GreenComponent 40
Mofcott1RedComponent 25
Mofcott2BlueComponent 25
Flugel1BlueComponent 35
Velvetis1BlueComponent 40
Velvetis2YellowComponent 40
Reinforced RudderNoneNone
Tough SailclothNoneNone
Rolled Metal PlateNoneNone
Planetary GearNoneNone
Icy FlameNoneNone
Infinite Fuel RodNoneNone
Denudate MetalNoneNone
Wind WingNoneNone
Plant DisinfectantNoneNone
Book Repair KitNoneNone
General Cold MedicineNoneNone
Cough DropNoneNone
Medical Herb TeaNoneNone
Smaragd Ore1YellowComponent 20
Smaragd Ore2PurpleComponent -5
Granate Ore1YellowComponent 20
Granate Ore2PurpleComponent 10
Rubinite Ore1RedComponent 20
Rubinite Ore2PurpleComponent 15
Sapphias Ore1BlueComponent 20
Sapphias Ore2PurpleComponent 15
Jette Ore1YellowComponent -5
Jette Ore2PurpleComponent 15
Diamond Ore1PurpleComponent -5
Diamond Ore1PurpleComponent 10
Smaragd1YellowComponent 35
Smaragd2PurpleComponent 10
Granate1YellowComponent 35
Granate2PurpleComponent 10
Rubinite1RedComponent 10
Rubinite2YellowComponent 35
Sapphias1YellowComponent 35
Sapphias1YellowComponent 40
Jette1PurpleComponent 20
Diamond1YellowComponent 20
Diamond1YellowComponent 35
Malmore Comet1YellowComponent 10
Malmore Comet1YellowComponent 15
Malmore Comet1YellowComponent 35
Malmore Comet2PurpleComponent 10
Crimson Stone1YellowComponent 50
Philosopher Stone1GreenComponent 50
Philosopher Stone1GreenComponent 50
Philosopher Stone2YellowComponent 50
Philosopher Stone3PurpleComponent 50
Deluxe CompressNoneNone
Gold Puni StatueNoneNone
Proof of BondsNoneNone
Cute DollNoneNone
Ultimate GemNoneNone
No-Doc1GreenHP Recovery XS
No-Doc1GreenHP Recovery S
No-Doc1GreenComponent 20
No-Doc1GreenHP Recovery M
No-Doc2BlueHP Regen XS
No-Doc2BlueHP Regen S
No-Doc2BlueAuto Activate 20%
No-Doc3RedRecovery Bonus S
No-Doc3RedRecovery Bonus M
No-Doc3RedRecovery Bonus L
No-Doc4YellowComponent 15
No-Doc4YellowHit Rate Up S
No-Doc4YellowEvasion Up S
Red Wheat Bread1GreenEat and Recovery XS
Red Wheat Bread1GreenEat and Recovery S
Red Wheat Bread1GreenEat and Recover M
Red Wheat Bread2YellowHard to Digest
Red Wheat Bread2YellowA Little Filling
Red Wheat Bread2YellowFluffy
Red Wheat Bread3BlueNone
Red Wheat Bread3BlueComponent 20
Red Wheat Bread4RedNone
Red Wheat Bread4RedComponent 20
Ertona Salve1GreenHP Recovery S
Ertona Salve1GreenHP Recovery M
Ertona Salve2YellowMP Recovery XS
Ertona Salve2YellowAuto Activate 50%
Ertona Salve3RedCures No Heal
Ertona Salve4PurpleComponent 15
Ertona Salve4PurpleCrit Rate Up S
Ertona Salve4PurpleCrit Power Up S
Puni Jelly1RedA Little Filling
Puni Jelly1RedDigests Quickly
Puni Jelly1RedAlive
Puni Jelly2BlueHPMP Recovery XS
Puni Jelly2BlueHPMP Recovery S
Puni Jelly2BlueHPMP Recovery M
Puni Jelly3YellowSloppy
Puni Jelly3YellowJiggly
Puni Jelly3YellowStrange Elasticity
Puni Jelly3YellowActivate Division
Puni Jelly4BlueComponent 20
Puni Jelly4BlueComponent 20
Puni Jelly4BlueComponent 20
Rock Cookie1GreenEat and Recovery S
Rock Cookie1GreenEat and Recover M
Rock Cookie2BlueHard
Rock Cookie2BlueCrumbly
Rock Cookie2BlueDefense Up S
Rock Cookie2BlueDefense Up M
Rock Cookie3GreenComponent 20
Strength Meat1GreenEat and Recovery S
Strength Meat1GreenEat and Recover M
Strength Meat1GreenEat and Recover L
Strength Meat2YellowAttack Up S
Strength Meat2YellowAttack Up M
Strength Meat3BlueComponent 15
Strength Meat4RedComponent 25
Fruitea1BlueMP Recovery XS
Fruitea1BlueMP Recovery S
Fruitea1BlueMP Recovery M
Fruitea1BlueMP Recovery L
Fruitea3GreenWake Up Cup
Fruitea3GreenSnack Companion
Fruitea3GreenBedtime Cup
Fruitea4YellowCures Slow
Fruitea4YellowCures Curse
Breezy Aroma1GreenCalming Aroma
Breezy Aroma1GreenTranquil Aroma
Breezy Aroma1GreenHealing Aroma
Breezy Aroma2BlueComponent 25
Breezy Aroma2BlueMP Recovery S
Breezy Aroma2BlueMP Recovery M
Breezy Aroma2BlueHPMP Recovery S
Breezy Aroma3YellowClears the Mind
Breezy Aroma3YellowAwakening
Breezy Aroma4RedHP Regen M
Breezy Aroma4RedActivate Split
Breezy Aroma4RedReduce Consumption
Traveler's Ration1GreenEat and Recover M
Traveler's Ration1GreenEat and Recover L
Traveler's Ration1GreenEat and Recover XL
Traveler's Ration2YellowVery Filling
Traveler's Ration2YellowHard to Digest
Traveler's Ration2YellowMP Regen M
Traveler's Ration2YellowHP Regen L
Traveler's Ration3RedComponent -5
Traveler's Ration3RedComponent 20
Honey Syrup1RedHPMP Recovery S
Honey Syrup1RedHPMP Recovery M
Honey Syrup2BlueCures Poison
Honey Syrup2BlueCures Weak
Honey Syrup2BlueRemoves 1 Ailment
Honey Syrup3GreenCures Sleep
Honey Syrup3GreenCures Blind
Honey Syrup3GreenComponent 20
Honey Syrup3GreenRelieve Consumption
Honey Syrup4PurpleComponent 10
Stamina Bread1GreenEat and Recovery S
Stamina Bread1GreenEat and Recover M
Stamina Bread1GreenEat and Recover L
Stamina Bread2YellowA Little Filling
Stamina Bread2YellowHP Regen M
Stamina Bread2YellowHP Regen L
Stamina Bread2YellowHP Regen XL
Stamina Bread3RedComponent 15
Stamina Bread4PurpleComponent 10
Nectar of Life1RedRevive from KO S
Nectar of Life1RedRevive from KO M
Nectar of Life1RedRevive from KO L
Nectar of Life2BlueHPMP Recovery XS
Nectar of Life2BlueHPMP Recovery S
Nectar of Life2BlueHPMP Recovery M
Nectar of Life3YellowHP Regen S
Nectar of Life3YellowHP Regen M
Nectar of Life4RedAuto Revive S
Nectar of Life4RedComponent 20
Dona Cake1GreenEat and Recover L
Dona Cake1GreenEat and Recover XL
Dona Cake1GreenEat and Recover XXL
Dona Cake2YellowCrumbly
Dona Cake2YellowFilling
Dona Cake2YellowFluffy
Dona Cake2YellowUnique Texture
Dona Cake3RedComponent -10
Dona Cake4GreenComponent 25
Elixir of Laawe1GreenHP Recovery M
Elixir of Laawe1GreenHP Recovery L
Elixir of Laawe1GreenHP Recovery XL
Elixir of Laawe2RedCures Seal
Elixir of Laawe2RedMP Recovery L
Elixir of Laawe2RedMP Recovery XL
Elixir of Laawe2RedMP Recovery XXL
Elixir of Laawe3BlueComponent 20
Elixir of Laawe4PurpleComponent -10
Elixir of Laawe4PurpleAuto Revive M
Hotspring Egg1GreenEat and Recovery XS
Hotspring Egg1GreenEat and Recovery S
Hotspring Egg2PurpleBitter
Hotspring Egg2PurpleSalty
Hotspring Egg2PurpleRefreshing
Hotspring Egg3RedComponent 25
Hotspring Egg3RedHit Rate Up S
Hotspring Egg3RedHit Rate Up M
Hotspring Egg4BlueComponent 5
Crokenbuffe1GreenEat and Recover M
Crokenbuffe1GreenEat and Recover L
Crokenbuffe1GreenEat and Recover XL
Crokenbuffe2YellowSuper Sweet
Crokenbuffe2YellowBad Taste
Crokenbuffe2YellowVery Delicious
Crokenbuffe3RedComponent -10
Crokenbuffe4GreenComponent 25
Mystery Elixir1RedHP Recovery XL
Mystery Elixir1RedHPMP Recovery XL
Mystery Elixir1RedHP Recovery XXL
Mystery Elixir2BlueComponent 25
Mystery Elixir2BlueMP Recovery XL
Mystery Elixir2BlueRevive from KO XL
Mystery Elixir2BlueAuto Activate 30%
Mystery Elixir3GreenCures After Effects
Mystery Elixir3GreenRemoves Many Ailments
Mystery Elixir3GreenActivate Scatter
Mystery Elixir4PurpleComponent 10
Mystery Elixir4PurpleHidden Power
Mystery Elixir4PurpleGoddess Protection
Mystery Elixir4PurpleGoddess Blessing
Roast Rabbit1GreenEat and Recovery XS
Roast Rabbit1GreenEat and Recovery S
Roast Rabbit1GreenEat and Recover M
Roast Rabbit2YellowVery Delicious
Roast Rabbit2YellowFluffy
Roast Rabbit2YellowNutritious
Roast Rabbit2YellowVery Nutritious
Roast Rabbit3RedComponent 20
Roast Rabbit3RedSpeed Up S
Roast Rabbit3RedSpeed Up M
Roast Rabbit4PurpleComponent 15
Roast Rabbit4PurpleReduce Ailments S
Roast Rabbit4PurpleReduce Ailments M
Roast Rabbit4PurpleNone
Spark Mallet1YellowCures Sleep
Spark Mallet2RedAwakening
Spark Mallet2RedCure Dizziness
Spark Mallet2RedPeppy
Spark Mallet2RedGreat Feeling
Spark Mallet3BlueCures Curse
Spark Mallet3BlueCures Weak
Spark Mallet3BlueCut Wait Time M
Spark Mallet4GreenImpact Damage S
Spark Mallet4GreenComponent 20
Spark Mallet4GreenExpand Effect Area++
Titan Belt1RedDraws Out Power
Titan Belt1RedPower Overflowing
Titan Belt1RedAdrenaline Rush
Titan Belt2GreenDefense Up S
Titan Belt2GreenAttack Up S
Titan Belt2GreenDefense Up L
Titan Belt2Greenなし
Titan Belt3RedComponent 25
Titan Belt3RedThunder Spirit Blessing
Titan Belt3RedIce Spirit Blessing
Titan Belt3RedFire Spirit Blessing
Titan Belt4YellowComponent 15
Hero's Medicine1YellowHeroic Protection
Hero's Medicine1YellowHeroic Blessing
Hero's Medicine1YellowHeroic Descent
Hero's Medicine2RedAll Stats Up S
Hero's Medicine2RedAll Stats Up M
Hero's Medicine2RedAll Stats Up L
Hero's Medicine3RedMP Regen S
Hero's Medicine3RedCrit Rate Up M
Hero's Medicine3RedMP Regen L
Hero's Medicine4BlueComponent 25
Spirit Weave Cloth1GreenSpirit's Protection
Spirit Weave Cloth1GreenAngel's Protection
Spirit Weave Cloth1GreenGrand Spirit Blessing
Spirit Weave Cloth2RedEvasion Up M
Spirit Weave Cloth2RedDefense Up M
Spirit Weave Cloth2RedEvasion Up L
Spirit Weave Cloth3BlueConsume MP M
Spirit Weave Cloth3BlueConsume MP S
Spirit Weave Cloth3BlueComponent 20
Spirit Weave Cloth4YellowComponent 20
Spirit Weave Cloth4YellowCut Wait Time S
Spirit Weave Cloth4YellowCut Wait Time M
Dragon Elixir1RedAttack Up M
Dragon Elixir1RedHP Regen M
Dragon Elixir1RedAttack Up L
Dragon Elixir1RedHP Regen L
Dragon Elixir2YellowDefense Up M
Dragon Elixir2YellowAuto Revive M
Dragon Elixir2YellowDefense Up L
Dragon Elixir2YellowAuto Revive L
Dragon Elixir3BlueSpeed Up M
Dragon Elixir3BlueExpand Effect Area+
Dragon Elixir3BlueSpeed Up L
Dragon Elixir3BlueComponent 25
Dragon Elixir4GreenComponent 20
Dragon Elixir4GreenMP Regen S
Dragon Elixir4GreenMP Regen M
Dragon Elixir4GreenCut Wait Time L
Special Nutrients1GreenGrow Good Materials?
Special Nutrients1GreenGrow Great Materials?
Special Nutrients2GreenComponent 20
Special Nutrients3PurpleComponent -10
Wind God's Bag1BluePortable Tornado
Wind God's Bag2YellowComponent 30
Wind God's Bag2YellowComponent 35
Spare Backpack1RedFits a Lot
Spare Backpack1RedFits a Whole Lot
Spare Backpack2RedComponent 15
Spare Backpack3GreenComponent 20
Spare Backpack4PurpleComponent 20
Air Drop1BlueEmits Air
Air Drop2BlueComponent 35
Pickaxe1RedBreaks Rocks
Pickaxe2YellowComponent 30
Pickaxe2YellowComponent 25
Fishing Pole1GreenCatch Fish
Fishing Pole2PurpleComponent 15
High Grade Pole1BlueCatch More Fish
High Grade Pole2GreenComponent 40
God-Pole Liebel Crown1YellowCatch Any Fish
God-Pole Liebel Crown2RedComponent 40
God-Pole Liebel Crown3GreenComponent 40
Shatz Flame1YellowFind Treasure Chest
Shatz Flame2YellowComponent 15
Sky Flicker1BlueFly on Water
Sky Flicker1BlueFly at High Speed
Sky Flicker2GreenComponent 30
Sky Flicker2GreenComponent 30
Sky Flicker3YellowFly in the Air
Allheilmittel1YellowLights Darkness
Allheilmittel1YellowSee Distant Places
Blessing Staff1RedCritical Up S
Blessing Staff1RedCritical Up M
Blessing Staff1RedCritical Up L
Blessing Staff2BlueCritical Enhance S
Blessing Staff2BlueCritical Enhance M
Blessing Staff2BlueCritical Enhance L
Blessing Staff3GreenSkill Enhance S
Blessing Staff3GreenSkill Enhance M
Blessing Staff3GreenSkill Enhance L
Blessing Staff4YellowItem Enhance S
Blessing Staff4YellowItem Enhance M
Blessing Staff4YellowItem Enhance L
Sunny Bird Staff1RedGuard Break
Sunny Bird Staff2YellowEnhancement Art
Sunny Bird Staff3BluePurifying Art
Sunny Bird Staff4RedHealing Art
Phoenix Staff1RedGuard Break
Phoenix Staff1RedMeteor Swarm
Phoenix Staff2YellowEnhancement Art
Phoenix Staff2YellowHealing Art
Phoenix Staff3BluePurifying Art
Phoenix Staff3BlueGreat Heal Form
Phoenix Staff4GreenAwakening Art
Mirage Sword1RedHigh Speed Slash
Mirage Sword2BlueWhirlwind
Mirage Sword3PurpleAir Slicer
Mirage Sword4PurpleBattle Order
Aurora Sword1RedHigh Speed Slash
Aurora Sword1RedHoly Sword
Aurora Sword2BlueWhirlwind
Aurora Sword2BlueAir Slicer
Aurora Sword3PurpleBattle Order
Aurora Sword3PurpleSword Saint
Aurora Sword4BlueEinzelkampf
Berserk Blade1RedFull Swing
Berserk Blade2YellowUnderground Blast
Berserk Blade3PurplePeerless Break
Berserk Blade4RedMorale Boost
Dragoon Fang1RedFull Swing
Dragoon Fang2GreenUnderground Blast
Dragoon Fang2GreenDragon Raid
Dragoon Fang3PurplePeerless Break
Dragoon Fang3PurpleTactical Arts
Dragoon Fang4YellowMorale Boost
Dragoon Fang4YellowMoon Break
Metal Slasher1BlueMulti Attack
Metal Slasher2YellowLightning Speed
Metal Slasher3RedFlash Cross
Metal Slasher4BlueFortune Dagger
Hidden Dagger1BlueMulti Attack
Hidden Dagger1BlueThousand Thrust
Hidden Dagger2YellowLightning Speed
Hidden Dagger2YellowFlash Cross
Hidden Dagger3RedFortune Dagger
Hidden Dagger3RedHermit's Dance
Hidden Dagger4PurpleBlink Attack
Pole Axe1PurpleHelm Splitter
Pole Axe2YellowEarth Crash
Pole Axe3RedFlame Strike
Pole Axe4RedBurning Sweep
Eisenflut1PurpleHelm Splitter
Eisenflut1PurpleFlying Meteor
Eisenflut2YellowEarth Crash
Eisenflut2YellowBurning Sweep
Eisenflut3RedFlame Strike
Eisenflut3RedFire Wind
Eisenflut4BlueScrew Dive
Cross Spear1YellowVital Stab
Cross Spear2GreenFrost Spear
Cross Spear3YellowMeditation
Cross Spear4GreenSpear Guard
Valkyrie Spear1YellowVital Stab
Valkyrie Spear1YellowMeditation
Valkyrie Spear2GreenFrost Spear
Valkyrie Spear2GreenSnowflake Barrage
Valkyrie Spear3BlueSpear Guard
Valkyrie Spear3BlueHealing Wind
Valkyrie Spear4PurpleExecution
Steel Bow1RedArrow Assault
Steel Bow2PurpleBound Combo
Steel Bow3RedHive Shooter
Steel Bow4BlueChaos Arrow
Shooting Star1RedArrow Assault
Shooting Star1RedHive Shooter
Shooting Star2PurpleBound Combo
Shooting Star2PurpleDarkness Arrow
Shooting Star3BlueChaos Arrow
Shooting Star3BlueSky Piercing Shot
Shooting Star4YellowPiercing Light Arrow
Night Lightning1RedMulti Shot
Night Lightning2PurpleDown Shot
Night Lightning3BlueFirefight
Night Lightning4RedMedishot
Zweipiece1RedMulti Shot
Zweipiece1RedExplosive Shot
Zweipiece2PurpleDown Shot
Zweipiece4YellowMultiangle Shot
Endless Quest Staff1RedGuard Break
Endless Quest Staff1RedMeteor Swarm
Endless Quest Staff2YellowEnhancement Art
Endless Quest Staff2YellowPurifying Art
Endless Quest Staff3BlueHealing Art
Endless Quest Staff3BlueGreat Heal Form
Endless Quest Staff4GreenAwakening Art
Sternbogen1RedArrow Assault
Sternbogen1RedSky Piercing Shot
Sternbogen2PurpleChaos Arrow
Sternbogen2PurpleDarkness Arrow
Sternbogen3RedBound Combo
Sternbogen3RedHive Shooter
Sternbogen4YellowPiercing Light Arrow
Weber's Rod1RedGuard Break
Weber's Rod1RedHealing Art
Weber's Rod2YellowEnhancement Art
Weber's Rod2YellowMeteor Swarm
Weber's Rod3BluePurifying Art
Weber's Rod3BlueAwakening Art
Weber's Rod4GreenGreat Heal Form
Earth Splitter Carolina1PurpleHelm Splitter
Earth Splitter Carolina1PurpleFlame Strike
Earth Splitter Carolina2YellowEarth Crash
Earth Splitter Carolina2YellowBurning Sweep
Earth Splitter Carolina3RedFlying Meteor
Earth Splitter Carolina3RedFire Wind
Earth Splitter Carolina4BlueScrew Dive
Prophetic Kreuz1YellowMeditation
Prophetic Kreuz1YellowVital Stab
Prophetic Kreuz2GreenFrost Spear
Prophetic Kreuz2GreenSnowflake Barrage
Prophetic Kreuz3BlueSpear Guard
Prophetic Kreuz3BlueHealing Wind
Prophetic Kreuz4PurpleExecution
Falcata1BlueMulti Attack
Falcata1BlueThousand Thrust
Falcata2YellowLightning Speed
Falcata2YellowFlash Cross
Falcata3RedFortune Dagger
Falcata3RedHermit's Dance
Falcata4PurpleBlink Attack
Demonblade Valdberg1RedHigh Speed Slash
Demonblade Valdberg1RedHoly Sword
Demonblade Valdberg2BlueWhirlwind
Demonblade Valdberg2BlueAir Slicer
Demonblade Valdberg3PurpleSword Saint
Demonblade Valdberg3PurpleBattle Order
Demonblade Valdberg4BlueEinzelkampf
Radiant Weise1RedMulti Shot
Radiant Weise1RedExplosive Shot
Radiant Weise2PurpleDown Shot
Radiant Weise2PurpleFirefight
Radiant Weise3BlueMedishot
Radiant Weise3BlueShowershot
Radiant Weise4YellowMultiangle Shot
Dragon Destroyer1RedFull Swing
Dragon Destroyer1RedMorale Boost
Dragon Destroyer2GreenUnderground Blast
Dragon Destroyer2GreenDragon Raid
Dragon Destroyer3PurplePeerless Break
Dragon Destroyer3PurpleTactical Arts
Dragon Destroyer4YellowMoon Break
Mistral Bringer1PurpleHelm Splitter
Mistral Bringer1PurpleScrew Dive
Mistral Bringer2YellowEarth Crash
Mistral Bringer2YellowFlying Meteor
Mistral Bringer3RedBurning Sweep
Mistral Bringer3RedFire Wind
Mistral Bringer4BlueFlame Strike
Moon Caller1GreenAttack Up XL
Moon Caller1GreenDefense Up XS
Moon Caller1GreenDefense Up S
Moon Caller2BlueDefense Up M
Moon Caller2BlueDefense Up L
Moon Caller2BlueDefense Up XL
Moon Caller3PurpleSpeed Up XS
Moon Caller3PurpleSpeed Up S
Moon Caller3PurpleSpeed Up M
Moon Caller4YellowHit Rate Up XS
Moon Caller4YellowHit Rate Up S
Moon Caller4YellowHit Rate Up M
Cosmos Caller1RedMax HP Up XS
Cosmos Caller1RedMax HP Up S
Cosmos Caller1RedMax HP Up M
Cosmos Caller2BlueMax MP Up XS
Cosmos Caller2BlueMax MP Up S
Cosmos Caller2BlueMax MP Up M
Cosmos Caller3PurpleSpeed Up XS
Cosmos Caller3PurpleSpeed Up S
Cosmos Caller3PurpleSpeed Up M
Cosmos Caller4YellowItem Shorten S
Cosmos Caller4YellowItem Shorten M
Bright Knight1RedHP Regen S
Bright Knight1RedHP Regen M
Bright Knight1RedHP Regen L
Bright Knight2BlueMP Regen S
Bright Knight2BlueMP Regen M
Bright Knight2BlueMP Regen L
Bright Knight3GreenAvoid KO S
Bright Knight3GreenAvoid KO M
Bright Knight3GreenAvoid KO L
Bright Knight4YellowDamage Cut S
Bright Knight4YellowDamage Cut M
Bright Knight4YellowDamage Cut L
Thick Fur Shirt1RedFlame Gaze
Thick Fur Shirt2BlueHeal
Nightshade1RedHell Wave
Colorful Vest1RedHell Wave
Colorful Vest1RedIce Volley
Colorful Vest1RedTempest
Colorful Vest2YellowLightning
Colorful Vest2YellowPlasma Ray
Colorful Vest2YellowThunder Rain
Colorful Vest3PurpleRefresh
Colorful Vest3PurpleGuard
Colorful Vest3PurpleHeal All
Alchemy Mantle1RedHaste
Alchemy Mantle1RedPower
Alchemy Mantle1RedGuard
Alchemy Mantle2YellowNightmare
Alchemy Mantle2YellowSuffocate
Alchemy Mantle2YellowCall Meteor
Alchemy Mantle3PurpleHeal
Alchemy Mantle3PurpleRefresh
Alchemy Mantle3PurpleHeal All
Riveted Leather ArmorNoneNoneNone
Scale Vest1RedGrand Ray
Scale Vest1RedTornado
Scale Vest2BlueFlame Gaze
Scale Vest2BlueIce Storm
Scale Vest2BlueLightning
Scale Vest3YellowSilence
Scale Vest3YellowSlow
Scale Vest3YellowHeal
Plate Vest1RedFlare Rain
Plate Vest1RedIce Rain
Plate Vest1RedThunder Rain
Plate Vest2YellowHaste
Plate Vest2YellowGuard
Plate Vest2YellowPower
Plate Vest3PurpleHeal
Plate Vest3PurpleRefresh
Tamahagane Mail1RedFlame Gaze
Tamahagane Mail2BlueIce Storm
Gold Chain Armor1RedFlare Rain
Gold Chain Armor2BlueLightning
Meteor Iron Armor1RedLightning
Meteor Iron Armor1RedSuffocate
Meteor Iron Armor2YellowIce Storm
Meteor Iron Armor2YellowIce Rain
Meteor Iron Armor3PurpleGuard
Meteor Iron Armor3PurpleGrand Ray
Angel Ribbon1RedAilment Resist M
Angel Ribbon1RedAngel's Protection
Angel Ribbon1RedGod's Protection
Angel Ribbon1RedSamsara Awakening
Angel Ribbon2GreenNullify Poison
Angel Ribbon2GreenNullify Curse
Angel Ribbon2GreenNullify Weak
Angel Ribbon3YellowNullify Sleep
Angel Ribbon3YellowNullify No Heal
Angel Ribbon3YellowNullify Blind
Angel Ribbon4RedNullify After Effect
Knuckle Guard1RedExpert's Fist
Knuckle Guard1RedKing's Fist
Knuckle Guard1RedSaint's Fist
Knuckle Guard2YellowWeakness Maker
Knuckle Guard2YellowWeakness Sniper
Knuckle Guard3BlueSpeed Up S
Knuckle Guard3BlueSpeed Up M
Knuckle Guard3BlueSpeed Up L
Knuckle Guard3BlueSpeed Up XL
Knuckle Guard4GreenCritical Up S
Knuckle Guard4GreenCritical Up M
Knuckle Guard4GreenCritical Up L
Bronze Mirror Shield1GreenImpact Resist S
Bronze Mirror Shield1GreenPierce Resist S
Bronze Mirror Shield1GreenSlash Resist S
Bronze Mirror Shield2BlueHit Rate Up S
Bronze Mirror Shield2BlueHit Rate Up M
Bronze Mirror Shield2BlueHit Rate Up L
Bronze Mirror Shield3PurpleConversion Spell
Bronze Mirror Shield3PurpleNullify Seal
Bronze Mirror Shield3PurpleMass Conversion Spell
Bronze Mirror Shield4YellowScholar's Wisdom
Bronze Mirror Shield4YellowSage's Wisdom
Beast Talisman1YellowBlessing of the Wild
Beast Talisman1YellowStrong in a Pinch
Beast Talisman1YellowBlessing of Beast King
Beast Talisman2RedFighting Words
Beast Talisman2RedFighting Chant
Beast Talisman2RedFighting Truth
Beast Talisman3BlueDamage Absorb S
Beast Talisman3BlueDamage Absorb M
Beast Talisman3BlueDamage Absorb L
Beast Talisman4GreenSeal of Foxes
Beast Talisman4GreenSeal of Cows
Beast Talisman4GreenSeal of Elephants
Beast Talisman4GreenSeal of Beasts
Beast Aroma1GreenHard to Notice
Beast Aroma1GreenErase Presence
Beast Aroma1GreenDraw Attention
Beast Aroma1GreenGather Attention
Beast Aroma2PurpleAnimal Combo
Beast Aroma2PurpleBeast Combo
Beast Aroma2PurpleDemon Combo
Beast Aroma2PurpleGodly Combo
Beast Aroma3BlueInner Fire
Beast Aroma3BlueHero's Ambition
Beast Aroma4RedHP Regen S
Beast Aroma4RedMP Regen S
Beast Aroma4RedHP Regen M
Blue Crystal Ring1YellowMagician's Seal
Blue Crystal Ring1YellowGrand Mage's Seal
Blue Crystal Ring1YellowAncient Sage's Seal
Blue Crystal Ring2PurpleSpirit to Power
Blue Crystal Ring2PurpleLife to Power
Blue Crystal Ring2PurpleTime to Power
Blue Crystal Ring3BlueMagician Blessing
Blue Crystal Ring3BlueGuardian Angel Blessing
Blue Crystal Ring3BlueAncient God Blessing
Blue Crystal Ring4RedProgress Time
Blue Crystal Ring4RedSpeed Up Time
Blue Crystal Ring4RedAccelerate Time
Ambrosia Garland1RedPower of One
Ambrosia Garland1RedPower of Ten
Ambrosia Garland2BlueCalm Blessing
Ambrosia Garland2BluePure Blessing
Ambrosia Garland2BlueHealthy Blessing
Ambrosia Garland3GreenStrong in Morning
Ambrosia Garland3GreenStrong in Day
Ambrosia Garland3GreenEmbodiment of the Sun
Ambrosia Garland4YellowGospel of Pure White
Ambrosia Garland4YellowCurse of Jet Black
Gunade Ring1RedPower Rune
Gunade Ring1RedHerculean Rune
Gunade Ring1RedRune of Criticality
Gunade Ring2YellowDefense Rune
Gunade Ring2YellowGuardian Rune
Gunade Ring3GreenSpeed Rune
Gunade Ring3GreenSwift Gale Rune
Gunade Ring4BlueWeapon Rune
Gunade Ring4BlueTool Rune
Gunade Ring4BlueBulwark Rune
Element Guard1GreenFire Resistance
Element Guard1GreenIce Resistance
Element Guard1GreenLightning Resistance
Element Guard2PurpleSpirit's Power
Element Guard2PurpleSpirit King's Power
Element Guard2PurpleSpirit God's Power
Element Guard3BlueAvoid KO L
Element Guard3BlueAilment Resist L
Element Guard3BlueHit Rate Up L
Element Guard3BlueSkill Enhance L
Element Guard3YellowItem Enhance S
Element Guard3YellowItem Enhance M
Element Guard3YellowItem Enhance L
Coin of Fortune1GreenCalm Blessing
Coin of Fortune1GreenPure Blessing
Coin of Fortune1GreenHealthy Blessing
Coin of Fortune1GreenRedistribute Luck
Coin of Fortune2YellowProof of Fortune
Coin of Fortune2YellowSymbol of Fortune
Coin of Fortune2YellowBringer of Fortune
Coin of Fortune3PurpleAvoid Misfortune
Coin of Fortune3PurpleReduce Misfortune
Coin of Fortune3PurpleWard Off Misfortune
Coin of Fortune4BlueEconomic Fortune
Coin of Fortune4BlueHealth Prayer
Coin of Fortune4BlueEconomic Fortune L
Coin of Fortune4BlueHealth Prayer L
Firesoul Talisman1YellowSunny Aura
Firesoul Talisman1YellowHP Regen L
Firesoul Talisman2GreenFighting Spirit Active
Firesoul Talisman2GreenFighting Spirit Calm
Firesoul Talisman3RedCritical Enhance S
Firesoul Talisman3RedCritical Enhance M
Firesoul Talisman3RedCritical Enhance L
Firesoul Talisman4RedMax HP Up S
Firesoul Talisman4RedMax HP Up M
Firesoul Talisman4RedMax HP Up L
Firesoul Talisman4RedMax HP Up XL
Windspirit Talisman1RedCloudy Aura
Windspirit Talisman1RedMP Regen L
Windspirit Talisman2YellowItem Shorten S
Windspirit Talisman2YellowItem Shorten M
Windspirit Talisman2YellowItem Shorten L
Windspirit Talisman3PurpleMax MP Up S
Windspirit Talisman3PurpleMax MP Up M
Windspirit Talisman3PurpleMax MP Up L
Windspirit Talisman3PurpleMax MP Up XL
Windspirit Talisman4PurpleAttack Up XS
Windspirit Talisman4PurpleAttack Up S
Windspirit Talisman4PurpleAttack Up M
Windspirit Talisman4PurpleAttack Up L
Icedream Talisman1RedRainy Aura
Icedream Talisman1RedSkill Enhance L
Icedream Talisman2YellowGauge Increase S
Icedream Talisman2YellowGauge Increase M
Icedream Talisman2YellowGauge Increase L
Icedream Talisman3BlueBurst Time Up S
Icedream Talisman3BlueBurst Time Up M
Icedream Talisman3BlueBurst Time Up L
Icedream Talisman4BlueAvoid KO S
Icedream Talisman4BlueAvoid KO M
Icedream Talisman4BlueAvoid KO L
Icedream Talisman4BlueAvoid KO XL
Magic Stone Chain1GreenSoul Binding Chain
Magic Stone Chain1GreenMind Binding Chain
Magic Stone Chain1GreenAll Binding Chain
Magic Stone Chain2BluePower to Protection
Magic Stone Chain2BlueProtection to Power
Magic Stone Chain2BlueSpeed to Power
Magic Stone Chain3YellowPower Awakening
Magic Stone Chain3YellowSoul Awakening
Magic Stone Chain3YellowSoul Awakening
Magic Stone Chain3RedCombo Bonus +1
Magic Stone Chain3RedCombo Bonus +2
Magic Stone Chain3RedCombo Bonus +3

Direct download link: firis_effects.csv

Recipe Effects Definitions

Impact Damage SDeals impact attribute damage. Impact damage is affected by the target's defense.
Impact Damage MDeals moderate impact attribute damage. Impact damage is affected by the target's defense.
Impact Damage LDeals strong impact attribute damage. Impact damage is affected by the target's defense.
Impact Damage XLDeals very strong impact attribute damage. Impact damage is affected by the target's defense.
Savage ImpactDeals extreme impact attribute damage. Impact damage is affected by the target's defense.
Giant's BlowDeals ultimate impact attribute damage. Impact damage is affected by the target's defense.
Fire Damage SDeals fire element damage. Fire damage is affected by the target's fire resistance.
Fire Damage MDeals moderate fire element damage. Fire damage is affected by the target's fire resistance.
Fire Damage LDeals strong fire element damage. Fire damage is affected by the target's fire resistance.
Fire Damage XLDeals very strong fire element damage. Fire damage is affected by the target's fire resistance.
Fires of PurgatoryDeals extreme fire element damage. Fire damage is affected by the target's fire resistance.
Flames of HellDeals ultimate fire element damage. Fire damage is affected by the target's fire resistance.
Ice Damage SDeals ice element damage. Ice damage is affected by the target's ice resistance.
Ice Damage MDeals moderate ice element damage. Ice damage is affected by the target's ice resistance.
Ice Damage LDeals strong ice element damage. Ice damage is affected by the target's ice resistance.
Ice Damage XLDeals very strong ice element damage. Ice damage is affected by the target's ice resistance.
Ice AgeDeals extreme ice element damage. Ice damage is affected by the target's ice resistance.
Absolute ZeroDeals ultimate ice element damage. Ice damage is affected by the target's ice resistance.
Lightning Damage SDeals lightning element damage. Lightning damage is affected by the target's lightning resistance.
Lightning Damage MDeals moderate lightning element damage. Lightning damage is affected by the target's lightning resistance.
Lightning Damage LDeals strong lightning element damage. Lightning damage is affected by the target's lightning resistance.
Lightning Damage XLDeals very strong lightning element damage. Lightning damage is affected by the target's lightning resistance.
Judgment BoltDeals extreme lightning element damage. Lightning damage is affected by the target's lightning resistance.
Hammer of GodDeals ultimate lightning element damage. Lightning damage is affected by the target's lightning resistance.
Small MissileDeals magic attribute damage. Magic damage is affected by the target's magic resistance.
Large MissileDeals strong magic attribute damage. Magic damage is affected by the target's magic resistance.
Super Large MissileDeals very strong magic attribute damage. Magic damage is affected by the target's magic resistance.
Supersonic MissileDeals extreme magic attribute damage. Magic damage is affected by the target's magic resistance.
Power of OriginDeals strong impact damage. Can also cause several other effects randomly.
Power of CreationDeals very strong impact damage. Can also cause several other effects randomly.
Light of the EndDeals extreme non-attribute damage. This is unaffected by any resistance, and the damage increases with stronger traits attached.
Aurora of RuinDeals ultimate non-attribute damage. This is unaffected by any resistance, and the damage increases with stronger traits attached.
Falling UniFalling Uni deal pierce attribute damage to all enemies, and activates 1 time card.
Falling PuniFalling Puni deal magic attribute damage to all enemies, and activates 1 time card.
Falling MeteorsFalling meteors deal fire element damage to all enemies, and activates 1 time card.
Falling ???Falling ??? deal fire element damage to all enemies, and activates 1 time card.
Falling StarsFalling stars deal impact attribute damage to all enemies, and activates 1 time card.
Falling BombsFalling bombs deal fire element damage to all enemies, and activates 1 time card.
Falling Island FishFalling Island Fish deal impact attribute damage to all enemies, and activates 1 time card.
Gift from HeavenFalling treasure chests deal magic attribute damage to all enemies, and activates 1 time card.
Summon ArdraSummons Ardra to deal slash attribute damage, and delays turn.
Summon BeastSummons beasts to deal impact attribute damage. Impact damage is affected by the target's defense.
Summon Puni∞Summons Puni to deal impact attribute damage. Impact damage is affected by the target's defense.
Summon GhostSummons ghosts to deal magic attribute damage. Magic damage is affected by the target's magic resistance.
Summon MandrakeSummons Mandrakes to deal magic attribute damage, and has a chance to inflict Poison.
Summon LichSummons Liches to deal magic attribute damage, and absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP.
Steal Some LifeDeals impact attribute damage, and heal for half of the damage dealt. This damage is affected by the target's defense.
Steal LifeDeals strong impact attribute damage, and heal for half of the damage dealt. This damage is affected by the target's defense.
Steal Lots of LifeDeals very strong impact attribute damage, and heal for half of the damage dealt. This damage is affected by the target's defense.
Steal Some SpiritDeals moderate impact attribute damage. Impact damage is affected by the target's defense.
Steal SpiritDeals moderate impact attribute damage. Impact damage is affected by the target's defense.
Steal Lots of SpiritDeals impact attribute damage. Impact damage is affected by the target's defense.
Slash Damage SDeals slash attribute damage. Slash damage is affected by the target's defense.
Slash Damage MDeals moderate slash attribute damage. Slash damage is affected by the target's defense.
Slash Damage LDeals strong slash attribute damage. Slash damage is affected by the target's defense.
Slash Damage XLDeals very strong slash attribute damage. Slash damage is affected by the target's defense.
Rending WaveDeals extreme slash attribute damage. Slash damage is affected by the target's defense.
Severing FlashDeals ultimate slash attribute damage. Slash damage is affected by the target's defense.
Pierce Damage SDeals pierce attribute damage. Pierce damage is affected by the target's defense.
Pierce Damage MDeals moderate pierce attribute damage. Pierce damage is affected by the target's defense.
Pierce Damage LDeals strong pierce attribute damage. Pierce damage is affected by the target's defense.
Pierce Damage XLDeals very strong pierce attribute damage. Pierce damage is affected by the target's defense.
Piercing ThornsDeals extreme pierce attribute damage. Pierce damage is affected by the target's defense.
Penetrating NeedlesDeals ultimate pierce attribute damage. Pierce damage is affected by the target's defense.
10k ExplosionProduces an explosion over 10,000 degrees, dealing strong fire element damage.
100m ExplosionProduces an explosion over 100,000,000 degrees, dealing extreme fire element damage.
1t ExplosionProduces an explosion over 1,000,000,000,000 degrees, dealing ultimate non-attribute damage.
Infinity ExplosionProduces an explosion of limitless power, dealing non-attribute damage. This effect is enhanced to absurd levels with stronger traits attached!
Grand PressDrops a huge weight, dealing impact attribute damage. This effect is enhanced as the target grows in size.
Premium PressDrops a premium weight, dealing impact attribute damage. This effect is enhanced as the target grows in size.
S.C.P.Drops a Special Collective weight, dealing strong impact attribute damage. This effect is enhanced as the target grows in size.
Purifying LightEmits an all-cleansing light, negating enhancement effects on the target. The light is too strong, so it also negates negative effects.
Soul Burning FlameA powerful flame that reaches the very soul massively lowers the target's level, reducing all stats according to levels lost.
Fusion EffectFuses all resistances, lowering resistances stages by up to 2. However, this effect cannot completely remove resistances.
Good UtilityA highly practical shape reduces wait time after use.
Shining Crystal HornWhen the weight's corner shines, there's a chance to gain another consecutive turn after using the item.
Supreme WeightThe weight is profoundly crushing, greatly delaying the target's turn.
Creator's CurseThe weight activates a powerful curse from the Creator, with a chance to cause several ailments to the target.
Power OverwhelmingThe overly intense destructive power also hurts the user, dealing HP damage to yourself.
Spirit Wounding PowerThe overly intense destructive power also hurts the user's spirit, consuming your own MP.
Spreads TerrorThe overly strong power draws attention from enemies, greatly increasing the chance of being targeted by enemy attacks.
High PressureCauses a powerful shockwave, greatly increasing fill rate of stun value.
Leaking VitalityDamages the vessel of the soul, dealing damage each turn. The effect grows stronger as the target's HP falls lower.
BurstsBursts, dealing slight impact damage to the target. The power is extremely small.
ExplodesExplodes, dealing impact damage to the target. The power is small.
Thorn AttackSharp thorns packed inside burst out, dealing impact damage to the target. The power is decently high.
Sticking ThornsThorns stick in, causing an HP damage per turn effect. The effect is very small.
Painful ThornsInjuring thorns stick in, causing an HP damage per turn effect. The effect is small.
Soul Stabbing ThornsPiercing thorns stab in, causing an HP damage per turn effect. The effect is fairly strong.
Piercing Damage SDeals fixed damage to the target, unaffected by defense. The power is very small.
Piercing Damage MDeals fixed damage to the target, unaffected by defense. The power is small.
Piercing Damage LDeals fixed damage to the target, unaffected by defense. The power is big.
Hits VitalsInstantly kills the target when their remaining HP is below a certain amount. However, this effect is void against certain enemies.
Inflicts BurnsBurns deal continuous damage. The effect is fairly small.
Inflicts Severe BurnsSevere burns deal continuous damage. The effect is big.
Inextinguishable FlameAn ever-burning flame deals continuous damage. The effect is very big.
Scorching EarthEmits intense heat, dealing continuous damage. The effect is extremely big.
Blue FlamesProduces a higher temperature flame than normal bombs, dealing strong additional damage that ignores defense.
Pinpoint FlareTurns the attack range into single target, but deals ultimate level additional damage that ignores defense.
A Little NumbingDelays the target's turn a little. The strength of this effect shrinks with each use, until the target takes a turn.
NumbingDelays the target's turn a decent amount. The strength of this effect shrinks with each use, until the target takes a turn.
Very NumbingDelays the target's turn a good amount. The strength of this effect shrinks with each use, until the target takes a turn.
Intense ShockAn intense electrical shock reduces the target's HP a little. The amount is affected by the target's maximum HP.
Total FreezeIntense cold freezes the target, delaying their turn. The power of this effect is reduced with each use, until the target takes a turn.
Spatial FreezeExtremely intense cold freezes the target, delaying their turn. The power of this effect is reduced with each use, until the target takes a turn.
Call Rain CloudCalls rain clouds, activating 1 time card that deals lightning element damage to the target. The effect lasts for 1 turn.
Call Thunder CloudCalls thunder clouds, activating 1 time card that deals lightning element damage to the target. The effect lasts for 2 turns.
Call TempestCalls a tempest, activating 1 time card that deals lightning element damage to the target. The effect lasts for 3 turns.
Expand Effect AreaWidens the item's area of effect a little.
Expand Effect Area +Widens the item's area of effect.
Expand Effect Area ++Widens the item's area of effect a lot.
AliveActivates automatically when the equipper's HP falls below 20%.
LivelyActivates automatically when the equipper's HP falls below 30%.
EnthusiasticActivates automatically when the equipper's HP falls below 40%.
Black BulletsBecomes a black bullet rotating at high speed, causing additional fixed damage to the target.
Shooting StarsShooting stars become a rain of fire, dealing additional strong fixed damage to the target.
Treat Hazardous MaterialsHas a high chance of Poisoning the target. The effect is very strong. Poison status causes damage each turn.
Weight of HappinessReduces all resistances of the target by 1 stage. Has no effect if the target has no resistance, and it does not create weaknesses.
HP Recovery XSHeals the target's HP slightly.
HP Recovery SHeals the target's HP a little.
HP Recovery MHeals the target's HP.
HP Recovery LHeals the target's HP a lot.
HP Recovery XLHeals the target's HP greatly.
HP Recovery XXLHeals the target's HP massively.
MP Recovery XSRestores the target's MP slightly.
MP Recovery SRestores the target's MP a little.
MP Recovery MRestores the target's MP.
MP Recovery LRestores the target's MP a lot.
MP Recovery XLRestores the target's MP greatly.
MP Recovery XXLRestores the target's MP massively.
LP Recovery XSRestores the target's LP slightly.
LP Recovery SRestores the target's LP a little.
LP Recovery MRestores the target's LP.
LP Recovery LRestores the target's LP a lot.
LP Recovery XLRestores the target's LP greatly.
LP Recovery XXLRestores the target's LP massively.
HPMP Recovery XSRestores the target's HP and MP slightly.
HPMP Recovery SRestores the target's HP and MP a little.
HPMP Recovery MRestores the target's HP and MP.
HPMP Recovery LRestores the target's HP and MP a lot.
HPMP Recovery XLRestores the target's HP and MP greatly.
HPLP Recovery XSRestores the target's HP and LP slightly.
HPLP Recovery SRestores the target's HP and LP a little.
HPLP Recovery MRestores the target's HP and LP.
HPLP Recovery LRestores the target's HP and LP a lot.
HPLP Recovery XLRestores the target's HP and LP greatly.
MPLP Recovery XSRestores the target's HP and LP slightly.
MPLP Recovery SRestores the target's HP and LP a little.
MPLP Recovery MRestores the target's HP and LP.
MPLP Recovery LRestores the target's HP and LP a lot.
MPLP Recovery XLRestores the target's HP and LP greatly.
Calming AromaHeals the entire party's HP slightly.
Tranquil AromaHeals the entire party's HP a little.
Healing AromaHeals the entire party's HP.
Eat and Recover XSRestores the target's HP and stun value slightly. The amount healed is based on maximum HP.
Eat and Recover SRestores the target's HP and stun value a little. The amount healed is based on maximum HP.
Eat and Recover MRestores the target's HP and stun value. The amount healed is based on maximum HP.
Eat and Recover LRestores the target's HP and stun value a lot. The amount healed is based on maximum HP.
Eat and Recover XLRestores the target's HP and stun value greatly. The amount healed is based on maximum HP.
Eat and Recover XXLRestores the target's HP and stun value massively. The amount healed is based on maximum HP.
A Little FillingSits in the stomach after eating, delaying turn slightly in battle.
FillingSits in the stomach after eating, delaying turn a little in battle.
Very FillingFills the stomach after eating, delaying turn in battle.
HardThe extreme hardness slows movements, causing Slow status. The effect is moderate.
Hard to DigestHard to digest after eating, causing Slow status. The effect is small.
Digests QuicklyDigests immediately after eating, causing no effect upon the body.
Bad TasteThe overwhelmingly bad taste causes pain, dealing damage.
Very DeliciousThe deliciousness heals a little HP.
BitterThe target recovers from Sleep status.
SaltyReduces wait time a little after the target's next turn.
SweetRestores the target's HP and LP slightly.
Super SweetRestores the target's HP and LP a little.
ColdThe coldness slows the body's movements, reducing the target's speed a little.
WarmWarms the body, increasing the target's speed a little.
HotHeats the body, increasing the target's speed a lot, but causes them to take continuous damage.
SloppyThe sloppy texture causes an uncomfortable feeling, reducing attack power a little.
JigglyThe jiggly texture is quite pleasant, increasing the target's attack power a little.
Unique TextureThe unique texture is exciting, increasing attack power a little. The target also heals HP slightly each turn.
CrumblyThe crumbly texture is unpleasant, reducing defense a little.
FluffyThe fluffy texture is comforting, increasing defense a little.
Strange ElasticityThe strange elasticity is exciting, increasing defense a little. Also hastens the target's turn a little.
NutritiousNutritious and flavorful, increasing all stats a little.
Very NutritiousHighly nutritious and flavorful, increasing all stats.
Wake Up CupHeals the target's HP. The amount healed increases the closer it is to 7:00.
Snack CompanionHeals the target's HP. The amount healed increases the closer it is to 15:00.
Bedtime CupHeals the target's HP. The amount healed increases the closer it is to 22:00.
Recovery Bonus XSThe target gains a slight bonus to HP recovery.
Recovery Bonus SThe target gains a small bonus to HP recovery.
Recovery Bonus MThe target gains a bonus to HP recovery.
Recovery Bonus LThe target gains a big bonus to HP recovery.
RefreshingThe target recovers stun value slightly.
Clears the MindThe target recovers stun value a little.
AwakeningThe target recovers stun value decently.
Cure DizzinessThe target recovers stun value.
PeppyThe target recovers stun value a lot.
Great FeelingThe target recovers stun value greatly.
Revive from KO XSRevives the target from KO, and heals HP slightly. All parameters are decreased for a number of turns when revived by this effect.
Revive from KO SRevives the target from KO, and heals HP a little. All parameters are decreased for a number of turns when revived by this effect.
Revive from KO MRevives the target from KO, and heals HP. All parameters are decreased for a number of turns when revived by this effect.
Revive from KO LRevives the target from KO, and heals HP a lot. All parameters are decreased for a number of turns when revived by this effect.
Revive from KO XLRevives the target from KO, and heals HP greatly. All parameters are decreased for a number of turns when revived by this effect.
Cures SleepThe target recovers from Sleep status.
Cures PoisonThe target recovers from Poison status.
Cures SlowThe target recovers from Slow status.
Cures CurseThe target recovers from Curse status.
Cures BlindThe target recovers from Blind status.
Cures WeakThe target recovers from Weak status.
Cures No HealThe target recovers from No Heal status.
Cures SealThe target recovers from Seal status.
Cures After EffectsThe target recovers from After Effects status.
Removes 1 AilmentCures 1 status ailment on the target.
Removes Many AilmentsCures 2 status ailments on the target.
Body Awakening ToneAutomatically revive on the next turn after being KO'd. Affects all allies, but HP after revival is low.
Soul Awakening ToneAutomatically revive on the next turn after being KO'd. Affects all allies, but HP after revival is moderate.
Hidden PowerIncreases all of the target's stats by 20. This effect lasts for 3 turns.
Fire Spirit BlessingGrants fire resistance to all allies.
Ice Spirit BlessingGrants ice resistance to all allies.
Thunder Spirit BlessingGrants lightning resistance to all allies.
Grand Spirit BlessingGrants fire, ice, and lightning resistance to all allies.
Angel's ProtectionTemporarily reduces impact attribute damage taken by the target. The effect is small.
Angel's Protection MTemporarily reduces impact attribute damage taken by the target. The effect is fairly small.
Angel's Protection LTemporarily reduces impact attribute damage taken by the target. The effect is decent.
Spirit's ProtectionReduces the effectiveness of the next attack received by the target.
Spirit's Protection MGreatly reduces the effectiveness of the next attack received by the target.
Spirit's Protection LMassively reduces the effectiveness of the next attack received by the target.
Goddess ProtectionReceive divine protection from the goddess, temporarily raising the target's level slightly. Higher level increases attack power and speed.
Goddess BlessingReceive divine blessings from the goddess, temporarily raising the target's level a little. Higher level increases attack power and speed.
Heroic ProtectionReceive protection from a heroic spirit, temporarily raising the target's level. Higher level increases attack power and speed.
Heroic BlessingReceive blessings from a heroic spirit, temporarily raising the target's level a lot. Higher level increases attack power and speed.
Heroic DescentHouse the power of a heroic spirit, temporarily raising the target's level greatly. Higher level increases attack power and speed.
Draws Out PowerDeals damage to the target, but increases base damage on the next turn by 10%.
Power OverflowingDeals big damage to the target, but increases base damage on the next turn by 15%.
Adrenaline RushDeals huge damage to the target, but increases base damage on the next turn by 30%.
Reduce ConsumptionThere's a chance of not consuming use count when using an item. The chance is quite low.
Relieve ConsumptionThere's a chance of not consuming use count when using an item. The chance is low.
RecycleThere's a chance of not consuming use count when using an item. The chance is high.
Activate SplitTurns the item into a timed effect, allowing it to activate again. Effect lasts 1 turn.
Activate ScatterTurns the item into a timed effect, allowing it to activate again. Effect lasts 2 turns.
Activate DivisionTurns the item into a timed effect, allowing it to activate again. Effect lasts 3 turns.
Auto Activate 20%Automatically activates when the equipper's HP falls below 20%.
Auto Activate 30%Automatically activates when the equipper's HP falls below 30%.
Auto Activate 50%Automatically activates when the equipper's HP falls below 50%.
Attack Up SIncreases the target's attack a little. Effect lasts 3 turns.
Attack Up MIncreases the target's attack. Effect lasts 3 turns.
Attack Up LIncreases the target's attack a lot. Effect lasts 3 turns.
Defense Up SIncreases the target's defense a little. Effect lasts 3 turns.
Defense Up MIncreases the target's defense. Effect lasts 3 turns.
Defense Up LIncreases the target's defense a lot. Effect lasts 3 turns.
Speed Up SIncreases the target's speed a little. Effect lasts 3 turns.
Speed Up MIncreases the target's speed. Effect lasts 3 turns.
Speed Up LIncreases the target's speed a lot. Effect lasts 3 turns.
All Stats Up SIncreases all of the target's stats a little. Effect lasts 3 turns.
All Stats Up MIncreases all of the target's stats. Effect lasts 3 turns.
All Stats Up LIncreases all of the target's stats a lot. Effect lasts 3 turns.
Hit Rate Up SIncreases the target's hit chance a little. Effect lasts 3 turns.
Hit Rate Up MIncreases the target's hit chance. Effect lasts 3 turns.
Hit Rate Up LIncreases the target's hit chance a lot. Effect lasts 3 turns.
Evasion Up SIncreases the target's evasion chance a little. Effect lasts 3 turns.
Evasion Up MIncreases the target's evasion chance. Effect lasts 3 turns.
Evasion Up LIncreases the target's evasion chance a lot. Effect lasts 3 turns.
Crit Rate Up SIncreases the target's critical chance a little. Effect lasts 3 turns.
Crit Rate Up MIncreases the target's critical chance. Effect lasts 3 turns.
Crit Rate Up LIncreases the target's critical chance a lot. Effect lasts 3 turns.
Crit Power Up SIncreases the target's critical bonus a little. Effect lasts 3 turns.
Crit Power Up MIncreases the target's critical bonus. Effect lasts 3 turns.
Crit Power Up LIncreases the target's critical bonus a lot. Effect lasts 3 turns.
HP Regen XSThe target gains a slight HP regeneration effect. Effect lasts 3 turns.
HP Regen SThe target gains a small HP regeneration effect. Effect lasts 3 turns.
HP Regen MThe target gains a HP regeneration effect. Effect lasts 3 turns.
HP Regen LThe target gains a big HP regeneration effect. Effect lasts 3 turns.
HP Regen XLThe target gains a very big HP regeneration effect. Effect lasts 3 turns.
HP Regen XXLThe target gains a massive HP regeneration effect. Effect lasts 3 turns.
Temp Stamina Up STemporarily increases the target's maximum HP value in battle. The effect is small.
Temp Stamina Up MTemporarily increases the target's maximum HP value in battle. The effect is moderate.
Temp Stamina Up LTemporarily increases the target's maximum HP value in battle. The effect is big.
Auto Revive SAutomatically revive on the next turn after being KO'd. HP after revival is low.
Auto Revive MAutomatically revive on the next turn after being KO'd. HP after revival is moderate.
Auto Revive LAutomatically revive on the next turn after being KO'd. HP after revival is fairly high.
Reduce Ailments SReduces the effect of status ailments a little.
Reduce Ailments MReduces the effect of status ailments a fair amount.
Reduce Ailments LReduces the effect of status ailments a good amount.
Cut Wait Time SReduces wait time a little after the target's next turn.
Cut Wait Time MReduces wait time a fair amount after the target's next turn.
Cut Wait Time LReduces wait time a good amount after the target's next turn.
Chain Attack Up SIncreases the target's chain attack chance by 25%. Effect lasts for 3 turns.
Chain Attack Up MIncreases the target's chain attack chance by 50%. Effect lasts for 3 turns.
Chain Attack Up LIncreases the target's chain attack chance by 75%. Effect lasts for 3 turns.
More Opportunity SIncreases stun value of attacks, and increases damage against stunned enemies by 25%. Effect lasts for 3 turns.
More Opportunity MIncreases stun value of attacks, and increases damage against stunned enemies by 35%. Effect lasts for 3 turns.
More Opportunity LIncreases stun value of attacks, and increases damage against stunned enemies by 50%. Effect lasts for 3 turns.
Enhance HP Heal SIncreases the amount of HP healed by the target by 20% while this effect is active.
Enhance HP Heal MIncreases the amount of HP healed by the target by 30% while this effect is active.
Enhance HP Heal LIncreases the amount of HP healed by the target by 50% while this effect is active.
Cause MisfortuneHas a chance to cause multiple status ailments on the target, and deals damage according to the number of ailments present.
Tasty AromaDelays the target's turn a little. The strength of this effect shrinks with each use, until the target takes a turn.
Appetizing AromaDelays the target's turn a decent amount. The strength of this effect shrinks with each use, until the target takes a turn.
Tempting AromaDelays the target's turn a good amount. The strength of this effect shrinks with each use, until the target takes a turn.
Steal Attack SReduces the target's attack a little, and increases your own attack by that amount.
Steal Attack MReduces the target's attack, and increases your own attack by that amount.
Steal Attack LReduces the target's attack a lot, and increases your own attack by that amount.
Steal Defense SReduces the target's defense a little, and increases your own defense by that amount.
Steal Defense MReduces the target's defense, and increases your own defense by that amount.
Steal Defense LReduces the target's defense a lot, and increases your own defense by that amount.
Steal Speed SReduces the target's speed a little, and increases your own speed by that amount.
Steal Speed MReduces the target's speed, and increases your own speed by that amount.
Steal Speed LReduces the target's speed a lot, and increases your own speed by that amount.
Remove EnhancementsVoids 1 enhancement effect on the target.
Erase EnhancementsVoids 2 enhancement effects on the target.
Purge EnhancementsVoids 3 enhancement effects on the target.
Attack Down SReduces the target's attack a little.
Attack Down MReduces the target's attack.
Attack Down LReduces the target's attack a lot.
Defense Down SReduces the target's defense a little.
Defense Down MReduces the target's defense.
Defense Down LReduces the target's defense a lot.
Speed Down SReduces the target's speed a little.
Speed Down MReduces the target's speed.
Speed Down LReduces the target's speed a lot.
All Stats Down SReduces all of the target's stats a little.
All Stats Down MReduces all of the target's stats.
All Stats Down LReduces all of the target's stats a lot.
Inflict Sleep SHas a low chance to inflict Sleep on the target. During Sleep, actions cannot be taken even when turn comes up.
Inflict Sleep MHas a moderate chance to inflict Sleep on the target. During Sleep, actions cannot be taken even when turn comes up.
Inflict Sleep LHas a high chance to inflict Sleep on the target. During Sleep, actions cannot be taken even when turn comes up.
Inflict Poison SHas a low chance to inflict Poison on the target. The effect is small. During Poison, damage is taken each turn.
Inflict Poison MHas a moderate chance to inflict Poison on the target. The effect is moderate. During Poison, damage is taken each turn.
Inflict Poison LHas a high chance to inflict Poison on the target. The effect is big. During Poison, damage is taken each turn.
Inflict Slow SHas a low chance to inflict Slow on the target. The effect is small. During Slow, wait time after taking turns grows longer.
Inflict Slow MHas a moderate chance to inflict Slow on the target. The effect is moderate. During Slow, wait time after taking turns grows longer.
Inflict Slow LHas a high chance to inflict Slow on the target. The effect is big. During Slow, wait time after taking turns grows longer.
Inflict Curse SHas a low chance to inflict Curse on the target. The effect is small. During Curse, healing effects cause damage instead.
Inflict Curse MHas a moderate chance to inflict Curse on the target. The effect is moderate. During Curse, healing effects cause damage instead.
Inflict Curse LHas a high chance to inflict Curse on the target. The effect is big. During Curse, healing effects cause damage instead.
Inflict Blind SHas a low chance to inflict Blind on the target. The effect is small. During Blind, hit chance and evasion chance are reduced.
Inflict Blind MHas a moderate chance to inflict Blind on the target. The effect is moderate. During Blind, hit chance and evasion chance are reduced.
Inflict Blind LHas a high chance to inflict Blind on the target. The effect is big. During Blind, hit chance and evasion chance are reduced.
Inflict Weak SHas a low chance to inflict Weak on the target. The effect is small. During Weak, the power of all skills is reduced.
Inflict Weak MHas a moderate chance to inflict Weak on the target. The effect is moderate. During Weak, the power of all skills is reduced.
Inflict Weak LHas a high chance to inflict Weak on the target. The effect is big. During Weak, the power of all skills is reduced.
Inflict No Heal SHas a low chance to inflict No Heal on the target. During No Heal, all recovery effects become 0.
Inflict No Heal MHas a moderate chance to inflict No Heal on the target. During No Heal, all recovery effects become 0.
Inflict No Heal LHas a high chance to inflict No Heal on the target. During No Heal, all recovery effects become 0.
Inflict Seal SHas a low chance to inflict Seal on the target. During Seal, powerful attacks cannot be used.
Inflict Seal MHas a moderate chance to inflict Seal on the target. During Seal, powerful attacks cannot be used.
Inflict Seal LHas a high chance to inflict Seal on the target. During Seal, powerful attacks cannot be used.
Inflict Corruption SRandomly causes 3 status ailments to the target. The chance and effect are low.
Inflict Corruption MRandomly causes 3 status ailments to the target. The chance and effect are moderate.
Inflict Corruption LRandomly causes 3 status ailments to the target. The chance and effect are high.
Reduce All ResistancesReduces all resistances of the target by 1 stage. Has no effect if the target has no resistance, and it does not create weaknesses.
Weak to FireReduces the target's fire resistance by 1 stage. Has no effect if they have no resistance, and does not cause actual weakness.
Weak to IceReduces the target's ice resistance by 1 stage. Has no effect if they have no resistance, and does not cause actual weakness.
Weak to ThunderReduces the target's lightning resistance by 1 stage. Has no effect if they have no resistance, and does not cause actual weakness.
Level Down SReduces the target's level a little. Lower level reduces all stats, and reduces damage dealt.
Level Down MReduces the target's level. Lower level reduces all stats, and reduces damage dealt.
Level Down LReduces the target's level a lot. Lower level reduces all stats, and reduces damage dealt.
Damage Over Time SDeals continuous damage to the target. The effect is small, and goes for a short number of turns.
Damage Over Time MDeals continuous damage to the target. The effect is moderate, and goes for a short number of turns.
Damage Over Time LDeals continuous damage to the target. The effect is big, but goes for a short number of turns.
Critical DownReduces the target's critical hit chance.
Weak to ChangesRaises the effectiveness of status ailments on the target. This effect does not increase the chances of ailments applying.
Weak to ImpactsIncreases damage taken by the target by a fixed ratio. Cannot be stacked, only the highest effect applies.
Add Break SIncreases Break effect against the target. This effect is split if multiple targets are hit.
Add Break MIncreases Break effect against the target quite a bit. This effect is split if multiple targets are hit.
Add Break LIncreases Break effect against the target massively. This effect is split if multiple targets are hit.
Add Break XLIncreases Break effect against the target absurdly. This effect is split if multiple targets are hit.
Restrain Attack SReduces the frequency of powerful attacks from the enemy a little.
Restrain Attack MReduces the frequency of powerful attacks from the enemy.
Restrain Attack LReduces the frequency of powerful attacks from the enemy a lot.
Pacification SPacifies the enemy, delaying the activation of powerful attacks a little.
Pacification MPacifies the enemy, delaying the activation of powerful attacks a fair bit.
Pacification LPacifies the enemy, delaying the activation of powerful attacks.
Consume HP XSConsumes a slight amount of HP. The amount is based on maximum HP.
Consume HP SConsumes a small amount of HP. The amount is based on maximum HP.
Consume HP MConsumes HP. The amount is based on maximum HP.
Consume HP LConsumes a large amount of HP. The amount is based on maximum HP.
Consume HP XLConsumes a huge amount of HP. The amount is based on maximum HP.
Consume MP XSConsumes a slight amount of MP. The effect weakens if MP is insufficient.
Consume MP SConsumes a small amount of MP. The effect weakens if MP is insufficient.
Consume MP MConsumes MP. The effect weakens if MP is insufficient.
Consume MP LConsumes a large amount of MP. The effect weakens if MP is insufficient.
Consume MP XLConsumes a huge amount of MP. The effect weakens if MP is insufficient.
Grow Good Materials?Increases the chance of finding better materials in the field.
Grow Great Materials?Greatly increases the chance of finding better materials in the field.
Rest 5 HoursRest for 5 hours, restoring 50% of HP, MP, and LP.
Rest 10 HoursRest for 10 hours, restoring all HP, MP, and LP.
Rest to DuskRest until dusk, restoring HP, MP, and LP. The amount restored depends on the time spent resting.
Rest to NightRest until night, restoring HP, MP, and LP. The amount restored depends on the time spent resting.
Return to BaseInstantly return to your atelier upon use.
Small CartAllows you to select a few gathered items, and send them back to your atelier. You can send up to 10 at once.
Average CartAllows you to select gathered items, and send them back to your atelier. You can send up to 30 at once.
Big CartAllows you to select a lot of gathered items, and send them back to your atelier. You can send up to 50 at once.
Hard to NoticeReduces your presence, making it hard for monsters to notice you for a while.
Erase PresenceErases your presence, making monsters unable to notice you for a while. However, be careful about getting too close.
Keeps Away DangerReduces the chances of bad events happening a little.
Wards Off DangerReduces the chances of bad events happening.
Good HealthReduces the chances of bad events happening a lot.
Wards Off MisfortuneLets you avoid battle when you encounter monsters on the world map. This consumes use count.
Wards Off MonstersLets you avoid battle when you encounter monsters on the world map. This consumes use count.
Charm's BlessingLets you avoid battle when you encounter monsters on the world map. This consumes use count.
Lightens Body a LittleReduces LP consumed when moving on the world map by 25%.
Lightens BodyReduces LP consumed when moving on the world map by half.
Lightens Body a LotReduces LP consumed when moving on the world map to 0.
Move Speed Up SIncreases movement speed by 10%.
Move Speed Up MIncreases movement speed by 20%.
Move Speed Up LIncreases movement speed by 30%.
Fits a LotIncreases items you can carry by 20.
Fits a Whole LotIncreases items you can carry by 40.
Avoid MisfortuneReduces number of items lost due to party wipe a little.
Reduce MisfortuneReduces number of items lost due to party wipe.
Ward Off MisfortuneReduces number of items lost due to party wipe a lot.
Gather a Little MoreIncreases the number of items obtained while gathering a little.
Gather MoreIncreases the number of items obtained while gathering.
Gather a Lot MoreIncreases the number of items obtained while gathering a lot.
Economic FortuneIncreases money obtained from battle a little. Has no effect when money obtained is 0.
Economic Fortune MIncreases money obtained from battle. Has no effect when money obtained is 0.
Economic Fortune LIncreases money obtained from battle a lot. Has no effect when money obtained is 0.
Health PrayerIncreases experience points gained from battle a little.
Health Prayer MIncreases experience points gained from battle.
Health Prayer LIncreases experience points gained from battle a lot.
Get More FriendlyIncreases friendship points gained from giving presents a little.
Get Much More FriendlyIncreases friendship points gained from giving presents.
Connects HeartsIncreases friendship points gained from giving presents a lot.
Seal of ChaosMakes gathering level and enemy level rise more.
Seal of StabilityMakes gathering level and enemy level rise less.
Portable TornadoUnleashes a miniature gust, knocking down fruit and other things from trees.
Breaks RocksEasily breaks rocks and other hard objects.
Emits AirReleases air, allowing breathing underwater. Higher quality makes the air last longer.
Melts SnowReleases heat, melting snow over a wide area.
Auto Repair BuildingRepairs broken structures.
Find Treasure ChestLocates hidden treasure chests.
Fly at High SpeedFlies quickly through the air.
Fly on WaterFlies in the air, and can cross over water.
Catch FishCan catch fish.
Catch More FishCan catch fish. Catches more difficult fish.
Catch Any FishCan catch fish. Catches rare fish that are hardly ever seen.
Lights DarknessIlluminates the inside of caves.
See Distant PlacesRemoves the mini-map restriction during rain, night, etc.
Fly in the AirCan fly in the sky.
High-Speed HoverAllows you to move at speed while hovering at a low height.
Gather All ItemsAutomatically gathers items touched by the gathering pointer.
Mysterious PowerAllows most enemies to be evaded.
HoverAllows you to move while hovering at a low height.
High-Speed HoverAllows you to move at speed while hovering at a low height.
Material ProtectionPrevents materials from most damage and improves quality of gathered items.
Benevolent GathererPrevents materials from all damage and greatly improves gathered item quality.
Equipment AccessAllows battle and item equipment to be taken in and out of containers.
Dried Food StocksEat stocks of dried food to slightly restore HP and MP while moving.
Quality Food StocksEat stocks of good quality food to restore HP and MP while moving.
Comfortable RideReduces LP consumption while moving.
Like A DreamSignificantly reduces LP consumption while moving.
Low Slow FlightAllows you to fly slowly at a low height.
Low FlightAllows you to fly at a low height.
Aquatic MovementAllows you to move swiftly underwater.
Aquatic DriveAllows you to move at high speed underwater.
Fast Air ConsumptionIncreases Air Drop consumption speed dramatically.
Air ConsumptionIncreases Air Drop consumption speed.
IndefatigableSlightly reduces LP consumption while moving.
Marine VoyageReduces LP consumption while moving.
Search HelperPuni Drone helps with searches, making it easier to complete maps.
Search LeaderPuni Drone leads searches, making it easier to complete maps.
Fighting Spirit ActiveDuring battle, stats rise each turn. There is a limit to this increase.
Fighting Spirit CalmDuring battle, temporarily increases stats, but this decreases each turn.
Fighting WordsIncreases critical hit chance a little.
Fighting ChantIncreases critical hit chance and damage bonus a little.
Fighting TruthIncreases critical hit chance and damage bonus.
Soul Binding ChainIncreases Support Guard effect a fair bit.
Mind Binding ChainIncreases Support Guard effect, and increases combo bonus a little.
All Binding ChainIncreases Support Guard effect a lot, and increases combo bonus.
Angel's ProtectionReduces the number of turns ailments last a little.
God's ProtectionReduces the number of turns ailments last a lot.
Hard to NoticeDuring battle, makes it a little less likely to be targeted by attacks.
Erase PresenceErases your presence, making monsters unable to notice you for a while. However, be careful about getting too close.
Draw AttentionDuring battle, makes it a little more likely to be targeted by attacks.
Gather AttentionDuring battle, makes it more likely to be targeted by attacks.
Progress TimeReduces wait time after all actions a little.
Speed Up TimeReduces wait time after all actions.
Accelerate TimeReduces wait time after all actions a lot.
Animal ComboIncreases the chance of chain attacks a little.
Beast ComboIncreases the chance of chain attacks.
Demon ComboIncreases the chance of chain attacks a lot.
Godly ComboIncreases the chance of chain attacks massively.
Scholar's WisdomSwaps 50% of maximum HP and MP values.
Sage's WisdomCompletely swaps maximum HP and MP values.
Magician BlessingReduces damage taken by 10%, but take MP damage instead.
Guardian Angel BlessingReduces damage taken by 10%, but delays turn instead.
Ancient God BlessingReduces damage taken by 10%, but increases stun value.
Proof of FortuneMakes it a little easier to score higher values when attacking. Also increases chance of loot a little.
Symbol of FortuneMakes it easier to score higher values when attacking. Also increases chance of loot.
Bringer of FortuneMakes it a lot easier to score higher values when attacking. Also increases chance of loot a lot.
Time to PowerIncreases the power of attack skills according to wait time after use.
Life to PowerIncreases attack, defense, and speed by 20% of base maximum HP.
Spirit to PowerIncreases attack, defense, and speed by 25% of base maximum MP.
Strong in a PinchWhen below 25% remaining HP, increases critical chance, evasion rate, and other stats.
Seal of BeastsRevive automatically on the next turn when KO'd in battle. HP after revival is miniscule.
Soul AwakeningRevive automatically on the next turn when KO'd in battle. HP after revival is very low.
Samsara AwakeningRevive automatically on the next turn when KO'd in battle. HP after revival is low.
Seal of CowsReduces effectiveness of turn delaying effects.
Seal of ElephantsHalves effectiveness of turn delaying effects.
Strong in MorningDuring morning, attack, defense, and speed increase by 15%. No effect at other times.
Strong in DayDuring day, attack, defense, and speed increase by 15%. No effect at other times.
Strong in EveningDuring evening, attack, defense, and speed increase by 15%. No effect at other times.
Strong at NightDuring night, attack, defense, and speed increase by 15%. No effect at other times.
Embodiment of the SunDuring morning and day, attack, defense, and speed increase by 15%. No effect at evening or night.
Envoy of the MoonDuring evening and night, attack, defense, and speed increase by 15%. No effect at morning or day.
Power to ProtectionReduces attack by 15%, increasing defense by the amount lost.
Protection to PowerReduces defense by 15%, increasing attack by the amount lost.
Calm BlessingWhen HP is healed, or a status ailment is cured, recover a little HP.
Pure BlessingWhen HP is healed, 2 status ailments are cured.
Healthy BlessingWhen HP is healed, or a status ailment is cured, recover HP.
Conversion SpellDuring battle, 10% of HP damage taken and MP consumed is absorbed into the opposite pool.
Mass Conversion SpellDuring battle, 15% of HP damage taken and MP consumed is absorbed into the opposite pool.
Power of OneAttack, defense, and speed temporarily increase when a status ailment is cured.
Power of TenAttack, defense, and speed temporarily increase greatly when a status ailment is cured.
Power RuneThe hidden magic of the power rune increases attack by 7.
Defense RuneThe hidden magic of the defense rune increases defense by 7.
Speed RuneThe hidden magic of the speed rune increases speed by 7.
Herculean RuneThe hidden magic of the herculean rune increases attack by 15.
Guardian RuneThe hidden magic of the guardian rune increases defense by 15.
Swift Gale RuneThe hidden magic of the gale rune increases speed by 15.
Weapon RuneThe hidden magic of the weapon rune increases base damage values.
Tool RuneThe hidden magic of the tool rune increases item power, and reduces wait time.
Bulwark RuneThe hidden magic of the bulwark rune reduces all damage taken.
Speed to PowerReduces speed by 15%, increasing attack by the amount lost.
Spirit's PowerThe spirit's power increases base damage values.
Spirit King's PowerThe spirit king's power greatly increases base damage values.
Spirit God's PowerThe spirit god's power massively increases base damage values.
Power AwakeningIncreases attack, defense, and speed. The increase is based on the equipper's level.
Soul AwakeningIncreases attack, defense, and speed. The increase is based on double the equipper's level.
Seal of FoxesFind new escape routes, massively increasing the success rate of “Run”.
Inner FireHidden fighting spirit burns, exhibiting greater power when fighting enemies stronger than you.
Hero's AmbitionGain the spirit of a hero, exhibiting greater power when fighting mighty foes.
Sunny AuraIncreases attack, defense, and speed by 25% when the weather is “sunny”.
Cloudy AuraIncreases attack, defense, and speed by 25% when the weather is “cloudy”.
Rainy AuraIncreases attack, defense, and speed by 25% when the weather is “rainy”.
Expert's FistFits an expert's fist well, increasing minimum base damage by 10%.
King's FistFits a king's fist well, increasing minimum base damage by 25%.
Saint's FistFits a monk-saint's fist well, increasing minimum base damage by 50%.
Weakness MakerExposes weak points, increasing damage when attacking weak attributes by 35%.
Weakness SniperSnipes weak points, increasing damage when attacking weak attributes by 50%.
Redistribute LuckDistributes luck, increasing the success rate of chance based effects by 25%.
Blessing of the WildPower of the wild soothes wounds, healing HP when a monster is killed.
Blessing of Beast KingFilled by the power of the beast king, attack, defense, and speed increase when a monster is killed.
Gospel of Pure WhiteThe power of pure words increases the power of positive effects by 25%.
Curse of Jet BlackThe power of vile words increases the power of negative effects by 25%.
Magician's SealThe power of a magician's words increases the power of common skills by 25%.
Grand Mage's SealThe power of a grand mage's words increases the power of common skills by 35%.
Ancient Sage's SealThe power of an ancient sage's words increases the power of common skills by 50%.
Rune of CriticalityThe power of a criticality rune increases critical hit rate by 33%, and attack by 10.
Slash Resist SGain Slash Resist S. This effect reduces damage from slash attribute attacks by 25%.
Impact Resist SGain Impact Resist S. This effect reduces damage from impact attribute attacks by 25%.
Pierce Resist SGain Pierce Resist S. This effect reduces damage from pierce attribute attacks by 25%.
Slash Resist MGain Slash Resist M. This effect reduces damage from slash attribute attacks by 50%.
Impact Resist MGain Impact Resist M. This effect reduces damage from impact attribute attacks by 50%.
Pierce Resist MGain Pierce Resist M. This effect reduces damage from pierce attribute attacks by 50%.
HP Regen SHeal a little HP each turn.
HP Regen MHeal a fair bit of HP each turn.
HP Regen LHeal HP each turn.
HP Regen XLHeal a lot of HP each turn.
MP Regen SHeal a little MP each turn.
MP Regen MHeal a fair bit of MP each turn.
MP Regen LHeal MP each turn.
MP Regen XLHeal a lot of MP each turn.
Max HP Up XSIncreases maximum HP by 15.
Max HP Up SIncreases maximum HP by 20.
Max HP Up MIncreases maximum HP by 25.
Max HP Up LIncreases maximum HP by 35.
Max HP Up XLIncreases maximum HP by 50.
Max MP Up XSIncreases maximum MP by 15.
Max MP Up SIncreases maximum MP by 20.
Max MP Up MIncreases maximum MP by 25.
Max MP Up LIncreases maximum MP by 35.
Max MP Up XLIncreases maximum MP by 50.
Attack Up XSIncreases attack by 5.
Attack Up SIncreases attack by 10.
Attack Up MIncreases attack by 15.
Attack Up LIncreases attack by 20.
Attack Up XLIncreases attack by 25.
Defense Up XSIncreases defense by 5.
Defense Up SIncreases defense by 10.
Defense Up MIncreases defense by 15.
Defense Up LIncreases defense by 20.
Defense Up XLIncreases defense by 25.
Speed Up XSIncreases speed by 5.
Speed Up SIncreases speed by 10.
Speed Up MIncreases speed by 15.
Speed Up LIncreases speed by 20.
Speed Up XLIncreases speed by 25.
Hit Rate Up XSIncreases attack hit chance by 10%.
Hit Rate Up SIncreases attack hit chance by 15%.
Hit Rate Up MIncreases attack hit chance by 20%.
Hit Rate Up LIncreases attack hit chance by 25%.
Hit Rate Up XLIncreases attack hit chance by 30%.
Evasion Up XSIncreases attack evasion chance by 4%.
Evasion Up SIncreases attack evasion chance by 6%.
Evasion Up MIncreases attack evasion chance by 8%.
Evasion Up LIncreases attack evasion chance by 10%.
Evasion Up XLIncreases attack evasion chance by 12%.
Critical Up XSIncreases critical hit chance by 3%.
Critical Up SIncreases critical hit chance by 6%.
Critical Up MIncreases critical hit chance by 9%.
Critical Up LIncreases critical hit chance by 12%.
Critical Up XLIncreases critical hit chance by 15%.
Critical Enhance XSIncreases critical hit damage bonus by 3%.
Critical Enhance SIncreases critical hit damage bonus by 6%.
Critical Enhance MIncreases critical hit damage bonus by 9%.
Critical Enhance LIncreases critical hit damage bonus by 12%.
Critical Enhance XLIncreases critical hit damage bonus by 15%.
Skill Enhance SIncreases skill power by 5%.
Skill Enhance MIncreases skill power by 7%.
Skill Enhance LIncreases skill power by 10%.
Skill Enhance XLIncreases skill power by 15%.
Item Enhance SIncreases item power by 7%.
Item Enhance MIncreases item power by 10%.
Item Enhance LIncreases item power by 15%.
Item Shorten SShortens wait time after using items by 7%.
Item Shorten MShortens wait time after using items by 10%.
Item Shorten LShortens wait time after using items by 15%.
Combo Bonus +1Boosts Linkage increase rate by 1.
Combo Bonus +2Boosts Linkage increase rate by 2.
Combo Bonus +3Boosts Linkage increase rate by 3.
Nullify SleepImmune to Sleep ailment.
Nullify PoisonImmune to Poison ailment.
Nullify SlowImmune to Slow ailment.
Nullify CurseImmune to Curse ailment.
Nullify BlindImmune to Blind ailment.
Nullify WeakImmune to Weak ailment.
Nullify No HealImmune to No Heal ailment.
Nullify SealImmune to Seal ailment.
Nullify After EffectImmune to After Effects ailment.
Nullify One Hit KOImmune to instant KO effects.
Nullify All AilmentsImmune to all status ailments.
Ailment Resist XSReduces chance of being afflicted by ailments slightly.
Ailment Resist SReduces chance of being afflicted by ailments a little.
Ailment Resist MReduces chance of being afflicted by ailments a fair bit.
Ailment Resist LReduces chance of being afflicted by ailments a good amount.
Ailment Resist XLReduces chance of being afflicted by ailments.
Avoid KO XSWhen taking damage that reduces HP to 0, there's a chance to survive with 1 HP. The chance is very low.
Avoid KO SWhen taking damage that reduces HP to 0, there's a chance to survive with 1 HP. The chance is low.
Avoid KO MWhen taking damage that reduces HP to 0, there's a chance to survive with 1 HP. The chance is kind of low.
Avoid KO LWhen taking damage that reduces HP to 0, there's a chance to survive with 1 HP. The chance is moderate.
Avoid KO XLWhen taking damage that reduces HP to 0, there's a chance to survive with 1 HP. The chance is high.
Fire ResistanceWhen equipped, gain Fire Resist M.
Ice ResistanceWhen equipped, gain Ice Resist M.
Lightning ResistanceWhen equipped, gain Lightning Resist M.
Damage Absorb SAbsorb a portion of damage dealt to target as HP. The effect is small.
Damage Absorb MAbsorb a portion of damage dealt to target as HP. The effect is fairly small.
Damage Absorb LAbsorb a portion of damage dealt to target as HP. The effect is decent.
Damage Absorb XLAbsorb a portion of damage dealt to target as HP. The effect is big.
Damage Cut SReduces damage by 5%.
Damage Cut MReduces damage by 6%.
Damage Cut LReduces damage by 8%.
Damage Cut XLReduces damage by 10%.
Break Enhance SIncreases Break value slightly when attacking enemies.
Break Enhance MIncreases Break value a little when attacking enemies.
Break Enhance LIncreases Break value when attacking enemies.
Break Enhance XLIncreases Break value a lot when attacking enemies.
Break Resist SIncreases Break stamina a little.
Break Resist MIncreases Break stamina a fair bit.
Break Resist LIncreases Break stamina.
Use Opportunity SIncreases damage slightly against enemies in Break status.
Use Opportunity MIncreases damage a little against enemies in Break status.
Use Opportunity LIncreases damage against enemies in Break status.
Use Opportunity XLIncreases damage a lot against enemies in Break status.
Burst Time Up SIncreases the bonus during Chain Burst slightly.
Burst Time Up MIncreases the bonus during Chain Burst a little.
Burst Time Up LIncreases the bonus during Chain Burst.
Burst Time Up XLIncreases the bonus during Chain Burst a lot.
Gauge Increase SIncreases the Chain Burst gauge fill rate slightly.
Gauge Increase MIncreases the Chain Burst gauge fill rate a little.
Gauge Increase LIncreases the Chain Burst gauge fill rate.
Gauge Increase XLIncreases the Chain Burst gauge fill rate a lot.
Beast SlayerAttacks against animal type monsters are always critical hits.
Dragon SlayerAttacks against dragon type monsters are always critical hits.
Spirit SlayerAttacks against elemental type monsters are always critical hits.
Alchemic SlayerAttacks against alchemic type monsters are always critical hits.
Plant SlayerAttacks against plant type monsters are always critical hits.
○○ SlayerAttacks against humanoid type monsters are always critical hits.
Puni SlayerAttacks against Puni type monsters are always critical hits.
Magical SlayerAttacks against magical type monsters are always critical hits.
Ghost SlayerAttacks against undead type monsters are always critical hits.
Demon SlayerAttacks against demon type monsters are always critical hits.
God SlayerAttacks against god type monsters are always critical hits.
Expert Memory: StaffThe memories of a staff expert raises skills, increasing staff base damage.
Expert Memory: SwordThe memories of a sword expert raises skills, increasing sword base damage.
Expert Memory: ZweihanderThe memories of a zweihander expert raises skills, increasing zweihander base damage.
Expert Memory: DaggerThe memories of a dagger expert raises skills, increasing dagger base damage.
Expert Memory: AxeThe memories of an axe expert raises skills, increasing axe base damage.
Expert Memory: SpearThe memories of a spear expert raises skills, increasing spear base damage.
Expert Memory: BowThe memories of a bow expert raises skills, increasing bow base damage.
Expert Memory: GunThe memories of a gun expert raises skills, increasing gun base damage.
Master Memory: StaffThe memories of a staff master raises skills, increasing staff base damage even more.
Master Memory: SwordThe memories of a sword master raises skills, increasing sword base damage even more.
Master Memory: ZweihanderThe memories of a zweihander master raises skills, increasing zweihander base damage even more.
Master Memory: DaggerThe memories of a dagger master raises skills, increasing dagger base damage even more.
Master Memory: AxeThe memories of an axe master raises skills, increasing axe base damage even more.
Master Memory: SpearThe memories of a spear master raises skills, increasing spear base damage even more.
Master Memory: BowThe memories of a bow master raises skills, increasing bow base damage even more.
Master Memory: GunThe memories of a gun master raises skills, increasing gun base damage even more.
Godly Memory: StaffThe memories of a staff god raises skills, increasing staff base damage to the utmost.
Godly Memory: SwordThe memories of a sword god raises skills, increasing sword base damage to the utmost.
Godly Memory: ZweihanderThe memories of a zweihander god raises skills, increasing zweihander base damage to the utmost.
Godly Memory: DaggerThe memories of a dagger god raises skills, increasing dagger base damage to the utmost.
Godly Memory: AxeThe memories of an axe god raises skills, increasing axe base damage to the utmost.
Godly Memory: SpearThe memories of a spear god raises skills, increasing spear base damage to the utmost.
Godly Memory: BowThe memories of a bow god raises skills, increasing bow base damage to the utmost.
Godly Memory: GunThe memories of a gun god raises skills, increasing gun base damage to the utmost.
Panels Change Each DayCauldron panel colors change depending on the day. The cycle is red → blue → green → yellow → white → red.
Plachta's CauldronPlachta appears on the right instead of Sophie during Synthesis.
Combined EffectThis cauldron has “Synergy”, “Tuning”, “Time Limit”, and “Color Surroundings” effects.
Input Time Limit 20Synthesis has a 20 second time limit. Completing Synthesis during this time grants large bonuses.
Bonus Display Level 1The Synthesis panel display is level 1. Higher display level increases bonus placement at the start of Synthesis.
Bonus Display Level 2The Synthesis panel display is level 2. Higher display level increases bonus placement at the start of Synthesis.
Bonus Display Level 3The Synthesis panel display is level 3. Higher display level increases bonus placement at the start of Synthesis.
Panel Display Level 3The Synthesis panel display is level 3. Higher display level increases Synthesis bonuses on panels.
Panel 4×4The panel size is 4×4.
Panel 5×5The panel size is 5×5.
Panel 6×6The panel size is 6×6.
Worn Out CauldronThe cauldron Sophie inherited from her grandmother. It was used for a long time, so it only has minimal power left.
No FailuresPerforming Synthesis at quality value 0 won't result in failure, and produce the desired item.
For PracticeA practice cauldron for alchemists in training. Since it's for practice, it only has basic functions.
SynergyObtaining bonuses that are the same color as the liquid in the cauldron increases effect by 50%.
TuningObtaining bonuses that are the same color as materials already placed causes those materials to gain the same bonus.
Time LimitHas a 60 second time limit. Exceeding this time will result in failure. The countdown begins after selecting materials, and you cannot reselect the cauldron.
Color SurroundingsWhen a material is placed, the Synthesis bonuses in all 8 directions around it become the same color.
Vertical FlipHorizontal Flip
RotateChange Color Red
Changes the item color to Red.Change Color Blue
Changes the item color to Blue.Change Color Green
Changes the item color to Green.Change Color Yellow
Changes the item color to Yellow.Change Color White
Changes the item color to White.Add (Foodstuff)
Adds 10 category value to (Ingredient).Add (Fuel)
Adds 10 category value to (Fuel).Add (Medicine Mat)
Adds 10 category value to (Medicine Mat).Add (Poison Mat)
Adds 10 category value to (Poison Mat).(Foodstuff) +5
Increases (Ingredient) category value by 5.(Gunpowder) +5
Increases (Gunpowder) category value by 5.(Wood) +5
Increases (Wood) category value by 5.(Neutralizer) +5
Increases (Neutralizer) category value by 5.Ultimate Destruction
Gain ultimate destruction. Increases critical hit damage bonus by 30%.Ultimate Stability
Gain ultimate stability. Nullifies turn delaying effects by 100%.Ultimate Reversal
Gain ultimate reversal. 15% of damage taken is converted into MP damage and reduced.Ultimate Mobility
Gain ultimate mobility. Wait time after using skills is reduced by 20%.Ultimate Regeneration
Gain ultimate regeneration. Recover 50 HP on every turn.Ultimate Criticality
Gain ultimate criticality. Increases critical hit rate by 50%.Ultimate Conversion
Gain ultimate conversion. 20% of damage taken is absorbed into MP.Ultimate Evolution
Gain ultimate evolution. Greatly enhances stats of the wearer depending on level.Ultimate Vitality
Gain ultimate vitality. Increases maximum HP by 100.Ultimate Mentality
Gain ultimate mentality. Increases maximum MP by 100.Ultimate Enhancement
Gain ultimate enhancement. Increases maximum HP and MP by 50.Ultimate Attack
Gain ultimate attack power. Increases attack power by 50.Ultimate Defense
Gain ultimate defense. Increases defense by 50.Ultimate Energy
Gain ultimate energy. Increases speed by 50.Ultimate Accuracy
Gain ultimate accuracy. Increases hit rate by 50%.Ultimate Evasion
Gain ultimate evasion. Increases evasion rate by 15%.Ultimate Fire Resist
Gain ultimate fire resistance. Gain super fire resistance.Ultimate Ice Resist
Gain ultimate ice resistance. Gain super ice resistance.Ultimate Thunder Resist
Gain ultimate lightning resistance. Gain super lightning resistance.Ultimate Resistance
Gain ultimate resistance. Gain resistance to all status ailments.Ultimate Support
Gain ultimate support. Enhances Assist action effects by 15%.Ultimate Compensation
Gain ultimate compensation. Increases skill power by 30%.Ultimate Growth
Gain ultimate growth. Greatly increases expected damage value.Ultimate Revival
Gain ultimate revival. Automatically revive on your next turn after being KO'd.Ultimate Turn-Around
Gain ultimate turn-around. Greatly increases stats when fighting powerful enemies.Ultimate Explosive Force
Gain ultimate explosive force. Increases damage bonus by 15% during Burst.Ultimate Invulnerability
Gain ultimate invulnerability. You have a 35% chance to survive with 1 HP when taking damage that would KO you.Ultimate Reduction
Gain ultimate reduction. You have a 35% chance after a turn to reduce wait time by 25%.Ultimate Mitigation
Gain ultimate mitigation. Reduces all damage taken by 10%.Ultimate Zeal
Gain ultimate zeal. Increases Burst Gauge refill rate by 10% when attacking.Ultimate Stunning Force
Gain ultimate stunning force. Greatly increases stun value when attacking.Ultimate Opposition
Gain ultimate opposition. Increases damage dealt and reduces damage taken when fighting powerful enemies.Resonance Blade: Fang
Increases attack by 2. Stacks with “Resonance Blade” on other allies, and the total is applied.Resonance Blade: Fist
Increases attack by 3. Stacks with “Resonance Blade” on other allies, and the total is applied.Resonance Blade: Sword
Increases attack by 5. Stacks with “Resonance Blade” on other allies, and the total is applied.Resonance Blade: Sacred
Increases attack by 10. Stacks with “Resonance Blade” on other allies, and the total is applied.Resonance Shield: Hide
Increases defense by 2. Stacks with “Resonance Shield” on other allies, and the total is applied.Resonance Shield: Bone
Increases defense by 3. Stacks with “Resonance Shield” on other allies, and the total is applied.Resonance Shield: Body
Increases defense by 5. Stacks with “Resonance Shield” on other allies, and the total is applied.Resonance Shield: Guard
Increases defense by 10. Stacks with “Resonance Shield” on other allies, and the total is applied.Resonance Art: Run
Increases speed by 2. Stacks with “Resonance Art” on other allies, and the total is applied.Resonance Art: Gale
Increases speed by 3. Stacks with “Resonance Art” on other allies, and the total is applied.Resonance Art: Blink
Increases speed by 5. Stacks with “Resonance Art” on other allies, and the total is applied.Resonance Art: Musou
Increases speed by 10. Stacks with “Resonance Art” on other allies, and the total is applied.Resonance All: Earth
Increases attack, defense, and speed by 1. Stacks with all “Resonance” on other allies, and the total is applied.Resonance All: Sea
Increases attack, defense, and speed by 2. Stacks with all “Resonance” on other allies, and the total is applied.Resonance All: Heaven
Increases attack, defense, and speed by 3. Stacks with all “Resonance” on other allies, and the total is applied.Resonance All: Truth
Increases attack, defense, and speed by 5. Stacks with all “Resonance” on other allies, and the total is applied.Guard Break
Learn the staff skill Guard Break.Meteor Swarm
Learn the staff skill Meteor Swarm.Enhancement Art
Learn the staff skill Enhancement Art.Purifying Art
Learn the staff skill Purifying Art.Healing Art
Learn the staff skill Healing Art.Great Heal Form
Learn the staff skill Great Heal Form.Awakening Art
Learn the staff skill Awakening Art.High Speed Slash
Learn the sword skill High Speed Slash.Whirlwind
Learn the sword skill Whirlwind.Air Slicer
Learn the sword skill Air Slicer.Einzelkampf
Learn the sword skill Einzelkampf.Holy Sword
Learn the sword skill Holy Sword.Sword Saint
Learn the sword skill Sword Saint.Battle Order
Learn the sword skill Battle Order.Multi Attack
Learn the dagger skill Multi Attack.Lightning Speed
Learn the dagger skill Lightning Speed.Flash Cross
Learn the dagger skill Flash Cross.Blink Attack
Learn the dagger skill Blink Attack.Fortune Dagger
Learn the dagger skill Fortune Dagger.Thousand Thrust
Learn the dagger skill Thousand Thrust.Hermit's Dance
Learn the dagger skill Hermit's Dance.Full Swing
Learn the zweihander skill Full Swing.Underground Blast
Learn the zweihander skill Underground Blast.Peerless Break
Learn the zweihander skill Peerless Break.Moon Break
Learn the zweihander skill Moon Break.Dragon Raid
Learn the zweihander skill Dragon Raid.Tactical Arts
Learn the zweihander skill Tactical Arts.Morale Boost
Learn the zweihander skill Morale Boost.Helm Splitter
Learn the axe skill Helm Splitter.Earth Crash
Learn the axe skill Earth Crash.Flying Meteor
Learn the axe skill Flying Meteor.Screw Dive
Learn the axe skill Screw Dive.Flame Strike
Learn the axe skill Flame Strike.Burning Sweep
Learn the axe skill Burning Sweep.Fire Wind
Learn the axe skill Fire Wind.Vital Stab
Learn the spear skill Vital Stab.Frost Spear
Learn the spear skill Frost Spear.Snowflake Barrage
Learn the spear skill Snowflake Barrage.Execution
Learn the spear skill Execution.Meditation
Learn the spear skill Meditation.Spear Guard
Learn the spear skill Spear Guard.Healing Wind
Learn the spear skill Healing Wind.Arrow Assault
Learn the bow skill Arrow Assault.Bound Combo
Learn the bow skill Bound Combo.Chaos Arrow
Learn the bow skill Chaos Arrow.Hive Shooter
Learn the bow skill Hive Shooter.Darkness Arrow
Learn the bow skill Darkness Arrow.Sky Piercing Shot
Learn the bow skill Sky Piercing Shot.Piercing Light Arrow
Learn the bow skill Piercing Light Arrow.Multishot
Learn the gun skill Multishot.Downshot
Learn the gun skill Downshot.Firefight
Learn the gun skill Firefight.Explosive Shot
Learn the gun skill Explosive Shot.Multiangle Shot
Learn the gun skill Multiangle Shot.Medishot
Learn the gun skill Medishot.Showershot
Learn the gun skill Showershot.Flame Gaze
Learn the common skill Flame Gaze.Hell Wave
Learn the common skill Hell Wave.Flare Rain
Learn the common skill Flare Rain.Tera-Flame
Learn the common skill Tera-Flame.Ice Storm
Learn the common skill Ice Storm.Ice Volley
Learn the common skill Ice Volley.Ice Rain
Learn the common skill Ice Rain.Blizzard
Learn the common skill Blizzard.Lightning
Learn the common skill Lightning.Plasma Ray
Learn the common skill Plasma Ray.Thunder Rain
Learn the common skill Thunder Rain.Vortex
Learn the common skill Vortex.Grand Ray
Learn the common skill Grand Ray.Tornado
Learn the common skill Tornado.Tempest
Learn the common skill Tempest.Calamity
Learn the common skill Calamity.Call Meteor
Learn the common skill Call Meteor.Silence
Learn the common skill Silence.Nightmare
Learn the common skill Nightmare.Suffocate
Learn the common skill Suffocate.Slow
Learn the common skill Slow.Heal
Learn the common skill Heal.Heal All
Learn the common skill Heal All.Refresh
Learn the common skill Refresh.Haste
Learn the common skill Haste.Power
Learn the common skill Power.Guard
Learn the common skill Guard.

Direct download link: firis_effect_definitions.csv


ItemTypeCategory 1Category 2Category 3Category 4
Princess GrassMaterial(Plant)(Flower)(Medicine Mat)
Cobalt GrassMaterial(Plant)(Water)
TaunMaterial(Plant)(Medicine Mat)
Tall TaunMaterial(Plant)(Medicine Mat)
Red FlowerMaterial(Plant)(Flower)
Blue FlowerMaterial(Plant)(Flower)(Medicine Mat)
Green FlowerMaterial(Plant)(Flower)
Yellow FlowerMaterial(Plant)(Flower)
Purple FlowerMaterial(Plant)(Flower)(Poison Mat)
White FlowerMaterial(Plant)(Flower)(Medicine Mat)
DunkelheitMaterial(Plant)(Flower)(Medicine Mat)(Elixir)
Golden Tree LeafMaterial(Plant)(Medicine Mat)
Mechen WheatMaterial(Foodstuff)(Plant)
Gold PotatoMaterial(Foodstuff)(Plant)
Sweet ShootMaterial(Foodstuff)(Plant)(Fuel)
Leafy LettuceMaterial(Foodstuff)(Plant)
Cannon FruitMaterial(Foodstuff)
Nectar FruitMaterial(Foodstuff)(Water)
Snow QueenMaterial(Foodstuff)(Water)(Hidden Power)
Zwei NutsMaterial(Foodstuff)(Fuel)
Bush StrawberryMaterial(Medicine Mat)(Water)
Oil Tree FruitMaterial(Fuel)
Fairy ParasolMaterial(Foodstuff)(Plant)
DarkshroomMaterial(Poison Mat)
Wild CottonMaterial(Plant)(Fuel)(Thread)
Dona WoodMaterial(Plant)(Fuel)(Wood)
EvihibrowMaterial(Plant)(Fuel)(Wood)(Hidden Power)
Red SandMaterial(Sand)(Clay)
Black SandMaterial(Sand)(Clay)
White SandMaterial(Sand)
Sand CrystalMaterial(Sand)(Ore)
Ertona CrystalMaterial(Ore)(Gem)(Hidden Power)
Broken StoneMaterial(Ore)(Clay)
White AshstoneMaterial(Ore)
Golden RockMaterial(Ore)(Fuel)
GravistoneMaterial(Ore)(Hidden Power)
Aizen OreMaterial(Ore)
Raiden OreMaterial(Ore)
Kupulf OreMaterial(Ore)
Kaen StoneMaterial(Ore)(Gunpowder)
Hakurei StoneMaterial(Ore)(Gem)
Black Star StoneMaterial(Ore)
Ripple StoneMaterial(Ore)
Ripple Stone ShardMaterial(Ore)
Spirit StoneMaterial(Ore)(Metal)
Spirit Stone ShardMaterial(Ore)(Metal)
Magnet StoneMaterial(Ore)
Magnet Stone ShardMaterial(Ore)
Black Tree StoneMaterial(Ore)(Plant)
Black Tree Stone ShardMaterial(Ore)(Plant)
Kimber OreMaterial(Ore)
Kimber Ore ShardMaterial(Ore)
Crystal ShardMaterial(Gem)
Blue Steel StoneMaterial(Gem)(Ore)
Drinking WaterMaterial(Water)
Ground WaterMaterial(Water)
Flocke Hotspring WaterMaterial(Water)(Medicine Mat)
Crackling WaterMaterial(Water)
Zapping WaterMaterial(Water)(Hidden Power)
Lakebottom WaterMaterial(Water)(Medicine Mat)
Eternal Silver ThawMaterial(Water)(Hidden Power)
Suspicious LiquidMaterial(Water)(Poison Mat)
Mineral OilMaterial(Fuel)(Ore)
Plant OilMaterial(Fuel)
WoolMaterial(Animal Mat)(Thread)(Fuel)
Monster FeatherMaterial(Animal Mat)(Thread)
Griffon FeatherMaterial(Animal Mat)(Thread)
Bat WingMaterial(Animal Mat)(Foodstuff)(Magic Item)
Turtle ClawMaterial(Animal Mat)(Foodstuff)(Medicine Mat)
Island Fish FinMaterial(Animal Mat)(Foodstuff)(Medicine Mat)(Seafood)
Animal HideMaterial(Animal Mat)
Tough BoneMaterial(Animal Mat)(Medicine Mat)
HornMaterial(Animal Mat)(Medicine Mat)
Big Beast BoneMaterial(Animal Mat)
Wicked FangMaterial(Animal Mat)(Poison Mat)
Jelly GemMaterial(Animal Mat)(Gem)
Puniball: BlueMaterial(Puniball)(Foodstuff)(Hidden Power)
Puniball: GreenMaterial(Puniball)(Foodstuff)(Hidden Power)
Puniball: RedMaterial(Puniball)(Foodstuff)(Hidden Power)(Gunpowder)
Puniball: GoldMaterial(Puniball)(Foodstuff)(Hidden Power)(Metal)
Puni FluidMaterial(Water)(Medicine Mat)
Rabbit FurMaterial(Animal Mat)(Thread)
Silver WebMaterial(Thread)
Golden SilkMaterial(Thread)(Animal Mat)(Fuel)
Fresh MeatMaterial(Foodstuff)
Beast MeatMaterial(Foodstuff)
Unknown EggMaterial(Foodstuff)
Pretty ShellMaterial(Seafood)(Gem)(Medicine Mat)
Butterfly FishMaterial(Seafood)(Foodstuff)
Scissor ShrimpMaterial(Seafood)(Foodstuff)
Balloon FishMaterial(Seafood)(Poison Mat)
Worm FishMaterial(Seafood)(Medicine Mat)
Old MasterMaterial(Seafood)(Foodstuff)
Master of IceMaterial(Seafood)(Foodstuff)
Master of FireMaterial(Seafood)(Foodstuff)
Paper ScrapMaterial(Paper)(Fuel)
Church TalismanMaterial(Paper)(Fuel)
High Class TalismanMaterial(Paper)(Fuel)
Pious TalismanMaterial(Paper)(Fuel)(Magic Item)
Spirit RockMaterial(Ore)(Magic Item)(Hidden Power)
Big ScaleMaterial(Animal Mat)(Hidden Power)
Dragon ScaleMaterial(Animal Mat)(Medicine Mat)(Elixir)
Dragon HeartMaterial(Gem)(Hidden Power)(Elixir)
Dragon BloodstoneMaterial(Water)(Elixir)(Poison Mat)
Wicked BoneMaterial(Animal Mat)(Poison Mat)
Ancient ArmorMaterial(Metal)(Armor Mat)
Blue Sky TearMaterial(Hidden Power)(Elixir)(Gem)
Bicolor CorundumMaterial(Ore)(Gem)(Medicine Mat)(Hidden Power)
Deep CoreMaterial(Gem)(Hidden Power)(Elixir)
PendelochMaterial(Hidden Power)(Gem)

Direct download link: firis_materials.csv

To look up where to find materials, try:


TraitMerge 1Merge 2Description
Low PriceEffect: Reduces purchase price at shops a little.
Low Price +Effect: Reduces purchase price at shops.
Low Price ++Effect: Reduces purchase price at shops a lot.
Common ItemLow PriceLow Price +Effect: Reduces purchase price at shops a lot.
Mass ProducedLow Price +Low Price ++Effect: Reduces purchase price at shops greatly.
No PriceCommon ItemMass producedEffect: Reduces purchase price at shops massively.
High PriceEffect: Raises purchase price at shops a little.
High Price +Effect: Raises purchase price at shops.
High Price ++Effect: Raises purchase price at shops a lot.
High ClassHigh PriceHigh Price +Effect: Raises purchase price at shops a lot.
Rare ItemHigh Price +High Price ++Effect: Raises purchase price at shops massively.
Premium PriceHigh ClassRare ItemEffect: Purchase price at shops skyrockets.
Quality UpEffect: Raises quality of item by 10% when selected for trait transfer.
Quality Up +Effect: Raises quality of item by 15% when selected for trait transfer.
Quality Up ++Effect: Raises quality of item by 25% when selected for trait transfer.
Well MadeQuality UpQuality Up +Effect: Raises quality by 20% when selected for trait transfer.
Pro PerfectionQuality Up +Quality Up ++Effect: Raises quality by 35% when selected for trait transfer.
Super QualityWell MadePro QualityEffect: Raises quality by 50% when selected for trait transfer.
Destruction UpEffect: Raises effect of attack items by 10%.
Destruction Up +Effect: Raises effect of attack items by 12%.
Destruction Up ++Effect: Raises effect of attack items by 15%.
Big DestructionDestruction UpDestruction Up +Effect: Raises effect of attack items by 17%.
Intense DestructionDestruction Up +Destruction Up ++Effect: Raises effect of attack items by 22%.
Ultimate DestructionBig DestructionIntense DestructionEffect: Raises effect of attack items by 30%.
God DestroyEffect: Raises effect of attack items by 40%.
Fixed PowerEffect: Enhances attack items a little by fixed value. Weaker the power, the stronger it gets.
Fixed Power +Effect: Enhances attack items by a fixed value. The weaker the power, the stronger it gets.
Fixed Power ++Effect: Enhances attack items a lot by fixed value. Weaker the power, the stronger it gets.
Pain in NumbersFixed PowerFixed Power +Effect: Enhances attack items by a fixed value. Weaker the power, the stronger it gets.
Damage in NumbersFixed Power +Fixed Power ++Effect: Enhances attack items a lot by fixed value. Weaker the power, the stronger it gets.
Big Damage NumbersPain in NumbersDamage in NumbersEffect: Enhances attack items greatly by fixed value. Weaker the power, the stronger it gets.
Destruction LegendEffect: Enhances attack items massively by fixed value. Increase is inversely proportional to original value.
Increase SharpnessEffect: Attacks cause a 15% additional damage effect.
Cuts EasilyEffect: Attacks cause a 20% additional damage effect.
Increase AggressionEffect: Attacks cause a 30% additional damage effect.
Recovery UpEffect: Increases effect of recovery items by 10%.
Recovery Up +Effect: Increases effect of recovery items by 12%.
Recovery Up ++Effect: Increases effect of recovery items by 15%.
Big RecoveryRecovery UpRecovery Up +Effect: Increases effect of recovery items by 17%.
Intense RecoveryRecovery Up +Recovery Up ++Effect: Increases effect of recovery items by 22%.
Ultimate RecoveryBig RecoveryIntense RecoveryEffect: Increases effect of recovery items by 30%.
Blessed by GodEffect: Increases effect of recovery items by 40%.
Fixed RecoveryEffect: Enhances recovery items slightly by fixed value. Weaker the power, the higher the effect.
Fixed Recovery +Effect: Enhances recovery items a little by fixed value. Weaker the power, the higher the effect.
Fixed Recovery ++Effect: Enhances recovery items by a fixed value. The weaker the power, the higher the effect.
Medicine EnhanceFixed RecoveryFixed Recovery +Effect: Enhances recovery items a little by fixed value. Weaker the power, the higher the effect.
Big Medicine EnhanceFixed Recovery +Fixed Recovery ++Effect: Enhances recovery items by fixed value. Weaker the power, the higher the effect.
Enhance RecoveryMedicine EnhanceBig Medicine EnhanceEffect: Enhances recovery items a lot by fixed value. Weaker the power, the higher the effect.
Legendary RecoveryEffect: Enhances recovery items a lot by fixed value. Increase is inversely proportional to original value.
CriticalEffect: Gives items a 10% chance to critical hit.
Critical +Effect: Gives items a 20% chance to critical hit.
Critical ++Effect: Gives items a 30% chance to critical hit.
Critical FinishCriticalCritical +Effect: Gives items a 25% chance to critical hit.
Half CriticalCritical +Critical ++Effect: Gives items a 50% chance to critical hit.
One Hit KillCritical FinishHalf CriticalEffect: Instantly kills target (excludes boss). Gives item a 66% chance to critical hit.
Stable EffectEffect: Reduces the item's number variation slightly, making it easier to score higher values.
Stable Effect +Effect: Reduces the item's number variation a little, making it easier to score higher values.
Stable Effect ++Effect: Reduces the item's number variation, making it easier to score higher values.
Stability EmphasisStable EffectStable Effect +Effect: Reduces item's number variation, making it easier to score higher values.
Solid EffectStable Effect +Stable Effect ++Effect: Reduces item's number variation by half, making it easier to score higher values.
Boost Expected ValueStability EmphasisSolid EffectEffect: Stabilizes item's number variation, making it very easy to score high values.
Use Count +1Effect: Increases the item's use count by 1. Power drops a little in exchange.
Use Count +2Effect: Increases the item's use count by 2. Power drops slightly in exchange.
MultiplyUse Count +1Use Count +2Effect: Increases the item's use count by 3.
Use Count -1Effect: Reduces the item's use count by 1. Power rises a little in exchange.
Use Count -2Effect: Reduces the item's use count by 2. Power rises in exchange.
ReductionUse Count -1Use Count -2Effect: Reduces item's use count by 5. Power rises in exchange.
HP EnhanceGrants an effect of raising maximum HP. Effect: Maximum HP increases by 10.
HP BoostGrants an effect of raising maximum HP. Effect: Maximum HP increases by 15.
HP Super EnhanceGrants an effect of raising maximum HP. Effect: Maximum HP increases by 25.
Full of LifeHP EnhanceHP BoostEffect: Maximum HP increases by 20.
Overflowing LifeHP BoostHP Super EnhanceEffect: Maximum HP increases by 35.
Power of LifeFull of LifeOverflowing LifeEffect: Maximum HP increases by 50.
MP EnhanceGrants an effect of raising maximum MP. Effect: Maximum MP increases by 10.
MP BoostGrants an effect of raising maximum MP. Effect: Maximum MP increases by 15.
MP Super EnhanceGrants an effect of raising maximum MP. Effect: Maximum MP increases by 25.
Magician's WisdomMP EnhanceMP BoostEffect: Maximum MP increases by 20.
Grand WisdomMP BoostMP Super EnhanceEffect: Maximum MP increases by 35.
Wisdom of the GodsMagician's WisdomGrand Magician's WisdomEffect: Maximum MP increases by 50.
LP EnhanceGrants an effect of raising maximum LP. Effect: Maximum LP increases by 5.
LP BoostGrants an effect of raising maximum LP. Effect: Maximum LP increases by 7.
LP Super EnhanceGrants an effect of raising maximum LP. Effect: Maximum LP increases by 10.
Full of StaminaLP EnhanceLP BoostEffect: Maximum LP increases by 12.
Unabating StaminaLP BoostLP Super EnhanceEffect: Maximum LP increases by 17.
Infinite StaminaFull of StaminaUnabating StaminaEffect: Maximum LP increases by 30.
HPMP EnhanceFull of LifeMagician's WisdomEffect: Maximum HP and MP increases by 10.
HPMP BoostOverflowing LifeGrand Magician's WisdomEffect: Maximum HP and MP increases by 20.
HPMP Super EnhancePower of LifeWisdom of the GodsEffect: Maximum HP and MP increases by 35.
Parameters +10%Grants an effect of raising stats. Effect: All base stats increase by 10%.
Parameters +12%Grants an effect of raising stats. Effect: All base stats increase by 12%.
Parameters +15%Grants an effect of raising stats. Effect: All base stats increase by 15%.
Enhance the BodyParameters +10%Parameters +12%Effect: All base stats increase by 15%.
Draw Out PowerParameters +12%Parameters +15%Effect: All base stats increase by 20%.
Develops the BodyEnhance the BodyDraw Out PowerEffect: All base stats increase by 25%.
Evolves the BodyEffect: All base stats increase by 30%.
Attack EnhanceEnhances weapon attack power. Effect: Increases attack by 3.
Attack BoostEnhances weapon attack power. Effect: Increases attack by 5.
Attack Super EnhanceEnhances weapon attack power. Effect: Increases attack by 7.
Power of BeastsAttack EnhanceAttack BoostEffect: Increases attack by 6.
Power of DestructionAttack BoostAttack Super EnhanceEffect: Increases attack by 10.
Power of GodsPower of BeastsPower of DestructionEffect: Increases attack by 15.
Defense EnhanceEnhances armor defense. Effect: Increases defense by 3.
Defense BoostEnhances armor defense. Effect: Increases defense by 5.
Defense Super EnhanceEnhances armor defense. Effect: Increases defense by 7.
Steel DefenseDefense EnhanceDefense BoostEffect: Increases defense by 6.
Diamond DefenseDefense BoostDefense Super EnhanceEffect: Increases defense by 10.
Dragonscale DefenseSteel DefenseDiamond DefenseEffect: Increases defense by 15.
Speed EnhanceBestows a speed raising effect to accessories. Effect: Increases speed by 3.
Speed BoostBestows a speed raising effect to accessories. Effect: Increases speed by 5.
Speed Super EnhanceBestows a speed raising effect to accessories. Effect: Increases speed by 7.
Speed of SkandaSpeed EnhanceSpeed BoostEffect: Increases speed by 6.
Speed of GodsSpeed BoostSpeed Super EnhanceEffect: Increases speed by 10.
Speed of LightSpeed of SkandaSpeed of GodsEffect: Increases speed by 15.
ATK DEF EnhanceAttack EnhanceDefense EnhanceEffect: Increases attack and defense by 3.
ATK SPD EnhanceAttack EnhanceSpeed EnhanceEffect: Increases attack and speed by 3.
DEF SPD EnhanceDefense EnhanceSpeed EnhanceEffect: Increases defense and speed by 3.
All Stat EnhanceATK DEF EnhanceATK SPD EnhanceEffect: Increases all stats by 3.
ATK DEF BoostAttack BoostDefense BoostEffect: Increases attack and defense by 5.
ATK SPD BoostAttack BoostSpeed BoostEffect: Increases attack and speed by 5.
DEF SPD BoostDefense BoostSpeed BoostEffect: Increases defense and speed by 5.
All Stat BoostATK DEF BoostATK SPD BoostEffect: Increases all stats by 5.
All Stat SuperAll Stat EnhanceAll Stat BoostEffect: Increases all stats except resistances by 7.
Well Rounded PowerAll Stat BoostAll Stat Super EnhanceEffect: Increases all stats except resistances by 10.
Flawless BodyEffect: Increases maximum HP and MP by 50.
Tenacious BodyEffect: Increases defense by 30, and increases all base stats by 15%.
Consume MP -10%Bestows an MP consumption reducing effect. Effect: Reduces MP consumption of skills by 10%.
Consume MP -15%Bestows an MP consumption reducing effect. Effect: Reduces MP consumption of skills by 15%.
Consume MP -20%Bestows an MP consumption reducing effect. Effect: Reduces MP consumption of skills by 20%.
Cut MP ConsumeConsume MP -10%Consume MP -15%Effect: Reduces MP consumption of skills by 20%.
Compact MP ConsumeConsume MP -15%Consume MP -20%Effect: Reduces MP consumption of skills by 30%.
Halve MP ConsumeCut MP ConsumeCompact MP ConsumeEffect: Reduces MP consumption of skills by 50%.
Skill Power +10%Bestows a skill power raising effect. Effect: Increases skill power and MP consumption by 10%.
Skill Power +12%Bestows a skill power raising effect. Effect: Increases skill power and MP consumption by 12%.
Skill Power +15%Bestows a skill power raising effect. Effect: Increases skill power and MP consumption by 15%.
Skill EnhanceSkill Power +10%Skill Power +12%Effect: Increases skill power and MP consumption by 15%.
Skill BoostSkill Power +12%Skill Power +15%Effect: Increases skill power and MP consumption by 20%.
Skill Super EnhanceSkill EnhanceSkill BoostEffect: Increases skill power and MP consumption by 30%.
Eco SkillSkill EnhanceCut MP ConsumeEffect: Increases skill power by 7%, and reduces MP consumption by 7%.
Skill Cost CompressSkill BoostCompact MP ConsumeEffect: Increases skill power by 10%, and reduces MP consumption by 10%.
Skill SavingsSkill Super EnhanceHalve MP ConsumeEffect: Increases skill power by 15%, and reduces MP consumption by 15%.
Expert SkillEffect: Increases skill power by 25%, and reduces MP consumption by 25%.
Super SkillEffect: Increases skill power by 35%, and reduces MP consumption by 35%.
Soul DwellingEffect: Greatly increases the target's level.
Blessing of StrengthEffect: Greatly increases the target's attack power.
Blessing ProtectionEffect: Greatly increases the target's defense.
Blessing of SkandaEffect: Greatly increases the target's speed.
Inflict SleepEffect: Chance to inflict Sleep when dealing damage.
Inflict PoisonEffect: Chance to inflict Poison when dealing damage.
Inflict SlowEffect: Chance to inflict Slow when dealing damage.
Inflict CurseEffect: Chance to inflict Curse when dealing damage.
Inflict BlindEffect: Chance to inflict Blind when dealing damage.
Inflict WeakEffect: Chance to inflict Weak when dealing damage.
Inflict No HealEffect: Chance to inflict No Heal when dealing damage.
Inflict SealEffect: Chance to inflict Seal when dealing damage.
Consume SoulEffect: Greatly reduces the target's level, reducing all stats and damage dealt.
Powerless CurseEffect: Greatly reduces the target's attack.
Defenseless CurseEffect: Greatly reduces the target's defense.
Slowness CurseEffect: Greatly reduces the target's speed.
Damage AbsorbEffect: Recover HP equal to 10% of damage dealt with attacks.
Damage Absorb +Effect: Recover HP equal to 12% of damage dealt with attacks.
Damage Absorb ++Effect: Recover HP equal to 15% of damage dealt with attacks.
HP AbsorbDamage AbsorbDamage Absorb +Effect: Recover HP equal to 15% of damage dealt with attacks.
Steal LifeDamage Absorb +Damage Absorb ++Effect: Recover HP equal to 20% of damage dealt with attacks.
Absorb SoulHP AbsorbSteal LifeEffect: Recover HP equal to 25% of damage dealt with attacks.
Over PowerEffect: Increases attack by 20, and recover HP equal to 15% of damage dealt with normal attacks.
Beast SlayerAttacks against Animal type monsters are always critical hits.
Dragon SlayerAttacks against Dragon type monsters are always critical hits.
Spirit SlayerAttacks against Elemental type monsters are always critical hits.
Alchemic SlayerAttacks against Alchemic type monsters are always critical hits.
Plant SlayerAttacks against Plant type monsters are always critical hits.
笳銀雷 SlayerAttacks against Humanoid type monsters are always critical hits.
Puni SlayerAttacks against Puni type monsters are always critical hits.
Magical SlayerAttacks against Magical type monsters are always critical hits.
Ghost SlayerAttacks against Undead type monsters are always critical hits.
Demon SlayerAttacks against Demon type monsters are always critical hits.
God SlayerAttacks against God type monsters are always critical hits.
Enhance FinisherEffect: Increases damage dealt to a target in Break status by 15%.
Enhance Finisher +Effect: Increases damage dealt to a target in Break status by 25%.
Enhance Finisher ++Effect: Increases damage dealt to a target in Break status by 35%.
Merciless BlowEnhance FinisherEnhance Finisher +Effect: Increases damage dealt to a target in Break status by 30%.
Relentless BlowEnhance Finisher +Enhance Finisher ++Effect: Increases damage dealt to a target in Break status by 40%.
Ruthless BlowMerciless BlowRelentless BlowEffect: Increases damage to target in Break status by 60%.
Trait EnhanceEffect: Enhances the item effect based on the strength of traits attached.
Trait Enhance +Effect: Greatly enhances the item effect based on the strength of traits attached.
Cost BonusTrait EnhanceTrait Enhance +Effect: Enhances item effect based on strength of traits attached.
Trait Super EnhanceEffect: Enhances item effect based on strength of traits. Stronger traits cause greater enhancement.
Area BonusEffect: Increases power by number of targets in effect area x 5%.
Area Bonus +Effect: Increases power by number of targets in effect area x 7%.
Effective Vs ManyArea BonusArea Bonus +Effect: Increases power by number of targets in effect area x 10%.
Multi BonusEffect: Increases power by number of targets in effect area x 12%.
Fewer BonusEffect: Increases power by 12% ÷ number of targets in effect area.
Fewer Bonus +Effect: Increases power by 17% ÷ number of targets in effect area.
Effective Vs OneFewer BonusFewer Bonus +Effect: Increases power by 22% ÷ number of targets in effect area.
Single BonusEffect: Increases power by 30% ÷ number of targets in effect area.
Few + Many BonusEffect: Increases power by 20% ÷ number of targets in effect area + number of targets in effect area x 10%.
Enhance LastEffect: Increases power by 15% when use count is down to 1.
Enhance Last +Effect: Increases power by 20% when use count is down to 1.
Final BlowEnhance LastEnhance Last +Effect: Increases power by 30% when use count is down to 1.
Last StrikeEffect: Increases power by 45% when use count is down to 1.
Count CompressEffect: In exchange for consuming the item in 1 use, increases power by maximum use count x 3%.
Count Compress +Effect: In exchange for consuming the item in 1 use, increases power by maximum use count x 5%.
Force FinalCount CompressCount Compress +Effect: Exchange for consuming the item, increases power by max use count x 7%.
One Time EndEffect: In exchange for consuming the item in 1 use, increases power by maximum use count x 10%.
Count BonusEffect: Increases item power by maximum use count x 2%.
Count Bonus +Effect: Increases item power by maximum use count x 3%.
Count BoostCount BonusCount Bonus +Effect: Increases item power by maximum use count x 5%.
Enhance with CountEffect: Increases item power by maximum use count x 7%.
Fast UseEffect: Reduces WT after using the item by 10%. In exchange, power drops slightly.
Fast Use +Effect: Reduces WT after using the item by 20%. In exchange, power drops a little.
Sonic ThrowFast UseFast Use +Effect: Reduces WT after using the item by 30%. Power drops a little.
Mach ThrowEffect: Reduces WT after using the item by 50%.
Power ThrowEffect: Increases wait time after using the item, but increases power a little as well.
Power Throw +Effect: Increases wait time after using the item, but increases the power as well.
Strong ThrowPower ThrowPower Throw +Effect: Increases wait time after using the item a lot, but increases power as well.
Wait Time EnhanceEffect: Enhances item power a little, proportional to the wait time after use.
Wait Time Enhance +Effect: Enhances item power decently, proportional to the wait time after use.
Charge ItemWait Time EnhanceWait Time Enhance +Effect: Enhances item power, proportional to wait time.
Size +Effect: Increases item size by 1 stage, and increases power by 10%.
Jumbo SizeEffect: Increases item size by 2 stages, and increases power by 15%.
Size -Effect: Decreases item size by 1 stage, and shortens wait time by 5%.
Mini SizeEffect: Decreases item size by 2 stages, and shortens wait time by 10%.
Size EnhanceEffect: Increases item effect as item size grows larger.
Size Super EnhanceEffect: Greatly increases item effect as item size grows larger.
Crush DimensionSize EnhanceSize Super EnhanceEffect: Increases item effect as item size grows larger.
Kind of LightEffect: Reduces wait time after using item by 10%.
LightEffect: Reduces wait time after using item by 17%.
Easy to HandleEffect: Reduces wait time after using item by 15%.
Accustoms QuicklyEffect: Reduces wait time after using item by 20%.
Zeal FactorA zeal factor enhances the item. Effect: Increases HP and attack.
Happy HeartA happy heart enhances the item. Effect: Increases MP and defense.
Cunning WitA cunning wit enhances the item. Effect: Increases critical bonus and hit chance.
Splendid GloryA splendid glory enhances the item. Effect: Increases WT delay resist and stun resist.
Benevolent LightA benevolent light enhances the item. Effect: Damage reversal and Ailment resist L.
Wild InstinctA wild instinct enhances the item. Effect: Increases speed and reduces skill wait time.
Persistent FaithA persistent faith enhances the item. Effect: HP regeneration and chance to avoid KO.
Guide IntuitionA guide intuition enhances the item. Effect: Increases critical chance and chance to reduce wait time.
Empty WorldAn empty world enhances the item. Effect: Damage conversion and reduces physical damage.
Power of MadnessA power of madness enhances the item. Effect: Massive boost to attack, massive drop in speed.
Burning PassionA burning passion enhances the item. Effect: Increases all stats by 10, grants fire and ice resistance.
Unwavering SpiritUnwavering spirit enhances item. Effect: Increases all stats by 10, +lightning and physical resistance.
Fog of IllusionFog of illusion enhances item. Effect: Swaps HP & MP, grants extra evasion chance.
Bonds of BeliefBond of belief enhances item. Effect: Increases assist effect, recover MP each turn.
Hammer of JusticeHammer of justice enhances item. Effect: Big boost to skill power & additional stun value.
Dreadful KingDreadful king enhances item. Effect: Additional damage, causes additional status changes.
Unceasing DesireUnceasing desire enhances item. Effect: Absorb a portion of damage dealt.
Pursuit of KnowledgePursuit of knowledge enhances item. Effect: Causes additional damage.
Star of ExpectationStar of expectation enhances item. Effect: Enhancement proportional to level.
Ray of HopeRay of hope enhances item. Effect: Increases maximum HP, auto revive from KO.
Awakening CourageAwakening courage enhances item. Effect: Bonus vs powerful enemies and bosses.
Kind SoulKind soul enhances item. Effect: Enhances Burst Mode bonus and gauge fill rate.
Indomitable SoulIndomitable soul enhances item. Effect: Increases stun resist, and speed of recovery from stun status.
Followup: PainWhen attacking, has a chance to cause additional impact attribute damage.
Followup: FlameWhen attacking, has a chance to cause additional fire element damage.
Followup: IceWhen attacking, has a chance to cause additional ice element damage.
Followup: LightningWhen attacking, has a chance to cause additional lightning element damage.
Followup: RageWhen attacking, has a chance to increase chance of being targeted by enemy attacks.
Followup: PoisonWhen attacking, has a chance to cause Poison status.
Followup: SilentWhen attacking, has a chance to cause Seal status.
Followup: SleepWhen attacking, has a chance to cause Immobile status.
Followup: VampireWhen attacking, has a chance to cause magic attribute damage, and heal HP for damage caused.
Followup: SplitWhen attacking, has a chance to reduce attack.
Followup: GuardWhen attacking, has a chance to reduce defense.
Followup: MoveWhen attacking, has a chance to reduce speed.
Followup: StealWhen attacking, has a chance to reduce attack, and increase your own attack by that amount.
Followup: Steal G.When attacking, has a chance to reduce defense, and increase your own defense by that amount.
Followup: Steal M.When attacking, has a chance to reduce speed, and increase your own speed by that amount.
Glass ProtectionGain big damage reduction effect, but become easy to stun. Reduction effect is negated while stunned.
Demon's DominanceMassively increases critical chance, but take damage every turn.
Nimble WeaponGreatly increases chain attack chance, but greatly reduces attack power.
Forbidden ContractConsume your own HP to revive the target. This does not cause revival After Effects.
Mighty SwingGreatly increases damage, but greatly reduces hit chance.
Shroomtrooper RegenGain a powerful HP regeneration effect, but greatly increases wait time after turns.
Prospector TreasureRidiculously increases sale price, but cannot be transferred to other items.
Mountain God BlessMassively increases the rate of chance based effects activating.
Convert SoulHP drops to 1, but gain a powerful auto revive effect (1 time).
Power of Dark-KinAbsorb some attack damage to restore HP. Stats increase at night, but decrease at other times.
Lich FormGain physical resistance and auto revive abilities, but take damage when HP is healed, and each turn.
Eternal PowerCauses fixed additional damage. This damage ignores defense.
Shroomking's RegenGain a super powerful HP regeneration effect, but massively increases wait time after turns.
Uncontrolled AuraIncreases skill power by 50%, but doubles the MP consumption.
Positive RiskSpeeds up the next turn, but wait time after the next turn increases.
Negative RiskGreatly delays the target's turn, but they can act 1 additional time on their next turn.
Limit BreakIncreases chain attack chance, attack, defense, and speed, but halves max HP in battle/resets gauge.
Devil ShieldReduces all damage to 1 for 1 time, but become afflicted by multiple powerful ailments.
Honed BladeMassively decreases critical chance, but massively increases the critical damage bonus.
Evil God's PowerMassively increases attack, but lose HP each turn.
Heightened SoulDuring battle, all stats slowly rise.
Flow of GustsHas a low chance to grant an additional turn immediately.
Alchemic StarGreatly increases abilities when using items, but massively weakens effect of skills.
Force CureCures all status ailments, but consumes a large amount of HP, and resets any enhancement effects.
Goddess' CurseShortens number of turns that ailments last, but become afflicted by multiple ailments.
Power of TruthCauses additional damage with an extremely wide range of variation, but massively weakens effects.
Verdict of RageDefeat enemy instantly when their HP is 1-10% (bosses too). But, if they don't die their stats are boosted.
Heal BreakMassively heals HP, but massively increases stun value. This stun value is split among targets.
Perpetual MotionUse an item without consuming it, but massively weakens the effect.
Changing AttackEffect: Causes 7 - 10% additional damage on attacks, and increases skill power by 15%.
Avidya AttackEffect: Causes 14 - 20% additional damage on attacks, and increases skill power by 10%.
Barrage AttackEffect: Causes 14 - 20% additional damage on attacks, and increases skill power by 15%.
Skillful AttackEffect: Causes 18 - 25% additional damage on attacks, and increases skill power by 25%.
Persistent AttackEffect: Causes 21 - 30% additional damage on attacks, and increases skill power by 20%.
Deadly AttackEffect: Causes 1 - 100% additional damage on attacks.
Auto Activate 20%Effect: Item with this trait is automatically used if the holder's HP falls below 20%, but consumes MP.
Auto Activate 30%Effect: Item with this trait is automatically used if the holder's HP falls below 30%, but it consumes MP.
Auto Activate 50%Effect: Item with this trait is automatically used if the holder's HP falls below 40%, but it consumes MP.
Auto UseEffect: Item with this trait is automatically used if the holder's HP falls below 50%.
No AttributeEffect: Increases item's power by 25%, effect turns to non-attribute. Non-attribute not affected by weaknesses/resistances.
Overflowing VitalityEffect: Increases target's max HP temporarily, and heals HP each turn. Regen effect lasts 2 turns.
Calming ScentEffect: The target recovers a little MP and stun value.
Nectar of DuskEffect: Greatly increases recovery effects, and cures After Effects.
Cures All IllnessEffect: Reduces the turns ailments last to 3 turns, and cures 2 ailments immediately.
Full of SpiritEffect: There's a chance to grant another turn. Chance drops lower each time it succeeds, until it fails.
Golden RadianceEffect: Increases chance of the target dropping items. Increase is proportional to original chance.
Supreme SweetnessEffect: The target recovers HP, and also a little stun value.
Frozen DelicacyEffect: The target recovers a little HP, and gains Ice Resist M.
Black Mortal PoisonEffect: Has a low chance to Poison the target.
Light of HarmonyEffect: Raises evasion rate a little, and recover a slight amount of HP each turn.
Top HardnessEffect: Increases defense by 6, and raises stun resist a little.
Permeating FlameEffect: Increases Chain Burst bonus by 10%, and recover a small amount of MP each turn.
Attractive ForceEffect: Has a low chance to reduce wait time after turns a little.
Diamond ProtectionEffect: Reduces physical attribute (impact, slash, pierce) damage by 5%. Increases critical chance by 5%.
Ancient BlessingEffect: The target greatly recovers stun value, and cures Weak ailment.
Numbing TasteEffect: The target heals a slight amount of HP, but has a chance to be KO'd.
Cold GemEffect: Gain Fire Resist S and Ice Resist S.
ToughEffect: Increases defense by 3, and reduces enemy turn delaying attacks by 25%.
GodlyEffect: Reduces chance of being afflicted by enemy ailments, and recover a little MP each turn.
Demon's PowerEffect: Increases attack by 15, but lose HP each turn.
Ceaseless AuraEffect: Become more likely to be targeted by enemy attacks, and increases evasion rate a little.
Top FashionEffect: Reduces wait time after use as more targets are in the effect area.
Cool FashionEffect: Temporarily increases defense, and bestows Ice Resist M.
Hot FashionEffect: Temporarily increases attack, and bestows Fire Resist M.
Pure PowerEffect: Increases base damage of attacks, and damage bonus for critical hits.
Grand SoulEffect: Boosts Linkage increase rate, and Chain Burst gauge fill rate.
Dragon AuraEffect: Increases skill power and stat values when put on equipment items.
Dragon SoulEffect: For healing items, revives from KO. For equipments, enhances stats based on wearer's level.
Dragon's VitalityEffect: For healing items, bestows an automatic revive from KO effect. For equipments, adds an HP regen effect.
Resonance B: FangEffect: Increases attack by 2, and adds “Resonance” effects from other characters.
Resonance B: FistEffect: Increases attack by 3, and adds “Resonance” effects from other characters.
Resonance B: SwordEffect: Increases attack by 5, and also adds “Resonance” effects from other characters.
Resonance B: SacredEffect: Increases attack by 10, and also adds “Resonance” effects from other characters.
Resonance S: HideEffect: Increases defense by 2, and also adds “Resonance” effects from other characters.
Resonance S: BoneEffect: Increases defense by 3, and also adds “Resonance” effects from other characters.
Resonance S: BodyEffect: Increases defense by 5, and also adds “Resonance” effects from other characters.
Resonance S: GuardEffect: Increases defense by 10, and also adds “Resonance” effects from other characters.
Resonance A: RunEffect: Increases speed by 2, and also adds “Resonance” effects from other characters.
Resonance A: GaleEffect: Increases speed by 3, and also adds “Resonance” effects from other characters.
Resonance A: BlinkEffect: Increases speed by 5, and also adds “Resonance” effects from other characters.
Resonance A: MusouEffect: Increases speed by 10, and also adds “Resonance” effects from other characters.
Resonance All: EarthEffect: Increases all stats by 1, and also adds “Resonance” effects from other characters.
Resonance All: SeaEffect: Increases all stats by 2, and also adds “Resonance” effects from other characters.
Resonance All: H.Effect: Increases all stats by 3, and also adds “Resonance” effects from other characters.
Resonance All: TruthEffect: Increases all stats by 5, and also adds “Resonance” effects from other characters.
Very SmellyEffect: Reduces the target's attack and defense.
Controls GravityEffect: Reduces the target's speed, and has a chance to cause Slow.
Flame OriginEffect: Causes small additional fire element damage.
Balloon Fish PoisonEffect: Increases the target's damage taken a little, and has a chance to cause Weak.
GreasyEffect: Delays target's powerful attack timing a little, reduces frequency too.
Light as WindEffect: Reduces wait time after using skills a little.
Supreme FeelEffect: Increases evasion rate and stun value recovery speed a little.
Negates ToxinsEffect: Cures Poison and Blind.
Awakening HealEffect: Revive from KO. Reviving this way causes light After Effects.
Red ShineEffect: The red gem's shine increases attack, and boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
Blue ShineEffect: The blue gem's shine increases defense, and boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
Green ShineEffect: The green gem's shine increases speed, and boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
Madder ShineEffect: The madder gem's shine increases skill power, and boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
Black ShineEffect: Black gem's shine increases damage absorption, and boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
White ShineEffect: The white gem's shine increases all stats, and boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
Crimson RadianceEffect: The crimson gem's radiance greatly increases attack, and boosts Linkage increase rate.
Azure RadianceEffect: The azure gem's radiance greatly increases defense, and boosts Linkage increase rate.
Jade RadianceEffect: The jade gem's radiance greatly increases speed, and boosts Linkage increase rate.
Scarlet RadianceEffect: The scarlet gem's radiance greatly increases skill power, and boosts Linkage increase rate.
Dusk RadianceEffect: The dusk gem's radiance greatly increases damage absorption, and boosts Linkage increase rate.
Gold RadianceEffect: The gold gem's radiance greatly increases all stats, and boosts Linkage increase rate.
Evolving VitalityEffect: Increases maximum HP by 65. This effect is influenced by the quality of the item it's applied to.
Evolving SpiritEffect: Increases maximum MP by 65. This effect is influenced by the quality of the item it's applied to.
Evolving StaminaEffect: Increases maximum HP and MP by 40. Effect is influenced by quality of item it's applied to.
Evolving StrengthEffect: Increases attack by 20. Effect is influenced by quality of item it's applied to.
Evolving DefenseEffect: Increases defense by 20. Effect influenced by quality of item it's applied to.
Evolving MobilityEffect: Increases speed by 20. Effect influenced by quality of item it's applied to.
Evolving WeaponEffect: Increases base damage by 5-15. Effect influenced by quality of item it's applied to.
Evolving ItemEffect: Increases item power by 15%, reduces wait time by 15%. Influenced by quality of item it's applied to.
Evolving MitigationEffect: Reduces all damage taken by 10%. Effect influenced by quality of item it's applied to.
Black AbyssEffect: Bestows an effect that absorbs a portion of damage dealt.
Ancient ShieldEffect: For healing items, grants damage reduction effect once. For armor, bestow physical damage reduction effect.
Aurora DropEffect: When affected by ailment curing or HP heal, also gain HP healing or ailment curing effect.
Twin PowersEffect: Additional fire and ice element damage. Put on weapon, has chance to cause extra damage.
Power of EvolutionEffect: Boosts Linkage increase rate, and increases attack, defense, and speed according to level.
Memory: StaffMemories of staff expert raises skills, increase staff base damage. Boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
Memory: SwordMemories of sword expert raises skills, increase sword damage. Boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
Memory: ZweihanderMemories of zweihander expert raises skills, increase zweihander damage. Boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
Memory: DaggerMemories of dagger expert raises skills, increase dagger damage. Boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
Memory: AxeMemories of axe expert raises skills, increase axe damage. Boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
Memory: SpearMemories of spear expert raises skills, increase spear damage. boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
Memory: BowMemories of bow expert raises skills, increase bow damage. Boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
Memory: GunMemories of gun expert raises skills, increase gun damage. Boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
M. Memory: StaffMemories of staff master raises skills, increase staff damage more. Boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
M. Memory: SwordMemories of sword master raises skills, increase sword damage more. Boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
M. Memory: ZweihanderMemories of zweihander master raises skills, increase zweihander damage more. Boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
M. Memory: DaggerMemories of dagger master raises skills, increase dagger damage more. Boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
M. Memory: AxeMemories of axe master raises skills, increase axe damage more. Boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
M. Memory: SpearMemories of spear master raises skills, increase spear damage more. Boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
M. Memory: BowMemories of bow master raises skills, increase bow damage more. Boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
M. Memory: GunMemories of gun master raises skills, increasing gun damage more. Boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
G. Memory: StaffMemories of staff god raises skills, increase staff damage to utmost. Boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
G. Memory: SwordMemories of sword god raises skills, increase sword damage to utmost. Boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
G. Memory: ZweihanderMemories of zweihander god raises skills, increase zweihander damage to utmost. Boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
G. Memory: DaggerMemories of dagger god raises skills, increase dagger damage to utmost. Boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
G. Memory: AxeMemories of axe god raises skills, increase axe damage to utmost. Boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
G. Memory: SpearMemories of spear god raises skills, increase spear damage to utmost. Boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
G. Memory: BowMemories of bow god raises skills, increase bow damage to utmost. Boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
G. Memory: GunMemories of gun god raises skills, increase gun damage to utmost. Boosts Linkage increase rate a little.
Steal SoulEffect: Steals souls, reduce target's level, and increasing your own level by that amount.
Seeker's CombatSeeker's knowledge fills weapon. Increase skill power by 30%, and reduce MP consumption by 30%.
Seeker's DefenseSeeker's knowledge fills armor. Increase all stats by 15, and 15% of damage absorbed as HP.
Seeker's AdventureSeeker's knowledge fills accessory. Increase all base stats by 20%, and increase Burst gauge fill rate by 25%.
Truth FortuneMassively increase success rate of fleeing from battle, and massively increasing chance of obtaining loot.
Truth KnowledgeMassively increasing experience points and money gained from battle.
Truth MemoryBestow intense resonance power. This effect adds to all resonance effects during battle.

Direct download link: firis_traits.csv


NameCatalyst 1Catalyst 2
Uni Bag(Gunpowder)(Plant)
Mining Bomb(Gunpowder)(Ore)
Blau Bomb(Gunpowder)(Ore)
Ori Bomb(Gunpowder)(Ore)
Peta Bomb(Gunpowder)(Ore)
Craft Bag(Gunpowder)(Accessory)
Ice Bomb(Gunpowder)(Ore)
Vio Ice Bomb(Gunpowder)(Ore)
Stahl Ice Bomb(Gunpowder)(Ore)
Einsof Ice Bomb(Gunpowder)(Ore)
Lightning Bomb(Gunpowder)(Ore)
Blitz Stone(Gunpowder)(Ore)
Lightning Crystal(Gunpowder)(Ore)
Blitz Crystal(Gem)(Weapon)
Blitz Core: Fire(Ore)(Fuel)
Blitz Core: Ice(Ore)(Water)
Blitz Core: Thunder(Ore)(Gem)
Blitz Core: Void(Ore)(Hidden Power)
Wandering Globe(Accessory)(Hidden Power)
Bursting Gift(Paper)(Gunpowder)
God's Gift(Gem)(Magic Item)
Heaven's Cleanser(Elixir)(Hidden Power)
Flame of Origin(Accessory)(Hidden Power)
Flame of the End(Accessory)(Foodstuff)
Holy Crystal Weight(Hidden Power)(Magic Item)
N/A(Medicine)(Hidden Power)
No-Doc(Puniball)(Medicine Mat)
Red Wheat Bread(Plant)(Foodstuff)
Ertona Salve(Medicine Mat)(Neutralizer)
Puni Jelly(Water)(Animal Mat)
Rock Cookie(Foodstuff)(Water)
Strength Meat(Hidden Power)
Breezy Aroma(Medicine Mat)(Flower)
Traveler's Ration(Foodstuff)
Honey Syrup(Medicine Mat)
Stamina Bread(Puniball)(Foodstuff)
Nectar of Life(Elixir)(Hidden Power)
Dona Cake(Water)
Elixir of Laawe(Medicine Mat)(Hidden Power)
Hotspring Egg(Fuel)(Puniball)
Mystery Elixir(Magic Item)(Metal)
Roast Rabbit(Fuel)(Flower)
Imp's Mischief(Poison Mat)(Sand)
Bottled Misfortune(Animal Mat)(Water)
Spark Mallet(Ore)(Wood)
Titan Belt(Thread)(Hidden Power)
Acid Cloud(Animal Mat)(Plant)
Medea's Poison(Poison Mat)(Paper)
Hero's Medicine(Gem)
Spirit Weave Cloth(Hidden Power)(Gem)
Rainbow Transformer(Flower)(Neutralizer)
Dark Water(Poison Mat)
Dragon Elixir(Elixir)(Weapon)
Special Nutrients(Puniball)(Neutralizer)
Wind God's Bag(Fuel)(Plant)
Spare Backpack(Thread)(Accessory)
Air Drop(Hidden Power)(Water)
Fishing Pole(Seafood)(Foodstuff)
High Grade Pole(Magic Item)
God-Pole Liebel Crown(Hidden Power)
Schatz Flame(Gem)(Ore)
Sky Flicker(Magic Item)
Artificial Sun(Bomb)
Toydozer(Magic Item)
Barrel Plane(Magic Item)
Drop Ship(Magic Item)
Puni Drone(Magic Item)
Neutralizer R(Fuel)
Neutralizer B(Puniball)
Neutralizer Y(Sand)
Neutralizer G(Flower)
Neutralizer W(Hidden Power)
Neutralizer P(Medicine Mat)
Rainbow Neutralizer(Neutralizer)(Medicine)
General Catalyst(Plant)
Iron Sand Catalyst(Clay)(Weapon)
Liquid Catalyst(Water)
Reactive Catalyst(Poison Mat)
Distilled Water(Sand)(Paper)
Amber Sugar(Gem)(Flower)
Honey(Medicine Mat)
Wheat Flour(Paper)
Pure Oil(Puniball)
Tanning Fluid(Animal Mat)(Medicine Mat)
Handwoven Cloth(Plant)(Animal Mat)
Algemein Plywood(Wood)(Hidden Power)
Multicolor Dye(Flower)(Neutralizer)
Alchemic Clay(Magic Item)(Weapon)
Globe Ball(Animal Mat)(Plant)
Tasty Looking Bait(Animal Mat)(Food)
Core Crystal(Gunpowder)(Neutralizer)
Golt Aizen(Gunpowder)(Hidden Power)
Harmonium(Hidden Power)(Neutralizer)
Flugel(Magic Item)(Gem)
Velvetis(Magic Item)(Hidden Power)
Reinforced Rudder(Wood)(Ore)
Tough Sailcloth(Animal Mat)
Rolled Metal Plate(Metal)(Bomb)
Propulsion Furnace(Bomb)(Medicine)
Planetary Gear(Gem)
Icy Flame(Water)(Hidden Power)
Infinite Fuel Rod(Gunpowder)(Hidden Power)
Denudated Metal(Sand)
Wind Wing(Flower)(Gem)
Gravidrive(Magic Item)
Improved Furnace(Magic Item)(Bomb)
Shining Red Crystal(Puniball)
Plant Disinfectant(Puniball)
Book Repair Kit(Animal Mat)(Plant)
General Cold Medicine(Water)
Cough Drop(Medicine Mat)(Sweets)
Medical Herb Tea(Medicine Mat)(Water)
Smaragd Ore(Clay)
Granate Ore(Ore)
Rubinite Ore(Fuel)
Sapphias Ore(Hidden Power)
Jette Ore(Gunpowder)
Diamond Ore(Neutralizer)
Diamond(Weapon)(Hidden Power)
Malmore Comet(Gem)(Fuel)
Spirit Stone(Ore)
Ripple Stone(Clay)
Black Tree Stone(Gunpowder)
Magnet Stone(Fuel)(Hidden Power)
Kimber Ore(Neutralizer)
Crimson Stone(Elixir)
Philosopher Stone(Sweets)(Food)
Simple Chest: Brown(Magic Item)(Wood)
Simple Chest: White(Magic Item)(Clay)
Big Container: Brown(Magic Item)(Ore)
Big Container: White(Magic Item)(Sand)
Alchemy Research Desk
Instrument Set
Precision Instrument Set
Uni Demon Statue(Hidden Power)
Advanced Cauldron
Leather Sofa(Animal Mat)
Silken Sofa(Thread)
Refreshing Bed(Hidden Power)
Lady's Bed(Flower)
Treasure Box
Default Cauldron
Default Bed
Default Desk
High Class Desk(Paper)(Water)
Default Container
Default Sofa
Gramophone(Gem)(Hidden Power)
Globe(Animal Mat)
Herculean Statue(Weapon Mat)(Armor Mat)
Corneria Doll
Pico Doll(Animal Mat)(Thread)
Bear Doll(Animal Mat)(Thread)
Big Clock(Water)(Paper)
Big Hourglass(Water)(Sand)
Mascot Post(Magic Item)(Puniball)
Puni Candlestand(Fuel)
Dancing Plant(Medicine Mat)(Poison Mat)
Shining Ornament Tree(Hidden Power)(Sweets)
Water Fountain(Ore)(Seafood)
Notice Board(Animal Mat)
Trophy Stand(Gem)(Wood)
Brick Stand(Ore)(Water)
Barrel(Hidden Power)
Purgatory Container(Magic Item)(Ore)
Verdant Bed(Hidden Power)
Maiden's Bed(Hidden Power)
Blessing Staff(Wood)(Hidden Power)
Wind Staff
Sunny Bird Staff(Wood)(Animal Mat)
Firebird Staff
Phoenix Staff(Wood)(Hidden Power)
Mirage Sword(Metal)(Gunpowder)
Flame Sword
Aurora Sword(Metal)(Bomb)
Beast Slayer
Berserk Blade(Metal)(Water)
Dragoon Fang(Metal)(Magic Item)
Metal Slasher(Metal)(Ore)
Gale Dagger
Hidden Dagger(Metal)(Poison Mat)
Battle Axe
Pole Axe(Metal)(Wood)
Cross Spear(Metal)(Ore)
White Wing Spear
Valkyrie Spear(Metal)(Neutralizer)
Blue Sky Bow
Steel Bow(Wood)(Thread)
Hawkeye Bow
Shooting Star(Wood)(Magic Item)
Howling Gun
Night Lightning(Metal)(Fuel)
Silver Gun
Endless Quest Staff(Weapon Mat)(Neutralizer)
Sternbogen(Weapon Mat)(Flower)
Weber's Rod(Weapon Mat)(Elixir)
Earth Splitter Carolina(Weapon Mat)(Bomb)
Prophetic Kreutz(Weapon Mat)(Ore)
Falcata(Weapon Mat)(Gem)
Demonblade Valdberg(Weapon Mat)(Magic Item)
Radiant Weise
Dragon Destroyer(Weapon Mat)(Poison Mat)
Mistral Bringer(Weapon Mat)(Metal)
Moon Caller(Hidden Power)
Cosmos Caller(Elixir)
Bright Knight????????
Traveler's Clothes
Common Shirt
Thick Fur Shirt(Animal Mat)
Beast Warding Shirt
Combat Shirt
Colorful Vest(Gem)(Flower)
Alchemy Mantle(Cloth)(Hidden Power)
Journey Raiment
Riveted Leather Armor(Animal Mat)(Puniball)
Bone Mail
Scale Vest(Animal Mat)(Paper)
Plate Vest(Ore)
Journey Coat
Splint Mail
Tamahagane Mail(Fuel)(Neutralizer)
Gold Chain Armor(Gem)(Hidden Power)
Meteor Iron Armor(Elixir)(Medicine)
Mysterious Plate
Journey Plate
Bride's Blouse
Resurrection Wear
Moist Armor
Reactive Coat
Angel Ribbon(Plant)(Flower)
Knuckle Guard(Paper)
Bronze Mirror Shield(Clay)
Beast Talisman(Wood)(Magic Item)
Beast Aroma(Water)(Poison Mat)
Blue Crystal Ring(Hidden Power)
Ambrosia Garland(Elixir)
Gunade Ring(Ore)(Gem)
Element Guard(Hidden Power)
Coin of Fortune(Puniball)
Firesoul Talisman(Fuel)(Gunpowder)
Windspirit Talisman(Plant)(Flower)
Icedream Talisman(Water)(Hidden Power)
Magic Stone Chain(Hidden Power)(Neutralizer)
Long Boots
Gold Long Boots
Dion's Letter
Aurelie's Letter
Ren's Letter
Norbert's Letter
Kirsche's Letter
Explorer's Lantern(Magic Item)
Bag of Calming
Atelier Tent
Stylish Clothes
Licensed Alchemist ID
Guiding Tribe's Memoir
Liane's Earrings
Gold Puni Statue(Wood)(Neutralizer)
Cute Stuffed Toy
Chick Stuffed Toy
Broken Fritz Doll
Fritz Doll(Animal Mat)(Metal)
Proof of Bonds
B. White Abyss Key
R. White Abyss Key(Animal Mat)(Gunpowder)
White Abyss Key(Sand)(Paper)
Cute Doll(Ore)(Hidden Power)
Ultimate Gem(Metal)
Deluxe Compress(Plant)(Medicine Mat)
Simple Sweets Guide
Travels in Rustin
Neutralizer Revolution!
Cooking Secrets
A Sour Man's Life
Light Once Seen
Safety on Journeys
Gems of the World
A Warm Home Life

Direct download link: firis_catalysts.csv

To see what each catalyst does, see: